SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

That’s a shit-ton of soil there Susan!

Strength to your arm woman :goodjob:

Nice way to finish up with the kit ... :love:

Thank you Amy. My thoughts, and likely Graytail's thoughts as well. She should be a wonderful swan song for my soil adventures.

You can't lift the dolly over the tent flap. Believe me, I've tried to find a way to make soil easier in tents.
You can't lift the dolly over the tent flap. Believe me, I've tried to find a way to make soil easier in tents.
Yeah of course... I think I remember you trying that actually! Well I don’t have a tent. My little cabinet is an upturned and extended kitchen cabinet carcass. I’m looking at it now thinking a little ramp at the front would be perfect :battingeyelashes:...
Hey Sue can I ask why you need to move them out of tent? Mine stay in until they die.

I don’t move mine out unless they need to have better pictures taken Neiko, but just hauling it from the bin to the tent was a chore. I water in the tent, half above and half in the saucer.

overlord is going to try dunking his in flower. I’m waiting to see the lift he’ll have to develop to make that happen. Lol!

Incidentally, when I was getting drench for the transplant mixed I realized that I’d been feeding and watering Carnival as though she was in 10 gallons instead of the 15 she sits in. It appears she’s a light drinker as well as a light feeder in soil.
@Bonsaiweed , good retrieval in that link. Dang! No blogs yet, are there?
What are these blogs I keep herring you speak of? I'm excited to explore!

My wife always calls 420 my "weed blog":laugh: she's a riot...
The federal rules for cannabis will change when the bribes for it
outweigh the bribes against it. It is that simple and our government is
that big of a joke.
Love this!
What are these blogs I keep herring you speak of? I'm excited to explore!

My wife always calls 420 my "weed blog":laugh: she's a riot...
The site used to have a blog feature that folks used for all sorts of things. There was that great function button that let you ‘blog this post’ so you could collect stuff relevant to a project etc.
People used it like a kind of research collection and organising tool. Recipes, diys, lists of threads etc. The feature wasn’t supported by the new software so we’re informed that all the blogs are safe somewhere waiting for additional software to be added to reintroduce them. We wait patiently - or at least we try to. ;)
You know newty, I never once looked at it as a male-dominated space.

This male is here because my wife would rather have me do all the work so she may just enjoy the produce!

Therefore I posit, it's a female dominated arrangement, as many long-term married men (that are truthful) will attest!

Not really, I grew bud outdoors since I was a teen, I can't blame her.

This male is here because my wife would rather have me do all the work so she may just enjoy the produce!

Therefore I posit, it's a female dominated arrangement, as many long-term married men (that are truthful) will attest!

Not really, I grew bud outdoors since I was a teen, I can't blame her.


I wouldn’t think of it as blaming her Keith, so much as giving her the credit. :battingeyelashes:

I came here to keep Dale high until he died. Mission accomplished. Sure has picked up the fun level since then. :slide:
This male is here because my wife would rather have me do all the work so she may just enjoy the produce!

Therefore I posit, it's a female dominated arrangement, as many long-term married men (that are truthful) will attest!

Not really, I grew bud outdoors since I was a teen, I can't blame her.

Oh yeah.....my wife is the boss. I've seen the job and I don't want it. ;)

But she lets me "play".
The site used to have a blog feature that folks used for all sorts of things. There was that great function button that let you ‘blog this post’ so you could collect stuff relevant to a project etc.
People used it like a kind of research collection and organising tool. Recipes, diys, lists of threads etc. The feature wasn’t supported by the new software so we’re informed that all the blogs are safe somewhere waiting for additional software to be added to reintroduce them. We wait patiently - or at least we try to. ;)

Many of us never considered that we’d lose access. There’s original work in there we’ll dance in the halls about when we finally get access.

All things work for a better now. It’s so easy to get caught in hopes for tomorrow filled with condition. Lol! I keep reminding myself that not having immediate access will in no way halt the advancement of mankind while we wait. :rofl:

Having fun making a couple more hempy pots.

Oh yeah.....my wife is the boss. I've seen the job and I don't want it. ;)

But she lets me "play".

“I’ve seen the job and I don’t want it.”

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Dale felt the same way. Lol!
Thanks again @SweetSue . One of the little ones did not make it. That had to be some ruff ass shit it went through. I am sure one of the other cob-etts will take up the slack.
Thanks again @SweetSue . One of the little ones did not make it. That had to be some ruff ass shit it went through. I am sure one of the other cob-etts will take up the slack.

I'm thankful any made it. :hug:
Hi Sue, :hug:

What does the soy wax do for the Pain cream? Using it vice Beeswax?

My son has really raved about the pain creme effects on his spinal pain, it's really helping him even more than CCO Caps so I'm going to make a huge batch for him on Thursday. I'll be making about a gallon of pain cream using the ratios of Grapeseed/Beeswax/Herb you sent to me, I need to hook him up before the abode is packed!

I donated 2 complete tent rigs with today, all my plants in Veg, and other stuff minimizing the volume I have to pack and move. The amount of parts and pieces I have amassed is absolutely ridiculous. but they have found good and needy homes. It really made a few old folks happy as they can barely afford Miraclegro. Don't laugh too hard, I've grown really good cannabis with only MG! :laugh:

Super kind of you to do to help someone along. Plus making your move go smoother also. Passing the blessing along blesses you back. I truly believe that. :rollit::volcano-smiley:
Good morning everyone :love:

Another week's worth of my favorite meds.

Good grief, the apartment smells amazing! :drool:

Hard to believe I'll be replacing this with cobs, isn't it?

I'm a little envious of Neiko and his ability to cob more produce than I. Lol! Hell...all the guys have more produce than I. But I'm determined to process some of each and every harvest from this time forward, even if it's only to ferment the buds without husks and cobbing. But I can only play with what's not essential to my daughter's health and what's not needed to keep the BIL sane as his body falls apart.

The BIL told me at the start that he never wanted me to restrict my own access for his percieved needs. He knows my nature, but he doesn't know I do that all the time anyway. This batch of brownies had me considering how much he needs and wondering if my 8 grams would put him short before the next harvest cures.

I decided I deserved the brownies. After all, I planted it for me, lovingly brought it to harvest and carefully cured it. At the very least that means I get my Carnival brownies. I think I'll ask him if he wants to order some White Widow seeds. :battingeyelashes: Give him White Widow and he'd only need a small quantity of Carnival.

Isn't it cool how each of us finds our chemovar match? Mine's obviously Carnival and Dark Devil Auto. For the daughter it's Jamaican and Candy Cane. The BIL is enamoured with White Widow. He saves Carn for the evening, because it makes him unbalanced on his feet - yes, that concerns me, but I listen through the floor boards for his cries for help. So far it's only happened once that I had to rescue him from his delusions.

We worry about having a stroke and dying. That's not the worst-case, or even the most common outcome with a stroke. He's losing his grip on reality, and cannabis helps soften that a little. As long as he still lives below me I'll keep him supplied. It's the least I can do for him.

I have drenches to get to. Just heard from a friend needing pain cream for her dog's mange, so it's time to get the next batch of cream started. I'm starting to feel like a medicine woman. Lol!

Continue on your joyful journey. May the day hold some special pleasure that catches you off guard. :ciao:
Shaman Sue!! :goodjob::rollit::volcano-smiley:
Good morning everyone :love:

I started the morning with a bite of the Jamaican cob I started the other day, or more precisely the canary I’m curing with the cob.

This one came with little, if any, euphoria, but that was kinda my expectation. It’s a CBD dominant high in b-caryophyllene with an expected THC value below 10%. I still have to try. :rofl: This is more a medicinal step than anything.

The taste of pepper was overpowering. It took me two mandarin oranges back-to-back to get the taste reasonably under control. Lol! Weirdest thing in the world to taste pepper when you’re eating oranges. :rofl:

I’m off to lunch with my senior peeps. Just wanted to stop on my way and send some loving vibes to supercharge the day.


I’ll catch up with everyone later. Time to down a Carnival brownie. :slide:
Hey up there......

Morning @SweetSue and the rest that are a little lower.

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