SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

Incidentally, when I was getting drench for the transplant mixed I realized that I’d been feeding and watering Carnival as though she was in 10 gallons instead of the 15 she sits in. It appears she’s a light drinker as well as a light feeder in soil.

My thought is under feeding will be excellent for the Carn-y. There is so much room in 15 gal for Magic. It will probably be your best ever Carnival.
There is so much room in 15 gal for Magic.
Was it magic you wanted. No doubt it was looking good in that much soil. Duggan would be proud.

@SweetSue About this cob stuff. I thought there was a curing process involved here. Did I miss something?
What are these blogs I keep herring you speak of? I'm excited to explore!

My wife always calls 420 my "weed blog":laugh: she's a riot...
Your situation has to be a very interesting dynamic Dabber. I can't imagine what my reaction would have been had my ex wife come to me while I was in the Marines and said "Van, I want to grow cannabis". I am thinking my reaction would have been "you gotta go".

Now understand, I was the same guy that when I found our 17 year old was doing drugs (harder stuff), I told him he had 12 days to figure out what he was going to do.....either stop doing drugs in my house or leave the day he turned 18, but he wasn't bringing or doing that shit in my house and I would be testing him any time I wanted if he chose to stay. (he left the day he turned 18)

Now fast forward 10 years and imagine the surprise in my son's voice when I told him I was growing pot. "Dad, we have had a lot of talks that have surprised me, but NONE were as surprising as this talk....its definitely one I never thought we would ever have" LOL
Was it magic you wanted. No doubt it was looking good in that much soil. Duggan would be proud.

@SweetSue About this cob stuff. I thought there was a curing process involved here. Did I miss something?

Yes indeed there is Jim, a proper three months cure. Initially you open them once a week to let them surface dry again. When you do that you chop off a small sample to see how the process is going.

For science, you understand. :battingeyelashes:

The early tastes won’t be anything akin to what you’ll get with a decent cure, but I’ve found them fun to explore nonetheless.

Hash Hound stopped today to drop off a couple indica seeds for the daughter’s garden and, as he always does, brought gifts.

A bit of Jack Herrer, some MOC White Widow, a smattering of his Gringo chemovar, and a joint of GlueBerry.

If the BIL is still speaking to me he’ll appreciate the White Widow. We smoked a bit of the GlueBerry joint and he left me the rest. Mmmmm.... that is one tasty chemovar.

Right before he got here I remember thinking “damn I’m high” and then we shared a joint. Lol!

And he brought brownies! :yahoo: I sent him home with a Carnival brownie to enjoy.

Yesterday, after the Black DOG was transplanted and drenched I realized I hadn’t cut through the roots. With a fabric pot that won’t make much difference. The root structure is such that you have more rootlets than hard shell pots. Hard pots get rootbound.

At the time I started to worry and beat up on myself for overlooking something so obvious, but I’m trained to avoid that type of self-recrimination. I took the attitude that it would all work out, as things always do.

While visiting with Hash Hound I mentioned my slip-up, and his casual response and directions made me smile. After he left I got my bread knife out, plunged it close to the stem and cut out to the pot, in four directions.

Job done, and much kinder to me and the plant than doing this before dropping it into the finish pot. If I were continuing in soil this is a trick I’d remember.

This plant was transplanted from a five gallon pot that was as high as the fabric pot, making it necessary to get all the way to the bottom. My bread knife was the perfect choice.

I’m feelin’ the need to get outdoors for a spell. Catch you all later. :ciao:
Right before he got here I remember thinking “damn I’m high” and then we shared a joint. Lol!

That was a heck of a visit Sue, and you must have been a little higher after I left.

You didn't put any seeds in the Zamldelica Thai pheno x Malawi bag you gave me :eek:

And after reading when I got home, I might have misadvised you on the Panama, they only say it is similar to the Col Punto Rojo but say it contains 3 different Panamanians. Seedfinder is where they say it's Pan x Colo. I'm looking forward to what ever turns out.

i Just puffed some of your Dinachem :welldone:
and I ate half of your Carnival brownie about an hour ago. its kicking in right abbooouuuuttttt nnnnoooowwwww.
That was a heck of a visit Sue, and you must have been a little higher after I left.

You didn't put any seeds in the Zamldelica Thai pheno x Malawi bag you gave me :eek:

And after reading when I got home, I might have misadvised you on the Panama, they only say it is similar to the Col Punto Rojo but say it contains 3 different Panamanians. Seedfinder is where they say it's Pan x Colo. I'm looking forward to what ever turns out.

i Just puffed some of your Dinachem :welldone:
and I ate half of your Carnival brownie about an hour ago. its kicking in right abbooouuuuttttt nnnnoooowwwww.

Hahaha! I can't believe I labeled it and then......are you sure? I remember...... well I'll be! Lol! Next stop you can bring the bag back. :battingeyelashes:

That GlueBerry is sweet Hash Hound. Someday I'll have to run that. It's alway so nice to have you stop by. It's been too long since Lu came with you. I look forward to her next visit.
Hi Everyone,

Sue, it sounds like you had a nice visit from some awesome friends!!

Hey.. I don't understand what you are doing by cutting? roots?

When you transplant from a hard-shell pot the roots can get gnarly, so you slice them with a sharp knife to open them up. It helps them grab onto the new soil more quickly. In fabric pots the roots don't get root bound. They grow to the edge and air prune.
I get it! I thought you were just chopping away at an otherwise healthy plant. I try to loosen the root ball with my hands when I up pot.

That’s what I do too lazyfish, when I have roots wrapped like this one did. It was a slip of the mind. Lol! One that resulted in my being able to share a really neat trick. :battingeyelashes:
this method is done if you forget to score the roots.

after you transplant, you can still pull a big knife outwards and slice through the roots in a few spots.
SO much lovin’ :rollit:

Here you go - one of my fave Doc Bud posts: transplanting (including scoring the roots :) )

In The Lab With Doc Bud


He did a good job of that. :welldone:

When I started with the kit I was conservative with Roots. Not any more. Lol! I looked at his picture and thought “There ya go girl. You’ve been doing it right!”

Thanks Amy. :hug:

The whimsy of the universe...

Outdoor temperatures have been chilly for the past week or so, meaning the furnace has been running and humidity levels sit around 30% on a good day.

So when it came time to make more pain cream oil I thought I’d save myself some effort grinding and let the buds sit open a bit so they’d dry out before I started.

It started raining almost as soon as I thought that. Now the interior levels are around 60%. :rofl:

I love the way we play. Lol!
this method is done if you forget to score the roots.

after you transplant, you can still pull a big knife outwards and slice through the roots in a few spots.

And the advantages of doing it this way became obvious immediately. No juggling the plant. No soil falling everywhere - I’m growing in a third-floor apartment. Easier on the plant. Easier all ‘round, IMO.
this method is done if you forget to score the roots.

after you transplant, you can still pull a big knife outwards and slice through the roots in a few spots.
Yep - I get that :) - was showIng @lazyfish cos he asked about cutting roots ... ;)

I agree that post transplant method looks less risky for structural collapse - a nice save :passitleft:
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