SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

Weekly Update: The Tents - Friday, March 23, 2018

Tent #1

The other day I lowered the plants to be at least 18" away from the light panels. I'm having some hot spot concerns in Carnival's tent we'll talk about later that I didn't want repeated here.

Jamaican 1.3 hasn't had any excitement since her transplantation four days ago, when she was dropped into a five-gallon bucket and given a TransWater drench. I think she looks at home. :battingeyelashes:

Black DOG is gonna make it. :yahoo: Every minute she looks better and better. What a relief. Lol! I didn't want to kill all of J's gifts.

It's a start.

Tent #3

Carnival 4.6 is still churning out blossoms like mad. Last Saturday she drank a TransWater drench and yesterday she got a good gulp of Growth Energy.

I've been looking at the hash tips and noticing that they're all located in the very center of the light panel, and at different levels of the plant, not what I've experienced before. Previously the hash tips were across the entire canopy, the colas closest to the light

That wasn't the case here.

All of the hash tips are in that central spot. I'm not sure what to make of it yet, but I'll be giving it more thought and asking some questions about distances and why that's so focused.

She's eating up the energy the panel's giving off.

Tent #2

My favorite space to peek into. It's like a burst of warm sunshine. :slide:

Jamaican 1.5 got a little supercropping yesterday and bounced right back overnight. There's no more headroom for her to go any more verticle.

She's in bloom now, drinking up 14 ml A&B + 8 ml of Bulk, climbing the ladder to the peak level of nutes.

I have yet to figure out this chemovar. Lol! She sure is a pretty and fragrant one, well worth the effort.

CBD Critical Cure 3 had a Growth Energy drench last Saturday and a TransWater one yesterday. At just 43 days into flower she's looking suspiciously like someone trying to get harvested.

She's still about two weeks out, which should be majestic to watch.

A good mix of cloudy and clear. Right on schedule.

Royal Gorilla had her Recharge topdressing and a TransWater drench last Saturday and her first CAT drench yesterday with the rest of the class. What a beauty this one's turning out to be.

One last glance back.

Thank God I got that done. I can’t believe how frustrating it is to work with this new platform sometimes. *sigh*

Deep breath as I prepare to take a few hits and settle the blood pressure. That was much harder than it needed to be. This platform is not as easy to manipulate the compose box as we had before. The inability to neatly scroll between the preview and the narrative without working my way through the entire post is frustrating beyond belief. Every time I cut and paste I’m thrown from the compose box and have to find my way back. I miss.....

I swore I wouldn’t complain. Forgive me.

Ok, we made it. Lol! And I managed not to break down in tears of relief. That’s a hopeful sign for the rest of my Blue Dream-fueled evening.

I hope you enjoyed the effort. I certainly love showing them off, which is why I fought my way to the end. Lol!

Thirteen plants, and all in bloom. This is a first for me, isn’t it?

BigBear, I don’t smell it until I step into the apartment. Lol! I have a 6” Ostberg fan and a Cann33 filter for the tents and the rest of the girls add to the ambience. :battingeyelashes: I live on the top floor, last door at the end of the hall. No one bothers to come here. It’s 40 steep steps up two flights of stairs to the apartment door.

I personally think it smells like home. :battingeyelashes:
I’ve grown to like the smell, but I notice it when it starts escaping the bedroom and into the rest of the house. The Roommate hasn’t mentioned it yet, but then I don’t think he has the best sense of smell. Or he hasn’t connected the odor to the weed. Lol
I’ve grown to like the smell, but I notice it when it starts escaping the bedroom and into the rest of the house. The Roommate hasn’t mentioned it yet, but then I don’t think he has the best sense of smell. Or he hasn’t connected the odor to the weed. Lol

Lol! There are moments in late bloom when I'm really glad I'm up here above the neighbors.

Looking really good Sue. Your Carnival looks like she's holding up well, I even saw some shine to those leaves. :goodjob:

Thank you Neiko. I had to go back and look again, and by gosh, you're right. :battingeyelashes: She looks more like a kit girl, doesn't she?

Your dubious amount of flowering ladies look wonderful Sue. Lol.
Great job on them all.

The smell IS home. I don't have many visitors so it matters not.
The basement does stink sometimes though.....

Their perfumes wrap me up in a blanket of contentment when I walk through the door. This is the way normal smells to me. Lol!

Can you remember the moment when you realized that being high was what you equated with "normal?" :rofl:
Deep breath as I prepare to take a few hits and settle the blood pressure. That was much harder than it needed to be. This platform is not as easy to manipulate the compose box as we had before. The inability to neatly scroll between the preview and the narrative without working my way through the entire post is frustrating beyond belief. Every time I cut and paste I’m thrown from the compose box and have to find my way back. I miss.....

I swore I wouldn’t complain. Forgive me.

It just occurred to me ... have you tried opening two windows? Then you can cut from one and paste into the other, without losing the compose box?

Can you remember the moment when you realized that being high was what you equated with "normal?" :rofl:

Then I've been steadily normal for years now. :p:bongrip:

Deep breath as I prepare to take a few hits and settle the blood pressure. That was much harder than it needed to be. This platform is not as easy to manipulate the compose box as we had before. The inability to neatly scroll between the preview and the narrative without working my way through the entire post is frustrating beyond belief. Every time I cut and paste I’m thrown from the compose box and have to find my way back. I miss.....

I swore I wouldn’t complain. Forgive me.

Ok, we made it. Lol! And I managed not to break down in tears of relief. That’s a hopeful sign for the rest of my Blue Dream-fueled evening.

Well I appreciated the update Sue - all is looking good! Must be so full of energy in there with all that blooming and you as well ;)

That’s an issue I’ve noticed too. Maybe once Rob is on the other side of the gallery issues and teh email notifications etc., we can approach him with a good description of these issues. It’s most tedious on iPad and Phone from what I can tell. And I know what you mean about being thrown to somewhere else on the page other than the compose box if you copy n paste, and the difficulty of scrolling between preview and compose. Particularly challenging on phone at times. It may be something thay can tweak a bit (or it may be just the browser based situation showing its limitations. It’s worth tracking exactly what goes on so we can give a good representation of the problems at some stage :battingeyelashes::nomo:

I’ll stop being nerdy now... and get back to enjoying the garden... :yummy:... going back for another look at your lovely ladies...
What do you not like about the kit? Any issues I have had with mine are me, I like to try new shit all the time. I add stuff that is not in directions and stand back just to see what happens.... Hehe
What do you not like about the kit? Any issues I have had with mine are me, I like to try new shit all the time. I add stuff that is not in directions and stand back just to see what happens.... Hehe
I happen to have that same issue meds lol.... ( save your money doctor says there is no cure lmao) Super Green morning all
There has to be something out in this great world that will neutralize the smell in the air and not just mask it. We all just need to find it.
What do you not like about the kit? Any issues I have had with mine are me, I like to try new shit all the time. I add stuff that is not in directions and stand back just to see what happens.... Hehe

First off, you have to understand that the kit came to me, just as I was beginning to get the hang of LOS. Then trouble began. Grief screwed with my sensibilities and LOS became problamatic, so I switched my soil to the kit. It’s an excellent system, when you play somewhat by the rules.

It hasn’t been the easy fit for me that we’d all hoped. I’m a 64-yr old woman living in a 725 sq. ft apartment that’s 40 steps up. Ever try to haul a bale of ProMix up 40 steep stairs? Or find storage for two runs of soil?

Hauling around 7 + gallons of soil isn’t the easy task for me, so I shifted to 5 gallon pots, hoping that would do the trick.

In the midst of that I won the RX Green Solutions nutrients and started playing with hempy more and more.

Turns out hempy is my comfort zone. As I’ve gone along I’ve become less and less happy with the soil plants in comparison to the vigor and yield I get in my cramped conditions with hempy.

I mix and drench every other day. It takes me less than 30 minutes to do everyone in the garden. Far less, when I put my mind to it. The pots weigh nothing in comparison to the soil. The entire system is more accommodating to me and my space.

The biggest difference is price, and that was why I kept after it. Doc’s system is as cost-effective as it is effective in growing dank produce. Hit it right and you can’t beat what a living soil will give you in terpene expression, and as we know, terpenes drive the action of cannabinoids.

But I get dank with RX Technologies too, and I don’t have to store 7 bins of soil in my teeny-tiny apartment, or pull my back moving all that soil around. In case you didn’t notice, I grow some serious hempy plants too. :battingeyelashes:

I’ll always advocate for Doc’s kit, but it’s been over two years now and I’m still fighting myself with the system. I came in an LOS queen. No one was more surprised than I that it wasn’t the good fit for my garden that we’d anticipated. Some of my misses have been disastrously painful for my plants. We remember Carnival 3, don’t we?

Of course, that’s some of my best produce, and the plant that won me NOTM. :battingeyelashes:

Let’s face it guys, I am not Doc’s favorite customer. He’ll breathe a sigh of relief when I step away. In the blissful world of his disciples I’m a loud and contentious irritant. I’m happier with hempy, and happy is what we’re all working for, isn’t it?

Amy, I look at them and wonder too. Then I turn and see all those bins of soil sucking up my space, and I remember what I’ve put some of these plants through, and I’m assured that this is the right decision for me.
It just occurred to me ... have you tried opening two windows? Then you can cut from one and paste into the other, without losing the compose box?

Then I've been steadily normal for years now. :p:bongrip:


I haven’t tried that Graytail. Lol! I let frustration rule the process yesterday, even as I was laughing at it deep inside. Old habits.... lol!

Every once in a while I can remember the moment, about a year into our marriage, when it suddenly occurred to me that being high felt more normal than not.

Before I met Dale I was lucky to score weed once or twice a year. Dale smoked daily, without fail, and as soon as I moved him into the house, so did I. There was a lot of conflict inside me over that. I was a victim of the brainwashing propaganda too.

Obviously I grew beyond the koolaid our government fed us. At this stage of my life I can’t remember what being straight feels like. :rofl:

Isn’t that a wonderful thing? :slide:

Good morning everyone :love:

Are you ready to play? :yahoo::slide::yahoo:

Alrighty then, let’s get to it. Saturday wake ‘n bake. :battingeyelashes:
High SweetSue,

I wanted to tell you the carnival looks exquisite! Getting close! CBD CC looks so nice every grow! I think I'll get some of those next year. I wanted to try a sativa and cbd mix to try to understand if the medicinal effects will be satisfactory for future maladies.
I'm so sorry you are having a serious time trying to post all those lovely pictures, and narrative. If I could, I'd fix the platform today, just to keep seeing your beautiful pictures and receiving all the cheerful happy inspiration. You are seriously infecting my life with all your positive afirmations! You mean that much to me! Thank you!

I completely understand now. I would be doing what you are 100%. I know you have lots of free time:rofl: google Chem-gro they have a 420 blend I have used( In my hydro system). It is very good, cheap and a weeeeee little bit goes a long way. If that could be used in your system someplace let me know. If so I hope the return address is correct.
I use 8 grams of finely ground buds in as much coconut oil as the box brownie mix calls for, most are either 1/2 cup or 2/3 cup. I now use an Instant Pot pressure cooker. Makes the job so much easier. If you have one, put the oi, buds, and a tablespoon of liquid sunflower lecithin into a small bowl with a loose foil cover, place two cups of water in the chamber and run it on high pressure for 1 hour and 50 minutes. Let it cool on its own and then toss the bowl into the fridge overnight.

In the morning bring it back to room temperature and use it as the oil in the recipe, without straining.

Without a pressure cooker, decarb your buds for 1 hr and 50 minutes at 235 degrees F. Grind finely and add to the coconut oil with a tablespoon of liquid sunflower lecithin, and toss it back into the oven for another hour. Refrigerate overnight. In the morning, bring to room temp and add to the brownie mix.
Good morning Sue!:hug::hug::hug:
How cool is this new site?!! I am working on a gluten free brownie recipe using dates instead of sugar...I wondered how much cannabis you use for yours...I clicked on search, put in "brownies" for the key word and "Sweet Sue" under the member. It pulled up your brownie related posts and I got my answer!:yahoo:
Morning @SweetSue and everyone else...


Just came by to check in and get/give the morning hugs. I hope everyone is having a great Saturday.
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