Weekly update: The Tents - Friday, June 23, 2017
Tent #2
Candy Cane ( Day 41) Looking exciting now that she has obvious blossoms. The last specimen had those huge snowball-sized blossoms. Let's see what this one offers. The last one was in LOS.
She's showing promise. The daughter is missing her Candy Cane. I'll have to get another one started.
Carnival 4 (Day 87, flip + 29) She got watered today with the rest of the crew. Starting to smell delicious.
I pulled led all the leaves that were obviously devoid of any green. Any that had appreciable green got left on until she grows greener ones to pick up the slack.
Starting to sprout trichomes.
Tent # 1
I keep forgetting to turn the air on early enough to keep the temperatures in the tents from spiking. I'm trying guys. I'll catch it soon.
Carnival 3 (Day 112, flip+ 62) She really looks like some huge hulking thing in the corner, doesn't she?
She got her Brix + WA last Saturday and a good drink of plain water yesterday.
Those colas are getting bigger by the moment, or so it appears.
She's foxtailing in all directions.
CBD Critical Cure 2.2 (Day 102, flip + 62) She's panting guys, but she's still giving off new pistils. Brix foliar + WA last Saturday with everyone else, and a sweet drink of water yesterday. I missed their scheduled drench the day before so she was pretty dry. I still stuck to the single gallon of water, intending to get another drench in before harvest.
Yeah........ This girl looks healthy and heavy. And she's still going. Lol!
We're getting close.
Whew! Made it.
I love online seminars. Most of the ones I take are for medicinal cannabis, but I recently stumbled over one on "Manifesting Your Soulmate." It's a ten day run with 3.5 hours of listening per day, and I let myself miss the first day, so I've been catching up today. My mind is swimming in the new wave language of relationships. This is like a whole other universe, but one I find absolutely fascinating. They're teaching me to understand the male brain.
I'm into day 3 of 10, so if I'm a little absent for the next week, this is my explanation. Lol! I go into full-out student mode and take copious notes, which can take forever when you can stop the tape and rewind. It sucked the entire day away and now I'm exhausted. Think I'll turn into a woman who sleeps, get up tomorrow morning and do it all again.
Gosh..... someday kids are gonna say "Stop the what and do what?"
Thank you for paying us a visit. I hope the girls and I made the stop worth it.
The Malawi was wonderful today. Tomorrow I'll dance with the Panama Haze. Then I'll be ready to give my impressions. Until the morning....