SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

Drive-by. Hey I like the look of that Slug thingie. How do you like it so far?
Holy hell... Looks like I missed a lot. Haven't been here in like a year or so! The 420mag app stopped working and I never came up with the idea to use the site xD well here I am! Let's see how this site works

Holy Hell rik.... :hug::hug::hug:

Good to see you again. Welcome to my new perpetual. Give you been?
Drive-by. Hey I like the look of that Slug thingie. How do you like it so far?

Morning Woody. :hug:

We’ve only used it the one time, but hot damn! Got a nice batch of Blue Dream oil to keep the daughter happy for a good while.

They make one for 2-grams and one for 3.5. They might be more out speed. Lol!
Glad to hear your familiar smile, been a while, Mr Bean !

Look at that rik, you got walleye to speak up on my grow journal. That shows how much we’ve missed you. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:
There are about 5 ml's in one tsp and 1 ml of water is 1g of weight, so you're correct that 1 tsp of solution should weigh approximately 5 g's.

I thought they were measuring a dry product?
I thought they were measuring a dry product?

I was not aware of that, but if so, you cannot assume 1 tsp is approx 5 grams since that's based on water weight. All bets are off on dry products. Is it 1tsp of lead or 1 tsp of feathers? ;)
We were really just comparing apples to oranges. Lol. But, I will find my scale after the kids crash and we will get to the bottom of this.... Okay I found it...... I tsp/small end of the included scoop weighs 5.6-5.7 grams
I was so stoned last night. I think we were talking about using less than recommended nutrient doses.
Someone on another site claimed to have weighed this before at 5 grams, maybe they didn't weigh it at all?
They said MegaCrop is just under 6 grams per tsp dry weight. Not sure about MaxiBloom, it’s so easy to get these names confused, pretty sure Sue is using MegaCrop.

Oh thanks Doob.....:passitleft:........ the Carnival's been flowing freely as I attempt to get some semblance of control over what's ahead for my overloaded garden. Wait......another hit......

Oops! You lost me to writing. Lol! Here, to make up for keeping you waiting. :battingeyelashes:


I did a couple weighings earlier, when I drenched, and look what my first attempt was. :cheesygrinsmiley:

That was a good call. :high-five: The second attempt wasn't as close.

I think I'll keep weighing it each time. Eventually I'll find a familiar measurement consistency. I like the product. It's saved two plants and is blowing up another, and I greatly appreciate the timing of that find. :hug:

It was something of a busy day - big surprise, I know. Lol! Candy Cane wouldn't be content in that solo cup any longer, necessitating the preparation of a new pot.

While I was working in that area I decided to take a cutting of Platinum Scout V2.

I'm wondering if the cuttings will grow roots faster under one light or the other. :hmmmm:

Time for me to get to bed. It's been a long and active week and I'm still catching up on my sleep. I'll leave you with a Z x P montage. She sure is fun to gro. :slide:

Enjoy. :kisstwo:

I feel like I did my part now. :battingeyelashes::green_heart:
Before I head off for the night....

I screwed up my courage and pressed a gram of Carnival this evening. It’ll take some practice, and Carnival may not be the best choice. It doesn’t ooze oil, it packs the oil it makes with a powerful punch of cannabinoids and terpenes.

So I got a teeny bit of oil to take with me as I walk along the river tomorrow....

...and I got this puck, which I’d intended to toss into the jar with the others until we have enough to make something with them, but then thought twice about that.

“Surely there’s enough oil in there to get me high” I considered, and brought it in to the tray.

Oh yeah..... and it has a taste reminiscent of and yet distinctive from cobs. I chewed on some and the flavor is nutty. Deliciously nutty. Lol! Now I want another piece. Lol!

A new twist, pucks to chew on. This just got more interesting. :slide:
It's so good to see your garden growing and being all tropical again Sue!

Oh yeah I just noticed the titles next to our names when we post something. I looked at mine: "Well known member" That sounds pretty cool. Looked at Sue her title: Member of the year, member of a few months across years and stuf... Sue? Are you a Cannabis jesus? Now it really looks like it!
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