SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

I’m gonna allow myself to take the rest of the week to do nothing more than stay stoned and drench plants as I let the reality of this shift of energetic forces settle in.

Standing in the balcony doorway last night I took some shots to share with Tead, to show what I was leaving behind. I live in a vibrant, congested urban area, two blocks from a major rail line, two blocks from a major crossing. I’ve learned to tune the trains out.

Trains have been a part of my background for almost my entire life. I’ll be moving to a neighborhood far from the songs of approaching engines, and the clickety-clack of steel wheels on steel rails won’t be intruding into my music and conversation any longer.

I’ve always had the constant drone of traffic as a living companion. Everywhere I’ve lived, with exception of college, had a major intersection right next to where I lived. The corner lot house we raised our children in was 1/2 block from the municipal fire alarm. Lol!

I’ll be blocks from the beach. Out in the far reaches, away from the noise. For the first time really. That’s a bit overwhelming, that my desire for quiet, peacefulness, and beach all came together in a bundle carried in Tead’s loving arms.

Yeah.....I need a couple days to digest this.

Thank God those days will be filled with Carnival. @Chris Scorpio, your Carnival is delicious in a way mine, grown with the kit, isn’t. They’re both tasty, but I find myself reaching for yours more often. That may be because yours is further into the cure.

What nute line did you grow her with?
I’m gonna allow myself to take the rest of the week to do nothing more than stay stoned and drench plants as I let the reality of this shift of energetic forces settle in.

Standing in the balcony doorway last night I took some shots to share with Tead, to show what I was leaving behind. I live in a vibrant, congested urban area, two blocks from a major rail line, two blocks from a major crossing. I’ve learned to tune the trains out.

Trains have been a part of my background for almost my entire life. I’ll be moving to a neighborhood far from the songs of approaching engines, and the clickety-clack of steel wheels on steel rails won’t be intruding in my music and conversation any longer.

I’ve always had the constant drone of traffic as a living companion. Everywhere I’ve lived, with exception of college, had a major intersection right next to where I lived. The corner lot house we raised our children in was 1/2 block from the municipal fire alarm. Lol!

I’ll be blocks from the beach. Out in the far reaches, away from the noise. For the first time really. That’s a bit overwhelming, that my desire for quiet, peacefulness, and beach all came together in a bundle carried in Tead’s loving arms.

Yeah.....I need a couple days to digest this.

Thank God those days will be filled with Carnival. @Chris Scorpio, your Carnival is delicious in a way mine, grown with the kit, isn’t. They’re both tasty, but I find myself reaching for yours more often. That may be because yours is further into the cure.

What nute line did you grow her with?
I miss the ocean and sea breezes, I know where I'll be visiting soon

I used AE sensi pH perfect nutes in Hempy
I still have some top coloas of Carnival, I never really gave it a chance as a smoke, I need to try it again for sure
I miss the ocean and sea breezes, I know where I'll be visiting soon

I used AE sensi pH perfect nutes in Hempy
I still have some top coloas of Carnival, I never really gave it a chance as a smoke, I need to try it again for sure

Well if you try it and it doesn’t fire you up..... You’ll know where I am. :rofl:
beach??? in NOLA??

One expands the definition Hash Hound. :battingeyelashes: I’ll be close to the lake and it has lapping waves. Travel a bit and I’m on the Gulf with bigger waves.

Either way I have sand and salty water. :slide:
Hello Sue, Hacks says I have to make sure to stop by and say thanks for the lights... They are coming in really handy and I really appreciate the fact that there are so many people who want to help here... I have decided that my budding room will be the perfect spot for the TIMBER lights you donated... Pay it forward is always the words... After reading some of this thread, I find it very easy to understand why Hacks speaks so highly of you... Looking forward to seeing your awesome but seemingly PACKED grow... HAGD
Hello Sue, Hacks says I have to make sure to stop by and say thanks for the lights... They are coming in really handy and I really appreciate the fact that there are so many people who want to help here... I have decided that my budding room will be the perfect spot for the TIMBER lights you donated... Pay it forward is always the words... After reading some of this thread, I find it very easy to understand why Hacks speaks so highly of you... Looking forward to seeing your awesome but seemingly PACKED grow... HAGD

Well hello big bud. :hug: We got about 49 days or so to wrap this one up. It’ll almost all be flowering from here on out, always an exciting time.

The grow is definitely packed. Lol!

So glad to have you along. Any friend of Hacker’s welcome among us. Make yourself comfortable. That’s a killer light he got, and I’m glad to hear it’s going to get good use.
Keith, that kinda made my whole day. :hug: I love that we share that memory from different mothers. :love: Did you teach it to your children?

I can tell you some particulars. I’ll be in NOLA sooner than anyone would believe possible. Tead and I have dreamed of this for some time. Last year we came breathlessly close, to watch our dreams come to a screeching halt. Just recently the property and opportunity to take advantage of it fell together at the same time.

I’ll be residing in a home owned by Tead and his lovely bride, doing what I do now, just there instead of here. I’ll be close enough to water to enjoy it. Life just got delicious. :battingeyelashes:

Maybe we can do a music festival together some weekend. You’ll have to visit, you know.

And yes, I’m aware of the occasional need for gills. Lol!

Well that is awesome Sue! There is a whole different world awaiting you there, and I trust that Tead will inform you about where NOT to go in NOLA. I hope NOLA doesn't suck the Sweet right out of Sue! :laugh: Indeed, I'd love to check out a Festival together, there is one just about every weekend! I need to make a trip there soon, my brother asked me last week if I forgot where his house is located. Since I moved back South a few months ago, I've only been over to NO once. My choice to go play band boy has ended and I need much recuperation! It was fun and an adventure indeed, but that'll be my last on the road run, I'm getting too old to hang. Tead is so cool to hook you up with a place to rent, and can inform you of the do's and dont's of the city, it can swallow people whole! :laugh:

I don't think you can plan on outdoor grows of any quantity, even when I lived there I took it to nearby MS for the outdoor adventure. The Lakefront and West End were major hangouts for thousands of us in the 60-70s, not sure if it still the same. Don't expect sand, except what is trucked onto a few blocks along old Pontchartrain Beach from AL. There was a great little amusement park there for decades, but it closed in the 80s. Lots of water fun to be had, excellent fishing, boating, skiing, etc., and the best food in my travels. Never a dull moment, I'm sure you'll either love it or hate it! :laugh:

Gotta run, taking a trip with the wife and need to pack, I need rest!

I trust that Tead will inform you about where NOT to go in NOLA

Indeed. While I expect an experienced Pburg girl to take care of herself generally, there are many local issues I'll introduce her to first hand. She get's to be part of the clan and we don't let clan make dangerous errors.

I hope NOLA doesn't suck the Sweet right out of Sue!

Hmmm.... this is a larger concern. I might try to keep her safe, but she'll need to find a way to dance in the gumbo and avoid the heartbreak on her own really. I suspect she may have a handle on it already.... but time will tell. It will be her largest challenge.
Indeed. While I expect an experienced Pburg girl to take care of herself generally, there are many local issues I'll introduce her to first hand. She get's to be part of the clan and we don't let clan make dangerous errors.

Hmmm.... this is a larger concern. I might try to keep her safe, but she'll need to find a way to dance in the gumbo and avoid the heartbreak on her own really. I suspect she may have a handle on it already.... but time will tell. It will be her largest challenge.

I am SweetSue. That carries over into my physical world too. Lol! I have a certain power of my own. :battingeyelashes:

I’m a big girl, and a confident one at that. I’ve been a city mouse most of my life. NO has a well-deserved reputation for excess, but aside from my homegrown I don’t indulge. I think I’ll be safe.

Question is, will NOLA be safe?
I don’t own a single pair of flip-flops or sandals.

Good Lord.... took me a full minute to properly type in “sandals.” Time for bed.

Goodnight. :love: See you all tomorrow. :hug:
I am SweetSue. That carries over into my physical world too. Lol! I have a certain power of my own. :battingeyelashes:

I’m a big girl, and a confident one at that. I’ve been a city mouse most of my life. NO has a well-deserved reputation for excess, but aside from my homegrown I don’t indulge. I think I’ll be safe.

Question is, will NOLA be safe?

They thought I needed to be watched the first couple days in Jamaica too, Sweetie. Kinda surprised me, heheh. But they didn't know where I'd already been. I'd wander dark alleys any time with SweetSue - it'd be ... interesting ... likely educational. :slide::bongrip:
I was on acouple Scooter Runs down that way. Prtty place,, Tead said hes going to show ya how to wrestle a gator, kill it, then dress it out to fry......... I love gator pops..... And does look like you found a bigger boat...... GL with the Changes Sue. Going forward. Keepem Green
We see grilled gator tail meat at fairs and other shindigs. Luvs me some grilled gator!
Damn.... do I have to share all my treats with Sue now?!?! Damn.
I warned her about your culinary trip you will put her on
I told her to practice before she gets there...lol

I bet in a month she has creole lady friend cooking for her...
They thought I needed to be watched the first couple days in Jamaica too, Sweetie. Kinda surprised me, heheh. But they didn't know where I'd already been. I'd wander dark alleys any time with SweetSue - it'd be ... interesting ... likely educational. :slide::bongrip:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Gray........ :rofl: They watched after me too. It was so endearing. I wandered the beach alone there too, and all of the security guards kept a close eye on me as well.

One of these days you and the wife will have to stop in NOLA for a weekend I'll let you have the Master Suite when you stay. :hug:
Yeah - what Gray said :thumb:

Exactly what I was thinking!
Hope there’s sleep for you in all this excitement :Namaste:

I am sleeping, but it's a bit manic right now, as you can imagine. Lol! What I really want is the motivation to get that Callanetics session in today. The joints are starting to creak a little, and that doesn't work well for me. I keep getting distracted and having too much fun elsewhere. Lol!

I was on acouple Scooter Runs down that way. Prtty place,, Tead said hes going to show ya how to wrestle a gator, kill it, then dress it out to fry......... I love gator pops..... And does look like you found a bigger boat...... GL with the Changes Sue. Going forward. Keepem Green

You know Woody, yesterday it occured to me that it didn't take very long at all for the universe to hear your pronouncement that more space was the ticket. Thank you for that solidifying thought. It was directly following that observation that the cosmos made it all fall into place.


I warned her about your culinary trip you will put her on
I told her to practice before she gets there...lol

I bet in a month she has creole lady friend cooking for her...

I'll make her pain cream and capsules, she'll feed me gumbo. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Big question Sue.. You suck deem heads???? I love the mudbugs too.. I just don't do the head butter myself just the tail.. You gotta do it or your not there proper........... Tead will expose ya proper.......... I use to live just north of Louisiana in Arkansas. And back when I was running with some bike clubs,, we had runs all over the place. Louisiana has alot of cool,, well maybe not cool,, but interesting places. Some cool, well interesting houses and nature down that ways.
I use to know afew from way down there, French/Black. I know them as something else but, I'll leave that out, but really interesting family valves. BIG tight families. I made it to a big party down there. Man, we got lite up on good shine and stuffed. That blackened food is the shit,, catfish... Now I'm getting homesick.

ALOT of history down there..
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