SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

Do you have a summary version of the best way to make cannabutter( no MBM ) and/or the oils? Those threads are insane to look through... LOL

Or put this way, how do you make your cannabutter and/or oil?
Picture is worth a thousand words. Looks like a fun night a Sue's!

That's a fairly typical look at my workspace after .....I was going to say after 6, but let's be transparent and say that's what my workspace looks like after I finish meditating first thing in the morning. Lol!

Time for the nickle tour. :battingeyelashes:

Weekly Update: The tiny closet and The Spa - Saturday, March 31, 2018

In case you can't tell from what follows, it brings me great joy to offer you a look at the progress of my canna charges. This is one of the highlights of my week, and when life interfere with the regular scheduling it gets a bit frantic in these parts. Lol!

Let's start in the closet and work our way out from there. :slide:

The tiny closet

On the left, in soil using Doc Bud's HB kit, on the right, in a 32 oz cup of perlite with RX Technologies nutrients. I'm comfortable with my decision to go all hemp.

Devil's Carnival 1.5 is finishing up the week of top concentrations of bloom nutes, 16 ml A&B with 8 ml of Bulk per gallon of water used. I'm considering staying away from this high level with most of the chemovars I grow from now on. They all seem to complain when it gets this hot, although, having said that, this girl seems no worse for wear after surviving the hottest mix.

So maybe I still have lots to learn. Lol!

Right next to her is Devil's Carnival 1.3, having just recieved her second CAT drench two days ago. This chemovar finishes fast, usually under 50 days. I may move all of the specimens into this space so the rest are protected if any of the three go hermie.

Candy Cane can move into the tent after CBD Critical Cure 3 is harvested. That'll protect her from any pollen that gets thrown as the DCs come into harvest, one after another.

I love her snowball buds. :battingeyelashes:

One last loving glance back before we move on. We still have lots of ground to cover.

No roots showing yet from the cuttings. I talked it over with the daughter and we're comfortable with me closing down the grow at the end of this flowering run and reset to start up again when I return from my trip to California and Arizona. If these two root, we'll use them to train her in hempy. If not, she gets a reprieve until we start up in late May.

You watch, they'll explode in roots overnight. :rofl:

On to the Spa. Look at all that lusciousness! :slide:

I pulled Devil's Carnival 1.6 out for some better pictures. It's difficult to get a good look at her crowded in with all the others under limited lighting. She's tapering off the nutes, down to 14 ml of A&B with just 4 ml of Bulk for every gallon of water used.

Exotically delicate and covered with trichomes, she's going chocolate. This is the danger zone for hermies with this chemovar. She'll move to the closet tomorrow.

Jamaican 1.2 is on the same nutrient schedule, and bulking up like mad. Watering her twice a day helps keep her going, I'm sure.

Like I said, bulky buds. :battingeyelashes:

CBD Critical Cure 2.8 shares the same nutrient schedule of 14 + 4. She's started fading the hairs, and she's noticably thicker in buddage since a week ago.

Jamaican 1.4 is at peak nutes of 16 + 8. I'm watching to see any burning of the tips, beyond the light touch they display at the moment.

A backwards glance, and we're on to the tents.

Do you have a summary version of the best way to make cannabutter( no MBM ) and/or the oils? Those threads are insane to look through... LOL

Or put this way, how do you make your cannabutter and/or oil?

I've been planning to start a thread on "My favorite oil recipies". We have so many, scattered around the threads that it makes sense to centralize them in one thread.

Do you have a pressure cooker?
Weekly Update: The Tents - Saturday, March 31, 2018

Tent #1

As much as I'm appreciating what these lights do for the plants, I really detest blurple lighting and the difficulties of getting good pictures when using them. One of these days I'll find a way to improve this, or I'll replace the lights with Timbers. I plan to move the Citizen COBs in the Spa into this tent when the girls are done in there and take my bathroom back. That only leaves one tent to switch over.

The girls are comfy in here. The Jamaican is smashed against the wall a bit, but that'll get better as I can shift her branches to new attachments.

Black DOG got that sweet upcanning with a TransWater drench a couple days back, and she's settling into the additional root space.

Graytail was right, she's coming into beauty.

Jamaican 1.3 had her Energy drench on the 28th, the same day her tentmate got upcanned. That was the day I reset her poles and started trellising her.

I think she's happy with the structure. :battingeyelashes:

Environmental monitoring.

Tent #3

Carnival decided to show us her winter colors. :yahoo:

This girl can go well over the 9 weeks projected, but at the end of her 8th week, she's looking like about another two weeks, which isn't too bad at all. She had a TransWater drench yesterday, and although I fed her like she was in 10 gallons instead of five, this time I did so with a full two gallons of water.

Tent #2

The warm glow of the 3000k Timbers calls me to this tent many times a day. :battingeyelashes:

Jamaican 1.5 (Day 53, flip + 24) Riding the peak of bloom nutes - 16 + 8 - She's stretched into rediculous levels. Lol! I put her into 2 liters and she èxploded.

To give you a sense of her size. Bending her over did nothing. Lol!

Somehow I neglected to correctly label all of the pictures. It surprises me that that doesn't happen more often. Lol! My apologies for the break in the flow. :battingeyelashes:

CBD Critical Cure 3 comes down tomorrow. (Day 118, flip + 51) She finished up with a Transplant drench two days ago. I'm thinking if revegging her roots. I'm thinking of revegging a few of them, since I'm not starting anything new for another couple months.

Royal Gorilla (Day 64, flip + 36) Two days ago she had her second CAT drench. Looking like the star of the class, if you ask me.

I grabbed the loupe to check the trichomes on CBD Critical Cure 3, verifying what I'd suspected. This girl is ready to come down.

Changes to come tomorrow.

And that brings this gentle stroll through my garden spaces to its weekly conclusion. I do hope it brought a smile to your eyes, and maybe a few gasps in appreciation. I do my best to make it entertaining for you, and the girls..... well, they enjoy being shown off. They fight for that time in front of the camera. Lol!

Thank you for stopping. May your evening continue on a joyful path. I'll probably run into you here and there. I'm gonna get ripped now no start visiting. I've been smoking the DC cob, and now I can focus my energies on it. :slide:

Have fun. You know I will. :ciao:
Yes, its not a IP. Its an old school good un.... LOL

My favorite recipe is done in a pressure cooker
Hi Sue,

I was thinking that CC should come down... then I saw the red trichs. Then I thought ... another cob candidate?

Black Dog looks healthy! One of my favorites.


The CBD CC is a high CBD, a 2:1. The cobs will be mostly sativas from now on. The girl coming down tomorrow will become FHO. We ran out of oil just the other day and the daughter’s been taking ones made with mash. They’re not easy capsules to load. I’ll be thrilled to have oil for her again. The CBD CC capsules are her base meds.

@JustMeds , my favorite oil recipe uses a pressure cooker.

The ratio of buds to carrier oil is 500 ml of oil to 100 grams of dried buds. You scale to your needs.

Grind the buds up and place them and the oil in a small bowl or jar that can fit into the pressure cooker. Cover to keep water from dripping into the oil.

You want 235 degrees F for 110 minutes. I believe 235 is around 14 psi? I’m not sure how it works with the stovetop ones.

The pressure cooker decarbs and infuses in one fell swoop. With the IP I can set it and walk away. I leave it sit overnight most often. The extra time sitting only makes it more potent.

Strain, add liquid sunflower lecithin if it’s an edible oil or for medicinal capsules at the rate of one tablespoon per cup of strained oil.

If you use olive oil let that sit for 24 hours in the fridge and the lecithin will encapsulatebthe cannabinoids. Stir to be sure it’s thoroughly dispersed before using. It will separate, so you stir every time.

Coconut oil is used for recreational or to treat liver disease. It goes solid below 76 degrees, so I get it dispersed by bringing it back to liquid to stir, then letting it go solid and repeating a few times, until I’m confident it’s mixed well.

Those cautions with lecithin are more pertinent if you’re making capsules. When Im making the oil for cooking I strain, mix the lecithin in and go.

I never make butter. I use coconut oil or olive oil for my baking needs. The brownies are coconut, the capsules are olive. Olive oil is absorbed in a way that avoids the first pass through the liver and into the lymphatic system where cannabinoids have a better chance to do healing of inflammation.

Coconut oil is sent from the stomach straight to the liver where you get the wonders of 11-hydroxy THC. :slide:
The Black DOG is a sexy one lazyfish.

I’ve never used it but I recently read about “Optic Foliar Switch“ spray which supposedly stops plants from going hermie.

This is the only chemovar that does this. I don’t worry about them. I keep them isolated from the rest of the harem for the last couple weeks. So far so good.

Oh and awesome update as always. That Royal Gorilla looks like it’s going to be something special. And that carnival is celebratory!

Thank you. :hug: They all look so good it takes my breath away. Out of the blue the Royal Gorilla stepped up and knocked everyone else off the podium. Lol!

This is my first Carnival to go colorful in this way. It’s a matter of timing, and I’m beginning to grasp the concept of scheduling. It’ll get to be more fun from here. :slide:

:thanks:Sue! A beautiful nickel tour, as always :hug:
Enjoy your fun weekend :ciao:

Thanks Amy. :hug::hug::hug: I’m glad you enjoyed the tour. Are you having the delightful weekend you deserve? :ciao:
Are you having the delightful weekend you deserve? :ciao:
I do believe I am SweetSue! I’m fading like a flower now, on a lazy Sunday night after a very high weekend, bathed in postharvest aromas. I have sleepyheadedness now so I think I’ll reward myself with sleep. Nighty night-good morning,,have a lovely Sunday :yummy:
Introducing Sensi Seeds Zero Strains

"Sensi Seeds Zero Strains are the purest form of cannabis ever created."

WTF?! I read that zero cannabis write up and I don't get it. They have bred the cannabinoids and terpenes right out of the plant. Even calling them pesky. For what purpose, so you don't get arrested? Plus you can buy these seeds for the same price as regular strains....why would you? That can't be real......:cough:
WTF?! I read that zero cannabis write up and I don't get it. They have bred the cannabinoids and terpenes right out of the plant. Even calling them pesky. For what purpose, so you don't get arrested? Plus you can buy these seeds for the same price as regular strains....why would you? That can't be real......:cough:

lol Its got to be an April Fool's joke... I mean what's the point it you take away the taste, smell, AND the high. Might as well spin up a spliff of old dry kitchen spices
My favorite recipe is done in a pressure cooker

The CBD CC is a high CBD, a 2:1. The cobs will be mostly sativas from now on. The girl coming down tomorrow will become FHO. We ran out of oil just the other day and the daughter’s been taking ones made with mash. They’re not easy capsules to load. I’ll be thrilled to have oil for her again. The CBD CC capsules are her base meds.

@JustMeds , my favorite oil recipe uses a pressure cooker.

The ratio of buds to carrier oil is 500 ml of oil to 100 grams of dried buds. You scale to your needs.

Grind the buds up and place them and the oil in a small bowl or jar that can fit into the pressure cooker. Cover to keep water from dripping into the oil.

You want 235 degrees F for 110 minutes. I believe 235 is around 14 psi? I’m not sure how it works with the stovetop ones.

The pressure cooker decarbs and infuses in one fell swoop. With the IP I can set it and walk away. I leave it sit overnight most often. The extra time sitting only makes it more potent.

Strain, add liquid sunflower lecithin if it’s an edible oil or for medicinal capsules at the rate of one tablespoon per cup of strained oil.

If you use olive oil let that sit for 24 hours in the fridge and the lecithin will encapsulatebthe cannabinoids. Stir to be sure it’s thoroughly dispersed before using. It will separate, so you stir every time.

Coconut oil is used for recreational or to treat liver disease. It goes solid below 76 degrees, so I get it dispersed by bringing it back to liquid to stir, then letting it go solid and repeating a few times, until I’m confident it’s mixed well.

Those cautions with lecithin are more pertinent if you’re making capsules. When Im making the oil for cooking I strain, mix the lecithin in and go.

I never make butter. I use coconut oil or olive oil for my baking needs. The brownies are coconut, the capsules are olive. Olive oil is absorbed in a way that avoids the first pass through the liver and into the lymphatic system where cannabinoids have a better chance to do healing of inflammation.

Coconut oil is sent from the stomach straight to the liver where you get the wonders of 11-hydroxy THC. :slide:

Tremendous morning Sue. If i could meet anyone in this world.......it would be YOU. Have missed this forum and speaking with you here. Lifes been a bit quirky with me lately. We r moving! Ill be back fairly soon i hope, to cheer you guys on, & hopefully one day grow more of my own, but not likely this year. You have yourself a magical easter weekend Sue. Pardon me for stating the obvious, but You are one of the most incredible humans on this planet. We love u SweetSue. God bless u and your family hun. Talk at you soon! Btw, these xmas cookies .......people LOVE them. Ive gifted around an oz of it in your spirit. The blueberry 420 seeds dont hold a candle to these cookies. Toodles:Namaste::green_heart:
Ahhh April fools......OK I buy that. I forgot I got to pay attention to the tricksters today. :rofl:

I think you were the first victim Neiko, or at least the first one to say so. :rofl: You can thank TS for that. Lol! It’ll make him smile to know it caused laughter. :love: Had me rolling on the floor. Lol!

Good morning everyone :love:

For those who celebrate the resurrection

:love: Happy Easter :love:

The deed is done. :slide:

HARVEST: CBD Critical Cure 3 (Day 119, flip + 52)

I’m out of olive oil - Awk! - so I’m off to the store to grab some while they’re still open. I would hope that those reading are finding their holiday morning steeped in the love of friends and family. Keep that momentum going. I’ll do my best to spread joy in my neck of the woods and you do your best over there. Together we lend energy to happy tomorrow’s by deliberately choosing to be joyful above all else.

Yep....I never let up. Aren’t you glad of that? :battingeyelashes: :love:

Sunday morning hugs are held a teeny bit longer.

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