SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

420Folks are a unique group, ya'll are a hoot!

I love all this worry and jabbing at Sue, good stuff. Funny Chris, a bait animal ain't a bad idea, or even a bait human for the other animals with no tail!

Do understand if you buy a car that it will get stolen. I can't think of a single family member that hasn't had their car stolen and/or stripped. My brother has been through 4 during the past 30 years. :laugh: Mom was carjacked twice with a gun, my father in-law carjacked once and my youngest sister once. Just trying to paint a real picture of NO for you, it's a fun hot mess!

Tead - You must get her a Lake Pontchartrain Female SoftShell Crab PoBoy. It's imcomparable to any other sandwich IMHO.
How many vehicles have you lost to flood and or theft Tead? I lost 3 in my years there.

Tead - You must get her a Lake Pontchartrain Female SoftShell Crab PoBoy. It's imcomparable to any other sandwich IMHO.
How many vehicles have you lost to flood and or theft Tead? I lost 3 in my years there.

:rofl: Ok, I'm waiting to hear the answer to this. Lol! I don't worry about such things Keith. To be honest, I'll keep the vehicle secure and leave it up to the cosmos.

I was told today that every day in NO is a celebration of food. If I stick to my fasting regimen I might stand a chance. If I bike everywhere it'll balance out the food I'm bound to be attracted to. Lol!
How many vehicles have you lost to flood and or theft Tead?

Drove the Mini thru a deep mud puddle once. Did you know that all the computers are under the floor in little cars? Tough lesson that seems to keep on giving. Never got one formally flooded.... I move it to high ground (a very relative term) when the need comes.... can't remember last time I did.
Never been carjacked. Had one broken into once... kids. That's about it. Had my house broken into once.... that was a bummer.

If I bike everywhere it'll balance out the food I'm bound to be attracted to.

Works for Tead!
Are they more drawn to smaller dogs, because I'm not really a small dog kinda woman.

Well, lol, you know how the fat guy always grabs a handful of snacks before tearing into the buffet in earnest? It's probably like that. Except that, in real life, sometimes the snack is quicker and more agile than the main course. So a little ankle-biting t!t-sitter might end up scampering away from that one.

Get ya a boxer, and carry around a sack a runny feces. When the gator comes, you've got like two seconds... Wear that (rapidly emptying ;) ) bag of runny feces like a hat and make sure not to get any on the sacrificial lam-- err... pooch. Maybe even whip up some garlic butter flavored pet shampoo before you start taking walks on the wild side.

It's better to return home sad because you're carrying an empty leash (and covered in poop) than to not return home at all.

Just carry a cat for bait when ya go for walks

Pound-for-pound, against a serious predator... I'd take a cat over a dog, most days. I lived in the middle of nowhere, once, and had four cats - including a little, underweight, long-haired miniature cross of something or other. First week, that little runt got out of the old house. We called and looked for hours - until the torrential downpour hit :rolleyes: . A few days later, we'd given our cat up for dead (had been warned about not letting the cats out due to wild animals (no, not 'gators) .

Middle of the next week, I came home from work and found the cat on the back porch - I think it had actually gained a pound or two.


They're not the easiest things in the world to train to walk on a leash (a harness helps), but probably 100x easier than a wolverine.

BtW, speaking of cats, y'all see any cougars lately, lol?

Yeah... I'm rambling, again.

Drove the Mini thru a deep mud puddle once. Did you know that all the computers are under the floor in little cars?

Yes. I used to work in the automobile(/etc.) detail industry, and at a used car lot. Couldn't tell you how many vehicles the boss brought back from the various auto auctions over the years that "only had a little sand in the ashtray," lol. I could have charted major US flood events via the vehicles that trickled down (and which I assumed were only a tiny fraction of the total amount that were damaged by floodwaters).

Mom was carjacked twice with a gun, my father in-law carjacked once and my youngest sister once. Just trying to paint a real picture of NO for you, it's a fun hot mess!

Someone tried to take Mom's purse in the late '70s, then when she wouldn't let go of it, tried to pull her out of her car. Turned out she was better armed than he was - and quicker to pull the trigger, LMFAO.

Hey, isn't LA an open-carry state? And a shall issue state, in terms of concealed carry permits, FFS? HtH(?????) does anyone get carjacked when they've got the ability to walk (/drive) around while legally armed? I know there aren't many around here - close to NONE since they had a little discussion down in the capital and changed our concealed carry law from "shall issue" (applicant automatically gets the permit unless there's a problem) to "no permit required, just tell LEO you've got one hidden on your person if you're approached." Someone must have told the local lawmakers that criminals already had firearms... <SCRATCHES HEAD> or, I suppose, they might have forgotten that they were politicians and managed to collectively find the common sense of an average three-year old :rolleyes: . . . .
It’s better to spare the gator the temptation and use caution when walking the dog. Lol!
Better to carry a 44 mag................ Is the Sportsman Paradise.........
Better to carry a 44 mag................ Is the Sportsman Paradise.........

SweetSue and a gun.... not in this lifetime.

Had someone I’d pissed off stick a gun in my face when I was 18. I looked him calmly in the eye and said “Pull the trigger or put it down.”

He put it down. We talked.

I’ve always been a little more fearless than the average bear. :battingeyelashes:
I realize gators aren’t easily dissuaded by a calm demeanor. Lol! I couldn’t shoot a living thing. I know that.
Gators aside, the more I hear all these southern folk talk about NO, the more I think it seems a match made in heaven for you Sue!

A city that revels in excess and lacks a bit of the puritanical judgement found elsewhere..... yep, sounds like a city I can adapt to. Lol!
By reading all these posts I just can't stop thinking about my cat that ate a bud from my plant that was drying after harvest. Sue already knows this story I think but I was sitting on the couch, looking outside, seeing my cat with a little green thingy in his mouth, and me processing it: Wait... That's a little bud from my harvest... Why does she... Wow, I'm not even mad!
I guess sue has many things afoot!

Either that or she has begun to vibrate at such a high frequency that she has become invisible! :eek:


Friday’s are my day to call BINGO and then coffee and cannabis with the daughter. Today the routine included photos for the update, drenches, and a nice visit with Jgrowlove, who just left a bit ago.

We’ve decided he’ll assist me in my quest to get my driver’s license taken care of before my departure date. One more challenge overcome. :slide:

I’m headed out to have some soup and do the update. I’ll leave you with a teaser shot. :battingeyelashes:

Weekly Update: Clone Cuttings and Veg Shelf - Friday, August 3, 2018

Good evening everyone :love:

The pictures are loaded and ready to go, are you? OK then, come with me. :battingeyelashes:

I opens each and every bag. No roots anywhere.

Jgrowlove has claimed all of what I have in veg. He has a relative ready to start growing and I have the plants to make that happen.

It’s good to know they won’t go to waste, and after I’m settled we can talk about the saved genetics.

All of the plants except that huge Candy Cane are on a diet of half-strength nutrients. Candy Cane is now receiving 10ml of Parts A & B with 4 ml of Energy per gallon of water. Of course everyone gets CaliMagic to the tune of 2 tsp per gallon.

Little Lemon Tonic won’t go to waste after all. :yahoo: J’s relative gets to start a 1:1 and be cutting edge. :slide: A 1:1 ratio is said to be best for chronic pain management and this one’s a sweet sativa.

When I get to NOLA I’ll start a new seed.

The CBD Critical Cures are both progressing nicely. The clone has begun to show the kind of growth that makes me smile.

I really hate to leave these two behind. These are her base meds and that means we have to find a substitute soon.

Candy Cane will be huge by the time we’re ready to move her to her new home. Maybe I’ll train her new owner to work in hempy and leave him enough Mega Crop to get them through. Then they can clone the hempies for the following soil run.

Coming along. That’s all we ask. J will have two Carnivals and two CBD CCs when the pass occurs. That’s good news for whomever receives these incredible meds.

Mendocino Underdog #2 looks strong and hearty. No more into flower, it’s one to keep the genetics from here on out. I’ll be sure to keep the mothers until the cuttings root.

Yeah...... he smiled real big when he realized he’d scored some of Morglie’s mad sativa genetic creation. :blunt:

I’m satisfied that my work at getting them to this point and beyond won’t be a waste, and others will get relief from my efforts. It’s really sweet to think I’ve been used to help start a new growing adventure. Sometime in the future we’ll find ourselves staring admiringly at them in full bloom. :battingeyelashes:

On to the closet. Stick close. :ciao:
Weekly Update: The tiny closet - Friday, August 3, 2018

My DDAs are drinking 15 ml of Parts A & B with 8 ml of Bulk per gallon of water used. They couldn’t look more different.

DDA 8, on the left, refuses to break loose and go verticle singer inner workings can benefit from the lumens. I trimmed her a bit a couple days ago thinking she was ready to bolt, and she stayed right where she was.

If she doesn’t move soon she’ll be harvested before she’s worth anything.

DDA 9 is sparkling. :yahoo:

Rich leaf staining suggest black-purple buds in the end.

Someone’s been chewing on DDA 8. Grrrrr......

It appears to be isolated to this branch.

She hasn’t made any real movement in too many days. Next time I don’t top the DDAs. She hasn’t even opened up to bloom yet.

Her closet mate is putting her to shame.

Time’s ticking away. I know I’ll get a decent harvest out of one. I’ll trust the universe to take care of getting the stragglers the line. I can only do so much.

One more post to go. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:
My DDA is super short but I noticed hairs today. I chose not to top mine.

I keep hoping that I will get the purple out of her. I know most carry the trait, but I only planted one.

#9 is a beauty :yummy:
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