SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

Good morning everyone :love:

I’m getting ready to head out for a walk to more fully appreciate the buzz from my Malawi cobs. I couldn’t resist trying a small bite on this lovely Sunday morning.

Is a funny quirk of my personality that when I have a delicious and unexpected euphoric experience I don’t expect it to be replicated next time around. Lol! I always figure I dreamed it up and talked myself into feeling something that wasn’t there.

I’m glad to report that this did, indeed, work again. :yahoo: :slide: :yahoo: Sitting in the house all alone isn’t going to do it justice. :battingeyelashes:

I’ll catch up to you happy people later. Be joyful my friends. :ciao:
Off to my last night of ripping it up with this awesome group of musicians I have been blessed to have known They are throwing a farewell party after the gig, so bittersweet.
I sure hope this was a joyous time for you. Those are memories...an awesome group huh? I bet. :bongrip:
I sure hope this was a joyous time for you. Those are memories...an awesome group huh? I bet. :bongrip:

Hi Jim,

Yes it was a blast! I'm hurting a little extra this morning, vaped some Blue Dream in the Jacuzzi upon awaking, unusual for me to wake and bake. Great post show adhoc jams with my choice of tunes, well catered, lots of Zeppelin and Beatles covers emerged! So much fun, but still sad to close this chapter of my life. I'm a blessed man, without a doubt.


Closed on the house, eh? :yahoo: Nowhere to go but on to the next adventure. You know Tead wishes it was NOLA. Lol! You're taking the change with a great attitude, not that I'm surprised. I don't know that I could move to the hurricane zones. For Tead I almost made the jump, but I'm more a forest girl myself.

Think of all the new friends you'll be making! One of the nice features of this neighborhood is the stability it can offer as you go through the transition. In my most vulnerable emotional moments my "family" was never further than my nearest device. I'm looking forward to you setting up your next grow. :slide:

I love that you're dispersing the grow to those who can most use the generosity. :circle-of-love: They're gonna miss your smiling face.

Edit: I have family that've been happy in the Mississippi Gulf area for years. You move to the Gulf states and someday we just might get the chance to meet. :battingeyelashes:

Sue! :hug:

You know you are the reason I really engaged in 420Magazine after lurking and poaching MM advice!

Thank you Susan :hug:

NOLA is high on the destination list, but the French Quarter area is just too much of a younger persons domain, plus I know how easy it is to get pulled into the debauchery as a full on lifestyle. Maybe nearby NOLA ... but not in the center of it all. Considering anything within a 3 hour drive of NOLA right now, lots of family still in in the area. I like change though, it's always been attractive to me, never stress inducing but rather invigorating. I have no social media presence other than here on 420Magazine, and I have "grown" to "know" and like many of the folks on these 420 forums. This is my BookFace. Birds of a feather I guess!

I know you are taking a vacation soon, but have you any moving plans cemented? I assumed you teaching your daughter to grow is to allow her to be self sufficient for her Med production. I need to do that for my son too, I won't be on earth forever! I'm glad you and the gang are enjoying the Cob branch of Cannabis curing. There are several methods of sweat curing, water curing, vacuum and pressure curing, and other fun stuff. Cobs kinda looks like a hugh Tai Stick minus the stick, but my humorous side immediately saw and thought ... Weed Turd! I think I smoked some Colombian Cob many moons ago, nice strange buzz as I remember. A Mississippi farmer friend I knew used to do the corn cob wrap, he buried them for some period of time, then sun dried if my old brain recalls correctly. Enjoy! It looks like y'all are having fun with it all, and generating cross forum talk is all good stuff.

Off to brunch, I'll miss that Sunday thing in these parts. Sunday brunch was a thing in NOLA as it is here, good food and folks!

Sue! :hug:

You know you are the reason I really engaged in 420Magazine after lurking and poaching MM advice!

Thank you Susan :hug:

NOLA is high on the destination list, but the French Quarter area is just too much of a younger persons domain, plus I know how easy it is to get pulled into the debauchery as a full on lifestyle. Maybe nearby NOLA ... but not in the center of it all. Considering anything within a 3 hour drive of NOLA right now, lots of family still in in the area. I like change though, it's always been attractive to me, never stress inducing but rather invigorating. I have no social media presence other than here on 420Magazine, and I have "grown" to "know" and like many of the folks on these 420 forums. This is my BookFace. Birds of a feather I guess!

I know you are taking a vacation soon, but have you any moving plans cemented? I assumed you teaching your daughter to grow is to allow her to be self sufficient for her Med production. I need to do that for my son too, I won't be on earth forever! I'm glad you and the gang are enjoying the Cob branch of Cannabis curing. There are several methods of sweat curing, water curing, vacuum and pressure curing, and other fun stuff. Cobs kinda looks like a hugh Tai Stick minus the stick, but my humorous side immediately saw and thought ... Weed Turd! I think I smoked some Colombian Cob many moons ago, nice strange buzz as I remember. A Mississippi farmer friend I knew used to do the corn cob wrap, he buried them for some period of time, then sun dried if my old brain recalls correctly. Enjoy! It looks like y'all are having fun with it all, and generating cross forum talk is all good stuff.

Off to brunch, I'll miss that Sunday thing in these parts. Sunday brunch was a thing in NOLA as it is here, good food and folks!


I'll be honest Keith, and admit that I had my eye on a certain Cajun that decided he'd rather transition into the cosmos, so my moving plans were put on hold. Then I decided I like living alone, in this apartment above the surrounding community, with its views of the river valley and easy access to the child who decided she liked me as her mom.

I'm not as interested in moving right now, but I know me. That bug will bite again. I figure there's another man I'm meant to outlive. I can feel him out there, so I'll just sit here and continue working until we run into each other.

We'll be starting the daughter on her hempy journey this week. I think I may have found the perfect container for what we plan to do. I've been looking for something around a gallon in size, and by gosh, if the Rubbermaid company didn't have just what we needed. :battingeyelashes:

Covered with duct tape and drilled for overflow and we have a pot that'll be sturdy, ample in root space for a hempy grow, and darned easy to move about. I think we can fit 3-4 in each of the tents, and I'm really hoping I can fit 3-4 in the tiny closet with DDAs. :slide:

It's a wonderful thing to get her to this point Keith. I'll be able to breathe more easily when she's growing her own supply and I'm growing mine. She'll get one tent, I'll get another and the closet, and we'll grow CBD CCs in the third tent.
I'll be honest Keith, and admit that I had my eye on a certain Cajun that decided he'd rather transition into the cosmos, so my moving plans were put on hold. Then I decided I like living alone, in this apartment above the surrounding community, with its views of the river valley and easy access to the child who decided she liked me as her mom.

I'm not as interested in moving right now, but I know me. That bug will bite again. I figure there's another man I'm meant to outlive. I can feel him out there, so I'll just sit here and continue working until we run into each other.

We'll be starting the daughter on her hempy journey this week. I think I may have found the perfect container for what we plan to do. I've been looking for something around a gallon in size, and by gosh, if the Rubbermaid company didn't have just what we needed. :battingeyelashes:

Covered with duct tape and drilled for overflow and we have a pot that'll be sturdy, ample in root space for a hempy grow, and darned easy to move about. I think we can fit 3-4 in each of the tents, and I'm really hoping I can fit 3-4 in the tiny closet with DDAs. :slide:

It's a wonderful thing to get her to this point Keith. I'll be able to breathe more easily when she's growing her own supply and I'm growing mine. She'll get one tent, I'll get another and the closet, and we'll grow CBD CCs in the third tent.

There is just something about a woman with a drill.....scary and exciting all the same time. Exciting times to be had!!!! :laugh:
The short list of Chemovars I want to introduce:
Columbian Gold (for me)
Mango (for the BIL)
White Widow (for the BIL)
Lemon Haze (from J, for me)
Candida (for meds)
Harlequin (for meds)
Northern Lights (for the daughter)
Zameldelica (for me)
Golden Tiger (for me)

Carnival (for me and the BIL)
CBD Critical Cure (for me and the daughter)
Dark Devil Auto (in dedicated tiny closet, for moi)
Jamaican (for the daughter, until I make seeds)
Candy Cane (for the daughter)
Devil's Carnival (for me, until I make seeds)

Regular visitors (at least once a year):

Dinachem or Chemdawg
Blue Dream (more than once a year)
Thin Mint GSC


Jamaican Dream
Strawberry Blue

The closet is DDA and autos as soon as the girls in there finish up.

The daughter gets one tent, one is dedicated to CBDCC and one other plant with indica-style terps, and the last will be mine.
- She grows Candy Cane, Jamaican, and one other plant.
- I grow the Carnival, DDA, and anything else I can fit into my tent and the tent with the CBD CC.
- Start her with one and let her pick up the pace as she's ready. Until then I'll keep all the plates spinning.

The BIL would smoke White Widow and Carnival and be happy as could be. Consider making WW a regular. That would mean 6 regular plants in the tents, leaving only 3 open slots at any one time.

Figure three plants to a space. Control size and limit to 9 plants in flower in the tents, max. The humidifiers take room too.

This means only 9 open slots in a year of growing. All other slots are taken up by regular plants.

Good fans make all the difference in a crowded tent.

Empty the bathroom and keep plants to the closet and tents.

DDAs take 2.5 -3 months, start to finish.

Any plant can be grown seed to harvest under 12/12 or 11/13.

Plant the seed five weeks from the next harvest. Take the clone cutting at flip or at day 15.

Once I have seeds-making potential this game gets easier. I can drop the Jamaican and DC to regular visitors, once a year.

If possible, add more plants. I'd like to see four to a tent.

:passitleft: How crazy is it that it takes this level of production to meet the needs of three people?
Beautiful line up, Sue. ...I don't see the Black Dog on your list.


Black DOG is one I’m growing now, but I didn’t clone it and I don’t intend to grow it again very soon. Same with the Royal Gorilla. If either turns out to be a keeper I’ll order seeds.
I love the fact that when I decide I want to extend my buzz I have multiple options of both available chemovars and a selection of delivery methods. :slide:

Most often, if it’s not a brownie I reach for it’s the bong. After 9 PM you can count on it being the bong.

Tonight the chemovar of choice is J’s gift of Royal Gorilla. I still have a small quantity, just enough for a couple more evenings. :battingeyelashes:
High Sue...take a hit of this please. :passitleft:
I really appreciate the effort put into that last post.
Especially given the extra challenges this site brings lately.
woo saa Sugar.
High Sue...take a hit of this please. :passitleft:
I really appreciate the effort put into that last post.
Especially given the extra challenges this site brings lately.
woo saa Sugar.

Hey Stage... :passitleft: Been in study mode for the evening. Just closed the class up, so this was mighty timely to find. :hug:

I've pretty much come to peace with the site changes. Once I discovered that most of my problems stemmed from my basic computer illiteracy and lack of attention to what everyone around me was learning and changed my tune it got significantly easier to live with. :rofl:

You still having troubles? Amy's been a godsend, and so has Doob. Between the two they've saved me from myself numerous times, bless their little pea-pickin' hearts. :circle-of-love:
Driving through for a toke and peek at your brown things and to say high

Danks guys. I left a Replacement blunt in the fridge next to the brownie I stole... g'night!
Driving through for a toke and peek at your brown things and to say high

Danks guys. I left a Replacement blunt in the fridge next to the brownie I stole... g'night!

Well I haven't found my way to bed yet Dabber, so maybe this'll do the trick. Thanks. :passitleft:
bless their little pea-pickin' hearts. :circle-of-love:

:rofl: pea-pickin’! Exactly :rofl:

Sue - I loved your plan layout. Quite a project getting that planned out and it looks really good. To find a way to keep meds maintained, sustain the necessary volume and keep the variety in your Cannabis in such limited grow space is really impressive... hats off to you
Nice line up Sue. The only one that scares me is the Columbian. I don't think I'll ever try one of those in a tent again. That Panama x columbian I ran took until like week 7 before pistols and then it could have gone forever. I finally cut it at 23 weeks and it could have kept going. I've grown a fair share of panama and panama crosses and I've never had one behave like that so I'm crediting the Columbian. Maybe yours will be different but that potential is there. The strawberry blue I did is good but not spectacular. It's a gentle sativa. It looks like pure fire when it's growing and smells great but that didn't translate to the flavor....again there are better. The wife likes it so that outta tell ya something. It may be one sativa your daughter could handle.
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