SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

The plant with that in her future is a week or 2 away from harvest (if I can keep the budrot away till then!).

Amy, you can use buds that aren’t perfect for topicals. A little fungus or powdery mildew isn’t going to survive the temperatures of the decarb or oil making.
Lol! You married the right woman. :battingeyelashes:

20 days in already. Gosh, how time flies, eh?

The daughter recently upped her intake too, which encouraged me even more to get her started growing her own. Lol! I have a hard enough time staying ahead of just me.

Why thank you GT. A lovely thought, and yes, my day has been special and bright. The seniors talked me into sticking around for BINGO, and Friday I’ll join them in a game. Today I simply encouraged them in their games and shared a little pain cream.

Pain cream will change public perception faster than anything, mark my words. I can’t make it fast enough. Had an ultra-conservative woman ask me for the right to help me cover costs to make some for her when she learned I never sell it.

No one wants to be living in pain.

In topic joy for the day: there are few things that make me happier than 8 grams of Carnival waiting for the coconut oil to go liquid. :slide:

BINGO! That’s so awesome! You’re one of a kind Sue.
Good afternoon to you SweetSue - it’s good morning for me :hug::hug::hug:
I’m lying here gathering strength to go out and foliar... it’s made ready to go... all I have to do is put the gardening garb in over my jammies and get to it but my legs don’t wanna!! I’m days late with it... and feeding them too - that’ll happen later today... I’m moving very slowly at the moment!
I love hearing about your time with the seniors. My pain cream making is drawing closer! The plant with that in her future is a week or 2 away from harvest (if I can keep the budrot away till then!). I’m hanging out for it actually - legs pain is super bad this last week... nothing else is working.
I’m procrastinating now - time to get out there...:surf::yummy::love:

Morning Amy :hug::hug::hug:

Sending positive vibes to stave off the dreaded bud rot. Nature can sometimes catch us off guard. If you see signs I'd consider harvesting early. A diverse cannabinoid community can be beneficial.

The seniors laughed today when I told them I'm 64. I believe I may be at least 10 years younger than the next one up in age. Lol! They're enjoying the infusion of all this energy. I just adore their company. Maybe along the way we can discover ways to get their joints to free up some. If nothing else I'll probably be dedicating some plants to creams.

Time to shift to soy wax. Good thing I haven't placed that order yet. :battingeyelashes:
Amy, you can use buds that aren’t perfect for topicals. A little fungus or powdery mildew isn’t going to survive the temperatures of the decarb or oil making.
Morning Amy :hug::hug::hug:

Sending positive vibes to stave off the dreaded bud rot. Nature can sometimes catch us off guard. If you see signs I'd consider harvesting early. A diverse cannabinoid community can be beneficial.

The seniors laughed today when I told them I'm 64. I believe I may be at least 10 years younger than the next one up in age. Lol! They're enjoying the infusion of all this energy. I just adore their company. Maybe along the way we can discover ways to get their joints to free up some. If nothing else I'll probably be dedicating some plants to creams.

Time to shift to soy wax. Good thing I haven't placed that order yet. :battingeyelashes:

Thanks both - yep I’ve been seeing it coming actually. It’s only on one cola and there’s nothing for it but to deal with it at harvest. Can’t harvest early - I need to pace myself with them and I’m already struggling a bit recovering from the first harvest (can’t seem to get my legs back!) and have one slated for this Friday. I’m hoping I’ll be able to crawl into the pod and chop off the ‘offending’ top but so far the body is saying no to that escapade!

And hey big bear - thanks! InTheShed has a great post on clearing botrytis with steaming before making pain cream - if I can find it I’ll come back and link it here. He says it’s stinky and it works!

Sue - any particular reason for the shift to soy wax?

Time to shift to soy wax. Good thing I haven't placed that order yet. :battingeyelashes:

Hi Sue, :hug:

What does the soy wax do for the Pain cream? Using it vice Beeswax?

My son has really raved about the pain creme effects on his spinal pain, it's really helping him even more than CCO Caps so I'm going to make a huge batch for him on Thursday. I'll be making about a gallon of pain cream using the ratios of Grapeseed/Beeswax/Herb you sent to me, I need to hook him up before the abode is packed!

I donated 2 complete tent rigs with today, all my plants in Veg, and other stuff minimizing the volume I have to pack and move. The amount of parts and pieces I have amassed is absolutely ridiculous. but they have found good and needy homes. It really made a few old folks happy as they can barely afford Miraclegro. Don't laugh too hard, I've grown really good cannabis with only MG! :laugh:

Yeah you can still use the molded buds for topicals according to InTheShed
Hi Sue, :hug:

What does the soy wax do for the Pain cream? Using it vice Beeswax?

My son has really raved about the pain creme effects on his spinal pain, it's really helping him even more than CCO Caps so I'm going to make a huge batch for him on Thursday. I'll be making about a gallon of pain cream using the ratios of Grapeseed/Beeswax/Herb you sent to me, I need to hook him up before the abode is packed!

I donated 2 complete tent rigs with today, all my plants in Veg, and other stuff minimizing the volume I have to pack and move. The amount of parts and pieces I have amassed is absolutely ridiculous. but they have found good and needy homes. It really made a few old folks happy as they can barely afford Miraclegro. Don't laugh too hard, I've grown really good cannabis with only MG! :laugh:


I know that felt good to do. Giving away equipment to happy gardeners who previously thought it was outside their realm of possibility is one of the greatest joys of growing cannabis, and we all can’t stop amassing. Lol!

The soy wax is what Dave Groomer took to using to limit the chance of an allergic reaction to the beeswax. If someone’s allergic to bees they’ll be sensitive to the cream made with beeswax. He and I both have friends we supply cream to that have this sensitivity.
@Bonsaiweed , good retrieval in that link. Dang! No blogs yet, are there?
That isn’t a difficult one to remember. So simple too, huh?
Well, I'm partly at fault for that. I mentioned an album issue with regard to privacy, and the admins decided that was very important. They are still working on it. :(

Oh well, security before luxury.

I'll take the blame...... :oops:

Just tell everyone the blogs not being done are my fault.... ;)
Well, I'm partly at fault for that. I mentioned an album issue with regard to privacy, and the admins decided that was very important. They are still working on it. :(

Oh well, security before luxury.

I'll take the blame...... :oops:

Just tell everyone the blogs not being done are my fault.... ;)

Hahaha! I don't think a single one of us will lose a days worth of growth waiting on blogs. Lol! All things in their right time. On a site like this security is more important than the blogs.

The daughter went to see her psychiatrist today, and sat through the litany of the potential dangers of cannabis, you know, the medication actually doing something to help her heal. She finds it more frustrating with each visit that so many of the medical professionals out there have allowed themselves to be so misinformed and would jeopardize their professional integrity by continuing to avoid learning better and insisting on parroting the prohibitionist propaganda.

She knows more about the ECS and its function in mental health than the man with the degree, collecting big bucks to oversee her care. It's really sad to me that doctors don't take the time to even try.
Hahaha! I don't think a single one of us will lose a days worth of growth waiting on blogs. Lol! All things in their right time. On a site like this security is more important than the blogs.

The daughter went to see her psychiatrist today, and sat through the litany of the potential dangers of cannabis, you know, the medication actually doing something to help her heal. She finds it more frustrating with each visit that so many of the medical professionals out there have allowed themselves to be so misinformed and would jeopardize their professional integrity by continuing to avoid learning better and insisting on parroting the prohibitionist propaganda.

She knows more about the ECS and its function in mental health than the man with the degree, collecting big bucks to oversee her care. It's really sad to me that doctors don't take the time to even try.

I hear that Sue! I live in a state that has had a medical marijuana program since 2008 and it isn't much better here with the doctors. We fight the doctors too. A couple are starting to come around to it after seeing the results the wife and I get. They can't dismiss it anymore. My family doctor usually has lots of questions for me when I see her. She was floored that my 2nd degree burns didn't need anything from them for pain or treatment. I told her I was just using my pain cream and was pain free. Then when she saw my 92 year old mother go from barely being able to walk to strutting her stuff just from the bio bomb pills my doc is slowly coming around. Even the VA is waking up. It's taken a long time for this to happen. My doc kinda told me they don't get any training on cannabis or it's medical benefits. My doc actually asked me for some resources for her to study. The problem is still the feds. They are under a lot of pressure when prescribing meds and they just don't know what the interactions with cannabis will be, good or bad and that scares them. When cannabis finally comes of the schedule, then it will open up the "legitimate" doors to studying it properly.
Doctors really can't go forward on cannabis while it is a schedule 1 substance.
There are a number of reasons for this and all of them are idiotic.

Most doctors are in a catch 22 with cannabis. Damned if they do, damned if they don't.
If this little old woman can learn what I’ve learned in my spare time in the course of two years ....... I’m getting tired of the argument that “doctors weren’t trained,,,” or “ their hands are tied by the scheduling status...”.

This is such bullshit. We’re talking about what is considered the monitoring system for every other system in the body. We’ve been aware of it since the early 90s.

The hard, cold reality here is that doctors - on their own - have the power to force the switch overnight.

The ECS is the primary healing force of the human body. It controls how you express as an individual. How do we, in this time of expanded knowledge and open access to so much information sharing, continue to let the medical professionals off the hook?
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