SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

Good morning everyone :love:

We see grilled gator tail meat at fairs and other shindigs. Luvs me some grilled gator!
Damn.... do I have to share all my treats with Sue now?!?! Damn.

We'll make a deal..... you share your treats, I'll share mine. :battingeyelashes:

Yeah.......like I need an agreement to share. :rofl:

The daughter is somewhat fearful of the presence of our gator brethren in the waterways. Lol! I've assured her that one of my first scheduled events will be the locating of the pup that will walk me around my neighborhood and keep me company. The dog and I, and likely a cat - it's been 13 years since I had any pet - will form a sweet family unit out in the sticks.

You haven't seen the level of contentment I'll find out there where you think it's boringly quiet. :battingeyelashes: I'll be just as content in the center of the action, but I really look forward to the quiet as I dig into my greatest creative adventure outside of parenting.

Oh guys.... the daughter had a transitional moment last night when she began the transference of her emotional security from me to her partner. I've been within arm's reach her entire life, close, but leaving her lots of breathing space. Her anxiety disorder necessitates she have a safe person, and I've been it, despite the fact that he moved in three years ago

Sweet kid....he understands her anxiety and her fear of letting go of me, and he quietly waits on the sidelines for her to turn to him, being cautious to avoid feeling inadequate. Last night we saw the fruits of his patience burst forth, and for the first time I was the one inadequate to her need.

We understand she'll have a series of panicked moments leading up to my move, but we're confident that she's ready to accept it and be happy in her own space, without me being three steps away. That leaves me free to make my plans, assured she'll be stronger when the day comes that she watches me drive away.

You sat through all that, the least I can do is reward you with some on topic joy. Care to stroll through the tents on my morning check? :battingeyelashes: Come with me........

It all looks in order to me. I'll get it all in on time, and so far, no one is struggling. :slide: J wants me to hang onto the clones. He may be close to securing a new space. He'll be stopping by tomorrow, and I'm hoping to squish some bud with him. :battingeyelashes: After we talk we'll have a better idea of what's ahead in that arena.

I'm hoping to leave a cut of the Candy Cane with him for future shipping. I really don't want to lose that line if possible, but if it happens I have some excellent other candidates I've recieved from members that may replace the genetics. Candy Cane is her favorite sleep meds and though others work, they're not the same joyful tone upon ingesting.

Remember when I hesitated to clone? :rofl:

Alright, it's time to roll this bundle of joy out of bed and into the shower to get the excitement moving further than my fingertips. Lol! You all have the most splendid day ever. Get those hugs in. They're a healing force all their own. Those hugs will be what I miss most when I part from my youngest. She can train him. I'd have to allow someone new into my life to get those quality of hugs on a daily basis, and I'm not ready for that. Lol! The next year is SweetSue and her pets. I'll get my loving from them.

Continue on your joyful way. I'll catch up later. :ciao:
I think I could live on gumbo , jambalaya and mud bugs

I make a mean jambalaya

You can come visit and prove that to the Creole woman who'll be doing my cooking. Lol!

Big question Sue.. You suck deem heads???? I love the mudbugs too.. I just don't do the head butter myself just the tail.. You gotta do it or your not there proper........... Tead will expose ya proper.......... I use to live just north of Louisiana in Arkansas. And back when I was running with some bike clubs,, we had runs all over the place. Louisiana has alot of cool,, well maybe not cool,, but interesting places. Some cool, well interesting houses and nature down that ways.
I use to know afew from way down there, French/Black. I know them as something else but, I'll leave that out, but really interesting family valves. BIG tight families. I made it to a big party down there. Man, we got lite up on good shine and stuffed. That blackened food is the shit,, catfish... Now I'm getting homesick.

ALOT of history down there..

I was chasing Cajun before he passed, and I kinda had my heart set on meeting his family and getting some sense of the Acadian lifestyle. First time I hear the accent I'll probably cry with sheer joy. Not gonna happen that I'll meet his kin, but look.... I'm moving close to his old stompin' grounds. :cheesygrinsmiley: I think there's a chance I'll end up at a few backyard boils and learn to suck mud bugs with the best of them. I'm looking forward to that first queasy bite. Lol!

I'm not a drinker, which puts me in an odd category for NOLA, I'm sure, but I bet I can smoke any of them under the table and still be going. :slide:

I cannot tell you how many gator attacks have happened when people are walking their dogs along the water.
Dog is a gators favorite food, I have seen them scale a chain link fence to get to dogs. Yeah they are pretty good climbers, and can run pretty fast on land for short distances.

Ooooo..... M'lord. I'll take that into advisement. Are they more drawn to smaller dogs, because I'm not really a small dog kinda woman.
Any dog Sue,

I would just keep a safe distance between the water and the dog.
The sad part of it is the Gators smell the dog and attack, unfortunately both adults and children with the dogs have been grabbed and pulled under.

Not something I would worry about all the time, but is something to be cautious of.

I hear you m'lord. :hug: I'll stay alert and keep the dog safe.
Just carry a cat for bait when ya go for walks

We use to wade in swamps and lakes fishing down in South Florida back in the day. But Gators were on the endangered species list at the time.

They would sometimes come up to the stringer of fish on our side, but we would smack them with our fishing poles and they would leave.

Now days there are several million in Florida, which I guess makes competition for food and territory a bit more aggressive for them.
I'm not a drinker

We know how to fix that problem.... just sayin.

As for the gator visits.... if she roams the waterways, she'll be roaming Lake P or the Bayou.... don't get me wrong, keep the eye peeled, but not too many gators haunt those waters.
Isn't it just fun to be able to talk about roaming the bayous? Romantic! Ya'll just gotta suck up your bayou strollin envy... it's heavenly. Hell... a stroll along the Miss is good for the soul too.
We know how to fix that problem.... just sayin.

As for the gator visits.... if she roams the waterways, she'll be roaming Lake P or the Bayou.... don't get me wrong, keep the eye peeled, but not too many gators haunt those waters.
Isn't it just fun to be able to talk about roaming the bayous? Romantic! Ya'll just gotta suck up your bayou strollin envy... it's heavenly. Hell... a stroll along the Miss is good for the soul too.

How about Skunk Apes? Do you all have those there?
Maybe Sue can make contact by sharing some of her cob with them.
Good afternoon sweet Sue and everybody! Wow what a group of world class growers. My how time and experience go hand in hand. Very impressed. I've missed you all and hope all is well. I'll try to devote some time to starting up another journal. Somewhere around a dozen strains currently indoors and out. Switched to all organic supplements and fresh LEDs for the inside work. The ole cfl tent is still a work horse! Lol. Peace and love to all! STIHL..
You got my curious mind working here this morning. When was the last time you've driven an automobile?

Over 20 years Jim. I’d like to change that before I leave here, if it’s possible. Time’s pretty short with much to do. Driving never leaves you. All these years I’m still as alert as the driver every mile. Lol!

If I get my license here it makes the transition a little easier there, but I’m not above biking it for awhile either. I’ll have to get a bike and build up stamina and strength, but for me that’s fun waiting to be experienced. :battingeyelashes:!

Oh Noo.. I didn't think of that, we may need some sort of amber alert system that notifies us when Sue is on the road. :rofl:


We know how to fix that problem.... just sayin.

I’m a happy drunk - big surprise - but it gets sloppy after a time. Lol! Just a head’s up. I’m very cautious about alcohol. I’ve had my days. :battingeyelashes:

Tead said:
Isn't it just fun to be able to talk about roaming the bayous? Romantic! Ya'll just gotta suck up your bayou strollin envy... it's heavenly. Hell... a stroll along the Miss is good for the soul too.

Yes! Yes! Yes! :slide: Friends are starting to share places I can visit, interesting tours to take..... I’ll enjoy all of it, but for a time the quiet is going to be a balm to come back to.

Of course, there hasn’t been a home I inhabited that wasn’t a peaceful oasis. I look forward to what’s ahead.

Good afternoon sweet Sue and everybody! Wow what a group of world class growers. My how time and experience go hand in hand. Very impressed. I've missed you all and hope all is well. I'll try to devote some time to starting up another journal. Somewhere around a dozen strains currently indoors and out. Switched to all organic supplements and fresh LEDs for the inside work. The ole cfl tent is still a work horse! Lol. Peace and love to all! STIHL..

STIHL! :hug::hug::hug: What a delicious surprise! :hug: When you cant resist the urge to show them off drop a link here. :battingeyelashes:

So good to see you around again. :love:

I sure miss fishing that big river

Fishing.....another of those first-time experiences that lie ahead. Lol! I’ll be content to walk the banks of the Mighty Miss.
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