SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

Just thinking about you and wanted to say hey

Love ya crazy lady

It’s not like I don’t have ingredients either Chris. Lol! I even have farm-fresh eggs, although now they’re a week old.

I miss you too Chris. Been thinkin’ it’s been a while since we had a talk. :hug:

I'd suggest you need a larger place.. but Tead suspects it wouldn't elevate the clutter... just give you more space for more plants.

I like the sound of that. Lol! A room for flowering, another for veg. A little environmental control.

I like these small tents for this space. When I ran into infestation or disease it made my life easier being able to contain it.

Someday I’ll have a raised bed in the yard filled with organic soil and connected to the web of life that lives beneath it. Hempy works here. Give me the outdoors and it’s LOS all the way.

After my colas hang in the tent for 2-3 days I hang them in the living room and just snip off a bud as I need it. My living room always smells great, even if you are tripping over dog/kid toys to get to it...

One of only two times Dale lost his temper the children and I were out and he punched a hole through the inside panel of our front door.

I covered that hole with a magazine article entitled “In Defense Of Clutter.” Lol! One of my more inspired moments. It kept life in perspective.

My whole house smells amazing. :battingeyelashes: You can’t smell it coming up the stairs, which is good. They’re advantages to being up with the clouds.

You are certainly fortunate that the plant can produce more xylem and phloem cells to partially replace those which have died due to the restriction. Surely the plant experienced some mass flow difficulties. Although it is hard to prove the counter-factual, yield might be only 80% of an unrestricted stem. She does look like she will produce a good crop for you.


When I looked at her yesterday I recall thinking “surely she suffered some in yield with that severe restriction.”

She doesn’t look like it slowed her down much Jim. It hurt to see what I’d done to her. I’ll remember this when I use the wire again.

I’ll wait on the hit Jim. The BIL is stopping to get his brother’s things from the apartment. Later’ll be better. :hug:

Those leaves on the ZamPam are distinctly Zam. Don't you just love 'em? :love: I can't quite put my finger on what it is - some jaggedness and a deeper color than usual - but the Zam+s I've grown have all had them. That should be a very nice cross. So far, I've loved Zam. Panama should fill the plant out nicely - they usually tend to be slim.

They have their own color for sure.

High Sue
I'm stuck right here on this tent w the Royal Gorilla.:drool:
Some serious resin on her!:love::love:
Top job here young lady.

Gosh.....thanks. Hehehe! Sometimes it works. Lol! She shocked me Stage, and she’s not done yet. :slide:

It’s a strong and heady indica queen. It’s more fragrant than my first. I’ll pull some pictures and compare later.

I added another resident to Tent #1.

Gotta get dressed and help move some equipment. I’ll catch up later. :ciao:
Those leaves on the ZamPam are distinctly Zam. Don't you just love 'em? :love: I can't quite put my finger on what it is - some jaggedness and a deeper color than usual - but the Zam+s I've grown have all had them. That should be a very nice cross. So far, I've loved Zam. Panama should fill the plant out nicely - they usually tend to be slim.
Yeah I’m quite taken by it, as you can tell! The visual appearance triggers something deep in my brain and I know it’s good :yummy: ... a distinctive instinctive desire...
Care more about how you feel than anything else.

Deliberately choose better-feeling thoughts.

Om :Namaste:
Good day 420Friends,

You might be surprised at how much less nutes are required vice what the bottles suggest. I've tried just about all of the nutes on the market, and most all are overstated strengths. I feed my vegetables and flowers outdoors with diluted and pH'ed runoff only, and they are more than happy nutritionally. If you are getting a brown tip of on the end of the largest leaves, that is usually a good indicator that the plant has more nutrients than it needs. If you are getting brown on all of the tips of the leaves, then surely dial it back. It's just like pouring money down the drain! Last show tonight, then it's back to normalcy and home ... Yay!

Six trips up and down the stairs and the apartment is cleared of my BIL's things. His brother has his valuables.

I am officially tapped out of the ring! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

@KeifKeith, :yahoo: for you too! :yahoo:

I'm taking a nap. :hug:
Just doing a drive-by.. Yea I tend to agree,, you need a bigger boat.............. GL
They have their own color for sure.

My Zam is going yellow, well except the new growth. But it has always been on the pale green side. It is first run LOS. I have mulched the soil top with the old leaves. I never grew one like this color. My wife says it smells like a stinky lemon.:eek:
I think the addition of Panama will suit you and (my missus someday.)

Not sure if this is the best view, 4th-ish week since first pistol. . . right half of plant
I dropped a seed of Stoney’s Lemon Tonic today

From the name, I'd guess the perfect hit for a hot Summer day, lol.

Had an issue with the thread loading but its images not doing so. Right-clicking on the "failed" image icon and selecting "Reload" worked on each of the images I was interested in (which was most of them ;) ) .
Good day 420Friends,

You might be surprised at how much less nutes are required vice what the bottles suggest. I've tried just about all of the nutes on the market, and most all are overstated strengths. I feed my vegetables and flowers outdoors with diluted and pH'ed runoff only, and they are more than happy nutritionally. If you are getting a brown tip of on the end of the largest leaves, that is usually a good indicator that the plant has more nutrients than it needs. If you are getting brown on all of the tips of the leaves, then surely dial it back. It's just like pouring money down the drain! Last show tonight, then it's back to normalcy and home ... Yay!

I never feed more than 1tsp per gallon of maxibloom and nobody in the tent cries for more, only less...

Oooo...... keltic...... Lovely. :high-five: Fresh LOS should be good to harvest. Hopefully the new green growth becomes the norm.

From the name, I'd guess the perfect hit for a hot Summer day, lol.

Had an issue with the thread loading but its images not doing so. Right-clicking on the "failed" image icon and selecting "Reload" worked on each of the images I was interested in (which was most of them ;) ) .

I noticed the page has struggled to load every time since I posted all those us ions pictures. Did I break the platform? :eek:

I'm beat guys. I've been running on too little sleep all week. I suppose the moon is as good an explaination as any, but the end result is I'm ready to fall asleep any minute now. My expectation is I'll sleep through until I wake at 6:30 AM to do it all again. Wish me luck. :ciao:
I never feed more than 1tsp per gallon of maxibloom and nobody in the tent cries for more, only less...

Is that so? Hmmmmm......I'm certain of it....I've been over feeding. Time to start experimenting with cutting back.

Then again.... how much do you think that weighs? I'm using Maxi Crop and I'm using no more than 6 grams a gallon, and that's just over a tsp, I believe. Maybe I'm not doing so bad after all.
Is that so? Hmmmmm......I'm certain of it....I've been over feeding. Time to start experimenting with cutting back.

Then again.... how much do you think that weighs? I'm using Maxi Crop and I'm using no more than 6 grams a gallon, and that's just over a tsp, I believe. Maybe I'm not doing so bad after all.
The general (Lucas formula) recommendation with maxibloom is 7 grams per gallon. I haven't weighed it but I believe someone told me here on 420 that 1tsp is about 5 grams.

I will look for the post.
Oooo...... keltic...... Lovely. :high-five: Fresh LOS should be good to harvest. Hopefully the new green growth becomes the norm.

Yes Sweets, I am okay with the green if it keeps budding. {{Am also happy I am starting over with fresh LOS, not before time tehehe}} I have not added anything, peaceful easy.
Cannot wait till the next grow. I am going on a sativa kick now.:slide:
see ya in the funny pages :ciao:
I looked for the post, and I was mistaken. Somebody had given me the rundown on my ppms with 1 tsp, not the weight. If I can find my scale I will be sure to post that weight.....

Never mind, google tells me I read the 5grams somewhere else. Sticking with 5 grams because I have no clue where to find my scale. Lol. Freakin stoner
Good morning crazy lady

I'm thinking today is a great day for a Cana Omlet

Celebrate no boxes and yer new start

Have a splendiferous day
I looked for the post, and I was mistaken. Somebody had given me the rundown on my ppms with 1 tsp, not the weight. If I can find my scale I will be sure to post that weight.....

Never mind, google tells me I read the 5grams somewhere else. Sticking with 5 grams because I have no clue where to find my scale. Lol. Freakin stoner

There are about 5 ml's in one tsp and 1 ml of water is 1g of weight, so you're correct that 1 tsp of solution should weigh approximately 5 g's. :thumb:
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