SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

Damn...let me get @Duggan over here
Great day to ya Sue - I expect lots of little micro naps throughout your days could be a very helpful thing during this transition :Namaste:

Sound advice Amy. :hug: I just carried a stack of packing boxes from the Lowe’s Home Improvement store a mile and a half away, walking in the summer heat of the setting sun. I’m gonna take one of those naps right now.
A considered path, but I can’t bring myself to do that. Part of me wants to start over, from scratch, and see what happens.

I do seem to remember that you have a few cannabis seeds at hand, lol, so I guess keeping "cuts" when you move would save you a little time at best - unless you happen to have Something Special™ growing that you either have no seeds of or have concerns about reproducing (rare phenotype, et cetera) .

<SHRUGS> It's just that a random cannabis plant is probably at least slightly more likely to survive a move than a piece of random glassware, lol.

Candy Cane is now sold as an auto. This was an early batch that proved to be unstable. I believe Crop King stabilized the genetics. I’ve been considering growing the auto and seeing if it’ll fit the bill for her. The profiles should be reasonably close, don’t you think?

Eh... We like you, Sue, we like you a lot. I'm sure your daughter is a fine young lady and all... But is her profile "reasonably close" to yours, lol? By that, I mean if you disappeared... NOW, would your daughter be able to instantly step in and fill all your particular roles? Because the difference in the CC you're growing and the CCA that would (as far as I know) be the closest commercial replacement is a generational one. The breeder would have had to have crossed his/her product at least one additional time - either a back-cross with the same auto-flowering line as before (which would shift the profile anywhere from a bit to quite a bit, I imagine) or through the introduction of another one altogether (which would change it).

The breeder had to ensure that there was a "double-shot" of the auto-flowering gene, because it is a recessive one. This is, of course, completely unlike hunting through a bag of candy until you find two of a certain color, lol. It's more like trying to dump two sets of bags of candy together until you find a pile that has two of that color side-by-side - and then you're stuck with whatever else is in the pile.

Okay, not exactly. But I was trying to illustrate that we cannot readily choose the exact makeup of our cannabis plants' genetics; we can only... choose the parents and depend on nature to roll the dice.

Hopefully, you'll be able to recover whatever it is that makes the strain special to you. That "magic" might appear in every (new) seed, in every new pack of seeds, in every few packs of seeds, or... Not. As the version you currently have is special to you, I hope it is pretty common in the current version of the line - and that you leave an example behind with a trusted grower, just in case you end up needing/wanting to recover it in the future.

BtW, I keep forgetting to ask, but feel this could have some importance: IF you rely on any state-run or state-administered programs (such as Medicaid), it might be wise to compare and contrast PA's and LA's versions of the things. I had actually once thought that Medicaid was Medicaid, regardless of where one lived. Then I was encouraged to see if I qualified so that I could use it to deal with some dental and vision (et cetera) issues. Turns out my state doesn't much care what condition you're in as long as you have a pulse (and if you don't, lol, you're not its problem). Need glasses? Stand closer :rolleyes: . Can't eat because your dental pain is killing you? Buy baby food until it's actually killing you, then you can qualify under the (paraphrased) "requires a procedure to save life" requirement. My buddy, on the other hand, lives in the next state over - and he gets "preventive care," "wellness" crap, or whatever you want to call it. He even has regular dental check-ups and yearly(?) cleanings covered.

LA ought to have lots of money for state-run programs, IMHO. After all, the Port of New Orleans is at the center of the world's busiest port system, and it brings in hundreds of millions of dollars annually to the state's tax coffers (although the local government seems to favor tax credits to this entity and others related to it :rolleyes: ) . However, I suspect that you'll notice a negative difference in the two states' programs.

In other words, take advantage of all the benefits you can while you're still in PA.

Next grow I'm trying another auto in DWC

The Blue Dream'matic Auto is insane in DWC

That's DWC, not the specific strain/plant, lol.

the high cost of auto seeds is over the first time I learn to seed one.

There are actually still "regular" (non-feminized) auto-flowering cannabis seeds available. Not the specific ones you're interested in, AfaIK, but lots.

Lol not sure that’s really true. These autos have crazy genetics and weird stuff can result. Especially if you self one. I can’t wait to try it for myself too though.

I think feminized seeds and autos are why everyone has hermies now-a-daze. I never had a single hermie back in the day and was way less careful about light leaks and everything really.

I did - but I liked Asian strains ;) .

There is something to your idea, though. Poor breeding practices, unstable (or non-stabilized) lines, allowing "selfing" in the commercial production rooms, et cetera.

Huh! Ok, that's an interesting thought I hadn't considered. I grow in these smaller tents, so nanners don't scare me the way they might another grower.

I hate (unplanned) male flowers. Especially in small grows; one can ruin the entire space.

Is the cannabinoid development stunted if seeds are generated?

Did you stop gaining weight and eating for two when you gave birth, lol? EDIT: Whoops, that was unclear. Did you start gaining weight and eating for two when you got pregnant? Maybe your body did some rearranging of priorities.

The sole purpose for a plant is to make seeds. Seed-development becomes prioritized. So my answer would be "YES." I could make a hypothetical case for certain terpine development possibly being enhanced in some strains when a plant gets seeded, if, at some point during evolution, some strains survived/proliferated better if a mutation caused their buds to get eaten by more (and more widely-ranging) animals, thus spreading the seeds over a wider area. But cannabinoid development ordinarily (in sinsemilla) continues to the harvest (assuming a proper harvest date, lol). This is in direct conflict with seed development, IMHO; the cannabinoid development suffers.

This is the whole point of producing sinsemilla in the first place, lol. Well... That, plus the fact that finding a seed in a lit joint is annoying as <BLEEP!>, not wanting to waste resources on male plants, etc.

How would I even find that out?

Use a stable strain. Have multiple grows that are in no way able to influence each other. Take, IDK, 50 cuttings from one mother plant, root them, and then pick out a smaller number of rooted clones to actually use in your experiment; the larger initial number should help ensure that you can end up with a set of rooted clones that are as close to each other in size/etc. as possible. Have one set as your "control" set; these will remain sinsemilla plants. Pollinate another set early, a third set a little later, a fourth set later still... And so on until you've run out of rooted clones.

For best results: Divide each set into two subsets. For the first subset, ensure that every variable is the same, including feed times, nutrient amounts and ratios of same, et cetera. For the second subset, tailor everything specifically for the specific plants' needs (there might be some variance between a pollinated female plant's needs and a "virginal" one's, and having the two subsets will help allow for this). Do not use plants that were produced by selfing (and non-feminized would be best, so as to remove as many factors as possible that could (conceivably) skew your results). These grows should be occur simultaneously, not sequentially (things change over time).

You could do the same thing, sort of, with an auto-flowering strain - but due to the naturally higher variance between a handful of seeds and a like number of clones, you'd want to increase your sample size dramatically; otherwise, you have no way of knowing whether or not any differences in your results were caused by differences in the plants.

You'd tie up some resources properly performing such an experiment. While the cost of electricity (and water, for that matter, over time) is not insignificant, I'd guess that your biggest drains would be in regards to time and space.

It might also be best to arrange to have samples of each subset tested post-harvest for content. Some differences are not always correctly quantifiable via "seat of the pants" testing. Out of three samples, which is strongest? Well, a and b are both pretty strong, lol. Like that. Also... I have been thinking in terms of "power" - as if there was only ONE cannabinoid in the bud and that things were determined by how much of it is present. We all know this is not the case! What if not just the amounts, but the ratios of the various cannabinoids change, too? This is... within the realm of possibility, at least, since we do not know everything about the various cannabinoinds produced by cannabis plants and, therefore, we do not know whether or not the plant might use one or more of them for something when seeds are developing (or if the ratios change due to an indirect cause provoked by the seed presence). And cannabinoids... one can lead to several, lol. What if this initial cannabinoid gets affected? Or one of the enzymes/etc. that are required for the various conversion processes?

Also, at 2’ deep they allow for placement along a single wall that won’t intrude so much on the room. I could line my bedroom wall with them, in all likelihood.

Homebox sells two "corner tents" among its many product offerings. They're more or less triangular in shape; actually, they're five-sided, but it's just a triangle that sets in the corner of a room, and the ends of the front (where the door is) have been truncated slightly and two really skinny wall panels are used to connect the "shortened" door wall to the two angled sides. It looks like those two additional small walls were added to the basic traingle shape because, hey, they must assume that you'd stick a corner tent into a corner and, therefore, you might not be able to ventilate via the walls in the corner, so they provided the two "extra" walls that are just wide enough to have ventilation/etc. ports. If that makes any sense. These two tents are the same area, but one is taller than the other. Like many of Homebox's tents, these two have the best (PAR) reflectivity in the industry (white walls ;) ) . I'd post an image, but the company isn't a sponsor and we do have a "comparable" sponsor. I won't post a live link, either, for the same reason.

However, since Gorilla Grow Tents does not offer this specific product type, I think I can safely post a non-live link to these two specific products:

This landlord I’m going to be working with understands the necessity of ventilation.

LOL, yeah, I'd reckon.

I found flip flops that’ll work for me.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, not flip-flops. Those things are even more worthless than sandals, IMHO, and should be relegated to prisons and jails for the sole purpose of giving inmates something to wear from their cells to the showers and back without having to bend over to take the things off at any point during the task.

But that's just me. Some folks feel that sporks ought to only exist in prisons - and I rather like those.

I just carried a stack of packing boxes from the Lowe’s

Egg crates are free at the grocery store, lol (and are of decent size). Liquor stores are good places to go for boxes, too.

OtOH, I am guessing that the boxes you bought came flat and easier to carry, lol.
Everything is looking great, Sue, and congrat's and best wishes with the move! Your Gorilla is a monster and, is this that Carnival that had all the mold on the roots?:


If so, very nice recovery!!! :welldone:
I do seem to remember that you have a few cannabis seeds at hand, lol, so I guess keeping "cuts" when you move would save you a little time at best - unless you happen to have Something Special™ growing that you either have no seeds of or have concerns about reproducing (rare phenotype, et cetera) .

<SHRUGS> It's just that a random cannabis plant is probably at least slightly more likely to survive a move than a piece of random glassware, lol.

Eh... We like you, Sue, we like you a lot. I'm sure your daughter is a fine young lady and all... But is her profile "reasonably close" to yours, lol? By that, I mean if you disappeared... NOW, would your daughter be able to instantly step in and fill all your particular roles? Because the difference in the CC you're growing and the CCA that would (as far as I know) be the closest commercial replacement is a generational one. The breeder would have had to have crossed his/her product at least one additional time - either a back-cross with the same auto-flowering line as before (which would shift the profile anywhere from a bit to quite a bit, I imagine) or through the introduction of another one altogether (which would change it).

The breeder had to ensure that there was a "double-shot" of the auto-flowering gene, because it is a recessive one. This is, of course, completely unlike hunting through a bag of candy until you find two of a certain color, lol. It's more like trying to dump two sets of bags of candy together until you find a pile that has two of that color side-by-side - and then you're stuck with whatever else is in the pile.

Okay, not exactly. But I was trying to illustrate that we cannot readily choose the exact makeup of our cannabis plants' genetics; we can only... choose the parents and depend on nature to roll the dice.

Hopefully, you'll be able to recover whatever it is that makes the strain special to you. That "magic" might appear in every (new) seed, in every new pack of seeds, in every few packs of seeds, or... Not. As the version you currently have is special to you, I hope it is pretty common in the current version of the line - and that you leave an example behind with a trusted grower, just in case you end up needing/wanting to recover it in the future.

BtW, I keep forgetting to ask, but feel this could have some importance: IF you rely on any state-run or state-administered programs (such as Medicaid), it might be wise to compare and contrast PA's and LA's versions of the things. I had actually once thought that Medicaid was Medicaid, regardless of where one lived. Then I was encouraged to see if I qualified so that I could use it to deal with some dental and vision (et cetera) issues. Turns out my state doesn't much care what condition you're in as long as you have a pulse (and if you don't, lol, you're not its problem). Need glasses? Stand closer :rolleyes: . Can't eat because your dental pain is killing you? Buy baby food until it's actually killing you, then you can qualify under the (paraphrased) "requires a procedure to save life" requirement. My buddy, on the other hand, lives in the next state over - and he gets "preventive care," "wellness" crap, or whatever you want to call it. He even has regular dental check-ups and yearly(?) cleanings covered.

LA ought to have lots of money for state-run programs, IMHO. After all, the Port of New Orleans is at the center of the world's busiest port system, and it brings in hundreds of millions of dollars annually to the state's tax coffers (although the local government seems to favor tax credits to this entity and others related to it :rolleyes: ) . However, I suspect that you'll notice a negative difference in the two states' programs.

In other words, take advantage of all the benefits you can while you're still in PA.

That's DWC, not the specific strain/plant, lol.

There are actually still "regular" (non-feminized) auto-flowering cannabis seeds available. Not the specific ones you're interested in, AfaIK, but lots.

I did - but I liked Asian strains ;) .

There is something to your idea, though. Poor breeding practices, unstable (or non-stabilized) lines, allowing "selfing" in the commercial production rooms, et cetera.

I hate (unplanned) male flowers. Especially in small grows; one can ruin the entire space.

Did you stop gaining weight and eating for two when you gave birth, lol? EDIT: Whoops, that was unclear. Did you start gaining weight and eating for two when you got pregnant? Maybe your body did some rearranging of priorities.

The sole purpose for a plant is to make seeds. Seed-development becomes prioritized. So my answer would be "YES." I could make a hypothetical case for certain terpine development possibly being enhanced in some strains when a plant gets seeded, if, at some point during evolution, some strains survived/proliferated better if a mutation caused their buds to get eaten by more (and more widely-ranging) animals, thus spreading the seeds over a wider area. But cannabinoid development ordinarily (in sinsemilla) continues to the harvest (assuming a proper harvest date, lol). This is in direct conflict with seed development, IMHO; the cannabinoid development suffers.

This is the whole point of producing sinsemilla in the first place, lol. Well... That, plus the fact that finding a seed in a lit joint is annoying as <BLEEP!>, not wanting to waste resources on male plants, etc.

Use a stable strain. Have multiple grows that are in no way able to influence each other. Take, IDK, 50 cuttings from one mother plant, root them, and then pick out a smaller number of rooted clones to actually use in your experiment; the larger initial number should help ensure that you can end up with a set of rooted clones that are as close to each other in size/etc. as possible. Have one set as your "control" set; these will remain sinsemilla plants. Pollinate another set early, a third set a little later, a fourth set later still... And so on until you've run out of rooted clones.

For best results: Divide each set into two subsets. For the first subset, ensure that every variable is the same, including feed times, nutrient amounts and ratios of same, et cetera. For the second subset, tailor everything specifically for the specific plants' needs (there might be some variance between a pollinated female plant's needs and a "virginal" one's, and having the two subsets will help allow for this). Do not use plants that were produced by selfing (and non-feminized would be best, so as to remove as many factors as possible that could (conceivably) skew your results). These grows should be occur simultaneously, not sequentially (things change over time).

You could do the same thing, sort of, with an auto-flowering strain - but due to the naturally higher variance between a handful of seeds and a like number of clones, you'd want to increase your sample size dramatically; otherwise, you have no way of knowing whether or not any differences in your results were caused by differences in the plants.

You'd tie up some resources properly performing such an experiment. While the cost of electricity (and water, for that matter, over time) is not insignificant, I'd guess that your biggest drains would be in regards to time and space.

It might also be best to arrange to have samples of each subset tested post-harvest for content. Some differences are not always correctly quantifiable via "seat of the pants" testing. Out of three samples, which is strongest? Well, a and b are both pretty strong, lol. Like that. Also... I have been thinking in terms of "power" - as if there was only ONE cannabinoid in the bud and that things were determined by how much of it is present. We all know this is not the case! What if not just the amounts, but the ratios of the various cannabinoids change, too? This is... within the realm of possibility, at least, since we do not know everything about the various cannabinoinds produced by cannabis plants and, therefore, we do not know whether or not the plant might use one or more of them for something when seeds are developing (or if the ratios change due to an indirect cause provoked by the seed presence). And cannabinoids... one can lead to several, lol. What if this initial cannabinoid gets affected? Or one of the enzymes/etc. that are required for the various conversion processes?

Homebox sells two "corner tents" among its many product offerings. They're more or less triangular in shape; actually, they're five-sided, but it's just a triangle that sets in the corner of a room, and the ends of the front (where the door is) have been truncated slightly and two really skinny wall panels are used to connect the "shortened" door wall to the two angled sides. It looks like those two additional small walls were added to the basic traingle shape because, hey, they must assume that you'd stick a corner tent into a corner and, therefore, you might not be able to ventilate via the walls in the corner, so they provided the two "extra" walls that are just wide enough to have ventilation/etc. ports. If that makes any sense. These two tents are the same area, but one is taller than the other. Like many of Homebox's tents, these two have the best (PAR) reflectivity in the industry (white walls ;) ) . I'd post an image, but the company isn't a sponsor and we do have a "comparable" sponsor. I won't post a live link, either, for the same reason.

However, since Gorilla Grow Tents does not offer this specific product type, I think I can safely post a non-live link to these two specific products:

LOL, yeah, I'd reckon.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, not flip-flops. Those things are even more worthless than sandals, IMHO, and should be relegated to prisons and jails for the sole purpose of giving inmates something to wear from their cells to the showers and back without having to bend over to take the things off at any point during the task.

But that's just me. Some folks feel that sporks ought to only exist in prisons - and I rather like those.

Egg crates are free at the grocery store, lol (and are of decent size). Liquor stores are good places to go for boxes, too.

OtOH, I am guessing that the boxes you bought came flat and easier to carry, lol.

TS, I felt like we sat and shared a bowl. That was fun reading. :hug:

Thank you for the overview of breeding. No......I'll leave all that work up to the guys who really get fired up about chucking pollen. They can get the seeds to me and I'll show them off. :battingeyelashes:

The flip-flops are marked as "a start" because I intend to replace them with better, but that can wait until I'm settled in. At the moment all I had were my walking shoes and a pair of Sketchers slip-ons about to wear through. I can't move to southern Louisanna with no footwear that let my feet breathe.

I'm gonna have to check out those Homebox tents when I have a moment. The free moments are becoming scarce. I've started being ruthless with my culling. :yahoo: First pickup of boxes is scheduled for Wednesday. :slide: Do that every week and before you know it I'm down to what I'll be taking along.

Minimalist with no furniture. Lol! This'll be fun. :rofl:

Everything is looking great, Sue, and congrat's and best wishes with the move! Your Gorilla is a monster and, is this that Carnival that had all the mold on the roots?:


If so, very nice recovery!!! :welldone:

Thank you K. :hug: Yes indeed, that's the very same clone. She's headed for much more productive times in someone else's garden. It pleases me to know I'll be leaving Carnival in the Burgh. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I'll leave that for TS. It confused me too. :battingeyelashes:

DDA 8 finally decided to bloom. *relieved sigh*

Showing color. Yahoo!! I'm gonna get in there and thin the hell out of her, so air can move. She looks like verticle is out of the question.

She has a long way to go if she's trying to catch up.

TS, I felt like we sat and shared a bowl.

Nah, couldn't have been me, lol; I'm in the post-cannabis depressive state.

Thank you for the overview of breeding.

What? No, that was (IIRC) in response to you wondering how(/if) seed development hurt cannibinoid production. I think.

Maybe not, I'm kind of... not my best day, kind of thing.

But just making babies, that's so easy that a couple of stupid teenagers can do it (unfortunately). If you want babies, but do not have one each, male and female stupid teenager, well, since cannabis plants only have a few less brain cells, lol, a male and female one of those will suffice. Just leave them together for any length of time under the right conditions.

The flip-flops are marked as "a start" because I intend to replace them with better, but that can wait until I'm settled in. At the moment all I had were my walking shoes and a pair of Sketchers slip-ons about to wear through. I can't move to southern Louisanna with no footwear that let my feet breathe.

I was just being me. I really have no... shoe to stand in, here. My only pair is a pair of $19.99 boots I bought at K-Mart before the local store went t!ts-up thanks to Sears wishing to hang on to its name instead of its survivability as a corporation :rolleyes: - and that was some time ago now. Long enough that they really need a new application of duct tape, come to think of it.

I'm gonna have to check out those Homebox tents when I have a moment.

Be aware that I have no personal experience with the brand. I think Amy might have ordered one recently, but I cannot swear to it, or (if she did) whether or not she bought one of the models with white interior walls, a corner model, et cetera. But (again, assuming she now owns one) she might be able to talk about quality and features.

Pick any cannabis strain, and it'll do better in DWC than in the same size soil(ish) container. <SHRUGS> That's just DWC.
Pick any cannabis strain, and it'll do better in DWC than in the same size soil(ish) container. <SHRUGS> That's just DWC

That was my point, to do a DDA in DWC and get a bigger plant then we have previously
think Amy might have ordered one recently, but I cannot swear to it, or (if she did) whether or not she bought one of the models with white interior walls, a corner model, et cetera. But (again, assuming she now owns one) she might be able to talk about quality and features.

Yes I did. And I did order one with the white interior but that’s not what I got because it turned out not to be in stock (after I’d orsere and paid), and the only one in stock with the same dimensions was their cheaper model, with the silver reflective interior.

Look it’s a solid tent and sturdy, and totally non toxic (which is important for me in particular at this time). But 1. I was bummed not to get the white interior and the slightly better model 2. It’s light leaky. The zipper, which I can kind of correct by smoothing out the kinks on the inside as I zip it up (but I’d have to do it very time), the seams around the ‘windows’ have lots of little tiny points of light when I have the room dark and the light In the tent is on.

What I plan to do is see if I can upgrade to their higher model - either the one I wanted in the first place, or the next step up even to their top line. Both have the par+ lining I like, and I think the top line one comes in my preferred dimension.

The build is, apart from that, sturdy and strong and the zips are good. (The leaks in the zip are only when the inside fabric panels don’t overlap properly.

Oh - and the vents at the bottom have Velcro on covers but it seems a lot to ask that a grower would have to manually put these on each night to maintain light security. So I’ll need to fashion something to cover them. For me it’s not a huge deal because the room it’s in is usually very dark, and it’s no problem to keep it that way, but it’s not great. So what I got was the GrowLab which is the model that’s being phased out. And the new version of this one (HomeLab?) may well have addressed these issues. Also, I’m inexperienced indoors and don’t know if these pinpricks of light I see at the window seams (and the side seams) are a problem or not.

So keep in mind that I’m talking there about the outgoing model of this the lowest priced in their range. It want the model of ordered and was kind of the only workable option o ce it became clear they couldn’t get me what I’d orderd (fro some months). Their upper range tents may not have these micro light issues, and maybe they’re not issues, and the newer version of this cheap range may have improved as well. And outside of those little pricks of light, the tent seems really very good and solidly built.

I hope that helps! It seems convoluted, but, well, it is a bit. I plan to ring the supplier tomorrow and just have a talk about it and see if I have any options. They’re were really apologetic about not having the one I ordered so maybe they will help me upgrade this one.

Yes I did.

Thank you for posting the above report/review.

And I did order one with the white interior but that’s not what I got because it turned out not to be in stock (after I’d orsere and paid)

That would have pretty much ended the relationship between the seller and myself, I think. Was it purchased directly through Homebox or via a third party?

Look it’s a solid tent and sturdy, and totally non toxic

Good; as you mentioned, that's important.

It’s light leaky.

NOT good. The company advertises:
Completely lightproof - Total-Blackout Zippers provide additional strength and light-proofing without the fuss of flaps and Velcro. Tough canvas material with an inner layer of thick, flexible, food-grade polyethylene.

as one of their selling points. Also that whole "High-PAR Inner Wall" thing, supposed to be the best reflectivity in the industry.

What I plan to do is see if I can upgrade to their higher model - either the one I wanted in the first place, or the next step up even to their top line. Both have the par+ lining I like, and I think the top line one comes in my preferred dimension.

I'd contact someone at Homebox, see if they can work with you (especially if your original purchase was through one of their authorized retailers) on getting the tent you actually ordered. Assuming it's not too late to file a stop-payment order with your credit card company (if you used one), of course.

Oh - and the vents at the bottom have Velcro on covers but it seems a lot to ask that a grower would have to manually put these on each night to maintain light security.

That seems to be a common thing in grow tents, AfaIK. Light-traps are pretty easy to make (depending on how much space you have available at the vent).

So what I got was the GrowLab which is the model that’s being phased out. And the new version of this one (HomeLab?) may well have addressed these issues.

Wait... GrowLab? Are you sure that's not a completely different brand? The closest (in name) I could find on Homebox's website was their HomeLab line. I had to search the greater Internet to find GrowLab - and I found this website:

Very similar addresses. But that one looks pretty sketchy, IMHO. See the text on the main page:
The GrowLab utilizes thermal film on the interior which is highly reflective, waterproof, and extremely insulative (offering 97% thermal protection). This film is also non-toxic and won’t release any harmful gasses that can damage sensitive plants. All of the zippers used in the tent are extremely durable.

To get the most of out the plants you grow with our GrowLab tents we recommend using a vaporizer. A vaporizer is an electronic device, whichmost of them look like a power bank at first glance, that heats up your plants to your preferred temperature and releases the aromas either directly by a mouthpiece or indirectly by the use of a ballon.

The GrowLab utilizes intake/exhaust ports that allows them to adjust to fit various sizes of ducting. Drawstrings eliminate the need for duct hose clamps and make installation of ducting and fans quick and easy. The GrowLab also utilizes...

Yes, they actually stop and tell people to use a vaporizer to "heat up your plants," right near the top of their text, FFS.

Those two websites are not only run on different servers, they're physically located on two different continents; the Homebox server is (as is the company) located in Germany, while the "homebox-growlab" one is located in the United States of America. IDK. I tend to get suspicious easier than some, I guess.

Also, I’m inexperienced indoors and don’t know if these pinpricks of light I see at the window seams (and the side seams) are a problem or not.

I think most of us err on the side of paranoia where this issue is concerned (until we screw up and don't ;) ) . It's something to be concerned about, but how much light actually enters the tent when it's - as yours is - in a room that isn't exactly well-lit? I'd suggest you sit in the tent (all zipped up) with the tent lighting off and the room lighting on and check, but our eyes do not handle low-light conditions well, and they do not handle sudden shifts from light to darkness at all... so you'd either have to be in there a while or wear a blindfold for an hour before getting in there, lol.

IDK. Plants obviously spend some portion of their "nighttime lives" in conditions of less than total darkness, and they still flower. But they do so in a different time frame, and the number of hours of darkness is changing (unless one lives on the equator), so it's somewhat difficult to state whether or not those periods of "not completely dark" do effect the flowering time and, if so, to quantify it.

model of ordered and was kind of the only workable option o ce it became clear they couldn’t get me what I’d orderd (fro some months). Their upper range tents may not have these micro light issues, and maybe they’re not issues, and the newer version of this cheap range may have improved as well. And outside of those little pricks of light, the tent seems really very good and solidly built.

Here is Homebox's official contact page:
Get in touch, explain what you tried to purchase, what you ended up receiving, et cetera. All you have to lose is some time (and little enough of that).

I hope that helps!

Knowledge generally does, lol. Paste the above information into this thread, if you like:
Grow Tent Reviews Wanted

I plan to ring the supplier tomorrow and just have a talk about it and see if I have any options. They’re were really apologetic about not having the one I ordered so maybe they will help me upgrade this one.

I would still get in touch with the manufacturer, and soon. Maybe it won't be necessary, but if it is, time is passing. . . .
thanks TS

So yeah - I realised at the time he was passing me the low end brand. But it was less low end than the other option which was their in-house, made in China brand he was suggesting (the only other tent the same dimensions on the planet it seems)

through Homebox or via a third party?
Aus authorised retailer.

Wait... GrowLab?

Sorry - HomeLab, but actually it’s the same. HomeLab is what GriwLab used to be called and I was told that it’s a lower end product made by Homebox (but as you noted not quite the same - a subsidiary brand maybe?). So I knew it at the time and I did ask him to make a note that I wasn’t really very happy about it but would give it a go. And he was satisfactorily apologetic (genuine?, one can never tell but I always like to go there first if everything seems good).

So - yeah. I do want a better one, I saved up for it so I might as well hustle a bit for it. They refunded me the difference alreday but I’ll just ring the store tomorrow and see how we go with an upgrade option. I’m a very tenacious person in circumstances like this, so I’m sure I’ll get it sorted.
In fact, your advice about calling Homebox first is timely it’s probably worth discussing the situation with them first even if I then talk to the shop after. Thy retailer certainly implied it was still a HomeBox made tent, just a bit lower end. I might do well to confirm that before I call the shop :thumb:

So ... long story short for anyone looking at a Homebox :rofl:, make sure it’s an Ambient or Evolution model ... not a GrowLab.

I’m going to be trading this up to either of those, one way or another. Hopefully I’ll be able to come back and tell you it’s awesome :)

Hi Sue!!:ciao:
Oh and TS - I meant to pick this up earlier, but when Sue asked about profiles being pretty much the same or not, I’m pretty sure she was referring to the auto and the regular Candy Cane - cause she was speculating about whether the auto would do for the daughter ;)
Oh and TS - I meant to pick this up earlier, but when Sue asked about profiles being pretty much the same or not, I’m pretty sure she was referring to the auto and the regular Candy Cane - cause she was speculating about whether the auto would do for the daughter ;)

Right, that's what I responded to. You don't just magic a line into auto-flowering, you need the recessive AF gene to be present in the seed generation, and it must "be there double" (because it is recessive). So, in effect, you are no longer selling the same strain. What you have might be (and, presumably, is) a cross of that previous thing, but it is no longer the same. Breeders aren't gene-splicers, lol, so this new thing is made in the traditional way - meaning that the source of the AF gene (or the additional one, more likely, as - an assumption again - I'm guessing it was present before, just occluded (so to speak) by the dominant non-AF gene) would have donated more than just that single piece of information to the equation.

I've done some small amount of breeding in the past (personal use only, not for seed sales). You find a real good line but there's a thing you dislike, or you wish to introduce one or more qualities from a different line. So then you set out to fix the trait you're trying to add while not losing what you liked about the line in the first place. Sometimes it's textbook, other times you're never really satisfied. Or maybe that's just when dealing with small numbers of plants. At one time, I'd have been gullible enough to believe that commercial cannabis breeders work with hundreds of examples of each thing they're working on, at minimum. But in the last few years I've realized that probably isn't the case. You don't just need room to grow the plants - you need room to keep them separated. Otherwise, your seeds will always be at least a tiny bit suspect, IMHO. So I'm guessing that a lot of breeders (probably not all of them) work with relatively small numbers of plants. IDK, though, really.

As to whether the "repaired" version will have the same cannabinoid profile as the original one... Flip a coin. Weight it on one side all you like, but there's still a chance it'll come up tails. Just have to grow it out and see. That's why I advised (I hope I did, I really have trouble to think today for some reason) her to make sure the line she possesses got saved somehow, in case she ended up wanting (/needing) it in the future.

IDK. I'm going to try again to go to sleep. Need to be bright-tailed and bushy-eyed in a few hours ;) . Sunday is the Family Duty day of my weeks, that's pretty much carved in stone.
However, I suspect that you'll notice a negative difference in the two states' programs.

Ya know... I feel a certain sense of responsibility for this 'rolling boulder'. As such, I've tried to envision all the issues. This one I had totally not considered.
I leave it in Sue's capable hands... but wow, good catch TS!
Ya know... I feel a certain sense of responsibility for this 'rolling boulder'. As such, I've tried to envision all the issues. This one I had totally not considered.
I leave it in Sue's capable hands... but wow, good catch TS!

I’ll be looking into it. I’ll qualify for Medicare in December, which changes everything.

I’ve enjoyed the company of my senior friends at the center, and there are three centers reasonably close to where I’ll be living. They’ll have capable staff to shepherd me into the medical structure.

The law as it stands is convoluted enough that I may squeak through until December. I haven’t needed more than emergency care in over three years, and I’ll be getting new glasses before I move. It’ll all settle out.

I don’t have much use for the medical establishment for myself. I’m fairly healthy and energetic and haven’t been to see my own PC in almost three years.

I’m kinda a disappointment to my medical team. It’s implied that you’ll support the system by showing up for regular check-ups and labs. I haven’t been cooperative in generating their cash flow. Lol!

I’m hot and sweaty from the walk and I was up too late. I’m going back to sleep for a bit. BigBearNTexas is stopping this afternoon. I want to be bright and alert.

I’ll get to meet a new friend and show off the garden. :yahoo:

Drive=by. Pretty... How did your DOG come out? I've seen three different pheno of it. Different bud structure and colors. Looking at them last pics, BTW nice,, the buds grew to the typical point on the tip. Mine kind of crown and grow kind of round. Mine loves the calcium at transition. And droops badly at lights out for the first few weeks. Most of the hairs on mine turn dark red after 3 weeks and had a berry type smell least that's what I hear.. . You still got alot going on. You probably said but are you taking any plants with ya?
Right, that's what I responded to. You don't just magic a line into auto-flowering, you need the recessive AF gene to be present in the seed generation, and it must "be there double" (because it is recessive). So, in effect, you are no longer selling the same strain. What you have might be (and, presumably, is) a cross of that previous thing, but it is no longer the same. Breeders aren't gene-splicers, lol, so this new thing is made in the traditional way - meaning that the source of the AF gene (or the additional one, more likely, as - an assumption again - I'm guessing it was present before, just occluded (so to speak) by the dominant non-AF gene) would have donated more than just that single piece of information to the equation.

I've done some small amount of breeding in the past (personal use only, not for seed sales). You find a real good line but there's a thing you dislike, or you wish to introduce one or more qualities from a different line. So then you set out to fix the trait you're trying to add while not losing what you liked about the line in the first place. Sometimes it's textbook, other times you're never really satisfied.

This is 420% correct! :thumb:

At one time, I'd have been gullible enough to believe that commercial cannabis breeders work with hundreds of examples of each thing they're working on, at minimum. But in the last few years I've realized that probably isn't the case. You don't just need room to grow the plants - you need room to keep them separated. Otherwise, your seeds will always be at least a tiny bit suspect, IMHO. So I'm guessing that a lot of breeders (probably not all of them) work with relatively small numbers of plants. IDK, though, really.

Since you're an "Old Timer", like me, you may have already seen the post linked in my signature for The Bonsai Sultan Method: Typological Breeding In Little Space . It's a great method of conducting a scientific breeding program with large numbers of plants, in very limited space, using Bonsai's. I did not write the article (copied/pasted from another site!), but, having limited space myself, I have become a big fan of Bonsai's in order to be able to maintain my favorite strains as mom's; and I do plan on using a scaled down version of this method (which supports hundreds of plants!) in a few months. I'm going to build a small "breeding cabinet" that will be about the same size as my little mom/clone cab.
Drive=by. Pretty... How did your DOG come out? I've seen three different pheno of it. Different bud structure and colors. Looking at them last pics, BTW nice,, the buds grew to the typical point on the tip. Mine kind of crown and grow kind of round. Mine loves the calcium at transition. And droops badly at lights out for the first few weeks. Most of the hairs on mine turn dark red after 3 weeks and had a berry type smell least that's what I hear.. . You still got alot going on. You probably said but are you taking any plants with ya?

I’ll be passing on all the ones I haven’t harvested to Jgrow when I leave. He’ll maintain the couple genetic lines for me that can’t be replaced and we’ll negotiate clones when the time is right.

I have no plans of taking anything along. My seed bank is up to the task of replacing what I was growing, for the most part. This may be the universe’s way of getting me to try something new. I’ve recently come into some very interesting new genetics from other members.

Thanks for all the pointers Woody. :hug: I’m just now getting to the point where I notice the little details in development on different chemovars.
This is 420% correct! :thumb:

Since you're an "Old Timer", like me, you may have already seen the post linked in my signature for The Bonsai Sultan Method: Typological Breeding In Little Space ... I did not write the article (copied/pasted from another site!), but, having limited space myself, I have become a big fan of Bonsai's in order to be able to maintain my favorite strains as mom's; and I do plan on using a scaled down version of this method (which supports hundreds of plants!) in a few months. I'm going to build a small "breeding cabinet" that will be about the same size as my little mom/clone cab.

I was thinking that those little pots I’m using qualify as Bonsai mothers, if it weren’t for the fact that I was flowering them out and harvesting them in advance of the move.
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