SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

Maddhacker it looks to me like you have severe photo period stress. Do you have a light leak somewhere? Those single bladed leaves are a sign of stress.

Yes they are. I've seen that in my own garden. This is what mine look like when I reveg a cutting.
I did have a leak, but have since fixed it.. I really didnt think that a little light like that would make a difference like that.... I guess I will have to take a pic of the area they are in for a better diagnosis, all I can do for budding is cover it with a cardboard box in the corner of grow... I am really just trying to get these girls to their final home for summer, but there was a scare early on that my grow buddy's clones were actually autos by mistake... Had to make a total inventory at source to figure out they are indeed photo.... Man I am certainly frustrated by others lack of organization... I would and do know where each of my plants are and what they are... Albeit I am only growing about 15 plants as apposed to the donors 300... I worked in grow house in CO for about five years and Organization was not only important but also a fireable offense... I did mostly fact keeping in breeding houses but I have never run into this problem.. I dont mean to sound all better than anyone but all the indoor stuff I have done was a community effort and everyone had a part.. Anyway this girl drew the small straw so to speak as We are dangerously close to being outta meds lol.. Alot of it around here just hate dealing with kids and their inflated value of not only their bud but themselves... I have moved away from my Community in which barter system was king's values.... grrrrrrr
I did have a leak, but have since fixed it.. I really didnt think that a little light like that would make a difference like that.... I guess I will have to take a pic of the area they are in for a better diagnosis, all I can do for budding is cover it with a cardboard box in the corner of grow... I am really just trying to get these girls to their final home for summer, but there was a scare early on that my grow buddy's clones were actually autos by mistake... Had to make a total inventory at source to figure out they are indeed photo.... Man I am certainly frustrated by others lack of organization... I would and do know where each of my plants are and what they are... Albeit I am only growing about 15 plants as apposed to the donors 300... I worked in grow house in CO for about five years and Organization was not only important but also a fireable offense... I did mostly fact keeping in breeding houses but I have never run into this problem.. I dont mean to sound all better than anyone but all the indoor stuff I have done was a community effort and everyone had a part.. Anyway this girl drew the small straw so to speak as We are dangerously close to being outta meds lol.. Alot of it around here just hate dealing with kids and their inflated value of not only their bud but themselves... I have moved away from my Community in which barter system was king's values.... grrrrrrr

So, in a sense, you're getting your growing roots under you as a stand-alone, eh? Well, this community can help you with the many brains focused on the same prize. Having all these eyes can often be a godsend.

If you're resigned to covering with a box I'd check for light leaks around that box.
These plants are all only 90 days or less old, so the growth is stunted some on purpose so as to keep them under control and multi faceted.. Till they go outside that is..... Ok the question of the hour is it gonna be able to recover and bud out or should I shock the shit out of it by trimming and re vegging

If it were me, I'd clip back and let them start anew. Do you have the time for that before the planned transplantation?
Good morning everyone :love:

Another week's worth of my favorite meds.

Good grief, the apartment smells amazing! :drool:

Hard to believe I'll be replacing this with cobs, isn't it?

I'm a little envious of Neiko and his ability to cob more produce than I. Lol! Hell...all the guys have more produce than I. But I'm determined to process some of each and every harvest from this time forward, even if it's only to ferment the buds without husks and cobbing. But I can only play with what's not essential to my daughter's health and what's not needed to keep the BIL sane as his body falls apart.

The BIL told me at the start that he never wanted me to restrict my own access for his percieved needs. He knows my nature, but he doesn't know I do that all the time anyway. This batch of brownies had me considering how much he needs and wondering if my 8 grams would put him short before the next harvest cures.

I decided I deserved the brownies. After all, I planted it for me, lovingly brought it to harvest and carefully cured it. At the very least that means I get my Carnival brownies. I think I'll ask him if he wants to order some White Widow seeds. :battingeyelashes: Give him White Widow and he'd only need a small quantity of Carnival.

Isn't it cool how each of us finds our chemovar match? Mine's obviously Carnival and Dark Devil Auto. For the daughter it's Jamaican and Candy Cane. The BIL is enamoured with White Widow. He saves Carn for the evening, because it makes him unbalanced on his feet - yes, that concerns me, but I listen through the floor boards for his cries for help. So far it's only happened once that I had to rescue him from his delusions.

We worry about having a stroke and dying. That's not the worst-case, or even the most common outcome with a stroke. He's losing his grip on reality, and cannabis helps soften that a little. As long as he still lives below me I'll keep him supplied. It's the least I can do for him.

I have drenches to get to. Just heard from a friend needing pain cream for her dog's mange, so it's time to get the next batch of cream started. I'm starting to feel like a medicine woman. Lol!

Continue on your joyful journey. May the day hold some special pleasure that catches you off guard. :ciao:
So you are saying just pull it and trim, then start re veg.... It can stay downstairs till it is ready to go outside, I do believe that I will put them out the week before new moon in May... Kinda cold up here and nature is its own beast...

I'm 64 and growing younger, apparently lol! If you have another month they should be recovered by then. Stick them under 20/4 lighting, if that's an option, to accelerate the process. I've always found it easier to chop them back when they do this, but I take incredible chances with my girls.
Bountiful Baking !
Bountiful Baking !

Thank you keltic. :hug: The way the brownies fill the apartment with the buttery goodness of cannabis and chocolate.... :yahoo: I'm not going to stop eating brownies. That would break my heart. Lol! I'm just figuring cobs will become my daily indulgence with brownies as a side dish. :battingeyelashes:
Thank you keltic. :hug: The way the brownies fill the apartment with the buttery goodness of cannabis and chocolate.... :yahoo: I'm not going to stop eating brownies. That would break my heart. Lol! I'm just figuring cobs will become my daily indulgence with brownies as a side dish. :battingeyelashes:
@SweetSue it would be a toss up between you and @newty for cannabis chef of the month..... :green_heart:
I plan to get a cob from my next harvest. One fresh bud at least but that Is at least 4 months away. Mine will be for smoking I am 99% sure the wife will never eat a cob bit. But she will smoke anything.

Generally, She just isnt into edibles, had some in in CO.
I could try to push it maybe she will have a bit, chomp-chomp. She would love to find the thai stick buzz, i dunno?o_O

Here have a picture.
I just posted this in my thread and I am still harvesting seeds.....
Triple Purple Rhino.
Thank you keltic. :hug: The way the brownies fill the apartment with the buttery goodness of cannabis and chocolate.... :yahoo: I'm not going to stop eating brownies. That would break my heart. Lol! I'm just figuring cobs will become my daily indulgence with brownies as a side dish. :battingeyelashes:
Sue would win by a landslide! She is far more advanced than Newty;)

@SweetSue I watch you from the outside and your definitely a woman I admire in this man dominated world! I hope to grow up and be Sweet Sue:)
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