SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

I told Tead that I am not one to count my chickens before they hatch, so I will reserve my excitement for the arrival. I told a certain lady I know that something may be in the works and she is excited as ever. I have been a bit of a hermit lately, but I know I will come out of my shell for SweetSue! I don't know Keith, but sounds like meeting him is in order. Exciting things around these parts!

Those chickens are clucking like mad Brix. Lol! We're not supposing this can go off without an occasional glitch, but the momentum is moving strongly in that direction.

Brix.... the way this works is you determine what you want, you dare to feel it already in your life, you hold that vibration faithfully, while not investing too much emotion into the when, where, why, how of the orchestration, and voilá! Things happen just the way you dared imagine.

The secret is to be happy regardless. Then you're not mucking up the delivery pathways.

A year ago this was my started goal, and we almost got there, but I had fears that got in the way, and it simply wasn't the right time. This timing feels oh so right. :slide: We're gonna be neighbors! :yahoo:

OK...Sounds like you have the base of a plan. Sounds pretty exciting. :bongrip:

Oh Jim, excitement is too tame a word for what I'm feeling. Inspiration and opportunity converged at just the right time. Just what I'd been hoping for. :yahoo:

Honey moley! What a great bombshell! Well I’m sure it’s no bombshell to you, clearly there’s been something in the pipeline...

Moving closer to brix and kk is awesome - so excited for you.

I guess the details will come soon enough but I have so many questions!! Is it a legal state? Are you to have a garden? Are you... *stop it now, all will be revealed *...

Just amazing news! :slide:

To be honest, the inspiration hit us just yesterday, when we realized it might be time to get things to click into place. Then it all started rolling in the direction we'd dared determine we wanted. Not final yet, but close enough that I'm giving my landlord written notice of my plan to vacate this apartment in the near future.

Look, I made canna jerky! :battingeyelashes:

It's just started to develop. Another month in cure will make it much more interesting. This is sooooo much fun. :slide:
Hiya SweetSue,

I'm so happy for you! I'm so glad your life is turning in a positive direction! Just think, you'll be able to grow outdoors and grow enough to seriously experiment! It's also great your daughter will be able to go as well.

I'm guessing you're not leaving 420 Magazine? Good, thanks. I do so enjoy your journals, and your charisma!
Good luck, and enjoy!


“Sleep tight.”

“Sleep tight.”

“Don’t let the bedbugs bite.”

“Don’t let the bedbugs bite.” *giggle*

A kiss, a loving hug, and you were tucked up into sleepy land.

Oh Sue, THANK YOU for bringing my Moms words back to life, she did the EXACT same routine with me every night until I was a dumb ass young teen and asked her to stop treating me like a child.


OK, so I didn't see the specificity but after a reread ... YAY Sue!
Are you ready for humidity so thick you might swell up just walking down the street? :laugh:
I'm so happy for you, I hope your path leads you to bigger and better enjoyment in life, if that is even possible!

So, no real solid details ... hoping to not jinx karma?


Admittedly... yes, I look forward to Sue sharing a touch of her 'oh so many' various treats while near.... just sayin.

I’m known to be generous. :battingeyelashes:

Hiya SweetSue,

I'm so happy for you! I'm so glad your life is turning in a positive direction! Just think, you'll be able to grow outdoors and grow enough to seriously experiment! It's also great your daughter will be able to go as well.

I'm guessing you're not leaving 420 Magazine? Good, thanks. I do so enjoy your journals, and your charisma!
Good luck, and enjoy!

Oh Lord no! I only entertain thoughts of helping to build this membership. My commitment here hasn’t wavered. :hug:

My daughter is talking of moving to California with her partner at the same time I’d be moving to NOLA. The plan was I’d be moving on my own. It looked touchy there for a brief moment, then we stabilized and went back to moving forward.

She hasn’t been without my constant presence most of her life. The longest I’ve been away from her was the 7 was in Phoenix after her father passed. This will be a strain on both of us, if we let it.

We plan to focus our attention on happier feeling thoughts. You always have a simple choice in any moment, to feel a little better or to feel a little worse.

I feel a little better. Always. 100% of the time. Lol! This adventure will be grand. :slide:

Bodeacious! Sue leave 420 Magazine? Surely not even when hell freezes over! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

See above. :hug::hug::hug:

Oh Sue, THANK YOU for bringing my Moms words back to life, she did the EXACT same routine with me every night until I was a dumb ass young teen and asked her to stop treating me like a child.


Keith, that kinda made my whole day. :hug: I love that we share that memory from different mothers. :love: Did you teach it to your children?

I can tell you some particulars. I’ll be in NOLA sooner than anyone would believe possible. Tead and I have dreamed of this for some time. Last year we came breathlessly close, to watch our dreams come to a screeching halt. Just recently the property and opportunity to take advantage of it fell together at the same time.

I’ll be residing in a home owned by Tead and his lovely bride, doing what I do now, just there instead of here. I’ll be close enough to water to enjoy it. Life just got delicious. :battingeyelashes:

Maybe we can do a music festival together some weekend. You’ll have to visit, you know.

And yes, I’m aware of the occasional need for gills. Lol!

I spoke with Jgrow and I’ll be keeping the clone cuttings going for him in anticipation of his having a place to grow again. We have 50 days, max. I’ll be into a second batch by then.

I also may have a local grower who could finish out the Candy Cane.

That’s a new wrinkle I hadn’t considered. She’d asked me once for a suggestion of a sativa, and I’ll have a Carnival clone potted by the time I leave. It’d be a sweet parting gift to an old friend.

Time for bed. Turning in early the night before a walk was smart, and now it’s the end of a long day filled with emotional ups and downs that started at 6:30. I’m gonna clear up my paperwork and call it an early night, after I check on a couple threads.

See you all tomorrow. :ciao:
hmmmmmm..... Tead wonders if you really understand those words.....

I’ve survived Houston. It can’t be much worse. I’m a strong woman with a healthy outlook on life. I’ll find a way to be joyful about it.

Watch me. :battingeyelashes:
Oh wow! Sue!

I’ll be residing in a home owned by Tead and his lovely bride, doing what I do now, just there instead of here. I’ll be close enough to water to enjoy it. Life just got delicious. :battingeyelashes:

:eek::eek::eek: I’ve seen a lot of cool things happen between the members on this site, but this one tops it all for sure. Just a wonderful turn of events. Tead, you lucky devils! A reliable tenant, and a SweetSue into the bargain - not to mention a Susan :)

Sue, I think I’m nearly as excited as you are! :hug::yahoo::hug:

I’ll have a Carnival clone potted by the time I leave. It’d be a sweet parting gift to an old friend.
And that rounds things out nicely doesn’t it? It couldn’t be more perfect. Sure there’ll be moments of struggle along the way, but because it’s you, they’ll only be moments, to be transcended through “feeling better” :battingeyelashes:

I’m positively giddy! (I’m also manic from no cannabis so that’s in play too!) And it’s not even my news :rofl:

Nuawlins? whaaAAAA!!!

That's gonna be a hell of a service call for me Sue:laugh:
You driving a Uhaul?
I lived just outside NO in Metarie in the mid 70's, is that close to Teads?

I got my Slug33 in the mail and took it for a test run today.
I didn't get as good as we got on your test run but the stuff kicks but.
The coin I used was too irregular and weed was coming out the side with the oil.
I gathered that up and put it in a pipe and was pleasantly surprised at how good it was too.
Actually easier to manage than the oil alone.

The next run I used a smooth strong magnet about the size of a half dollar. It helps that it sticks to the vice.
I got more oil, but still not as much as we did at your run. I think the weed was to dry. I'll be practicing more tomorrow.
Nuawlins? whaaAAAA!!!

That's gonna be a hell of a service call for me Sue:laugh:
You driving a Uhaul?
I lived just outside NO in Metarie in the mid 70's, is that close to Teads?

I got my Slug33 in the mail and took it for a test run today.
I didn't get as good as we got on your test run but the stuff kicks but.
The coin I used was too irregular and weed was coming out the side with the oil.
I gathered that up and put it in a pipe and was pleasantly surprised at how good it was too.
Actually easier to manage than the oil alone.

The next run I used a smooth strong magnet about the size of a half dollar. It helps that it sticks to the vice.
I got more oil, but still not as much as we did at your run. I think the weed was to dry. I'll be practicing more tomorrow.

How cool Hash Hound! :high-five: Pick the gooiest chemovar in the larder. We used bobrown14’s Blue Dream. :battingeyelashes:

It’s a hard toy to walk away from. Lol!

We haven’t gotten to the logistics of how I’m getting physically moved, but a U-haul sounds like a good deal. That’ll be worked out in its right time.

I’ll get rid of much more before moving. I may be down to grow equipment, some clothes, and a few kitchen things. All the trivial stuff I’ll give away and replace there. I bet when I get it all packed I’m down to something that’ll fit in the bed of a pickup. Lol!
That sounds cool Sue. Tead seems like a good dude..... Hopefully, ya'll crank out some poundage ... GL
It can’t be much worse.

Yes... yes it can.

Tead, you lucky devils! A reliable tenant, and a SweetSue into the bargain - not to mention a Susan

Yes... horribly lucky.
Well... not so much lucky really... just makin a dream come true is all.... just a touch of work.
Wow Sue! Sounds like the stars are finally lining up in the heavens and the doors of opportunity are standing wide open for you. But most importantly, "you" seem ready for this. Big adventures for Sue ahead! (and Tead) :) So happy at your excitment to get the ball rolling.
Sending positive thoughts and energies your way.
Peace be wit ya Sweet Sue.
Fun fun fun

Mud bugs and jambalaya and blackened catfish

What else do ya need Crazy Lady

Music and the constant cacophony of laughing voices of visiting friends. :hug::hug::hug: I’ll be closer to Phoenix my friend. That’ll make it easier to visit.

I have a wedding reception there in Oct. I may shoot out for. I was planning to be in San Diego then but this changed those timelines. That close it can more easily be a visit of just a couple days.

You’re always welcome to visit. :battingeyelashes:
This is going to be an interesting adventure. I think @SweetSue will fit well in Tead's area.

Congrats to Chris for MOTM...:bongrip:

Oh Chris! I forgot it was the first of the month!

Congratulations! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
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