SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

I dont know about early morning walks just yet, but aint nothing like being up as the sun rises, sippin coffee and puffin, as the world goes from cool and dark, to warm, bright, and beautiful. Makes me feel like my plants when they're happy and praying to the sun. Well, as i said no walks, but , "i owe....i owe......so off to work i go......"
*walks off whistling into the sunrise*
Hmmmm...... I forgot about light feeding with autos. I'll remember when I mix up their drench today. At Day 42 it's time to get them into bloom nutes, and I'm thinking of doing that today.

The light is almost where I want it, and I'll have it turned up as high as I'll be going in a couple days. This is as good a time as any. :battingeyelashes:

Hi @SweetSue . Did you top those DDA's ? They look quite bushy compared to my one.

typing up a paper on a typewriter. And I'll only be 30 this year.

Ouch. Third-world country, lol? Must have been around 1984 (+/-) when I got my first word processor application (still called them programs back then) for my Commodore. Actually, I typed it in from a magazine - took a while.
SpeedScript - C64-Wiki

I was, of course, joking with the VCR comment, but it wouldn't surprise me if there are some (young) adults who have never seen one in person. Or an 8-track tape player (or reel-to-reel, but those had staying power for some reason). I remember when my older brother got the first consumer CD player on the block (and, according to the guy at the store, the fourth one in the city). Now... Stick your music on your phone, right? Or stream it (like your movies ;) ) .

On-topic content... Nothing handy, and it's too early (for me, today) to think, so I'll just say: Susan, thanks again - from both myself AND my cat. I learned my lesson and won't be rescuing any more strays while trying to find real homes for them (okay, that's probably going to turn out to be a lie...).

Carry on, folks. Actually have work today, so I'm out of here for a while.
I dont know about early morning walks just yet, but aint nothing like being up as the sun rises, sippin coffee and puffin, as the world goes from cool and dark, to warm, bright, and beautiful. Makes me feel like my plants when they're happy and praying to the sun. Well, as i said no walks, but , "i owe....i owe......so off to work i go......"
*walks off whistling into the sunrise*
That is the best time of the day in my opinion. Still quiet while everyone's asleep and the birds start singing...
Mornin Sue (in advance), hope you got some nice shuteye and have a splendid walk! Early morning summer walks are a special delight, are they not!?


We've been out there three mornings in the past week. She just moved the neighborhood and I've made myself responsive to her spontaneity, understanding that that took a little coaxing on my part. Lol! She's a woman who stays busy, and I was banking on her love of walking and the beauty and peacefulness of our river trail.

Just this morning she said "I'm starting to get addicted to this." My plan to cultivate a walking partner for daily walks is working. :slide:

Agreed. Mornings are the best. :battingeyelashes:

I dont know about early morning walks just yet, but aint nothing like being up as the sun rises, sippin coffee and puffin, as the world goes from cool and dark, to warm, bright, and beautiful. Makes me feel like my plants when they're happy and praying to the sun. Well, as i said no walks, but , "i owe....i owe......so off to work i go......"
*walks off whistling into the sunrise*

This morning I got to see smoke on the water.... in July! :eek: I can't remember the last time it got that cool at night in July.

Hi @SweetSue . Did you top those DDA's ? They look quite bushy compared to my one.


I topped DDA 8, but not DDA 9. That explains her bushy nature. She's starting to send those branches upward, at long last.

On-topic content... Nothing handy, and it's too early (for me, today) to think, so I'll just say: Susan, thanks again - from both myself AND my cat. I learned my lesson and won't be rescuing any more strays while trying to find real homes for them (okay, that's probably going to turn out to be a lie...).

Carry on, folks. Actually have work today, so I'm out of here for a while.

We both know you wouldn't have left her out there once she choose you to help her :hug::hug::hug: It'll all be ok TS. :battingeyelashes:

That is the best time of the day in my opinion. Still quiet while everyone's asleep and the birds start singing...

Hearing the birdsong is my favorite part of that. I now play audios of birds singing throughout the day. It's like living in the middle of a forest.

This morning the river walk was delightful, watching the haze burn off the water as the sun burst over the hilltops. Some days it feels almost magical.

Oh! Oh! Carnival burst forth in bloom this morning. :yahoo: :slide: :yahoo:

I have some drenches to get done. I'll catch up later. :ciao:
This morning I got to see smoke on the water.... in July!

...and fire in the sky? ;)

I can't remember the last time it got that cool at night in July.

I wish you had a way to wrap up some of that weather and send it my way. I'm awake mid-night (fell asleep early and got about three hours, though) and it's still in the low 70s here.

I topped DDA 8, but not DDA 9.

It's good that you did that - and that you have such a love of taking fine pictures - because it helps show people how different training strategies can affect the plants.

We both know you wouldn't have left her out there once she choose you to help her

It was the kittens that did it. If it had just been the mother... yeah, okay, I'd have still accepted her, lol.

Hearing the birdsong is my favorite part of that. I now play audios of birds singing throughout the day. It's like living in the middle of a forest.

<SHUDDERS> Birds in the daytime, no problem. But there's a population here that seems to announce the oncoming dawn - an hour or two early - most mornings. Collectively, they're loud enough to penetrate my thin walls, crappy old single-pane windows, and tinnitus. Not enough to awaken me (AfaIK), but that's usually when I'm trying to fall asleep for the last time.

I did use to play thunderstorm audio, but managed to lose the files at some point. Found some more, but the person that put it together felt the need to lay down some corny new-age(?) music to accompany it - which makes it useless to me. I should probably go on the hunt again, though. Thanks for indirectly giving me the idea.

Back to bed for me. Guess I'll play some random dry documentary. Didn't work last night (kept getting interested in the audio :p).
I wish you had a way to wrap up some of that weather and send it my way. I'm awake mid-night (fell asleep early and got about three hours, though) and it's still in the low 70s here.

Holy S$%#..., look what the cats drug in... LOL.. Speaking of the ummmm devil himself.... Green days TS and all
...and fire in the sky? ;)

I wish you had a way to wrap up some of that weather and send it my way. I'm awake mid-night (fell asleep early and got about three hours, though) and it's still in the low 70s here.

It's good that you did that - and that you have such a love of taking fine pictures - because it helps show people how different training strategies can affect the plants.

It was the kittens that did it. If it had just been the mother... yeah, okay, I'd have still accepted her, lol.

<SHUDDERS> Birds in the daytime, no problem. But there's a population here that seems to announce the oncoming dawn - an hour or two early - most mornings. Collectively, they're loud enough to penetrate my thin walls, crappy old single-pane windows, and tinnitus. Not enough to awaken me (AfaIK), but that's usually when I'm trying to fall asleep for the last time.

I did use to play thunderstorm audio, but managed to lose the files at some point. Found some more, but the person that put it together felt the need to lay down some corny new-age(?) music to accompany it - which makes it useless to me. I should probably go on the hunt again, though. Thanks for indirectly giving me the idea.

Back to bed for me. Guess I'll play some random dry documentary. Didn't work last night (kept getting interested in the audio :p).

There are a number of lengthy rainstorm videos on YouTube TS.

Yup. For me starting Monday 100-110f! Yikes! Not going to be fun. Even while running a/c my tents have been running at about 87-90. Dont know what the heck im gonna do. Hope all is well in everyone else's world.
Peace. Its 5:30am and im off to work.

Ouch! I have to turn my window unit on first thing in the morning or the bedroom gets unbearable for the plants.

I’ve seen people use on the surface of the soil, though I don’t see how that could possibly do much.

Air movement is your friend Big Sparks. Might want to find a couple clip-on fans to boost the flow. Good luck. :hug:

They keep pushing our forecasted rain further back into the weekend. We’re sitting close to the edge of the front that’s building the southern and western temps up to pressure-cooker levels. One of those moments when I feel blessed to live in the Burgh.

Good morning everyone :love:

I have a number of things to get going ASAP, so I just stopped to tell you all how much joy it brings me to have you in my life.


I’ll be back later with the updates and more fun. Hey....I learned something new today. :battingeyelashes:

Think of how much cleaner the world will be when the fields are filled with hemp, swaying in the breeze. :slide:

Later, my friends. :ciao:
It’s becoming an interesting day. The first thing I found in my mail was this....

I have no idea why it showed up at my door, and I haven’t had a chance to research it. If one of you had it sent to me “thank you.” :love: When I get home I’ll look closer.

Then I opened the letter from the electric company and smiled that the universe thought it was time for me to get off the customer assistance program.

I don’t think they’ll be happy with why my usage is so far above any around me. Lol! They’ll drop me if they inspect, so I’ll make life easier for all of us and take myself off.

Yes indeed.....an interesting day. :battingeyelashes:
Well......this looks like something fun to do with the vice Dale left me.

Rosin and wax are the daughter's favorite things. :slide: She found a good thread on Reddit that details the process. I've put her in charge of making the list and directing the play, I'll be shopping and support.

Oooo...... a family fun weekend. :yahoo:
Rosin and wax are the daughter's favorite things. :slide: She found a good thread on Reddit that details the process. I've put her in charge of making the list and directing the play, I'll be shopping and support.

Oooo...... a family fun weekend. :yahoo:
Making rosin is very fun. Whenever I have enough flower laying around we have a rosin making "party" at the neighbor's.
Hempy bucket building day again. My kritical kush (my last non-hempy) dropped about 6 pollen sacks and one did open...... Stoopid hermie bag seeds. Now I am down to two sativas, one has a couple days of flushing left and the other 2-3 weeks before I start flushing, also I have 1ssdc seedling and 1 DDA seedling. Time to get everything rolling again. Most likely going to use PITA 20oz containers for "buckets" again. I guess it is getting time to chuck some pollen so I can grow great stuff forever.
Hempy bucket building day again. My kritical kush (my last non-hempy) dropped about 6 pollen sacks and one did open...... Stoopid hermie bag seeds. Now I am down to two sativas, one has a couple days of flushing left and the other 2-3 weeks before I start flushing, also I have 1ssdc seedling and 1 DDA seedling. Time to get everything rolling again. Most likely going to use PITA 20oz containers for "buckets" again. I guess it is getting time to chuck some pollen so I can grow great stuff forever.

You guys that throw pollen around fascinate me. Someday I’ll join you.

The last of your plants are determined female? A question....do you sex your seeds before planting, or treat them with ethylene gas before planting to encourage female expression?

This taking a blind chance and having to toss plants feels inefficient to me. If I wanted a male that would be different, but to start regular seeds without attempting to influence sex seems wasteful.
You guys that throw pollen around fascinate me. Someday I’ll join you.

The last of your plants are determined female? A question....do you sex your seeds before planting, or treat them with ethylene gas before planting to encourage female expression?

This taking a blind chance and having to toss plants feels inefficient to me. If I wanted a male that would be different, but to start regular seeds without attempting to influence sex seems wasteful.
My next grow I'm gonna try yer banana process Sue

I have no need for any more boys around my girls, so for sure worth a try
You guys that throw pollen around fascinate me. Someday I’ll join you.

The last of your plants are determined female? A question....do you sex your seeds before planting, or treat them with ethylene gas before planting to encourage female expression?

This taking a blind chance and having to toss plants feels inefficient to me. If I wanted a male that would be different, but to start regular seeds without attempting to influence sex seems wasteful.
I never know what sex they will be. I always plant extras. For instance. First weeks sativas I got 5/7 females, second week I got 2/7 females, third round I only planted 2 hoping for a male, but 2/2 female.
I've never successfully chucked pollen. I tried with some dried male flowers, but I chopped him too early. Wife says we need more seeds, and happy wife is happy life. Lol.
I have a decent collection but I think a large portion of it will be very prone to dropping balls right when the buds start to get frosty :rolleyes:... I've had it happen just like this before
I figure to set the SSDC and DDA cross seeds aside for a little adventure in breeding later on. I think we are planning on pollinating a tent full of different stuff with one male red point cross.
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