SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

abslo-flipin-tooting. I cannot believe I have a sativa hybrid in my tent. And looking at biggest yield yet. First harvest of my 3rd year indoor, right on.

Oh and I blame you. :ciao:
cheers zister Sue

edit: I think I had pistols on July 4th, flip a week prior.

Hahaha! I'll take that blame any day. Lol! I checked, and I flipped Zam x Pan on July 1. So they are running neck to neck. Your Zam is looking just as exciting as mine. I'll be sure to let you know before I harvest mine too.

Oh! Drat! I forgot to get peroxide for the washes in the morning......... Ok..... I'm going walking at 7 AM, and I can stop on the way back and grab a couple bottles. Hmmm......better unplug the light from th timer so they don't kick on before I get home.
I am gonna bet yours finishes first. ;)
You really think so? What makes you feel this keltic? When I grew in LOS they did take a bit longer than they do in hempy.

I'm gonna do my best to keep her going until she begs me to harvest. Now I'll try to keep her going until yours is ready. We might be able to harvest together. That would be sooooo neat!
:hug: Good morning! I hoped that might give you a giggle ;)

I’m trying to make myself get to bed. Lol! If I put the devices down it’s easier to pull off, but I keep letting myself get distracted by friends. :hug:

I’m going walking along the river with my friend at 7 AM. If I go now that’ll give me 5 hours. Better than the 3.5 I gave myself last night. I’d best call it a delicious day and get me to bed.

I finished off a joint of Blueberry a few minutes ago. It’s time to let it take effect. Goodnight Amy. See you tonight/in the morning.

Do we lead interesting lives or what?

You really think so? What makes you feel this keltic?

I didnt think it thru really, i dunno? I tend to wait for more ambers. Indeed, the LOS seems to keep white pistol formation in waves and i might hesitate to chop.

Morglie will have the best guess. His advice is going to be golden when the time comes.
my target is 12 weeks. I bet we are within 1 or 2 weeks of each other.
Now I may have to take it early, got to work with my crazy schedule in Oct. I might have an international trip and very little time at home. i want to have it stable and ready for jar mid late oct.

i would like to get one cob try if i can.:rollit:yes yes cob:rollit:
Oct is also the one time of year I get to sample from the produce aisle, vacation from responsibility in november, tehehehehehe.

:hug: Good morning! I hoped that might give you a giggle ;)

:surf: A grand giggle.:thanks:
I didnt think it thru really, i dunno? I tend to wait for more ambers. Indeed, the LOS seems to keep white pistol formation in waves and i might hesitate to chop.

Morglie will have the best guess. His advice is going to be golden when the time comes.
my target is 12 weeks. I bet we are within 1 or 2 weeks of each other.
Now I may have to take it early, got to work with my crazy schedule in Oct. I might have an international trip and very little time at home. i want to have it stable and ready for jar mid late oct.

i would like to get one cob try if i can.:rollit:yes yes cob:rollit:
Oct is also the one time of year I get to sample from the produce aisle, vacation from responsibility in november, tehehehehehe.

:surf: A grand giggle.:thanks:

Oh yes....cob. :cheer:

Greetings from a smoke-filled room :love:

More later keltic. :kisstwo: Gotta run. My friend’s on her way. :ciao:
I’m trying to make myself get to bed. Lol! If I put the devices down it’s easier to pull off, but I keep letting myself get distracted

I recently read about software that shifts the color temperature of my computer's display at night. There might be something like that available for Apple devices (it'd surprise me if there wasn't at least one). It is said to help (although discontinuing use altogether n hours before bedtime is the only really effective thing, IMHO).

I’m going walking along the river with my friend at 7 AM. If I go now that’ll give me 5 hours. Better than the 3.5 I gave myself last night. I’d best call it a delicious day and get me to bed.

We kept the same schedule, lol. Except I couldn't see the river (and my walk was ~4 blocks ;) ) .

Your plants continue to look nice. I'm glad you were able to quickly and easily deal with the PM issue.

Isn’t it lovely having {cannabis :ciao:} with different attributes?

It's important, too. I don't think the non-consuming portion of the population really understands that cannabis isn't a thing - that it's many things.
Isn’t it lovely having weed with different attributes? :)

One of the best parts of home growing, variety after a few grows. I think I have about 20 different strains on hand, I'm spoiled!

High Sue.
A new beginning.
Looks like she's wearin a coconut bra.;)
Bless up!

I’ve dropped water on her Stage. She’ll be fine in a couple minutes. :battingeyelashes:

There she is.... ladies and gentlemen, we have a new CBD CC in the house. :yahoo:

That took two days, in perlite soaked with 1/4-strength nutrients, the 4th seed in a row to perform so well.

I think I may be into something. :slide:

She’s under the dome for just a bit longer.
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