SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

passing through....lots of crazy stuff...Sue with a torch. Bless you @Hash Hound for helping with that rosin making.

I'm glad your daughter's ok. and look at @Amy Gardner building lights and popping a Blue Dream seed. @KeifKeith on the bus writing more and giving so many pieces of valuable information. Loving music and old tools always get my attention.

It's past my bed time so that means kief. :bongrip: Sending :hug::hug:
Sue I googled slug33 review and it took me to fuckcombustion dot com and the manufacturer was in there answering questions.
after 10 pages these are the tips I found.
temp and time is key
cleaning while warm usually wipes everything off, if not use alcohol when cool
can be dipped in cool water to cool off quicker
pressing 3/4 of bud before applying heat will prevent most oil seepage from the piston end
don't overload
Oh Amy..... WooHoo! :high-five:

And thank you for understanding. I sometimes have to remind myself that my friends know what I do beyond this journal and don’t take offense when I miss out.

You are talented in a way I can’t begin to see myself. Well done. :thumb:

Share that picture with MagicJim, if you haven’t already. He’s the proud papa that made the plant produce those seeds.

Rosin is the name we use for pressed oils, but they’re concentrated cannabis oils in their pure form, made without solvents that require purging.

Pure medicine.....

SweetSue goes solventless :yahoo:

Hash Hound found time to come over and do the initial squish with us. I’ve never worked with a torch before and felt safer having him around. :battingeyelashes:

Turned out to be a good thing too. The torch turned out to have a leaky valve, turning it into a flame thrower. :eek: A quick trip to the store and a better torch later - one with a push button - we got to the job of pressing some cannabis oil.

The paper weighed in at 3 grams, kinda waffling between 2 and 3.

When working with dense buds you need to break them up. The creator says you don’t need to bust up fluffier flowers, which these were, but I figured if I did so it’d make it easier for the oil to be released.

Place the Slug on a piece of parchment paper and begin to fill the cylinder with your flowers. Every so often tamp the blossoms down, but not so hard that they’re pressed all the way through.

You load the tamper with the top piece inverted. This gives you something to grab hold of when you’re done. You want to get the puck out ASAP so it doesn’t cook the terps out.

When you have it mounted and ready to go and apply the flame, keep it away from the paper. Lol!

There’s a half dollar mounted behind the paper. We figured out that the backside with the eagle offers more surface texture, which we believe helped the oils seep out easier than a solid flat piece would. We may be wrong in that assessment, but it sounded good. Lol!

The coin is on the vice, the parchment paper over top, folded back to keep it away from the flame.

You can see there’s a small fold on the bottom to catch the dripping oil. So the top is folded away and the bottom is folded towards the Slug.33.

The flame is applied for 1 minute, slowly turning the crank. You don’t want to crank all the way to the end until you’ve turned the flame off. This gives a few seconds for the oil to start running.

Like this. :cheesygrinsmiley:


You can see it’s still bubbling.

It weighs less than 0.10 grams, which is theoretically .33 or so of the available oil in this single gram of Blue Dream.

That means the puck is loaded with over 65% of wat the buds had to offer. They’re in a big jar, to be accumulated and made into oil for edibles, most likely brownies.

It was so much fun we had to do it again. :battingeyelashes:

The dark spots you see on the cylinder are melted rubber. We dropped the Slug.33 and it melted the floor tiles. Lol! The thing got hot.

You’d think we’d have paid closer attention to that, but the excitement was high and we weren’t thinking as clearly as we might have. Lol!

The second attempt garnered very close to the original press, but by using a cylinder that was already too hot to touch we overheated the buds and burned off most of the terpenes. Lesson learned: let the cylinder cool down completely between pressings.

Ain’t it pretty?

As soon as you’re done you want to pull the tamper out, remove the end piece and flip the cylinder over so you can use the tamper to shove the puck out before it cooks away.

A few minutes later Hash Hound checked the temperature of the metals and they were all too hot to touch. They were so hot by this time that even the leather didn’t help much.

I’ll be purchasing a silicone mat to drop the pieces on to when I’m done. Today I simply kept an eye on them for a few minutes, moving them around so they didn’t set the yarn on fire. Lol!

When you’re done pressing toss the piece of parchment paper into the freezer or do what my daughter did and grab an ice pack.

The daughter smiled. :battingeyelashes: She’d forgotten she still had some wax bits to use too.

This was delicious fun. Thank you @Dirtdemon. :hug::hug::hug:

Your generous gift will brighten our lives in ways you didn’t imagine when you placed the order. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and all the rest of me.


Tomorrow I’m making Carnival oil. :slide:

Very cool, Sue! :thumb:

I'm wondering, does that torch de-carb the oil also, so it's ready for use in edibles, or do you need to smoke/vape it? :hmmmm:
:hug::hug::hug: It warms my heart to know that SweetSue. It was my pleasure, Thank You for pointing in the right direction of healing. I couldn’t have done it without your help. :hug::hug::hug::thanks::circle-of-love:

I’m thankful the universe brought us together Dirtdemon. The timing was just right. :hug::hug::hug:

I looked for an hour to find one taken on a clear day for comparison, but they seem to be lost somewhere in the cloud.

:rofl: If that wasn’t a pun.......

I'm thankful for you too Sue
Never sell yourself short, what you did for BIL was above and beyond your duty! :hug:

Do you know how pumped Dale would be to see you using his vice for Rosin?
I'm strange, but I love the look of a well used vice or any tool really. Many stories etched on it's face.
Props on the three year survival girl, I can only imagine it's challenges.


We started hauling his stuff out of the apartment yesterday. By the end of the week it’ll all be done.

I’ve done so well in that three years because I had all these loving companions. :thanks:

But my question is... what is it like to toke on!? :popcorn::nomo:

Smooth as silk Amy. You don’t taste it really until you stop inhaling. Then the full flavor fills your senses. It’s a fairly strong hit with BD, and the buzz was happy and carefree.

It was Hash Hound’s first time using a Vapor Bros. vape pen, and he was much impressed with the purity of concentrates. Lembatoast introduced me, and more significantly the daughter to the wonders of shatter and wax. She’s the most excited one among us.

Although....funny side story....

We were sitting in the living room talking while the daughter cleaned oil from the paper when Hash Hound truned to the daughter and said

“I know how excited she gets, so when I’m reading her online I hear it in her voice and I know she’s really as excited as it reads.” :laughtwo:

I’m on my way to hand in the device for the research project I participated in. Why’re compensating me to the time of $80 for carrying this baby around for two weeks. Confirmation of one of my favorite affirmations, always said with a deep sense of carefreeness:

“My income is constantly improving.”

One I’d consider incorporating into your lives.

passing through....lots of crazy stuff...Sue with a torch. Bless you @Hash Hound for helping with that rosin making.

I'm glad your daughter's ok. and look at @Amy Gardner building lights and popping a Blue Dream seed. @KeifKeith on the bus writing more and giving so many pieces of valuable information. Loving music and old tools always get my attention.

It's past my bed time so that means kief. :bongrip: Sending :hug::hug:

We are a busy group of happy cultivators, aren’t we Jim? Amy impressed the hell out of me, and when I’m done with this post I’m gonna devote the rest of my ride catching up on a couple new journals I’m hoping to follow more closely, including hers.

I think I missed Graytail’s last update too. *sigh*

Sue I googled slug33 review and it took me to fuckcombustion dot com and the manufacturer was in there answering questions.
after 10 pages these are the tips I found.
temp and time is key
cleaning while warm usually wipes everything off, if not use alcohol when cool
can be dipped in cool water to cool off quicker
pressing 3/4 of bud before applying heat will prevent most oil seepage from the piston end
don't overload

Ok....let’s recap:

* temp and time is key We learned this when we boiled the terps out of the second batch.
* cleaning while warm usually wipes everything off, if not use alcohol when cool It takes a while to cool down. I may just go to letting it cool and using alcohol. I have some 151 rum. :slide:

* can be dipped in cool water to cool off quicker Good to know. Maybe dip to cool and clean before it cools too much.

* pressing 3/4 of bud before applying heat will prevent most oil seepage from the piston end That may explain why we had that happen the second run. We deliberately didn’t compress as much.

* don't overload. I can see the wisdom of this. They’ve worked out the balance of flower volume and the heat you’ll generate with a torch applied to that cylinder for a minute.

* if using a plumber’s torch use a low flame I added this one that you shared by text. Another rookie error. Lol! Flame control would keep from setting the paper on fire and allow you to apply the flame further down the cylinder.

I’m thinking a few more of us invest in the forges it’ll necessitate a group thread to explore the nuances. :battingeyelashes:

How cool is that for timing! (but Sue was involved, so of course... ;) )

Yep! :high-five: The entire day was one magnificent moment of good timing after another Amy. It was almost magical to watch. :slide:

Very cool, Sue! :thumb:

I'm wondering, does that torch de-carb the oil also, so it's ready for use in edibles, or do you need to smoke/vape it? :hmmmm:

I believe it’s heating the internal chamber to something lower than that K, but at the moment I can’t recall. I think HH mentioned 175°? You only heat it with the flame for one minute.

We made the mistake of using it the second time while the cylinder was still too hot to pick up. That cooked the oil. Not what you’re looking for. Cool down in between.

K.....pure oil for the day in less than ten minutes, start to finish. How do you pass this up? I’m saving funds to get a 2-gram Slug.33.

ahhh... yes... the understatement of the year... very nice!

I haven’t used the torch yet, but I won’t heaitate to do so today. And now I know how to cool it down quick in between. :yahoo:

The daughter stands by on fire extinguisher duty. Lol! Yesterday’s flame-throwing adventure unnerved her a little, but the replacement tank was much improved over the damaged one. She’s not concerned, but she’ll be safety backup and feel more secure. :battingeyelashes:
:rofl: I love it so much when auto correct does things like this :thumb:

Great day to ya sue :hug: and all

All this extraction stuff has me excited. Thanks Sue! :battingeyelashes: Time to start admiring presses... I do love stainless steel :surf:

There is something about shiny stainless. :battingeyelashes:

I went back and edited the many mistakes I caused by typing on a moving bus to post without proper proofreading because my stop came up. Lol!

I finished my exit interview and left her a little in wonder at the energy and excited to know I’d be returning to take part in the next section of the research in December. That part they’ll take pictures of my brain before and after. Hehe!

I’ve been running on all cylinders for days with inadequate sleep time to balance the energy. I’ll probably catch up today with a brief nap.

My bus home is here. Let me get over to your thread and catch up. :hug:
Well.... you should see the smile on my face. :battingeyelashes:


Thank you gentlemen. :kisstwo:
What a day. Care to take a look at what mine entailed? :battingeyelashes: I didn't get any Carnival oil done. There wasn't time. Lol!

I started by rolling out of bed ready to play with the cosmos at the bright and early hour of 6:30, then off to the appointment with the young researcher.

Today is Tuesday, lunch with the seniors followed by their Tuesday BINGO game, which I call. :slide: We had tuna salad today, my favorite. WooHoo! Ad surprise scones. Oooo..... I practice time restricted eating. I don't watch what I eat, I watch when I eat. Turns out I can do that and lose weight without trying. So I had a scone or two. Lol!

Wake 'n bake with the daughter began after I got back home. She spent more time here than usual today, but the conversation is always spirited, and there's no reason not to sit and laugh together as we both take our euphoria to new heights.

Out the door finally, because I needed H2O2 to soak the CBD CC clone. We all knew as soon as I popped a new seed this one would set roots, didn't we? :rofl:

I took K's advice about soaking the clone in an even ratio of H2O2 and water. This worked so well I think I'll do it with all my cuttings. :battingeyelashes:

How cool is this? :laughtwo:

After the plug is filled with water it floats. A clean fork held her down.

While she soaked for half an hour I turned my attention to the important job of securing a cutting of Carnival. It was scheduled for yesterday, but I have a squishing excuse for that. Lol!

By then it was time to get CBD CC into her pot. She's been soaked in 1/4-strength nutrients, of course.

I'd already plugged up the reservoir on the sad Carnival clone and soaked her in the H2O2 solution, and she also got 1/4-strength nutrients before she went back under the light

You watch....she'll turn out to be the star :battingeyelashes:

MUD #2 also sprouted roots, and got the same treatment, moved to a smaller pot. She exists to create the next clone.

The Devil's Carnival clone is pissed at me. I'm thinking it's time to take some cuttings and decide what I want to do with the clones. I'm tempted to let her grow out in a bigger pot, but that interferes with my experiment to control them by cloning. :rofl:

I mean, look at how crowded we've become. Lol!

I'm blissfully exhausted by a wonderfully productive day. Tomorrow I'll take cuttings and bag them up. It'll be fun. See you then. :ciao:
What a day. Care to take a look at what mine entailed? :battingeyelashes: I didn't get any Carnival oil done. There wasn't time. Lol!

I started by rolling out of bed ready to play with the cosmos at the bright and early hour of 6:30, then off to the appointment with the young researcher.

Today is Tuesday, lunch with the seniors followed by their Tuesday BINGO game, which I call. :slide: We had tuna salad today, my favorite. WooHoo! Ad surprise scones. Oooo..... I practice time restricted eating. I don't watch what I eat, I watch when I eat. Turns out I can do that and lose weight without trying. So I had a scone or two. Lol!

Wake 'n bake with the daughter began after I got back home. She spent more time here than usual today, but the conversation is always spirited, and there's no reason not to sit and laugh together as we both take our euphoria to new heights.

Out the door finally, because I needed H2O2 to soak the CBD CC clone. We all knew as soon as I popped a new seed this one would set roots, didn't we? :rofl:

I took K's advice about soaking the clone in an even ratio of H2O2 and water. This worked so well I think I'll do it with all my cuttings. :battingeyelashes:

How cool is this? :laughtwo:

After the plug is filled with water it floats. A clean fork held her down.

While she soaked for half an hour I turned my attention to the important job of securing a cutting of Carnival. It was scheduled for yesterday, but I have a squishing excuse for that. Lol!

By then it was time to get CBD CC into her pot. She's been soaked in 1/4-strength nutrients, of course.

I'd already plugged up the reservoir on the sad Carnival clone and soaked her in the H2O2 solution, and she also got 1/4-strength nutrients before she went back under the light

You watch....she'll turn out to be the star :battingeyelashes:

MUD #2 also sprouted roots, and got the same treatment, moved to a smaller pot. She exists to create the next clone.

The Devil's Carnival clone is pissed at me. I'm thinking it's time to take some cuttings and decide what I want to do with the clones. I'm tempted to let her grow out in a bigger pot, but that interferes with my experiment to control them by cloning. :rofl:

I mean, look at how crowded we've become. Lol!

I'm blissfully exhausted by a wonderfully productive day. Tomorrow I'll take cuttings and bag them up. It'll be fun. See you then. :ciao:
Nice little update Sue. Hope tomorrow brings you many blessings!
I’m getting close to signing out for the day but had to drop in here. Nice day Sue - another one with different adventures awaits tomorrow.

I practice time restricted eating. I don't watch what I eat, I watch when I eat. Turns out I can do that and lose weight without trying. So I had a scone or two. Lol!

Now that’s living :slide:

tempted to let her grow out in a bigger pot, but that interferes with my experiment to control them by cloning. :rofl:
I mean, look at how crowded we've become. Lol!
That seems to have taken you no time at all :battingeyelashes::welldone:

G’night :Namaste:
I'd already plugged up the reservoir on the sad Carnival clone

Isn't it amazing?
You (well... me anyway) wouldn't think it could be such a huge issue, but wow things go downhill fast.
I've never done anything but flush the bejezus out of them with water and that's worked just fine in the past.
Recently, one of my pots didn't get properly cleaned between grows and had some root material hiding in a crack. As the grow progressed, the pot staaaaaank.... oh so bad, but the plant grew to harvest and appeared normal.
Some day I'm gonna use the shrink-ray on myself and zoom down to perlite chunk size. Then I can climb down in my pot and swim around some to see what's going on down there.
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