SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

I know it. I am considering planting 10 this time so I at least get a few males to choose from and some females to pollinate.
I'm searching for that pine scent. The one female that smelled like pine really blew everyone's mind who tried it, including my own every time I smoked it..
What a Hempy adventure it will be. :rollit:
I found out who sent the forge, but I’m not sure he wants anyone to know it was him. It was a small “thank you” for some help I offered. Feeling more than a little humble over here. :circle-of-love:
It just occured to me tonight that if I purchased more than one bong I'd have an extra around for when the one I'm using gets too nasty to ignore anymore. :rofl:

How long have I been at this overconsumption game? Lol!
Hola Sue! Fabulous - rosin making :nomo:. It’s been tickling the back of my mind on the odd occasion lately. Dabs too. I’m a long way from trying either but there’s a plan forming somewhere back there so your timing is opportune, of course :battingeyelashes: I look forward to the adventure!

Say, I started this thread you’ll be interested in - it’s to be a short term thing, closing in a week. Anyone missing a particular emoji should check it out. :thumb:

Restoring the favourite emojis

There are a number of lengthy rainstorm videos on YouTube TS.

Ouch! I have to turn my window unit on first thing in the morning or the bedroom gets unbearable for the plants.

I’ve seen people use on the surface of the soil, though I don’t see how that could possibly do much.

Air movement is your friend Big Sparks. Might want to find a couple clip-on fans to boost the flow. Good luck. :hug:

They keep pushing our forecasted rain further back into the weekend. We’re sitting close to the edge of the front that’s building the southern and western temps up to pressure-cooker levels. One of those moments when I feel blessed to live in the Burgh.

Good morning everyone :love:

I have a number of things to get going ASAP, so I just stopped to tell you all how much joy it brings me to have you in my life.


I’ll be back later with the updates and more fun. Hey....I learned something new today. :battingeyelashes:

Think of how much cleaner the world will be when the fields are filled with hemp, swaying in the breeze. :slide:

Later, my friends. :ciao:

Just fantastic piece of information :thanks: :love::yummy:

.... typical woman, shows up when SHE wants lol green days all

Damn straight Hacker! :passitleft:
Hola Sue! Fabulous - rosin making :nomo:. It’s been tickling the back of my mind on the odd occasion lately. Dabs too. I’m a long way from trying either but there’s a plan forming somewhere back there so your timing is opportune, of course :battingeyelashes: I look forward to the adventure!

I’m consulting with Hash Hound before we get started. Tead was nice enough to advise me at the hardware store, and save me money by pointing me in the right direction with the torch. When I got home, inside my head this voice rose up “....a plate to absorb the heat might be a good idea gal.” I swear, it was like Cajun was standing right there next to me. :rofl:

I know next to nothing about the process, but it’s not all that complicated. I got in touch with the manufacturer and they advised I keep good records. Experience with my chemovars and attention to the details is what’ll make the difference.

Amy Gardner said:
Say, I started this thread you’ll be interested in - it’s to be a short term thing, closing in a week. Anyone missing a particular emoji should check it out. :thumb:

Restoring the favourite emojis

WooHoo! Thank you Amy. :hug::hug::hug: It seems such an indulgent thing, but the language of emoji ran deep in this community. Losing them hurt.

Amy Gardner said:
Just fantastic piece of information :thanks::love::yummy:

I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’ll get better at them as I go on.

Amy Gardner said:
Damn straight Hacker! :passitleft:

Damn straight! :passitleft:
Weekly Update: Clone Cuttings, Veg Shelf, and Tiny Closet- Friday, July 20, 2018

Good evening everyone. Let me see if I can get this all up by midnight. Lol! I've been off having fun, ignoring my self-imposed responsibilities, but having so much fun. :slide:

Oh..... a really cool look down the fins of the quantum board hanging over the veg shelf. :battingeyelashes:

It's beautifully sleek in design, isn't it?

Ok, on to the garden.

As soon as I took this shot I decided it was time to move the sad little Carnival clone over to this light. She'd been sitting on the floor by the tiny closet, I'm thinking this 4000K spectrum is better for her root development.

There, that's better. :battingeyelashes:

No roots on any of the cuttings. That means I'm tired of waiting for the CBD CC. So I dropped a new seed.

She hasn't come up yet, but I only planted her yesterday. I think I see something moving under there, so maybe tomorrow.

The new Carnival clone had barely any roots when I planted her 4 days ago, but I'd much rather let her grab the perlite in her final pot than leave her in the bag. That plastic off-gassing nearly killed her. She's really just barely hanging on up here, but she's got some serious roots beginning to leave the Rapid Rooter. I like her chances. She's been getting half-strength nutes until she starts to show significant new growth.

In three days I'll be taking a clone cutting from the one in flower. That'll get me back on track. I think it'll means I'll eventually have two in flower at once. :yahoo:

Candy Cane 5 is beginning to get it. By next week I'll have topped her and she'll be ready to transplant. She's up to full-strength nutes now, 8ml of Parts A&B with 4 ml of Energy and 2 ml of CaliMagic per gallon of water.

The clones are looking so tempting.......... I keep reminding myself they're to keep the lines going, not necessarily to send through the line. They're all surviving on half rations of the lowest level of veg nutes, and looking quite healthy at that level, if you ask me. It's making me wonder if it's necessary to run them full out in veg.

Devil's Carnival in particular looks like she's begging to be sent to flower. Lol! So hard to resist the urge to grow too many out. :rofl:

I couldn't kill this cut of Mendocino Underdog #2. She's been getting half-strength too with the rest, just growing in soil instead of perlite. I'm thinking I'll transplant her into something larger. I think I have some peat moss that's been sterilized, I have perlite, and I must have some type of small pot she can go into......

....or I could just let her go as she is and see what happens. Lol! She takes up almost no space.

This came to me as a Red Diesel. Back up three pictures and take a look at the Mendocino Underdog I have as a clone. Tell me if they don't look the same to you. They look awlfully similar to me.

This girl has shinier leaves. She's being fed the Mega Crop nutrients. I had to guess at the pH yesterday, because I broke the pH pen and the new one won't be here until Monday. *sigh*Thankfully I was keeping good records of previous adjustments, so I'm sure I was in the neighborhood. She looks no worse for wear. I'm feeding her 2ml per gallon of water.

I trimmed her way back the other day. All those confused leaves went away, leaving room for new, more confident cannabis expression

It worked. :slide:

The tiny closet

The DDAs look so different from each other it makes me giggle. Lol! The last two I grew were the same way. Too weird. I started feeding them bloom nutes on Sunday at the rate of 14 ml Parts A&B with 1 ml of Energy and 2 ml of CaliMagic per gallon of water. I see no signs of active flowering yet.

DDA 8 (on the left) got two days of twice-daily foliars of diluted H2O2. She appears to be past the powdery mildew. Thanks again for the guidance @KeifKeith :hug:

She's nicely spread out too :battingeyelashes:

DDA 9 looks amazing! Just amazing! The side growth is aggressively establishing itself. This one could get exciting. :nomo:

That's it for this room. I'll be right back with the tents. :ciao:
Weekly Update: Flowering Tents - Friday, July 20, 2018

Tent # 1
A lot of lusciousness going on in this room. :battingeyelashes::green_heart:

Zamaldelica x Panama got bumped up on Sunday to 14 ml Parts A&B with 8 ml of Boost and 2 ml of CaliMagic per gallon of water used. She is one sexy girl, eh?

Carnival's no slacker. She's hard at work building her buds on her diet of entry-level flowering nutes, along with the DDAs.

Tent # 2

The girls have taken well to the Mega Crop line of nutrients. I started them at 2 grams to the gallon, increased to 4 grams with the next watering, and the last two have been 6 grams to the gallon of water. I'm liking what I'm seeing.

Oh yeah......

Jgrow is stopping tomorrow, and I'm excited about showing them off to him. They've done better than I expected. The daughter said he'll have to take what he wants from the Royal Gorilla, because if he leaves it up to her she'll take the whole plant. :rofl: OMG do they smell divine.

I've been feeding them about 4 ml a gallon of CaliMagic. That seems to be doing the trick @Norcaliwood. Thank you for your insight. It made a great difference IMHO.

Black D.O.G. Just picked up the blackberry smell this morning. :yahoo:

Still quite a ways to go.

There are a lot of those chunky little nuggets building up.

The other side of the tent is competing for the prize of most blooms. WooHoo!

Black D.O.G. Is asking to be a reveg. :battingeyelashes: I may keep her off to a side until J is ready to grow her. It'll take a good while to reveg anyway.

Tent # 3

The girls have been flushed all week. I opened the tent today and they told me they're done. Lol! I'll be harvesting on Sunday. J and I will be making pain cream tomorrow. Oh! I forgot to prepare the oil. As soon as I finish here I'll get that going.

She's nearly falling over today. Time to get the deed done. One more flush tomorrow and chopped the day after. I'll be cobbing on Sunday. YES!

Only one dropped leaf this time.

I swear..... it look so optically different from the rest of the plant.

Red Diesel is ready to take too. All her flowers have brown pistils, something I've never had happen before. Lol!

Its hard to believe that a plant sending out as many nanners as the DC does hasn't seeded the tent mate, but I see no evidence of any seeds on the Red Diesel.

She sure is a beautiful plant. :love:

And that, ladies and gentlemen, brings this week's lengthy tour to its end. I do hope you found it entertaining. I certainly do appreciate the chance to show the girls off, and they love to strut their stuff. I'm off to bed in a few moments. Too many early mornings, and I've another tomorrow.

Since I still have to get a buzz going I'll be around for a bit. Maybe I'll run into you. :bongrip:
Amy, you couldn't have timed that better if you'd tried. Lol!
Good evening everyone :love:

Busy day. Lol! I completely forgot to stop earlier and say hello.

"Hello." :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:

Red Diesel and DC look especially fine! Yummy! :thumb:

Don’t they!? :)

Jgrow stopped earlier and he actually gasped in pleasure when I opened the third tent. :slide: DC is the most colorful I've seen in a while. There's something startling about her when you're in close proximity.

I was considering letting them go a little longer, but when I looked close I realized there's a substantial amount of amber trichomes developing, so tomorrow it is. I'll hang at least the branch with the potential seed pod and let it dry naturally.

The camera was cooperative today. :battingeyelashes:

Jgrow looked at it today and he agrees it just might be the seed pod I've been hoping for.

Is that a critter sitting on your Royal Cookies?

Everythings look great, nice lights :high-five:

Thanks LaquerHead. :high-five: I haven't been by your grow in a while to see how your light is doing. I'll try to get there before I quit for the night. I still have some running around to do, starting with the search for dinner. I've been spoiled with meals out this week and my bread went moldy, so the sandwich I was planning won't materialize. Time to get out of the house for a while.

I'll be catching up with you all later. :ciao:
This taking a blind chance and having to toss plants feels inefficient to me. If I wanted a male that would be different, but to start regular seeds without attempting to influence sex seems wasteful.

I know, I am in the minority but I dont worry about males much. As long as I have stash.
Aaaand I have a ton load of regs seed. I like the regs just to see how they do. However, I do try to set the environs to favor fems expression, (steady lower temps and higher humidity and blue light thru veg 3 and 4 week). (thats it.)
I have not wasted too much on my boys in the past but I count that to luck. With the bigger tent I can see it coming,
Oh yes. I would hate to waste my soil mix goodness. But no fear the Males:eek: . . .I is wacky

I did see Bananas, I just finished the fruit in my flower tent, I wuz hungrie;) flowerz Needs more bananaz.

Your Zam Pan has some pistols, purty pistols. I am watching that Zam Pan. We will harvest about same time I thinks. Loves it!
I know, I am in the minority but I dont worry about males much. As long as I have stash.
Aaaand I have a ton load of regs seed. I like the regs just to see how they do. However, I do try to set the environs to favor fems expression, (steady lower temps and higher humidity and blue light thru veg 3 and 4 week). (thats it.)
I have not wasted too much on my boys in the past but I count that to luck. With the bigger tent I can see it coming,
Oh yes. I would hate to waste my soil mix goodness. But no fear the Males:eek: . . .I is wacky

I did see Bananas, I just finished the fruit in my flower tent, I wuz hungrie;) flowerz Needs more bananaz.

Your Zam Pan has some pistols, purty pistols. I am watching that Zam Pan. We will harvest about same time I thinks. Loves it!

I didn't realize we were running so close keltic. Good evening, by the way. :hug:

If I get busy and you get close to harvest will you please let me know a couple days ahead? I'd like to be there to jump up and down in celebration. :battingeyelashes:
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