SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

It's so good to see your garden growing and being all tropical again Sue!

Oh yeah I just noticed the titles next to our names when we post something. I looked at mine: "Well known member" That sounds pretty cool. Looked at Sue her title: Member of the year, member of a few months across years and stuf... Sue? Are you a Cannabis jesus? Now it really looks like it!

Hahaha! Not quite the saintly demeanor rik. Lol! I’m just SweetSue, and the user name pretty much says it all. :battingeyelashes::green_heart:

Good morning everyone :love:

What a difference a full night’s sleep makes. Lol! I’m gonna make this quick because I’m slipping into Callanetics first thing this morning. It’s been almost two weeks since the last session and I’m beginning to move like an aging woman again. Lol! One session and I’ll be back on track for youthful movement. :slide:

I threw my schedule off with early morning walks and complicated it thinking I could continue on so little sleep. I’m either gonna learn to get to bed earlier on the nights before the walks or take naps after the walks, but by whatever method I’ll get myself back into energy balance.

Checked on the veg shelf first thing.

I get anxious when I plant a seed and find myself over there 30 times a day staring at the perlite, hoping for some dark movement from below. “Are you there? Are you planning to come out and play?”

This morning, again, three days from the day I dropped the seed in the nutrient-soaked water, we have movement. :yahoo: :slide: :yahoo:

Sometime today she’ll pop her little helmeted head up above the growing medium and join in the fun. :slide:

Ahhh.....now that’s the way to start a day as a cannabis cultivator. What would make it better?

Wake ‘n bake. :cheesygrinsmiley:

See you later, my joyful friends. :ciao:
Night-night Amy.

The brother next up the line from me was brain injured at the young age of three. My mother developed a sing-sing goodnight routine that he parroted back at her as a way to get his little brain to slow down and rest. It was so effective she used it on all four of his siblings as well. Those of us who went on to have children continued the recitations, hopefully passing this on to our grandchildren.

It was so simple, and so effective.



“Sleep tight.”

“Sleep tight.”

“Don’t let the bedbugs bite.”

“Don’t let the bedbugs bite.” *giggle*

A kiss, a loving hug, and you were tucked up into sleepy land.

See you in your new morning Amy. :hug:

I’m soaking the SLUG.33 in rum this time instead of the ISO I used last time. After a few times through I’ll have some kick-ass rum to mix for an evening drink.

Not much of a drinker, but this I’ll work in somehow. Lol!

Tead like his sips of fermented sugar cane! This seems mo bettah. Might have to start doing some cleaning of my own... got some grinders with prehistoric residue on them.

Well grab a glass container with a good-sealing lid and soak some cannabinoids off the recesses Tead. My creed is “No cannabinoid left behind.” :battingeyelashes:

Flipped another one.

Let’s see what she has to offer in taste and potency. I’m likin’ this tiny pot approach to tasting. Finding space for them is a challenge, but so far I’ve managed to accommodate everyone without unnecessary crowding.

Air movement is good throughout. I’ll be getting some new oscillating fans somewhere along the way. For now, this is working.
I bet you already have a good Rum cake recipe somewhere. :drool:

To be honest Doob, the thought hadn’t occurred to me until just now. Lol! Good call. :high-five:
I realized last night that I'd neglected to take a cut from Mendocino Underdog when I flipped the plant two days ago, so I amended that oversight this afternoon.

Hash Girl had hoped for a post on cloning to help Felonius with their next attempt, so I'll be working on getting that up later today.

Then I realized that the only mother I hadn't flipped was Mendocino Underdog #2, so I went searching for a way to slip her into a corner. At first I considered letting Zam x Pan share space, but she wasn't so inclined, so I opened tent #2 and found a cozy corner behind Black D.O.G. Then the challenge became getting her up high enough without crowding the current residents.

Mission accomplished. :blunt:

I got some new plant tags the other day, and I've been meaning to share them. They're big enough to record more than the abbreviated name of the chemovar growing. This makes my life easier on many fronts.

Back to that post on cloning. Catch you later. :ciao:
Cellular healing often takes more time than we want to give it. :battingeyelashes:

I had to quote that during a catchup in the strains for pain thread. Didn’t want to lose it, and thought I’d just pop in here and say :thanks: for the timely reminder.

I’m putting this on my pinboard, or somewhere I can see it... maybe I’ll frame it with one of my saved pics from your first journal. It’s the mantra I need to hold to, and stay slow, keep things small and rest in phenomenally large amounts, for a long time ... a long time...

The timing is perfect because i’m Having a slight reduction in some of the flulike and neurological symptoms right now, due most likely to switching back to longer fasts - it really makes a difference. SO this is the time i’m At risk of destroying all my hard work resting and healing by ramping up muy activity to match the little improvement. Now is the critical time, because if I do that, I will go backwards, and quickly - this is a fact known in the Med research/clinical practice and in my own experience. You’d think that’d make it easy to do. It doesn’t. I need constant reminding and reigning in... woah there Silver! (No Hi Ho for me just now!!)

thinking outside the bottle. :laugh:

I had to quote that during a catchup in the strains for pain thread. Didn’t want to lose it, and thought I’d just pop in here and say :thanks: for the timely reminder.

I’m putting this on my pinboard, or somewhere I can see it... maybe I’ll frame it with one of my saved pics from your first journal. It’s the mantra I need to hold to, and stay slow, keep things small and rest in phenomenally large amounts, for a long time ... a long time...

The timing is perfect because i’m Having a slight reduction in some of the flulike and neurological symptoms right now, due most likely to switching back to longer fasts - it really makes a difference. SO this is the time i’m At risk of destroying all my hard work resting and healing by ramping up muy activity to match the little improvement. Now is the critical time, because if I do that, I will go backwards, and quickly - this is a fact known in the Med research/clinical practice and in my own experience. You’d think that’d make it easy to do. It doesn’t. I need constant reminding and reigning in... woah there Silver! (No Hi Ho for me just now!!)


You be gentle with yourself and keep in mind that we’re eternal creatures Amy. :hug: That sense of urgency is ego trying to get in the way. It’ll all get done in its right time.

I fully understand the urge to get at it as soon as you’ve caught your breath. Been there, done that, and paid the price of longer recovery time. :hug::hug:

There’s so much inside us straining to get out. We’re so immediate in our desire. I encourage that, actually. Lol!

Good morning everyone :love:

SweetSue’s in a Carnival state of mind...

The day started with Chris Scorpio’s Carnival prepping me for the walk along the river with my friend, laughing at the momentum my life can take with the slightest warning.

As I broke up the last bud I had out I couldn’t help but reflect on the seeds I’m recovering. An interesting unknown cross of Carnival and some interesting possibilities, like GDP.....

To be grown out in a new location. :battingeyelashes:

The apartment is filled this morning with Cajun music and the rousing expressions of Zydeco as I shift my consciousness to new experiences that surely lie ahead.

Carnival powder on my fingers as I prepare oil for the next batch of my favorite for of canna administration.

One more Carnival brownie to consume as I dash down the stairs to lunch and BINGO calling. :slide:

SweetSue may well be relocating. :yahoo:

We’ll hold off on the official announcement until the boss gives her ok, but signs are good that I’ve found my perch. I’ll begin culling nonessentials and packing up my belongings. My first step was to speed up the flowering cycles by beginning to cut back on the light. They’re down to 10.5/13.5 and I’ll get them down to 10/14 in a couple days.

The Lemon Tonic will be grown to clone. I’ll be able to get seeds of what I want going ahead of a move, but this one is special to me. Of course, I have other seeds.... I’m shooting for simplicity with the move, and trying to haul plants cross-country is a nutty idea. Lol!

The energy has picked up a powerful momentum. Let’s see where this takes us.

My friends, I’ve been preaching these thoughts on deliberate living for a couple years now. What you surely noticed by now is that it’s more important to care about the way you feel than anything else. Get yourself to that marvelous point where you’re happy just because it’s your default life gets much more interesting.

Watch me.... I’ll show you. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:
well since its not official I guess i cant congratulate you yet... But your tents look amazing and everything happens for a reason! Seeds and clones travel well... Person I know brought a bunch of clones from Cali - Ontario, dvd movie cases and moist paper towel. But that was like 8years ago, I'm sure someone has a better methodology by now.
So I heard through the grapevine that something we talked about years ago may be coming to fruition. There is a little lady that is very excited at the possibilities ahead! I am hoping the world aligns for you, but I know there is a powerful driving force on your side, so maybe I will see you soon!
well since its not official I guess i cant congratulate you yet... But your tents look amazing and everything happens for a reason! Seeds and clones travel well... Person I know brought a bunch of clones from Cali - Ontario, dvd movie cases and moist paper towel. But that was like 8years ago, I'm sure someone has a better methodology by now.

I thought about it Pj, but decided I won't be trying to move any plants. That's too convoluted, and there's too much chance of passing critters from one environment to another. Theirs no shortage of supply where I'm headed, and with my seed bank there's no reason I can't start from scratch and still hit the ground running. :battingeyelashes:

So I heard through the grapevine that something we talked about years ago may be coming to fruition. There is a little lady that is very excited at the possibilities ahead! I am hoping the world aligns for you, but I know there is a powerful driving force on your side, so maybe I will see you soon!

Brix!......:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug: And some for that lovely woman in your life I've missed so dreadfully. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

I couldn't be happier to be moving close to you. :yahoo: Keith just moved back into the area too. @KeifKeith, what do you think of that timing? Lol!

Ok.....time for a reality check. At best I have 50 days to get everything down. To process I'll need a few days to at least hang dry, at which point I can vacuum seal and feel secure that I'll be able to turn it into quality medicine.

That means some of the girls won't make it past this week. All of the ones in this shot are doomed to be culled. There's no reason to waste the light energy on plants that won't make it to harvest. Thankfully, we'll have enough stock to keep the daughter going during the transitional time.

@Jgrowlove, I may need to keep most of the Royal Gorilla to keep her safe until I'm harvesting again. Hmmm..... seeds I'll be procuring. Royal Gorilla isn't in my seed bank.

The real heartbreak is Candy Cane, the daughter's favorite sleep meds, and no longer available as a possible photo. I believe they stabalized it as an auto. This one may make me rethink my decision not to save any genetics. I can't replace this line.

They make mailing tubes for clones @Pjs420. :battingeyelashes:

Red Diesel slipped into the slot Platinum Scout V2 occupied yesterday....

.... And PSV2 slipped into a new slot in with the occupants of tent # 2. They'll start their flush in two days, and be down in another week or so beyond that, leaving space to shift girls around to reduce crowding. No one looks crowded though. :battingeyelashes:

Tent # 1 is set to go. Good thing I flipped everyone, eh?

Tell me Devil's Carnival isn't the most delicious-looking bonsai cannabis ever!

I'll be getting in here to thin out superfluous growth. It's time to focus on the colas and let the small stuff go.

Both DDAs should make it, though I'm still waiting for # 8 to make a vertical jump. She may be an early harvest.

She's not opening to flower yet.

Her companion is already displaying her penchant for bold coloration. Let the fun begin! :slide:

I'll be planning the schedule for processing purposes. I can turn most of it into buds for the daughter or oil for her capsules. We won't have CBD CC for months, so we'll be researching a terpene mix that might substitute, built from what stock I have on hand before I take off.

We can do this, she and I. I'm certain of it. I wouldn't be in this powerful an energy stream to be derailed by a shortage of appropriate meds for the daughter. Time to put all my training to good use and build a new oil for her baseline. I talk the talk all the time. Time to walk the walk and demonstrate how to pull off a Med switch without problems arising. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:

You bet I'm excited! :yahoo:
Brix!......:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug: And some for that lovely woman in your life I've missed so dreadfully. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

I couldn't be happier to be moving close to you. :yahoo: Keith just moved back into the area too. @KeifKeith, what do you think of that timing? Lol!
You bet I'm excited! :yahoo:

I told Tead that I am not one to count my chickens before they hatch, so I will reserve my excitement for the arrival. I told a certain lady I know that something may be in the works and she is excited as ever. I have been a bit of a hermit lately, but I know I will come out of my shell for SweetSue! I don't know Keith, but sounds like meeting him is in order. Exciting things around these parts!
Honey moley! What a great bombshell! Well I’m sure it’s no bombshell to you, clearly there’s been something in the pipeline...

Moving closer to brix and kk is awesome - so excited for you.

I guess the details will come soon enough but I have so many questions!! Is it a legal state? Are you to have a garden? Are you... *stop it now, all will be revealed *...

Just amazing news! :slide:
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