SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

Good morning Sue!:hug::hug::hug:
How cool is this new site?!! I am working on a gluten free brownie recipe using dates instead of sugar...I wondered how much cannabis you use for yours...I clicked on search, put in "brownies" for the key word and "Sweet Sue" under the member. It pulled up your brownie related posts and I got my answer!:yahoo:

Oh yeah! :yahoo: I just noticed yesterday that Search function was staring me in the face. Lol! I'll have to play, when I have a free minute or two. Haha! Two new threads on the burners and the cob thread running away with all of us.

I'm having a really hard time keeping my hands off the Malawi cobs. :rofl: I just finished with Pigeons 420's Saturday wake 'n bake, which loaded three good-sized hoots of Blue Dream on top of the brownie lickings of Dinachem and Ultradawg from my morning baking. Those licks were following my breakfast brownie, made with Carnival.

Too much already running through the system to do cobs. Playing with cobs means nothing else but cobs. Lol! I have great respect for the power of these uncommon creations and understand the necessity of proper timing. Haha! That first taste at 1 PM had me going until 5 AM. :battingeyelashes:

I didn't share any morning on-topic joy earlier. Let me correct the oversight. I was checking on the girls and grabbed a couple shots.

That feels better. :laughtwo: I haven't had breakfast yet, so I'll catch up later. :ciao:
Morning @SweetSue and everyone else...


Just came by to check in and get/give the morning hugs. I hope everyone is having a great Saturday.

Good morning Bonsaiweed. You have a wonderful day yourself.


My oh my! Your garden is so nice Sue. As always, I love your photos. Have a great weekend.

You have a great weekend yourself, you sweet-talking man. :battingeyelashes: As a point and shoot photographer who works primarily on instinct that compliment created a nice, warm feeling of satisfaction. We are a visual platform. I do my best. :green_heart:
High SweetSue,

I wanted to tell you the carnival looks exquisite! Getting close! CBD CC looks so nice every grow! I think I'll get some of those next year. I wanted to try a sativa and cbd mix to try to understand if the medicinal effects will be satisfactory for future maladies.
I'm so sorry you are having a serious time trying to post all those lovely pictures, and narrative. If I could, I'd fix the platform today, just to keep seeing your beautiful pictures and receiving all the cheerful happy inspiration. You are seriously infecting my life with all your positive afirmations! You mean that much to me! Thank you!


Thank you Bode. :hug: The difficulties I create for myself with the platform have not slowed me down much, or limited my enjoyment of my participation in the fun we're all having. Lol! I'm better trained to deal with frustration, and it surprises me when it shows itself in my expression, but then I was a reactive girl for the better part of my life, and sometimes things slip.

I wish you could have seen me dissolve into giggles when I read Graytail's suggestion. Lol! By then I'd had a full night's sleep and awakened in play mode. :slide: It was a good reminder of why I choose to be deliberate in my thought. It was a good reminder that I'm still human, and I can allow myself the same leeway I'd allow anyone else. :battingeyelashes:

I'm humbled that my incessant call for deliberate joy inspires you. Not like I can ever stop. :circle-of-love:
Ever try to haul a bale of ProMix up 40 steep stairs? Or find storage for two runs of soil?
yeah that says it all really...
I have similar questions re using it because my physical capacity is limited and I also have nowhere to store soil batches at the required temps. Why I’m trying to develop something myself using my forest soil!
Turns out hempy is my comfort zone.
:thumb: can’t argue with that (well, I’m not arguing at all actually...) And your hempies are always delicious too!

Amy, I look at them and wonder too. Then I turn and see all those bins of soil sucking up my space, and I remember what I’ve put some of these plants through, and I’m assured that this is the right decision for me.
I don’t doubt it actually ... You must be gratified then that these 2 last ones are looking so good.

Nice supplemental photos of joy update :love:
Good Morning Sue!

I brought a flower for you.

How are you deliberate with your thoughts?


Thank you lazyfish. :hug:

I wake up every morning with a hearty “Hell yeah, I’m ready to play!” I grab the feeling of something delicious coming my way and I hold onto that feeling all day long.

When negative emotion becomes my response I deliberately look for a thought, any thought, that feels better. Negative emotion is my cue that I’m making a judgement of someone or something that isn’t serving me well. I’ve trained myself to avoid negative emotion by simply choosing another thought that brings lightness and light.

The advantage of such training is that the feeling you choose to express - and you have all the control over which emotion you choose - creates a vibratory rate in your cells, and it’s that vibration that the universe responds to when it searches for things to extend your chosen vibration.

So I care more about how I feel than anything, and I deliberately choose thoughts that are filled with love, peace, joyful anticipation, appreciation, gratitude. These are the vibrations I deliberately emit and they’re the vibrations the universe goes out of its way to bring into my experience.

We all seek happiness. It’s the ultimate goal of every other goal - you want that great job because you believe you’ll be happier when you get it. But the reality is that when you deliberately choose to be happy the job offer comes out of the blue, when you were laughing about something else.

When you learn to control your own energy you can create any reality you desire, without all the effort everyone else struggles through. It’s one of those things they don’t teach in school. :battingeyelashes:
Hey Sue - this cobbing you’ve introduced to the forums is a wildfire! I think it represents the broadest range of members across the forums that I’ve seen gathered in one spot! All these grown folks like kids in a candy store - it’s fun to watch.


I know Amy. Isn't it great fun? When I started I was hoping to entice Neiko and possibly Graytail, at some point :cheesygrinsmiley: but the wave of interest caught me off guard. We all want a little "more" in our euphoric experience, don't we?

I have this way of generating passion. Lol! That's why it came to me to introduce the process, and it's become a bridge between two communities too, which pleased me even more. Tangwena checks in here the way I keep tabs on his thread. I'm more vocal over there, but didn't we expect that? :battingeyelashes:
Pinball Wizard type stuff there. :bongrip: :hug:

Advanced courses. Lol! Gee thanks Jim. :hug:

Ooo..... just in time. :bongrip: I'm breaking out the Blue Dream for the evening. What're you enjoying?
I jarred up the Pakistan Valley harvest. I attempted to pollinate several bud sites with the frozen Blue Dream pollen. I spent about 20 minutes on a search for seeds and found 1 under developed seed. So while I was all sticky handed I rolled a joint. Too harsh straight from the drying but really made me wobbly. I have to find something to cross with the PV to tone her down a bit.
I jarred up the Pakistan Valley harvest. I attempted to pollinate several bud sites with the frozen Blue Dream pollen. I spent about 20 minutes on a search for seeds and found 1 under developed seed. So while I was all sticky handed I rolled a joint. Too harsh straight from the drying but really made me wobbly. I have to find something to cross with the PV to tone her down a bit.

Jim, your avatar is beautiful!

What do you think would work to tone her down? I've not looked at any PV lab reports, so I don't have any idea what the terpene profile is.

Wobbly..., I don't get much of that reaction. Lol! You be careful walking around wobbly. :hug:
Hi 420Mag Folks!

Been a little MIA recently, busy life sometimes! I just closed on the sale of our home yesterday, and it looks like I'm going to be uprooting my life in the West and heading out. Where do most older folks go to finish out their life cycle in America? Florida right? Hmmmm.

Dang, there aren't too many places I haven't "lived" in the US at one time or another, and I think I am ready to stop the road life in a tour bus 3-4 nights a week. I can get gigs in the Orlando area, but I don't think I want to deal with that much traffic and population density. Miami .. nahhh, Tampa ... nope, done that already. We need to make a choice soon, I have about 4 weeks to vacate our sold abode and certainly don't want to pack and move but once ... maybe ever again!

New Orleans is our familial base and original home, but I'm not sure I want to live there everyday again. It's such an awesomely awful place, true ying-yang! Hmmm, so many choices, not a bad thing to be given and allowed in this life, but my wife and I are thinking this should be our last move. I printed a map of the Gulf Coast, and perhaps we will play darts tomorrow and let the universe dictate our next location. Sadly that map reminds me of the many hurricanes we endured, but I guess natural disaster is a thing that's possible everywhere on earth. Things to ponder ... Hmmmm. I also have to rip up the grow and distribute my excess parts and pieces to needy medical folks on SS only. I know 2 couples and one single gal that I can help, but not sure how much I want to carry to my next location. Minimize Keith ...
I do have a substantial reserve of cured frozen produce, so no problems with supply.

Off to my last night of ripping it up with this awesome group of musicians I have been blessed to have known They are throwing a farewell party after the gig, so bittersweet. Stay green my friends, I may have too much time on my hands in a few months and wear out my welcome in these parts! Until then, I'll be friggin BUSY!

Hi 420Mag Folks!

Been a little MIA recently, busy life sometimes! I just closed on the sale of our home yesterday, and it looks like I'm going to be uprooting my life in the West and heading out. Where do most older folks go to finish out their life cycle in America? Florida right? Hmmmm.

Dang, there aren't too many places I haven't "lived" in the US at one time or another, and I think I am ready to stop the road life in a tour bus 3-4 nights a week. I can get gigs in the Orlando area, but I don't think I want to deal with that much traffic and population density. Miami .. nahhh, Tampa ... nope, done that already. We need to make a choice soon, I have about 4 weeks to vacate our sold abode and certainly don't want to pack and move but once ... maybe ever again!

New Orleans is our familial base and original home, but I'm not sure I want to live there everyday again. It's such an awesomely awful place, true ying-yang! Hmmm, so many choices, not a bad thing to be given and allowed in this life, but my wife and I are thinking this should be our last move. I printed a map of the Gulf Coast, and perhaps we will play darts tomorrow and let the universe dictate our next location. Sadly that map reminds me of the many hurricanes we endured, but I guess natural disaster is a thing that's possible everywhere on earth. Things to ponder ... Hmmmm. I also have to rip up the grow and distribute my excess parts and pieces to needy medical folks on SS only. I know 2 couples and one single gal that I can help, but not sure how much I want to carry to my next location. Minimize Keith ...
I do have a substantial reserve of cured frozen produce, so no problems with supply.

Off to my last night of ripping it up with this awesome group of musicians I have been blessed to have known They are throwing a farewell party after the gig, so bittersweet. Stay green my friends, I may have too much time on my hands in a few months and wear out my welcome in these parts! Until then, I'll be friggin BUSY!



Closed on the house, eh? :yahoo: Nowhere to go but on to the next adventure. You know Tead wishes it was NOLA. Lol! You're taking the change with a great attitude, not that I'm surprised. I don't know that I could move to the hurricane zones. For Tead I almost made the jump, but I'm more a forest girl myself.

Think of all the new friends you'll be making! One of the nice features of this neighborhood is the stability it can offer as you go through the transition. In my most vulnerable emotional moments my "family" was never further than my nearest device. I'm looking forward to you setting up your next grow. :slide:

I love that you're dispersing the grow to those who can most use the generosity. :circle-of-love: They're gonna miss your smiling face.

Edit: I have family that've been happy in the Mississippi Gulf area for years. You move to the Gulf states and someday we just might get the chance to meet. :battingeyelashes:
Hi 420Mag Folks!

Been a little MIA recently, busy life sometimes! I just closed on the sale of our home yesterday, and it looks like I'm going to be uprooting my life in the West and heading out. Where do most older folks go to finish out their life cycle in America? Florida right? Hmmmm.

Dang, there aren't too many places I haven't "lived" in the US at one time or another, and I think I am ready to stop the road life in a tour bus 3-4 nights a week. I can get gigs in the Orlando area, but I don't think I want to deal with that much traffic and population density. Miami .. nahhh, Tampa ... nope, done that already. We need to make a choice soon, I have about 4 weeks to vacate our sold abode and certainly don't want to pack and move but once ... maybe ever again!

New Orleans is our familial base and original home, but I'm not sure I want to live there everyday again. It's such an awesomely awful place, true ying-yang! Hmmm, so many choices, not a bad thing to be given and allowed in this life, but my wife and I are thinking this should be our last move. I printed a map of the Gulf Coast, and perhaps we will play darts tomorrow and let the universe dictate our next location. Sadly that map reminds me of the many hurricanes we endured, but I guess natural disaster is a thing that's possible everywhere on earth. Things to ponder ... Hmmmm. I also have to rip up the grow and distribute my excess parts and pieces to needy medical folks on SS only. I know 2 couples and one single gal that I can help, but not sure how much I want to carry to my next location. Minimize Keith ...
I do have a substantial reserve of cured frozen produce, so no problems with supply.

Off to my last night of ripping it up with this awesome group of musicians I have been blessed to have known They are throwing a farewell party after the gig, so bittersweet. Stay green my friends, I may have too much time on my hands in a few months and wear out my welcome in these parts! Until then, I'll be friggin BUSY!

If you ever find your way East to Boston...I'll buy you and your lovely wife a lobstah and a cold one! Cheers! LG
Morning all, Morngin@SweetSue


I'm not too far from the Mississippi coast......
Morning all, Morngin@SweetSue


I'm not too far from the Mississippi coast......

Well that’s really wonderful to know Bonsaiweed. One of these days....

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