SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

Weekly Update: Flowering Tents - Friday, August 3, 2018

Last, but not at all least, the girls in bloom. :slide:

Tent # 1

All three small pot clones are still at entry-level bloom nutes of 14 ml Parts A & B with 1 ml of Energy per gallon of water used. Carnival is now also receiving 8 ml of Bulk in her mix

I keep sleeping past lights on. *sigh*. Thankfully it’s only for a few moments before I get the air running and the room cools. It’ll be nice to have a setup where I get to vent out of the room I’m growing in. :yahoo:

Look at Carn go! :battingeyelashes:

There’s a lot going on in here. With a harvest date still 48 days off I feel like I’ll get a good harvest. Tomorrow the lights’ll be down to 10/14.

These small pots are deliciously structured. They feel like little jewels. Lol!

Devil’s Carnival has to be watered promptly every morning or she drops. She’s getting nutes one day, plain water the next. By the time we get close to harvestbIm sure it’ll be twice a day.

Tent # 3

Jumping over the 2nd tent while they get flushed we end up in Zam x Pan’s playground.

I haven’t increased her nutrient level. Her leaf tips are all burnt a tiny bit, so I’ll keep her at the same level I’ll now be keeping Carn - 14 ml Parts A & B with 8 ml of Bulk and 1 ml of Energy per gallon of water used.

Red Diesel, sitting beside her, has begun to prepare for her stretch. She’s up to 5 grams of Mega Crop per gallon of water used. Looking sexy as hell, but not at all like a sativa, does she?

I wish I had another month to let her go, but then again..... no I don’t. Lol! I’m ready for the move.

Tent # 2

It’s time to begin the flush. Both big soil girls got a couple gallons of water poured through.

I’ve discovered this girl demands water every day.

Platinum Scout V2 is still adjusting to the light change.

Just getting started. She shares the entry-level nutes with Mendocino Underdog # 2 and the girls in tent # 1.

Looking at them up close it’s obvious Royal Gorilla’s gonna be almost twice the yield of the Black D.O.G. Regardless, they’re both going to be great additions to what I’ll be leaving behind fornthe daughter to have in hand as I get started again in NOLA.

Ahhh..... another successful nickle tour comes to a close ladies and gentlemen. I thank you for stopping and sharing the joy. It sure is fun to show them off.

Packing and culling continue. This week I’ll do my best to give away the grandfather clock that brought Dale and I together, the gumball machine with his marbles inside and the guitar I haven’t picked up in three years.

All things that I won’t be needing anymore. Most of what I own I don’t need anymore. I’m considering taking some artwork, my clothes, my equipment and my stock and leave old Susan behind.

We’ll see how that pans out in the days ahead. I’d sure like to get my belongings down to the back of a pickup.

I keep saying that. I guess that’s where I’ll end up. Lol!

Time for a righteous buzz.
My DDA is super short but I noticed hairs today. I chose not to top mine.

I keep hoping that I will get the purple out of her. I know most carry the trait, but I only planted one.

#9 is a beauty :yummy:

Why thank you Ganjagrowergu. :hug: Yours is a beauty too, and I don’t entertain a thought that you wouldn’t see color. You’ll see it in the buds first, deep and strong. Then color stains the leaves and you know you have a winner. :slide:
I bet if you kept that old guitar you’d find plenty of use for it in NO. :theband:

That had crossed my mind. Lol! It's been standing in the hallway for over a year, waiting for me to list it for sale. I was planning on making someone's day with a price of $20, but I haven't done it yet, and I haven't been able to figure out why.

I'm too undisciplined to play a guitar. Lol! I also have small fingers that make it hard to wrap around the neck to hit the strings soundly. When I was in college and a music major my guitar teacher was frustrated by my uncooperative tiny hands. :rofl:

I think it's best to let it go. If I want to learn I'll find one in NOLA with a thinner neck.
I really hate to leave these two behind. These are her base meds and that means we have to find a substitute soon.

They ought to be safe in the moving truck, assuming they're in some sort of box. Odor shouldn't be a factor at that stage.
I keep sleeping past lights on. *sigh*. Thankfully it’s only for a few moments before I get the air running and the room cools. It’ll be nice to have a setup where I get to vent out of the room I’m growing in.

In New Orleans, you'll likely have that a/c running overnight to enable you to sleep - so I doubt you'll have that particular issue.

Zam x Pan’s playground.


(day) 33 + 48 (days until harvest) = 81 days. Is it going to be ready?
In New Orleans, you'll likely have that a/c running overnight to enable you to sleep - so I doubt you'll have that particular issue.

Zam x Pan’s playground.

(day) 33 + 48 (days until harvest) = 81 days. Is it going to be ready?[/QUOTE]

If I get 81 days it'll have to do.
It's been a constant battle from the beginning to get a perpetual up and running that stays up and running. :rofl:
I've gone perpetual 3 times :passitleft:

Thank you for the perspective. Lol!


I really love that Candy Cane though. Beautiful leafs and a little bushy plant I just love that! I'm hoping to do the same with my new Red Cherry Berry plant and well.... She grows mad fast! Let's hope my cat won't nibble on the plants this time.

She’s a vigorious one that I may need to clone if she starts to get away from me. Good luck with the Red Berry Cherry rik. What a delicious-sounding name.

Good morning everyone :love:

It’s gonna be a tearjerker kinda day. This must be the tail end of my “adapting to the idea” phase. Sheer terror hit before bed - a fleeting moment, and one I laugh about now, but I’m a little on the raw, weepy edge this morning.

Came back from my walk at 7 and fell back asleep. Two hours later and I’m ready to get drenches out of the way and get on with today’s games.

Let’s have some fun today, whatta you think? It’s a Saturday. Let’s play. :slide: I’m ready to get some packing started.

I’ve decided to start anew, so all the little Brix-a-brac I’ve been holding on to since college gets decorate someone else’s world. If I let it all go I get to fill the new space with new memories and find out who I grew up to be.

I’ll be taking very little of this with me in the end. That’s both frightening and empowering. This will be fun.

They ought to be safe in the moving truck, assuming they're in some sort of box. Odor shouldn't be a factor at that stage.

A considered path, but I can’t bring myself to do that. Part of me wants to start over, from scratch, and see what happens.

Candy Cane is now sold as an auto. This was an early batch that proved to be unstable. I believe Crop King stabilized the genetics. I’ve been considering growing the auto and seeing if it’ll fit the bill for her. The profiles should be reasonably close, don’t you think?

Growing as an auto costs me more, but they come in quicker too, and when I figure out how to grow autos in hempy and get good yields this would give me more options.

The rest of the genetics I have replacements for in that crazy seed bank I maintain.
Next grow I'm trying another auto in DWC

The Blue Dream'matic Auto is insane in DWC
I'm hoping I can do a DDA in DWC with similar results
Next grow I'm trying another auto in DWC

The Blue Dream'matic Auto is insane in DWC
I'm hoping I can do a DDA in DWC with similar results

Rifleman did a decent job with his, to my recollection. Lol! It just occured to me that the high cost of auto seeds is over the first time I learn to seed one.
Rifleman did a decent job with his, to my recollection. Lol! It just occured to me that the high cost of auto seeds is over the first time I learn to seed one.

Which will happen. :cheesygrinsmiley:
It just occured to me that the high cost of auto seeds is over the first time I learn to seed one.
Lol not sure that’s really true. These autos have crazy genetics and weird stuff can result. Especially if you self one. I can’t wait to try it for myself too though.

I think feminized seeds and autos are why everyone has hermies now-a-daze. I never had a single hermie back in the day and was way less careful about light leaks and everything really.
Lol not sure that’s really true. These autos have crazy genetics and weird stuff can result. Especially if you self one. I can’t wait to try it for myself too though.

I think feminized seeds and autos are why everyone has hermies now-a-daze. I never had a single hermie back in the day and was way less careful about light leaks and everything really.

Huh! Ok, that's an interesting thought I hadn't considered. I grow in these smaller tents, so nanners don't scare me the way they might another grower. Is the cannabinoid development stunted if seeds are generated? Hmmm..... another new thought. That one is pretty significant in my world. I grow for oil, and quality is more important sometimes than quantity. Not always, but on occassion it does matter.

How would I even find that out? :hmmmm:
Huh! Ok, that's an interesting thought I hadn't considered. I grow in these smaller tents, so nanners don't scare me the way they might another grower. Is the cannabinoid development stunted if seeds are generated? Hmmm..... another new thought. That one is pretty significant in my world. I grow for oil, and quality is more important sometimes than quantity. Not always, but on occassion it does matter.

How would I even find that out? :hmmmm:
I don't know if cannabinoid development suffers. I smoked all my seeded buds after I removed seeds. I can't say it was as strong as a sinsemilla bud. Seeded bud of Ultra Dawg was strong but had trash-like pieces of undeveloped seeds, husks, and ovules. Quantity will suffer slightly but quality will be there. Just my opinion of course.

Do you still have the 4 x 4 tent? Will there be room for it in NOLA?
I don't know if cannabinoid development suffers. I smoked all my seeded buds after I removed seeds. I can't say it was as strong as a sinsemilla bud. Seeded bud of Ultra Dawg was strong but had trash-like pieces of undeveloped seeds, husks, and ovules. Quantity will suffer slightly but quality will be there. Just my opinion of course.

Do you still have the 4 x 4 tent? Will there be room for it in NOLA?

Good to hear Jim. :hug: To some extent I can offset by increasing yield.

I do still have the tent, but I’ve grown fond of the 27”x27” Mars-Hydro tents. They allow me to contain individual plants and I can learn to train for 2-3 per tent. I’ll be picking up one more to replace the tiny closet.

Also, at 2’ deep they allow for placement along a single wall that won’t intrude so much on the room. I could line my bedroom wall with them, in all likelihood.

This landlord I’m going to be working with understands the necessity of ventilation. For the first time I stand a chance at environmental control. :circle-of-love:

Look Jim..... I found flip flops that’ll work for me. :yahoo:

if I want to learn I'll find one in NOLA with a thinner neck.
I expect a guitar just right for you is already down there waiting for you Sue :love:

And yes, I’ve taught the guitar and all I can say about that ‘frustrated’ ‘teacher’ is they should find another job!! First teaching objective - make sure everything is set up to give the student the best possible chance at early success. Doesn’t matter what you’re teaching, this is key.

I expect there’s millions of wonderful guitars in NOLA of all shapes and sizes. :)

Oh this is exciting to be a small part of. I can’t wait to see your forest reach new heights with a controllable environment :slide:

And wow, all the folks who are getting your stash and genetics are gone feel like Christmas came early. Imagine getting to adopt that Zam x Pan!

Great day to ya Sue - I expect lots of little micro naps throughout your days could be a very helpful thing during this transition :Namaste:
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