SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

@kelticBlue you caught up. :hug: I can be difficult to keep up with. It humbles me that so many of you try to. :circle-of-love:
Awk! Not good! I hate that feeling more than anything. Everything ok? :hug::hug::hug:

Yes, I think everything will be ok. Just doing what needed to be done in this situation.

I'm sure I'll be here tomorrow wishing you a great morning. :thumb:
WooHoo! I got Callanetics in tonight! :slide: :yahoo:

Gosh.... that feels soooo good! Now maybe I can fall asleep. Lol!
Sleep well.

How sweet of you Loomis, but that's not gonna happen anytime soon. Lol! I finished Callanetics ravenous, and just downed a two-egg cheese omelet and two slices of organic bread with seedless black raspberry AllFruit. Sleep is on hold, now that I got my second wind. :slide:

Somewhere along the way I'll get the notice from my cells that they'd appreciate me finding my way to bed. I can crawl there from here. Hahah! Until then I'll pull out the Carnival for a few and follow with some Dinachem in about an hour, if I'm still awake. That'll put me down in three hits, guaranteed. :battingeyelashes:
I was just thinking of you yesterday, so what a sweet delight to see you here again. :hug: I'm a hard one to keep up with ginganinja, but you already know that. Lol! I'm glad to hear you've got glasses ordered. I've been putting off my own appointment far too long, and it's past time for a new prescription. Maybe you'll inspire me to make that phone call tomorrow. The daughter would appreciate it, since I'm making both of our appointments.

So good to see you around the threads again. I missed you. :hug::hug::hug:
Awe Sue, I missed you loads too :hug::love::hug:

Just to keep you up to date with my Dad, I know it’s the wrong thread but I hope you don’t mind.
I’m so proud of him, he’s managed to come off all of his prescription opioids assisted by topical applications of my oil.

He looks so much better now :thanks:
Awe Sue, I missed you loads too :hug::love::hug:

Just to keep you up to date with my Dad, I know it’s the wrong thread but I hope you don’t mind.
I’m so proud of him, he’s managed to come off all of his prescription opioids assisted by topical applications of my oil.

He looks so much better now :thanks:

What a delicious way to top off this marvelous day. Oh my gosh.......excellent news. Whew! That felt really good. :battingeyelashes: I know how happy you are. This is the desire you held come into being.

How sweet is that? :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
@ginganinja30 Please leave a note about this on the opioid tapering thread. The effectiveness of the topicals is an important thing to reinforce. Your recipe would be appreciated in that post too, if you'd be so kind. :battingeyelashes:
My Timber tent is happy today. I moved Jamaican 1.5 in there before lights out yesterday. It's a good fit.

Some nice tight nodes those flowers are stacked up! Looking beautiful. Girl I just wanna walk through your garden & close my eyes & just olfactor out like an old hound dog. There's several gardens on here I'd love to smell all the different terpenoids. It's the science nerd in me!! ( I always say LINALOOL!!! Really loud for no reason!!) My wifey just looks at me in that way. She loves my voluntary outbursts. On another note DDA is 20 days old today. :rollit::volcano-smiley:
@kelticBlue you caught up. :hug: I can be difficult to keep up with. It humbles me that so many of you try to. :circle-of-love:

I am having a Poke around, seeing whats shaking. I am still not growing whilst doing 'home renew' every-ting is in disarray.
However, wifey is very fond of my triple purple and smoking about twice her normal rate, I am lucky to have a large stash. But I got to start sooooon.
Morning all and @SweetSue


Just going through the motions for now.
High SweetSue,

Well Said!

Stage gave me a lead to some ziploc vacuum bags, so I ran off to the rain forest and added it to my order. As I worked up the list I couldn't help but consider the hidden costs of a medicinal garden - deodorant containers to hold the pain creams, gelatin capsules for the capsule regimen, sushi rolling kit for the cobs....... It's a never-ending procurement, isn't it? Lol!

We're not professionals, for the most part, and many of us share what we grow, in one way or another, because we feel the power of cannabis in ourselves, and we see no reason to stand by when we can lend a hand now and then.

We tend to evolve as growers and hopefully begin to produce more than we can personally consume. That opens the door for offering relief to someone we meet, someone the universe matched us up with in a time of need. I find this to be the ultimate joy of my little garden, and I'm sure that feeling gets replicated all through this site. I've seen it in action, over and over again.

We're a mighty power in our loving nature. It's the secret benefit of cannabis. It shows us how we're all connected, and inspires us to reach out. :battingeyelashes:
Morning all and @SweetSue


Just going through the motions for now.

Then the extra hugs will help.


I know the feeling, and it passes as quickly as you allow it to be replaced with deliberately happier thoughts.

Find someone in your world to help. Any small thing will work. The satisfaction of seeing a light go on in someone’s eyes when they see your care will supplant the anxiety of loss.

You’ll be so much better off soon you won’t believe it. It’s universal law. :hug:
Some nice tight nodes those flowers are stacked up! Looking beautiful. Girl I just wanna walk through your garden & close my eyes & just olfactor out like an old hound dog. There's several gardens on here I'd love to smell all the different terpenoids. It's the science nerd in me!! ( I always say LINALOOL!!! Really loud for no reason!!) My wifey just looks at me in that way. She loves my voluntary outbursts. On another note DDA is 20 days old today. :rollit::volcano-smiley:

Lol! You married the right woman. :battingeyelashes:

20 days in already. Gosh, how time flies, eh?

I am having a Poke around, seeing whats shaking. I am still not growing whilst doing 'home renew' every-ting is in disarray.
However, wifey is very fond of my triple purple and smoking about twice her normal rate, I am lucky to have a large stash. But I got to start sooooon.

The daughter recently upped her intake too, which encouraged me even more to get her started growing her own. Lol! I have a hard enough time staying ahead of just me.

Good morning Sunshine! Hope your day is as healthy as your garden. Looks marvelous.

Why thank you GT. A lovely thought, and yes, my day has been special and bright. The seniors talked me into sticking around for BINGO, and Friday I’ll join them in a game. Today I simply encouraged them in their games and shared a little pain cream.

Pain cream will change public perception faster than anything, mark my words. I can’t make it fast enough. Had an ultra-conservative woman ask me for the right to help me cover costs to make some for her when she learned I never sell it.

No one wants to be living in pain.

On topic joy for the day: there are few things that make me happier than 8 grams of Carnival waiting for the coconut oil to go liquid. :slide:

Good afternoon to you SweetSue - it’s good morning for me :hug::hug::hug:
I’m lying here gathering strength to go out and foliar... it’s made ready to go... all I have to do is put the gardening garb in over my jammies and get to it but my legs don’t wanna!! I’m days late with it... and feeding them too - that’ll happen later today... I’m moving very slowly at the moment!
I love hearing about your time with the seniors. My pain cream making is drawing closer! The plant with that in her future is a week or 2 away from harvest (if I can keep the budrot away till then!). I’m hanging out for it actually - legs pain is super bad this last week... nothing else is working.
I’m procrastinating now - time to get out there...:surf::yummy: :love:
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