SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

Yeah that makes sense. I did run mine at 11/13. I didn't drop any lower because of the other strains in with it.
In the books back then they said that 12/12 and 10-12 weeks flowering time was the average and every plant has it’s own flowering period. So I usually slowly lowered daylight hours until flowering was induced, then let them go until they stopped growing. I wonder how much better that stuff would’ve been if I’d known to wait for amber trichs.
I am growing a Slow Going Sativa right now ... I started at 14/10 to begin with after starting clone with 24/0 lighting... Not much of a believer in the huge light cycle as i am always a 18/6 down to 12/12 gradual like, Then as the Dr said i lower lighting as needed weekly till my flower cycle had been achieved.... that being said I am now down to about 10.5/13.5 and holding... moving on a daily now bulking up... at 3 wks now will post pictures as a progression later....
Morning Sue!
Today is cob day. Pics coming in the Malawi Journal.
I'm so excited I just cant hide it.
About to lose control and I think I like it.
Oh yea!:slide:
Nice line up Sue. The only one that scares me is the Columbian. I don't think I'll ever try one of those in a tent again. That Panama x columbian I ran took until like week 7 before pistols and then it could have gone forever. I finally cut it at 23 weeks and it could have kept going. I've grown a fair share of panama and panama crosses and I've never had one behave like that so I'm crediting the Columbian. Maybe yours will be different but that potential is there. The strawberry blue I did is good but not spectacular. It's a gentle sativa. It looks like pure fire when it's growing and smells great but that didn't translate to the flavor....again there are better. The wife likes it so that outta tell ya something. It may be one sativa your daughter could handle.

Interesting... I've grown one, and my memory wasn't that it was necessarily high in THC, but it fired up the libido like nothing else I smoked. Three hits, like clockwork, and I was all there. Lol! If the daughter can handle it, and she has the same physiological response, she's gonna be certain she chose the right mother. :rofl:
Morning Sue!
Today is cob day. Pics coming in the Malawi Journal.
I'm so excited I just cant hide it.
About to lose control and I think I like it.
Oh yea!:slide:

WooHoo!!! OMG Stage. I'm as excited as you. :yahoo: :slide: :yahoo:

Good morning everyone :love:

I've been all over the site but my own yard. Lol! It sure gets busy some mornings. I started the day with this

Chewed it up while I showered, then tucked it under my tongue and fell into the best meditation quiet I've experienced in the three months of practice. Right now, about an hour later, I'm feeling absolutely wonderful. The cobs and canaries are all tucked away in their vacuum-sealed vault for another week. I have a DC cob to test in three days. :slide:

This cob stuff is the most fun. :yahoo:

Getting ready to feed the girls, after I take the time to feed the cultivator. The Timber tent was deliciously inviting this morning, so I thought that would be a good place to pick up some on topic joy to share.

Put the Jamaican into more root space and watch her explode. :ganjamon:

I think I'm learning that the Jamaican needs careful training to contain the wildness.

Royal Gorilla is doing her best impression of a showstopper, don't you agree? Her fragrance is divine.

But the true star of this tent is the HB CBD CC.

Her fans are just beginning to change. About two week, tops, and she'll be ready to convert to FHO.

Still pumping out the white hairs, but they're now dwindling in intensity.

This is the next seed to get planted, along with the next Carnival. I'm running late on each, but I can move things around when Carn 4.6 comes down and open up the closet for DDAs while I wait for the veg plants to catch up. I should get enough from the two back-to-back CBDCC harvests ahead. I'm hoping to get a couple of them going at once when the new set-up gets to flowing smoothly.

I think I'll let this journal run until I get back from San Diego, and then fire up the new one. By then most of the soil girls will be down and the grow becomes a hempy wonderland.

@BigBearNTexas , damn! Don't you love the adaptability of the root system? To fit so neatly between all the perlite chunks...... the sight just fills me with wonder every time I harvest. Well done buckaroo! :high-five:

A lot of joy running through these halls today. I like the atmosphere. :battingeyelashes: Now get out there and share it as much as humanly possible. Lol!

Catch you later. :ciao:
I am growing a Slow Going Sativa right now ... I started at 14/10 to begin with after starting clone with 24/0 lighting... Not much of a believer in the huge light cycle as i am always a 18/6 down to 12/12 gradual like, Then as the Dr said i lower lighting as needed weekly till my flower cycle had been achieved.... that being said I am now down to about 10.5/13.5 and holding... moving on a daily now bulking up... at 3 wks now will post pictures as a progression later....

I run my veg shelf 20/4 and when they get flipped it's a harsh, instantaneous 11/13. I tend to think that the stress of the abrupt change forces an adaptation that results in stronger oils. Just about any stress likely does this, but I try to choose my stress points carefully.
@Bonsaiweed There you are buckaroo, right on time.


You have a delightful day now, hear? :battingeyelashes:
Drenches are all done - how easy is hempy? - and now I believe it's time to catch a short buzz with the daughter and take me a walk in the sunshine.

Life is good. Life is very, very good. :slide:
Have a wonderful stroll out there. Stay warm. Sunny days are on the way! So you eat those corn cobs? Or chew them like tobacco? Always something new to learn eh.

Anyways have a blessed and medicated day miss sue.
Morning Sue!
Today is cob day. Pics coming in the Malawi Journal.
I'm so excited I just cant hide it.
About to lose control and I think I like it.
Oh yea!:slide:

High Sue... I'm on the Cob train...choo choo.
Check out my post in the Malawi cob journal pls.:hug:
Trying, but had to terminate my grow....so it will be a challenge for a few days.:cool:

Bummer, I know how that feels Bonsaiweed, especially if it's a few weeks into flowering mode.

Trying, but had to terminate my grow....so it will be a challenge for a few days.:cool:

Awk! Not good! I hate that feeling more than anything. Everything ok? :hug::hug::hug:

Have a wonderful stroll out there. Stay warm. Sunny days are on the way! So you eat those corn cobs? Or chew them like tobacco? Always something new to learn eh.

Anyways have a blessed and medicated day miss sue.

Sunny days are the norm in the Burgh in March, and I'm drinking them up at every opportunity. :battingeyelashes:

I buy the dried husks sold for making tamales and rehydrate them. Corn isn't in our stores yet. I'm hoping I have a couple harvests when they are in season. I want to see what difference it makes to use fresh.
High Sue... I'm on the Cob train...choo choo.
Check out my post in the Malawi cob journal pls.:hug:

You sir, are a master in the making. :high-five:

It’s been a while since I’ve been around everyone’s gardens and yours is looking absolutely outstanding SweetSue :yahoo:

I’ll try to keep up, I’ve got my new glasses prescriptions ordered so hopefully that’ll help me to be able to catch up more easily :hug::green_heart::Namaste:

I was just thinking of you yesterday, so what a sweet delight to see you here again. :hug: I'm a hard one to keep up with ginganinja, but you already know that. Lol! I'm glad to hear you've got glasses ordered. I've been putting off my own appointment far too long, and it's past time for a new prescription. Maybe you'll inspire me to make that phone call tomorrow. The daughter would appreciate it, since I'm making both of our appointments.

So good to see you around the threads again. I missed you. :hug::hug::hug:
Stage gave me a lead to some ziploc vacuum bags, so I ran off to the rain forest and added it to my order. As I worked up the list I couldn't help but consider the hidden costs of a medicinal garden - deodorant containers to hold the pain creams, gelatin capsules for the capsule regimen, sushi rolling kit for the cobs....... It's a never-ending procurement, isn't it? Lol!

We're not professionals, for the most part, and many of us share what we grow, in one way or another, because we feel the power of cannabis in ourselves, and we see no reason to stand by when we can lend a hand now and then.

We tend to evolve as growers and hopefully begin to produce more than we can personally consume. That opens the door for offering relief to someone we meet, someone the universe matched us up with in a time of need. I find this to be the ultimate joy of my little garden, and I'm sure that feeling gets replicated all through this site. I've seen it in action, over and over again.

We're a mighty power in our loving nature. It's the secret benefit of cannabis. It shows us how we're all connected, and inspires us to reach out. :battingeyelashes:
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