SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

Nice buds Sue,

You and my wife are performing the same task today, but I think you are much happier about it than she! She didn't do the wash though, but it was grown in a standalone uninhabited room with no pests. We have smoked paraquat in the 70s so a little dust and dander shouldn't kill us, although I always wash before I trim. It's her first every harvest and trim ... one spoiled woman huh?

Her happy salvation is the one non-auto that I grow every cycle, and her favorite, a stable cross I made a few years ago that has proven to be winner (yielding several hundred viable seeds). I guess I should name the cross since it seems to be what everyone else does ... hmmmmm.

The parents were Royal Gold x Ice / Blueberry x Big Bud

How about "Adams RIBB"
That was too easy. :laugh:

Yay it’s a harvest festival :cheer:

Complete with sproutings!! My Blue Dream came up overnight so we’ve got distantl siblings coming on together - seeing as the seed came from the same stash ;)

It's important, too. I don't think the non-consuming portion of the population really understands that cannabis isn't a thing - that it's many things.
I agree! I’m having a great time opening up that world for some of the folks around me too, as I discover it myself (and I’m actually quite particular about calling it Cannabis in public ;). I get casual round here... sometimes i forget it’s very public!)
I think I may be into something. :slide:
You definitely are! You may well be on to something as well!
She may be giving me my best DC harvest, with the possibility of seeds.
How about "Adams RIBB"
That was too easy. :laugh:
Brilliant! :thumb:
@KeifKeith, tell the wife I’m proud of her. :high-five:

I personally love to harvest. :slide:

Just sharing the pleasantries

And we thank you for sharing Gg. :hug:

I was in the middle of my harvest - I was into something :laughtwo: - when I got the call that the daughter had a severe allergic reaction to some Chinese and they needed me to let the paramedics in when they arrived and accompany her to the ER.

So here I sit while they wait to be certain she won’t have a rebound effect.

I only got a partial bag filled. By the time I get back it’ll have been many more hours than normal for a low and slo dry. Since the DC is destined for a friend I may simply line dry and send it on to him to cure. It’d be faster than the low and slo and he’s been out for quite a while.

The Red Diesel is for cobbing. It’d be line dried for two days anyway, so I’ll simply shift it to another space to finish.

I’ll share just a couple teaser pics and get the rest of the report up when I get home and catch a righteous buzz.

I’ll be back later. The daughter is fine. :ciao:
Oh guys......... Thank you for being such caring friends. :hug::hug::hug:

She had an episode of anaphylactic shock that sent her spiraling into panic. It was disconcerting how casual and remote the paramedics who responded were. By the time they arrived she was near passing out, but once they realized she was moving air and her heart was beating soundly they acted like nothing was going on.

Maybe a casual episode of feeling like their throats are closing would change their cavalier attitude. Somewhere along the way bedside manner took a vacation and never came back. Hey checked her out at the ER, gave her a shot of steroid to get her safely through the next 72 hours and suggested she get tested for food allergies. Then they gave her a prescription for an eppie pen and sent us happily on our way.

She feels like she went two rounds with a gorilla. She'll sleep like a baby tonight. :battingeyelashes::love:

It was strange being at that hospital in a secondary support position. I pretty much ran all over that hospital when Dale was in his death spiral. I practically lived there during the last year. We'd been concerned that it might be too painful for me to be there, but I discovered I was very relaxed, and even went to one of my favorite sitting areas outdoors and watched the rain gently falling, just for the joy of being there.

It's been three years since he passed. Looks like I'm gonna be ok. :battingeyelashes:

The trip put a pause on my harvest activities, and when we returned home I went right back to work trimming DC 1.7 into the bags.

HARVEST: Devil's Carnival 1.7 & Red Diesel 2

I unplugged the lights to the tent last night, planning to harvest at least DC 1.7, with the potential to leave Red Diesel for tomorrow, but I managed to get them both washed and hung, and DC in the bags by 9:30 tonight. Tomorrow I'll shift Zamaldelica x Panama into tent #3 and let her finish under the 3000K qb.

Would you like to see some pretty pictures of the day's pleasures? :battingeyelashes: I thought you might, so I took some. :cheesygrinsmiley:

The party started with DC 1.7, her perfume nearly overpowering.

I'm no longer as hopeful of a seed, having seen it up close now, but I'll hold off judgement until the branch is dry and I can get in there and see.

Her branches hung in the hallway while I washed Red Diesel.

The lowest flowers never got to purple. One of these days I'll let one go until she's gasping, see if they'll all go colorful.

Her roots went almost to the very bottom of the pot.

I haven't checked Red Diesel's roots yet. That'll wait until tomorrow when I have more energy.

Sugar leaves from Devil's Carnival are some of the most fragrant I grow. It pleases me that I'll have a batch drying that I can enjoy as aroma therapy.

One branch hanging to dry and 175 grams wet in the bags. That calculates out to a tad over 1.5 oz dry. Enough to meet the needs, in fact in true SweetSue universe style there'll be more than enough. Lol!

Red Diesel was an easy job, wash and hang to dry for two days. As soon as I determine they're just right I'll be fermenting the buds in jars and cobbing what's left.

Impressive, eh? God, she was a beauty, and smells intense. I can't believe we misidentified her not once, but twice. Lol!

She'll be much easier to trim than the Devil's Carn was.

Before I knew it I was washing the last of her.

This was all the damaged leaves on her. :slide:

Bud bits kept breaking off in the wash. Lol! They got tossed in with the sugar leaves from DC 1.7 for drying, and then I'll smoke them all up. :roorrip:

Now that DC is bagged up Red Diesel can hang in the hallway.

Harvesting more than one plant in a single day is a little nuts, isn't it? Lol! I try to avoid overworking myself like that, but on occassion I can survive the overload. I'm glad this part is behind me, and now I'm pulling out the DDA and celebrating the end of a productive day.

Thanks for stopping to share in my joy. :hug::hug::hug:

:goodjob:Good to hear your daughters ok.

Yes she is:love: The cycles continues, nice harvest.:thumb: hope your seed is viable.:Namaste:

Thanks dynamo. :hug: I hope I have a seed. Lol! We’ll be hopeful together. :battingeyelashes:

Off to bed I am. Goodnight all. :love:
That zigzaggy shot of the red deisel is wonderful! What a form :yummy:

Wow - yep that’s exactly how my ant bite episode went. And in fact, there’s panic in the reaction so it’s not just panic about what’s happening, there’s a whole other layer as well as the panic attack ot can induce! The detachment of the paramedics can be disconcerting. But in reality, they need to be. They also see many many anaphylactic episodes and know when there’s danger and when not. They’re not at all comforting tho are they!? I hav an Epi pen too. Likely she’ll get referral to an immunologist for checking histamine level. There also may have been some nasty additive in the food that she reacted to. Might not be a food allergy as such. Wishing you all the best with it. Send her my best wishes and comraderie!

Zamaldelica x Panama into tent #3 and let her finish under the 3000K qb.

Hope all is well with ya girl... See ya had a decent harvest as usual... Been in Actual trim hell for about a week and a half, to be finished by Thurs... We are hoping for around 200 lbs dry, though I doubt it... You would be amazed how many f in plants fit into a 100 x 300 ft building... LOL .... Off to work, just wanted to stop by... I am always around, but unfortunately also ALWAYS busy right now as well... Green days, and to all
Zamaldelica x Panama into tent #3 and let her finish under the 3000K qb.
right where she belongs, eh? ya!

Isn’t she beautiful? :circle-of-love:

the length of the stem, the first leafs, perfect sprout-ling. sweet thing.

The detachment of the paramedics can be disconcerting. But in reality, they need to be. They also see many many anaphylactic episodes and know when there’s danger and when not. They’re not at all comforting tho are they!?

Came here to say this! i am always glad to not have to deal with thier proffesional detatchment frequently.
Good morning everyone. :love:

Still tired this morning. 8 hours sleep over two days may not be my smartest move. Lol! The true beauty of a retired life is it doesn’t really matter. My energy levels adapt, and likely some time today I’ll fall asleep across the bed and catch up. This feels like that catch-up day.

That zigzaggy shot of the red deisel is wonderful! What a form :yummy:

Wow - yep that’s exactly how my ant bite episode went. And in fact, there’s panic in the reaction so it’s not just panic about what’s happening, there’s a whole other layer as well as the panic attack ot can induce! The detachment of the paramedics can be disconcerting. But in reality, they need to be. They also see many many anaphylactic episodes and know when there’s danger and when not. They’re not at all comforting tho are they!? I hav an Epi pen too. Likely she’ll get referral to an immunologist for checking histamine level. There also may have been some nasty additive in the food that she reacted to. Might not be a food allergy as such. Wishing you all the best with it. Send her my best wishes and comraderie!

I’ll let the daughter read that. It’ll bring her some peace about the experience. We were so thankful that I taught her to breathe properly as a small child. She had terrible episodes of asthma and spent too much of her youth hospitalized and on steroids.

We talked about the detachment of the paramedics and the importance of such, but see, the thing is we had these absolutely charming Irish paramedics here during a culture exchange with the local paramedics and quite frankly they spoiled us. Lol!

Those boys came through the door all charm and professionalism. “How are ya darlin’. Are we having a wee bit of a time breathing? Don’t worry, we got you.”

:battingeyelashes: We know the job can be done with more personality. I’d rather we trained our medical professionals to not hold onto the chaotic energy instead of being so detached. We treat people first, not illness and disease. You start with the patient and then tend to the hurt. That applies regardless of the trauma you’re confronted with.

Amy Gardner said:


See below. More “Ooooo.....”s will be in order. :cheesygrinsmiley: They got moved around. :slide:

Hard to believe they shared a space, isn’t it?

Hope all is well with ya girl... See ya had a decent harvest as usual... Been in Actual trim hell for about a week and a half, to be finished by Thurs... We are hoping for around 200 lbs dry, though I doubt it... You would be amazed how many f in plants fit into a 100 x 300 ft building... LOL .... Off to work, just wanted to stop by... I am always around, but unfortunately also ALWAYS busy right now as well... Green days, and to all

You’ll think me crazy, but under the right timing conditions I’d have paid my way to where you are to help with a harvest.

When you guys repeat this moment in time with the next harvest you might want to keep that in mind. :battingeyelashes:

right where she belongs, eh? ya!

Yes indeed. She has 1/2 hour less light in that tent too. That’ll speed her up a day or two. Lol! . She filled the tent. :eek:

kelticBlue said:
the length of the stem, the first leafs, perfect sprout-ling. sweet thing.

Agreed. Good color too.

kelticBlue said:
Came here to say this! i am always glad to not have to deal with thier proffesional detatchment frequently.

We were so thankful to get out of the ER quickly. That may have been our shortest visit ever. There’s a lot of “detachment” there too.

Time for a shower and some meditation and movement. You all have the most marvelous day you can scrape together. Anybody out there waking up with a giggle yet? :battingeyelashes:
Those boys came through the door all charm and professionalism. “How are ya darlin’. Are we having a wee bit of a time breathing? Don’t worry, we got you.”

:battingeyelashes: We know the job can be done with more personality. I’d rather we trained our medical professionals to not hold onto the chaotic energy instead of being so detached. We treat people first, not illness and disease. You start with the patient and then tend to the hurt. That applies regardless of the trauma you’re confronted with.

The US professional medical culture has quickly (d)evolved for one sad reason....litigation.
I know that bone meal typically contains a little nitrogen, a moderate amount of calcium, and a moderate to high amount of phosphorous. I've heard/read it described as a "slow-release" sort of thing. Which is good, if you're amending your soil initially. But how soon does it start becoming available to the plants? Can they access its elements immediately, or does it take some time for the microbes in the soil to digest it first?

Feel free to use monosyllabic words in your explanation, lol. I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to the so-called "organic" stuff.

And how long does bone meal remain usable? IOW, if I bought a bag, IDK, ten or fifteen years ago, opened it, looked inside, and then pretty much forgot about it until now, would it still be useful? I did look in the bag once more at some point - and found that there were some tiny little bugs slowly crawling around. It's been a while (I wouldn't be able to see the things now :rolleyes: ), but they were about this > . < big, lol.

As long as the bone meal stays dry it's still good. Don't use it if it gets wet. It is "slow-release" and will take time before it can be converted to a form where it can be ingested by the plants. I do not know how long it would take, but assume it would be dependent on how fine a powder the bone meal was crushed, how active the biology is in the soil, and things like weather/climate, PH, etc.
Hope all is well with your daughter Sue! :circle-of-love:

Here's a "tip"....

When you see this:


Soak the cube in a 50/50 mix of water and 3% H2O2 for 30 minutes or so, BEFORE you put that mold in your hempy bucket! Sometimes, I'll do 2-3 soaks just to make sure it kills all the mold. Plus, I think the roots actually like all those bubbles it creates! ;)
Hope all is well with your daughter Sue! :circle-of-love:

Here's a "tip"....

When you see this:


Soak the cube in a 50/50 mix of water and 3% H2O2 for 30 minutes or so, BEFORE you put that mold in your hempy bucket! Sometimes, I'll do 2-3 soaks just to make sure it kills all the mold. Plus, I think the roots actually like all those bubbles it creates! ;)

Why you dear..... :hug: I’ll do just that. I figure the mold will most likely stop being a problem once the plant gets into the perlite. It’s never been a problem. I can do that for them at any stage in the cloning process?
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