SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

Tremendous morning Sue. If i could meet anyone in this world.......it would be YOU. Have missed this forum and speaking with you here. Lifes been a bit quirky with me lately. We r moving! Ill be back fairly soon i hope, to cheer you guys on, & hopefully one day grow more of my own, but not likely this year. You have yourself a magical easter weekend Sue. Pardon me for stating the obvious, but You are one of the most incredible humans on this planet. We love u SweetSue. God bless u and your family hun. Talk at you soon! Btw, these xmas cookies .......people LOVE them. Ive gifted around an oz of it in your spirit. The blueberry 420 seeds dont hold a candle to these cookies. Toodles:Namaste::green_heart:

Well hey Moonshine, I was just wondering about you yesterday and here you are. :hug::hug::hug:

Moving? Change is good my friend. I wish you many moments where you’re dazzled at the cosmic orchestration done in your favor. We share a birthday, which says to me that you’re touched by the same magical loving energies that mark my personality. I see great things ahead for you.

Get back to growing ASAP. This isn’t something we can casually walk away from.

Happy Easter to you and your loved ones. :circle-of-love:
@SweetSue I did not see the FHO in the summary of favorites. Can you shed some light on why?

Fresh Harvest Oil is one of my favorites, but it's so labor-intensive I hesitate to offer it in a post on easier methods. But in truth, this is my second-favorite oil, bested only by Carnival brownie oil done in the IP. I'll be on my feet over the pot, stirring every five minutes for 3-4 hours.

Now for me, that's not much of an issue. I can walk off the kinks that build up, or take a quick Callanetics break to get the muscles and bones aligned again without pain, but if you have any back or hip pain this isn't a method I'd advise you try. It's also not a safe method for anyone with a serious physical or neurodegenerative disability. The hot oil bath is a safety concern for the strong and healthy.

It can be done in the IP, and many of our number prefer the simplicity of that adaptation, but I find it makes an inferior oil, so I stick to the stove top method with the hot oil, and I deal with the danger and mess by being extra cautious and having specialized storage for all that cheap oil I use for the hot bath.

But it's hard on the body, somewhat dangerous to pull off, and creates a hell of a mess to clean up. The resulting oil is my most potent, I believe due to the retention of so many of the terpenes that'd be floating away when hang dried.

I love the way the day ends and everything's packed away, ready for use. No plant hanging around, no bags in the fridge to remember to check, all the cooking mess scrubbed clean and the kitchen sparkling. It leaves me feeling uniquely satisfied to have a batch of FHO in the jar.

Good Afternoon @SweetSue and all others.

I'm late posting the morning hugs. It's been a busy morning of posting.
@SweetSue you’ve got me looking at all the small spaces in the house and bedroom and evaluating if I can fit another plant somewhere.

I’m also considering upgrading my tent to a larger (for me) tent with multi sections. This one is 36”x24”x53”, and would have a 12x24” spot for a mother plant, 12x24” spot for rooting clones, and flowering chamber of 24”x24”. I know that sounds tiny for most people, but it would double the floor space I have now.

I’m also planning on having an empty tent by the end of July. I go up to your area for two weeks vacation every summer and I don’t want to have to depend on The Roommate to keep plants alive while I’m gone.
@SweetSue you’ve got me looking at all the small spaces in the house and bedroom and evaluating if I can fit another plant somewhere.

I’m also considering upgrading my tent to a larger (for me) tent with multi sections. This one is 36”x24”x53”, and would have a 12x24” spot for a mother plant, 12x24” spot for rooting clones, and flowering chamber of 24”x24”. I know that sounds tiny for most people, but it would double the floor space I have now.

I’m also planning on having an empty tent by the end of July. I go up to your area for two weeks vacation every summer and I don’t want to have to depend on The Roommate to keep plants alive while I’m gone.
I was looking at something similar (highrise) that was just like that. :thumb:
Do you use the FHO in all places you would normally use the CCO? Even when cooking correct? Any place in recipe sub with FHO?

The FHO is our base meds, what keeps the daughter's many challenges under control. She takes those capsules religiously. When we have enough oil on hand I do too, but I have many other options

FHO is my infused oil equivalent of CCO. PsyCro, the originator of this method, used it to treat cancer patients, among other concerns. I don't care for the safety issues with ethanol in a closed environment, nor do I care for the cost. FHO is made with EVOO, easily accessible for a reasonable price, and high in medicinal value.

But there's no reason it couldn't be used as a cooking additive either. It's infused oil, just very potent infused oil. I think it's delicious oil, strain-dependent, of course.

Morning Everyone!

I would like to know more, too. Everything else is the same in the oil making process, except you use fresh buds?

That's correct lazyfish. You use an immersion blender to reduce the buds to a pulp and blend them with the olive oil.

Then you boil the water out and decarb in a hot oil bath.


Good Afternoon @SweetSue and all others.

I'm late posting the morning hugs. It's been a busy morning of posting.

Good afternoon @Bonsaiweed. You see I've been busy too. Gotta get back to it here real soo.


Happy Easter Sue. :hug:


Happy Easter Stage :hug:

:passitleft: Thanks..... I really needed that. Harvest is fun, but it's also lots of work. I usually take myself out to dinner on these days. It's Easter.....not a choice. Good thing I have a good meal set aside.

@SweetSue you’ve got me looking at all the small spaces in the house and bedroom and evaluating if I can fit another plant somewhere.

I’m also considering upgrading my tent to a larger (for me) tent with multi sections. This one is 36”x24”x53”, and would have a 12x24” spot for a mother plant, 12x24” spot for rooting clones, and flowering chamber of 24”x24”. I know that sounds tiny for most people, but it would double the floor space I have now.

I’m also planning on having an empty tent by the end of July. I go up to your area for two weeks vacation every summer and I don’t want to have to depend on The Roommate to keep plants alive while I’m gone.

If you're gonna be anywhere near Pittsburgh I hope you'll plan to stop for coffee, at least. :battingeyelashes:

My tents are 27" x 27" Big Bear, and I can't imagine going any smaller than that. That looks like a pretty thing though. I like the little side sections for the mother and clones, but I don't keep mothers, do you? If so, there's a neat thread on site that'll show you how to keep the mothers bonsai size, which means you could keep more than one in that space. Bonsai Mothers

It makes good use of verticle space. I like it.

Time to get back to it. :ciao:
I almost bought one of those but I heard there were light leaks....

Good looking tent though! You could probably fix the leaks or maybe it was some bad review that I read....

I’m thinking some duct tape would fix the light leaks. The interior wall that divides the large area from the two small ones is just held it place with Velcro, I believe. But, some reinforcing should help it become more light safe.

If you're gonna be anywhere near Pittsburgh I hope you'll plan to stop for coffee, at least. :battingeyelashes:

Funny enough, I’ll be just up I-79 by Moraine State Park for a week and up over by Slippery Rock for the second week. And I love coffee. :)

My tents are 27" x 27" Big Bear, and I can't imagine going any smaller than that. That looks like a pretty thing though. I like the little side sections for the mother and clones, but I don't keep mothers, do you? If so, there's a neat thread on site that'll show you how to keep the mothers bonsai size, which means you could keep more than one in that space. Bonsai Mothers

It makes good use of verticle space. I like it.

So far all I’ve grown are autos, so can’t keep a mother. But I’ve got one regular and more on the way, so I’m thinking that may be the fall/winter grow. Grow out a Blueberry mother alongside an auto or two, then take clones of the photo when the auto is finishing up. I think I can fit about nine 1 liter hempy pots and run it as a SOG. Right now I’m just spitballing, but we’ll see how it goes. I’ve got more autos to finish up before I restart after vacation.
The hot oil bath is at its optimal temp and the mash has begun to decarb. Wanna know what really fires up SweetSue?

Happy harvest day Sue!

Thank you Amy. :love: :hug::hug: I love harvest day. :slide:

Funny enough, I’ll be just up I-79 by Moraine State Park for a week and up over by Slippery Rock for the second week. And I love coffee. :)

Well then, it's a date. :battingeyelashes: Amazingly, I have never been to Moraine State Park or Slippery Rock. I hear they're beautiful areas though. This sounds like a regular event for you are you from the area or have family here?
Well then, it's a date. :battingeyelashes: Amazingly, I have never been to Moraine State Park or Slippery Rock. I hear they're beautiful areas though. This sounds like a regular event for you are you from the area or have family here?

Ma’am, it has been a long, long time since I’ve been on a date with a woman. Lol

It’s a regular thing, I go up every year I can. I’ll PM details.
HAPPY EASTER to you Sue and all my other 420mag friends

Coconut oil is sent from the stomach straight to the liver where you get the wonders of 11-hydroxy THC. :slide:

does this mean I can start eating some of that coconut oil cream you gave me? mmmm coconut

I showed you that skin tag on my temple last visit, it is even more improved now. It has significntly reduced in size at least 50% since I started applying your cream about a month ago. I have to search for the pic I had my son take a few months back for a then and now comparison.

As much as I'm appreciating what these lights do for the plants, I really detest blurple lighting and the difficulties of getting good pictures when using them. One of these days I'll find a way to improve this, or I'll replace the lights with Timbers.

On the blurple thing,

I seriously think the blurples might have an edge over the COB's if you get good ones.
Even though both of my lights are in the same closet, the ones I have grown solely under the blurple have out preformed the COBs which has a 60w advantage. Although they are in the same closet, I've tried not rotating (i normally rotate every few days) and the blurple did a bit better yield and bud size.
Now in my closet, the plant under the blurple(p300) got over cast of the COB's(V240) and the COB's got over cast of the blurple, so that could point to a mix of lighting being better than using only one kind? (at least for the blurple)
I think your GROWants combining both is a good balance of what's available.
That coment should be worth at least a free G240 shouldn't it, :rofl:

Now the quality of the plant grown under each is determined more by the strain than the light in my opinion, I am just pointing to the light giving a batter edge, just like one nute or pot might give an edge.
Good strain will be good, but a good strain grown well will make the difference between grade A and AAA+
does this mean I can start eating some of that coconut oil cream you gave me? mmmm coconut

I showed you that skin tag on my temple last visit, it is even more improved now. It has significntly reduced in size at least 50% since I started applying your cream about a month ago. I have to search for the pic I had my son take a few months back for a then and now comparison.

On the blurple thing,

I seriously think the blurples might have an edge over the COB's if you get good ones.
Even though both of my lights are in the same closet, the ones I have grown solely under the blurple have out preformed the COBs which has a 60w advantage. Although they are in the same closet, I've tried not rotating (i normally rotate every few days) and the blurple did a bit better yield and bud size.
Now in my closet, the plant under the blurple(p300) got over cast of the COB's(V240) and the COB's got over cast of the blurple, so that could point to a mix of lighting being better than using only one kind? (at least for the blurple)
I think your GROWants combining both is a good balance of what's available.
That coment should be worth at least a free G240 shouldn't it, :rofl:

Now the quality of the plant grown under each is determined more by the strain than the light in my opinion, I am just pointing to the light giving a batter edge, just like one nute or pot might give an edge.
Good strain will be good, but a good strain grown well will make the difference between grade A and AAA+

That cream has beeswax in it, so if that's your fancy..... :laughtwo:

Interesting observation Hash Hound. I keep wondering what would happen in the gardens if I stacked the GROWant GR240 over the Timber Citizen Cobs. They'd fit beautifully.

Well, the day's work has come to a satisfactory completion.

HARVEST Wrap-Up: CBD Critical Cure 3 e

She was as easy to grow as any, and she surprised me with the early finish.

Filled with essential oils. :slide:

I decided to spend the time between now and when I depart for Cali learning to reveg. The daughter and I decided to let the garden come to a quiet close so we can reset and start all over when I return from my travels.

This root ball will be the first, followed by a Jamaican and a Devil's Carnival. I think I'll have fun with this. For sure I'll learn a thing or two. I don't plan to grow them out in soil, necessarily, I'm more interested in clones. Jgrow can have the Jamaican to do as he pleases, once I have my clones.

Spent the day, trimming and infusing, standing over the pot completely mesmerized by the transformation from plant to healing oil. Everything's all cleaned up and put away. The silks are the last thing I do when I clean up.

Meds for the daughter. This is what it's really all about. :battingeyelashes:
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