SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

seed pod? or early B-nanner? I cannot see.

A little bit of both keltic.

Looks like nanners

There's no doubt nanners exist. :rofl: Their purpose is to pollinate close pistils, and it looks very much like they succeed in this case.

My kinda gal.

I've been watching all the SSDC love develop here and elsewhere.
I dunno man... other folks growin things better than me is a tough pill to swallow. I've done nothing but find ways to insult the genetics. Got 2 good ones off in dirt tho... and I sure luv 'em.

We're surrounded by so much talent Tead. :circle-of-love: I haven't had time to check in on any of those grows, so I'm so thankful you are. It's been fun spreading the line around far and wide. I hope they're letting Rifleman know they're growing his genetics.

The brownie was delicious. :yummy:

It’s definitely a cluster!

Great day to ya Sue.


You think so Amy? It stands out like a neon sign in the tent. I spotted it as soon as I opened the flap. Something about the color and overall shape.

I'm gonna let her go until she's begging me to harvest and give her every opportunity to make some seeds. Good lord, the amount of nanners she's putting out is breathtaking. Lol!

She's getting weighty too. WooHoo!

Wow I even timed it to be able to see pics... Good looking plants around here...

GL Sue

Timing is everything Woody, and I'm glad I took some good ones to entertain you. :hug: I'm blushing you know. I'll feel better when the Black D.O.G. has shiny leaves too.

Hey Tead!

The grass is always greener Brah! I so want to play in NO, but not with this group, some of my family would be aghast! If I ever do get a gig in NO, I'm gonna holler at ya Tead. I have been living the life ... of a nasty vagabond! I stink dude!

Not much time lately to peruse 420Magazine, I miss reading the pages, yakking and watching new growers learn the ropes. Really it is fun to be around youthful energy, much younger group and patrons than I'm accustomed to when I play with old man cover bands. The lot of them are good kids, and the road manager is an old acquaintance so we tend to hang after show, I'm too old for Ms Molly. :laugh:

Always on the move it seems, one night here one night there, its a bit much sometimes, but guess who has the best bud? ME :laugh: I am already getting tired, but find enough juice to act a fool for couple of hours after dark. Dehydrating as hell, I can hardly keep drinking enough water. Not heading to the South on this leg of their tour, heading down the East Coast back to Atlanta in a few weeks where I step away and head back home.


You go old man. :high-five: You're gonna need extra down time to recharge, but OMG, isn't this fun? :slide:

the daily chores

While I was drenching Zamaldelica x Panama today she was too enticing to not photograph.

One of my favorite photographs on this site was recently taken by @Weaselcracker, and I'm constantly looking for a comparable shot. Lol! These came close, in their own way. He's much more talented with light than I am.

One of the clone cuttings - the Carnival - called to me while I was doing drenches. It was one of those stressed by the unexpected off-gassing of the plastic canisters I had them sitting in, and I was concerned I'd lose it. I don't like losing cuts of my basic chemovars.

She did look a little peaked.

Then I noticed the roots. :yahoo:

Right into the pot filled with perlite soaked into 1/4-strength nutrients she went.

I wasn't happy with the amount of light she was getting so I shifted her over to the tiny closet, and that was when I'd spotted the powdery mildew on DDA 8. :oops:

I'd been ignoring the warning signs for the last two days, forgetting to hook up the fan that circulates the air in this otherwise tight space. I clipped the leaves with noticable signs and washed myself off real good. Lol! Tomorrow I'll get skim milk and start spraying them every week. It should stop it in its tracks.

There's a fan over there now. :rolleyes:

To help eliminate the problem I trimmed all the superfluous growth.

This was the girl that had the pm show up, and it was due to the fact that I hadn't taken the time to open her up. I cleaned up her undergrowth, pulled out four pins and set her straight.

They'll be completely different plants in about a week.

I'm joining a distant friend tonight in appreciation of my latest harvest of Decil's Carnival. She's hitting hard just about now. Must be time for another hit. Lol!

Let me get back to it. :ciao:
Sorry to hear about the PM Sue! Loving that zam x pam tho. Good job!

This is the easiest thing I deal with Magoo. Skim milk sprayed every week. I can do this. Lol! :hug:

Yep! That Zam Pan is an absolute stunner of a plant :love: and wow its vigorous too. Seems like only a week or 2 ago it was a petite and pretty little star shape on the veg shelf! Really took off :slide:

I'll dig out a picture later Amy, and we can compare. I may start to do retrospectives from now on, since I'm on a new journal. :slide:

Up early to go walking. At 6:50 AM all my hits are followed by coughing. Lol!

I'm gonna have my best day ever! Wanna have that much fun too? It's all a deliberate choice. I'll see you down the joyful path in a little while. Love you. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
I hope they're letting Rifleman know they're growing his genetics.

Ya know.... no. I don't do that directly. I might drop a slight hint that only the knowing eye can spot.... or maybe chat on some side channel.
Whatever the case... While Tead is a huge supporter of open words, he still likes to hold some cards close.

I'm too old for Ms Molly.
Good Golly!
(had to be said... sorry)

but guess who has the best bud? ME
One might imagine that traveling with the band can derail the supply train a bit. You might have to head home to stock up!

The grass is always greener Brah!
Indeed... and it's just endless fun to imagine rolling in that greener grass for a bit. Tead's a dreamer.
I wasn't happy with the amount of light she was getting so I shifted her over to the tiny closet, and that was when I'd spotted the powdery mildew on DDA 8. :oops:

Good Morning Sue!

Whew ... I am feeling old today, fun but sore and stiff. Typing on a phone kinda sucks :laugh:

You can kick PM in it's butt easily, mix 16oz of water and 3 tablespoons of H2O2 in a spray bottle. Spray it well 2x the first day, 2x the second day, and voila, all gone. You can do this anytime, good as a preventative measure too.
When I grew in the 99.9% humidity swamp, I eliminated PM issues after I was instructed by a guerrilla growpro with the hydrogen peroxide mix. Cheap, easy, safe, and zero organic solids to clog the stomata.

Good Morning Sue!

Whew ... I am feeling old today, fun but sore and stiff. Typing on a phone kinda sucks :laugh:

You can kick PM in it's butt easily, mix 16oz of water and 3 tablespoons of H2O2 in a spray bottle. Spray it well 2x the first day, 2x the second day, and voila, all gone. You can do this anytime, good as a preventative measure too.
When I grew in the 99.9% humidity swamp, I eliminated PM issues after I was instructed by a guerrilla growpro with the hydrogen peroxide mix. Cheap, easy, safe, and zero organic solids to clog the stomata.


Bless you Keith. :hug::hug::hug: I have all that I need on hand and I’ll do so as soon as I post this.

Look guys.....with the heavy diesel smell she’s developed I think we can accept that she’s a Red Diesel now.

Hiya SweetSue,

Been awhile since I chatted with you. That Zam X Pan looks inviting. Inviting enough to wish I could try some with you!! I'm a sucker for those wispy looking delicate leaves! To me, it means the buds coming will be awesome. Are you going to cob some?
That Red Diesel looks spectacular! Are you going to compose a killer pic for bud of the month? Almost as pretty as the purple in those phenotypes (purple haze, blueberry, etc.).
Love your journal! Cya
Wanna have that much fun too?
I totally am Sue! I am, as you are, having the best day ever :). It’s only lunchtime and I’m completely wiped out and back in bed already ;) but this morning I cleared out the tent, filled a pot with soil and dropped a seed in it (that had been soaking overnight)! This afternoon, after a sleep, I’m going to be finishing my light. A great day, that I decided to enjoy to the fullest. :slide: New journal in signature.

What's a VCR? :hmmmm:
It's like VHS or VHF or something like that. You know - from the tube days? Before they had cable TV, right? :hmmmm:
That's pretty funny. Lol. We still have one. Used more than our DVD player thanks to all of our Disney VHS tapes. Damn kids
:rofl: You guys........:rofl:

Red is looking goooooooood...

Thanks. :slide: She smells delicious too. I hung new bananas in there after lights out and OMG.....between the two of them it’s almost unbearable. Lol!

Man... you can take some shots Sue. All your photos always look SOOOOOOOO good. Yummy eye snacks!

Awww.... Tead... Thank you. I do my best to capture the joy of this species. Your compliment means a lot. You’ll love the ones at the end of this post. :battingeyelashes:

Hiya SweetSue,

Been awhile since I chatted with you. That Zam X Pan looks inviting. Inviting enough to wish I could try some with you!! I'm a sucker for those wispy looking delicate leaves! To me, it means the buds coming will be awesome. Are you going to cob some?
That Red Diesel looks spectacular! Are you going to compose a killer pic for bud of the month? Almost as pretty as the purple in those phenotypes (purple haze, blueberry, etc.).
Love your journal! Cya

Always good to have you stop. :hug:

The Red Diesel looks more enticing every time I open the tent. I think I’ll use this one to try some jar fermenting.

Zam x Pan is primarily for cobbing Bode. I’ll keep some to smoke, but she was meant for cobs.

I totally am Sue! I am, as you are, having the best day ever :). It’s only lunchtime and I’m completely wiped out and back in bed already ;) but this morning I cleared out the tent, filled a pot with soil and dropped a seed in it (that had been soaking overnight)! This afternoon, after a sleep, I’m going to be finishing my light. A great day, that I decided to enjoy to the fullest. :slide: New journal in signature.


Already checked in. :yahoo: You’re gonna love the kit. It’s perfect for your energy fluctuations. The soil does all the work and magic. You just drench and spray.

Get a good sprayer if you don’t have one already. Well worth the investment.

Best days..... sounds like all my days. Lol!

On my way to bed, at long last, and cutting myself short on sleep for the second day in a row. Lol! My friend and I are going walking at 6:30, meaning I’d best get to bed now.

Before I turned in I gave DDA 8 her second peroxide foliar. Thank you @KeifKeith. :hug:

Powdery mildew doesn’t stand a chance. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:

Goodnight. :ciao:
What's a VCR? :hmmmm:
I remember watching Indiana Jones and starwars on beta when I was sick as a kid.... typing up a paper on a typewriter. And I'll only be 30 this year.

Kinda feel for kids now who dont grow up with that. Pretty humbling when your entire page has to be retyped after one incorrect keystroke.

Anyways. Hope all is well for you Sue. Things look great as always
Pretty humbling when your entire page has to be retyped after one incorrect keystroke.

yep, we’re all careeering along, just one keystroke away from the digital dark ages (well maybe a few more than one, considering backup systems and the like, but still...) :nomo:

Mornin Sue (in advance), hope you got some nice shuteye and have a splendid walk! Early morning summer walks are a special delight, are they not!?

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