SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

Weekly Update: Veg Shelf and Clone Cuttings - Friday, July 27, 2018

Let's give this a go. Most of the pictures are in, and if need be I can augment tomorrow morning.

Things started out pretty simple this morning. It didn't stay that way. It was hempy H2O day, and before it was done there was a bevy of cloning and transplanting being done.

Looking pretty tame, aren't they? Lol! It's time to start culling or sending to flower, but whatever it is, something's gotta give.

Let's start with the littlest ones and work our way up. All of the smallest are getting half-strength nutrients, except this little lady, who only got 1/4-strength.

Mendocino Underdog is only 3 days into growing roots. As soon as she's stable I think I'll throw the mother into the flowering tent. I may start doing that with all of them as I go along. It's all a matter of space.

CBD Critical Cure 2.9 (she's from my second line, her mother passed on to Jgrow) is still figuring out the early dance moves. She'll be fine in another week.

Carn 5.1 struggles, but she also has a surprising amount of new growth peeking out around the edges. I think she'll surprise us in the end. By the time the other cutting roots they'll be comparable in size, but she'll have stronger roots.

The mother of the new clone is ready to flip. Sunday I'll find a way to squeeze a few clone mothers into the tents. :slide:

She's been getting full-strength nutrients, but only at the lowest level, for the past couple waterings. All of these clones have done amazingly well on very little feed. Makes me think.....

Candy Cane 5 is so ready to transplant I'm surprised she didn't bite me when I drenched her today. Lol! I'll have a pot ready for her to upcan on Sunday.

Mendocino Underdog #2 got some serious supercropping yesterday and hasn't fully recovered. By tomorrow her tops'll be back up. She's been getting full-strength RX Technologies nutrients got the last week. I'm just playing with her to see what she'll ultimately deliver, raised in this tiny bit of soil.

Red Diesel is a beast! She's drinking 4 grams per gallon of the Mega Crop, and right now she's the healthiest beast I'm growing! She's growing fast, and two days back I opens her up some and pinned her branches down to see if I could gain some control.

I'm not sure I won. Lol!

Royal Cookies is another ready to be clipped and either culled or flipped.

Devil's Carnival's been getting the full drink of lower-level veg nutrient concentrations and growing like a weed. Lol! I'm thinking of upcanning her on Sunday and flipping her right then and there. Most of the last harvest is already spoken for and I want more on hand. She looks like she wants to be a much bigger plant. :battingeyelashes:

Yep, all under control. :blunt:

I almost called it a day and walked away......

The rest of this story will have to wait for a time when the gallery cooperates. :battingeyelashes:
Is anyone else having trouble with the gallery? I really don't have the heart to play this game tonight.
Weekly Update: The tiny closet - Friday, July 27, 2018

The Dark Devil Autos are finishing up their second week on entry-level bloom nutes. Two plants couldn't look more different at this stage, but DDA 8 is just about ready to shoot verticle and give her companion a run for the money.

DDA9 is tall and commanding, her leaves shiny and bright a textbook specimen.

She's been in bloom for a couple days, just ahead of her sister.

DDA8 is short and bushy and cramped. Her branches look like they're ready to break free, but I have no idea what to expect from here. This is my first try with autos in hempy. They look good. The difference in stature is entirely due to the topping of this girl.

These are seeds from Rifleman's seeding adventure, and they have a proclivity for veriagation. I keep thinking the marks are from thrips, but I've checked enough leaves now to know it's not. I'll still keep a watchful eye.

I know.....It made me stop and check again. Lol! No signs of thrips.

She sure is a bushy one. Not at all like DDA 9, who looks like what we expect from the chemovar.

The last two I grew had this same difference in shape. The squattier one turned out to have the sweetest terpenes. Maybe I'll get lucky and it'll happen again :slide:

OK.... Only the tents are left. Of course, they have the most pictures. Lol! Still can't get the rest of the pictures I wanted loaded, but the next batch is there, so off I go. :ciao:
Weekly Update: Tent # 1 - Friday, July 27, 2017

Carnival is finishing up her second week in the flowering tent, and her ever-so-slightly burnt tips tell me to keep her feeding on the low side this time. I won't be increasing anything past this next level that introduces Bulk to the mix.

The earliest signs of trichomes....

I really like the structure of this girl, and she's stacking the buds beautifully.

I've been looking for healthy leaves, after seeing so many diseased ones on the covers of the books out there. Lol! Carnival has some mighty pretty offerings. :battingeyelashes:

Nice bones....

When I was putting her away after her drink I noticed I'd forgotten to remove the wire before I flipped her. :eek:


Nice that she's not making me pay for that mistake, isnt its?

Be right back with another tent. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:
Weekly Update: Tent # 2 - Friday, July 27, 2018

The girls are doing nicely on the Mega Crop nutrients, now up to the highest level, 6 grams to the gallon of water used. They also get a generous drink of CaliMagic. Aside from pH adjustment, which has been very little trouble, this one-part nutrient is easy to use. The plants thrive. That's all I really care about.

Black D.O.G. Has developed some dense little buds over here in her corner.

You see who wins the "I'm dripping with oil" prize, don't you? Lol!

She wins the prize for most overpowering perfume too. The blossoms are beginning to fall over under the weight. WooHoo!

I figure another week and I'll start to flush them. Then I think we still have a couple weeks after that. Hard to say.

Hey.....one more tent to go. :battingeyelashes:
Weekly Update: Tent # 3 - Friday, July 27, 2018

I'm stretching it, calling this Friday, seeing as how it's 1:30 AM on Saturday. I'm playing here by myself aren't I? Lol! That's OK, I'm having fun, are you? :slide:

Zamaldelica x Panama, the best for last. :battingeyelashes:

She's finishing up the week with her first intro to Bulk, and she's telling me she's hoping I don't burn her too. I'll be going lightly and watching the tips.

She's magnificent. *sigh*

Trichomes are building! :slide:

What lovely leaves!

See her burnt tips? I see no reason to burn them any further.

I ripped open a scab that was almost healed getting that last leaf picture.

Pulled out the roller bottle and fixed her right up.

More leaf porn. Lol!

Pistils are beginning to change. Just over another month to go. :battingeyelashes:

I made it to the end! :yahoo:

I'd like to thank you for stopping and admiring my handiwork. They kept me completely tied up all day, which is why this was so late getting up. This is what the veg area looked like before I was done.

The new additions included cuttings from Devil's Carnival,

and Royal Cookies,

and the cutting from Zam xPan grew roots and had to be potted up.

And..... I dropped one of Stoney's Lemon Tonic seeds. SweetSue wants to try a balanced ratio sativa. I dug out an obvious female and dropped her into a cup soaked in 1/4 strength nutes. Hopefully she'll be up on Sunday.

Now I'm done. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:
Wow, Royal Gorilla is a lil special, no? :thumb:

Yes she is Graytail. :slide: I didn't have high expectations for those two, but by gosh, they're giving us a nice show. I'll have to start tying branches up again. :cheesygrinsmiley:
If you guys knew how little cannabis I actually consumed today you'd be astounded. I know I am. Lol!
All of these clones have done amazingly well on very little feed. Makes me think....

Ya know... Tead feeds nothing to clones. I've experienced some challenges when I tried using Osmo in the cloner.
I get great roots.

Hey.....one more tent to go

I knew a dude once.... old... single. He was an avid reader and could never part with a book. His house was a maze of book piles. Doesn't seem to bad, but many insects enjoy the cellulose in paper... and mice are down with it too.
I wonder what the grow area maze in Sue's place is looking like these days.

Mornin’ everyone :love:

Ya know... Tead feeds nothing to clones. I've experienced some challenges when I tried using Osmo in the cloner.
I get great roots.

It occurred to me recently that I’m overdeeding my young ones, but then look at them. :battingeyelashes: I see no one complaining, but nutrients are......expensive.

Tead said:
I knew a dude once.... old... single. He was an avid reader and could never part with a book. His house was a maze of book piles. Doesn't seem to bad, but many insects enjoy the cellulose in paper... and mice are down with it too.
I wonder what the grow area maze in Sue's place is looking like these days.

Wanna take a look? I manage to keep it pretty controlled. :battingeyelashes:

The boxes are waiting for a pickup, the suitcase is waiting for me to decide it's time to travel,again. :slide:

This got a little messy. I haven't put the curtains away.


One of my favorite views. :battingeyelashes::green_heart:

Now, the kitchen, she's another story. Lol!

I used to cook in here. We used to have meals in here. Not any more. The whole room is devoted to cannabis.

I'm planning a renovation of the storage, and when it's complete,this room will be more functional. Slowly but sure the plan comes together. :battingeyelashes:

I got to thinking about the tents and decided to go ahead and flip Royal Cookies and Mendocino Underdog today.

I'm gonna flip Devil's Carnival in the little pot too, just to see if I can get something decent from a pot that small. She'll go into a different tent, and I may change my mind and give her one of those pitchers I'm in the middle of fixing

Oh that Zam x Pan :love::love::love:
The clone from it is stunning too :battingeyelashes:

And yeah, what Gray said! The phatness of those Royal Gorilla colas is really something.

Always a delight Sue :Namaste:

Thank you Amy. :hug: I'm already breaking my rule about the clones were just for cloning. Lol! I'll get the hang of being ruthless about them at some point. :battingeyelashes:

Always a pleasure to have you stop Amy.

Looking good! I wonder if the stress from that pipe cleaner will help the Carnival’s potency, certainly doesn’t seem to have hurt it any.

Ahhhh.... Thank you Doob....... :passitleft: This post became a little longer than initially intended. Lol! So nice to have you standing by with refreshments. :hug:

I figure all stress increases potency. No way am I gonna try to remove it. That might kill her, and she's too pretty to hurt anymore. Pretty structure on her, eh?

Here.....time to get back to the post so I can get breakfast going. :passitleft: I went walking with my friend at 7, after being up until almost 3???? I'm hungry as hell, but the plan is nothing before 11. I still have a few minutes. One more....:passitleft:

*contented sigh*

That all looks great. You have to be a proud mom...

See the aforementioned sigh of contentment JustMeds. I seem to be happiest with a large number of charges. Lol!

It's shaping up to be a busy day. I haven't made the pain cream yet, and the jars are waiting to be washed. That'll get me to breakfast time. Then it's a day filled with keeping up with all these girls.

Sure, I question my sanity sometimes. Lol! Then I go on a tour and it's all ok.

Deliberate joy my friends, a distinctly different bird from "positive thinking." This is a life lived in joy just because joy is what feels best. Then I discovered that the universe responds to my joy by bringing me more to be joyful about. When I figured that part out I became very deliberate about what I allowed myself to feel.

This delicious life you witness on these digital streets is the result of all that deliberate thought. I think I'm on to something.

Care more about how you feel than anything else.

Deliberately choose better-feeling thoughts.

Watch the universe fall over itself to surprise and delight you today.

Have fun with that. I'm going to make breakfast and get on with today's adventure. :ciao:
As much as you love cannabis, you should cook more dear

It's so good for the soul, and with yer Cana leaf omlets, the ideas are endless

Just thinking about you and wanted to say hey

Love ya crazy lady
No one will ever see the clutter that is my life. 2 adults, two children, and 2 dumb dogs in a 2 bedroom... That's why I only have 10.6ft² of grow. After my colas hang in the tent for 2-3 days I hang them in the living room and just snip off a bud as I need it. My living room always smells great, even if you are tripping over dog/kid toys to get to it...
When I was putting her away after her drink I noticed I'd forgotten to remove the wire before I flipped her. :eek:
Nice that she's not making me pay for that mistake, isnt its?

You are certainly fortunate that the plant can produce more xylem and phloem cells to partially replace those which have died due to the restriction. Surely the plant experienced some mass flow difficulties. Although it is hard to prove the counter-factual, yield might be only 80% of an unrestricted stem. She does look like she will produce a good crop for you.

Oh that Zam x Pan :love::love::love:
The clone from it is stunning too :battingeyelashes:

And yeah, what Gray said! The phatness of those Royal Gorilla colas is really something.

Always a delight Sue :Namaste:

Those leaves on the ZamPam are distinctly Zam. Don't you just love 'em? :love: I can't quite put my finger on what it is - some jaggedness and a deeper color than usual - but the Zam+s I've grown have all had them. That should be a very nice cross. So far, I've loved Zam. Panama should fill the plant out nicely - they usually tend to be slim.
Weekly Update: Tent # 2 - Friday, July 27, 2018

The girls are doing nicely on the Mega Crop nutrients, now up to the highest level, 6 grams to the gallon of water used. They also get a generous drink of CaliMagic. Aside from pH adjustment, which has been very little trouble, this one-part nutrient is easy to use. The plants thrive. That's all I really care about.

Black D.O.G. Has developed some dense little buds over here in her corner.

You see who wins the "I'm dripping with oil" prize, don't you? Lol!

She wins the prize for most overpowering perfume too. The blossoms are beginning to fall over under the weight. WooHoo!

I figure another week and I'll start to flush them. Then I think we still have a couple weeks after that. Hard to say.

Hey.....one more tent to go. :battingeyelashes:

High Sue
I'm stuck right here on this tent w the Royal Gorilla.:drool:
Some serious resin on her!:love::love:
Top job here young lady.
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