SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

Hey K.... that was the Carnival clone that’s not doing very well. That mold may be more of a problem than I thought. I’ll replace it with a new cutting.

Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Or I’ll treat it with H2O2 in the pot. :battingeyelashes:
Why you dear..... :hug: I’ll do just that. I figure the mold will most likely stop being a problem once the plant gets into the perlite. It’s never been a problem. I can do that for them at any stage in the cloning process?

Yeah, pretty much. The only time I do it is if I see mold growing on the cube and I also see roots out of the cube. I've also done it when I got "nasties" using a TurboKlone. The roots are still very young and easily burnt, so you need to be careful, but a 50/50 mix is about what's recommending for "gargling".

Hey K.... that was the Carnival clone that’s not doing very well. That mold may be more of a problem than I thought. I’ll replace it with a new cutting.

Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Or I’ll treat it with H2O2 in the pot. :battingeyelashes:

I serve only at the pleasure of the Queen! ;)

If you wanted to TRY to save her, I'd take her out of the perlite, give her a H2O2 whirlpool for a while, then a clean hempy with fresh perlite with 1/4 strength nutes. :goodluck:
Cruising on by :hug::love::hug:

Let me know how that red diesel hits, I got it planned for next big run :passitleft:

Oooooo.... the first one is a cob now, and to be honest, I think it’s my favorite. I haven’t smoked much of what I kept in flower form and may have used it for pain oils.

I’ll let you know about the buds from this one.

Mmmm.... :passitleft: Tasty.

Hash Hound is his way over. BB got some Blue Dream to me to test and we’re gonna squish some of it. :yahoo:

The daughter’s gonna try each pheno out and see if one’s a standout. Today we’re just having fun. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I’d rather we trained our medical professionals to not hold onto the chaotic energy instead of being so detached. We treat people first, not illness and disease. You start with the patient and then tend to the hurt. That applies regardless of the trauma you’re confronted with.

True words. The current practice bypasses the person for sure. Hope she’s recovering ok from the whole ordeal.

Zam Pan & Carnival look huge all of a sudden!:eek: That Zam Pan is a stunner... getting stretchy too, has it finished stretch do you think?

Harvesting more than one plant in a single day is a little nuts, isn't it? Lol! I try to avoid overworking myself like that, but on occassion I can survive the overload.

This gives a hint as to why my wife was unhappy at trimming 17 plants in my absence! :laugh:

We are hoping for around 200 lbs dry, though I doubt it...

Well that yield should be capable of rolling a few joints! Nice job MaddHacker!

My biggest grow ever in 1979 yielded about 55 lbs (outdoor grow) and I thought that amount was just crazy. I had seen more volume at once, but didn't grow or own it. I dried about 40 plants in an old Chevy van, string tied inside like a spiders web, with tinted windows cracked, and parked on a farm in the middle of nowhere Mississippi. Once dried it filled 3 yard leave bags full of bud, quite the sight and smell. Not your grandpas homegrown (I did benefit from "professional" instruction). The parent was from some Panama Red bag seeds. The volume made me so very nervous that I never grew that much ever again. Young and crazy! I had to triple bag it once brought to my home, it took many months to use and give away. I drew the line at selling as I knew I would become addicted to the "easy" income.

I bought very few Christmas presents that year, just Mom and Dad if I remember correctly. :laugh:

It was disconcerting how casual and remote the paramedics who responded were. By the time they arrived she was near passing out, but once they realized she was moving air and her heart was beating soundly they acted like nothing was going on.

Sue :hug:

I know you want EMS first responders to care and be engaged, I would like that too. Here comes another Keith story ... sorry I'm sitting on a bus!

I have a relative (my Doc brothers daughter) that worked EMS in New Orleans for over a decade, and the job has negatively affected her mentally. I am godfather to her first son, my nephew, so we are fairly close and have shared much about life together. I asked her once (when we were both stoned) about why she was so detached and cynical, unlike her "normal" self before her EMS days. She filled up, cried a little, and shared a few horrific scenes and events (many more were experienced I'm sure), gruesome auto accidents, disgusting family violence, injury and death, and other things that would mark any normal human. I was so sorry I finally brought it up, but dig I did. It never ends for them, day after week after month after year, the next call could be an allergic reaction or a grotesque mutilation. The patient is not bleeding out, is still breathing, is conscious and communicating, all signs for her to retreat from the nearly in-suppressible fright or flight syndrome.

I asked why she stayed on the front lines for so long since it obviously had scarred her mentally, and all she could offer it was the reward of saving 2 or 3 people a year from certain death if she didn't perform her duty. That was her only salvation from the stress of being on the front lines in a big city. There is reason you seldom see 50+ year olds performing in EMS roles, most are around 30 years old, it's just too difficult mentally and physically. The horrific visuals and events eventually take a toll and often can make a human detached and cavalier just for self-survival and protection. Maybe even more than an ER medical person as it's in the field, where they live everyday too, not a building dedicated to the carnage of humanity.

I'm so glad your daughter is doing OK Sue, I know that is some scary crap.Thank God she is OK and can try to avoid the trigger (once determined). My youngest daughter WAS extremely allergic to peanuts (went through a two year desensitization protocol that really worked), and I experienced the parental side of what you just lived through, it's so stressful. Nothing is worse than seeing your child struggle for breath, sweat and shake with a pulse of 140.

Anytime I hear Chinese food and allergic reaction in the same sentence, I always think mono-sodium glutamate, MSG, as many folks seem to be intolerant.

I wonder if CBD or other cannibinoids might possess any promise as an anti-allergen? Have you run across anything in your cannabis medical videos?

Keith...I don’t tell you often enough how thankful I am to have you by my side. :hug:

I’ll look at the situation with less judgement now. That’s always a good thing. Hadn’t considered the totality of what the paramedics live with on a daily basis. Hug that niece for me next time you see her and thank her for the effort.

Morglie, she stopped stretching a few days back.

I love me some foxtails. :slide:

Squishing was tremendous fun.

Blue Dream makes fabulous CCO. :yahoo: We learned a lot with this first attempt. Hash Hound is planning to purchase the 2-gram forge. I don’t bame him.

More pictures later. I have to get some sustenance. Been playing all day and just realized I hadn’t stopped to have anything other than breakfast brownie. :ciao:
Big fun being had over here!! I thought you were pressing for Rosin, not making CCO... or have you done both?

Oh and I just wanted to show this off to you a bit, I’m not sure you’ve had a chance to come by since I finished it... (you’ve had just a little bit going on ;) )

There’s a baby bush in there now... :slide:

Actually seeing as she came from your stash, I should share the birth..

The trip to Sue's today was as usual a trip!

I really liked experimenting with the Slug.33. I have to watch a few more vids, or call the guys and ask for a few tips.

After I left Sues I took this from the end of my street.
The right bow is pointing the way to her house. I'll bet she felt the bow raining down on her :rofl:

This was as a storm was moving through Pittsburgh, which would normally be right about where the left bow is.
Oooooo.... the first one is a cob now, and to be honest, I think it’s my favorite. I haven’t smoked much of what I kept in flower form and may have used it for pain oils.

I’ll let you know about the buds from this one.

Mmmm.... :passitleft: Tasty.

Hash Hound is his way over. BB got some Blue Dream to me to test and we’re gonna squish some of it. :yahoo:

The daughter’s gonna try each pheno out and see if one’s a standout. Today we’re just having fun. :cheesygrinsmiley:
OMG those buds look sooooo Awesome Sweetsue, you are a genuine genius!
Big fun being had over here!! I thought you were pressing for Rosin, not making CCO... or have you done both?

Oh and I just wanted to show this off to you a bit, I’m not sure you’ve had a chance to come by since I finished it... (you’ve had just a little bit going on ;) )

There’s a baby bush in there now... :slide:

Actually seeing as she came from your stash, I should share the birth..


Oh Amy..... WooHoo! :high-five:

And thank you for understanding. I sometimes have to remind myself that my friends know what I do beyond this journal and don’t take offense when I miss out.

You are talented in a way I can’t begin to see myself. Well done. :thumb:

Share that picture with MagicJim, if you haven’t already. He’s the proud papa that made the plant produce those seeds.

Rosin is the name we use for pressed oils, but they’re concentrated cannabis oils in their pure form, made without solvents that require purging.

Pure medicine.....

SweetSue goes solventless :yahoo:

Hash Hound found time to come over and do the initial squish with us. I’ve never worked with a torch before and felt safer having him around. :battingeyelashes:

Turned out to be a good thing too. The torch turned out to have a leaky valve, turning it into a flame thrower. :eek: A quick trip to the store and a better torch later - one with a push button - we got to the job of pressing some cannabis oil.

The paper weighed in at 3 grams, kinda waffling between 2 and 3.

When working with dense buds you need to break them up. The creator says you don’t need to bust up fluffier flowers, which these were, but I figured if I did so it’d make it easier for the oil to be released.

Place the Slug on a piece of parchment paper and begin to fill the cylinder with your flowers. Every so often tamp the blossoms down, but not so hard that they’re pressed all the way through.

You load the tamper with the top piece inverted. This gives you something to grab hold of when you’re done. You want to get the puck out ASAP so it doesn’t cook the terps out.

When you have it mounted and ready to go and apply the flame, keep it away from the paper. Lol!

There’s a half dollar mounted behind the paper. We figured out that the backside with the eagle offers more surface texture, which we believe helped the oils seep out easier than a solid flat piece would. We may be wrong in that assessment, but it sounded good. Lol!

The coin is on the vice, the parchment paper over top, folded back to keep it away from the flame.

You can see there’s a small fold on the bottom to catch the dripping oil. So the top is folded away and the bottom is folded towards the Slug.33.

The flame is applied for 1 minute, slowly turning the crank. You don’t want to crank all the way to the end until you’ve turned the flame off. This gives a few seconds for the oil to start running.

Like this. :cheesygrinsmiley:

:yahoo: :slide: :yahoo:

You can see it’s still bubbling.

It weighs less than 0.10 grams, which is theoretically .33 or so of the available oil in this single gram of Blue Dream.

That means the puck is loaded with over 65% of wat the buds had to offer. They’re in a big jar, to be accumulated and made into oil for edibles, most likely brownies.

It was so much fun we had to do it again. :battingeyelashes:

The dark spots you see on the cylinder are melted rubber. We dropped the Slug.33 and it melted the floor tiles. Lol! The thing got hot.

You’d think we’d have paid closer attention to that, but the excitement was high and we weren’t thinking as clearly as we might have. Lol!

The second attempt garnered very close to the original press, but by using a cylinder that was already too hot to touch we overheated the buds and burned off most of the terpenes. Lesson learned: let the cylinder cool down completely between pressings.

Ain’t it pretty?

As soon as you’re done you want to pull the tamper out, remove the end piece and flip the cylinder over so you can use the tamper to shove the puck out before it cooks away.

A few minutes later Hash Hound checked the temperature of the metals and they were all too hot to touch. They were so hot by this time that even the leather didn’t help much.

I’ll be purchasing a silicone mat to drop the pieces on to when I’m done. Today I simply kept an eye on them for a few minutes, moving them around so they didn’t set the yarn on fire. Lol!

When you’re done pressing toss the piece of parchment paper into the freezer or do what my daughter did and grab an ice pack.

The daughter smiled. :battingeyelashes: She’d forgotten she still had some wax bits to use too.

This was delicious fun. Thank you @Dirtdemon. :hug::hug::hug:

Your generous gift will brighten our lives in ways you didn’t imagine when you placed the order. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and all the rest of me.


Tomorrow I’m making Carnival oil. :slide:
Oh Amy..... WooHoo! :high-five:

And thank you for understanding. I sometimes have to remind myself that my friends know what I do beyond this journal and don’t take offense when I miss out.

You are talented in a way I can’t begin to see myself. Well done. :thumb:

Share that picture with MagicJim, if you haven’t already. He’s the proud papa that made the plant produce those seeds.

Rosin is the name we use for pressed oils, but they’re concentrated cannabis oils in their pure form, made without solvents that require purging.

Pure medicine.....

SweetSue goes solventless :yahoo:

Hash Hound found time to come over and do the initial squish with us. I’ve never worked with a torch before and felt safer having him around. :battingeyelashes:

Turned out to be a good thing too. The torch turned out to have a leaky valve, turning it into a flame thrower. :eek: A quick trip to the store and a better torch later - one with a push button - we got to the job of pressing some cannabis oil.

The paper weighed in at 3 grams, kinda waffling between 2 and 3.

When working with dense buds you need to break them up. The creator says you don’t need to bust up fluffier flowers, which these were, but I figured if I did so it’d make it easier for the oil to be released.

Place the Slug on a piece of parchment paper and begin to fill the cylinder with your flowers. Every so often tamp the blossoms down, but not so hard that they’re pressed all the way through.

You load the tamper with the top piece inverted. This gives you something to grab hold of when you’re done. You want to get the puck out ASAP so it doesn’t cook the terps out.

When you have it mounted and ready to go and apply the flame, keep it away from the paper. Lol!

There’s a half dollar mounted behind the paper. We figured out that the backside with the eagle offers more surface texture, which we believe helped the oils seep out easier than a solid flat piece would. We may be wrong in that assessment, but it sounded good. Lol!

The coin is on the vice, the parchment paper over top, folded back to keep it away from the flame.

You can see there’s a small fold on the bottom to catch the dripping oil. So the top is folded away and the bottom is folded towards the Slug.33.

The flame is applied for 1 minute, slowly turning the crank. You don’t want to crank all the way to the end until you’ve turned the flame off. This gives a few seconds for the oil to start running.

Like this. :cheesygrinsmiley:


You can see it’s still bubbling.

It weighs less than 0.10 grams, which is theoretically .33 or so of the available oil in this single gram of Blue Dream.

That means the puck is loaded with over 65% of wat the buds had to offer. They’re in a big jar, to be accumulated and made into oil for edibles, most likely brownies.

It was so much fun we had to do it again. :battingeyelashes:

The dark spots you see on the cylinder are melted rubber. We dropped the Slug.33 and it melted the floor tiles. Lol! The thing got hot.

You’d think we’d have paid closer attention to that, but the excitement was high and we weren’t thinking as clearly as we might have. Lol!

The second attempt garnered very close to the original press, but by using a cylinder that was already too hot to touch we overheated the buds and burned off most of the terpenes. Lesson learned: let the cylinder cool down completely between pressings.

Ain’t it pretty?

As soon as you’re done you want to pull the tamper out, remove the end piece and flip the cylinder over so you can use the tamper to shove the puck out before it cooks away.

A few minutes later Hash Hound checked the temperature of the metals and they were all too hot to touch. They were so hot by this time that even the leather didn’t help much.

I’ll be purchasing a silicone mat to drop the pieces on to when I’m done. Today I simply kept an eye on them for a few minutes, moving them around so they didn’t set the yarn on fire. Lol!

When you’re done pressing toss the piece of parchment paper into the freezer or do what my daughter did and grab an ice pack.

The daughter smiled. :battingeyelashes: She’d forgotten she still had some wax bits to use too.

This was delicious fun. Thank you @Dirtdemon. :hug::hug::hug:

Your generous gift will brighten our lives in ways you didn’t imagine when you placed the order. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and all the rest of me.


Tomorrow I’m making Carnival oil. :slide:
:hug::hug::hug: It warms my heart to know that SweetSue. It was my pleasure, Thank You for pointing in the right direction of healing. I couldn’t have done it without your help. :hug::hug::hug::thanks::circle-of-love:
Wicked cool picture HH:thanks:

I looked for an hour to find one taken on a clear day for comparison, but they seem to be lost somewhere in the cloud.
Keith...I don’t tell you often enough how thankful I am to have you by my side. :hug:

I'm thankful for you too Sue
Never sell yourself short, what you did for BIL was above and beyond your duty! :hug:

Do you know how pumped Dale would be to see you using his vice for Rosin?
I'm strange, but I love the look of a well used vice or any tool really. Many stories etched on it's face.
Props on the three year survival girl, I can only imagine it's challenges.

Oh Amy..... WooHoo! :high-five:

And thank you for understanding. I sometimes have to remind myself that my friends know what I do beyond this journal and don’t take offense when I miss out.

You are talented in a way I can’t begin to see myself. Well done. :thumb:
Thanks SUe - as I documented in a blow by blow build post, I have been working on it for 6 months spreading out the cost of materials and the cost in energy output (and making visiting guests drill a hole for me every now and then ;) ). It has been a very satisfying journey, and because I had expert help with some of the technical side (like which driver :) thank you Graytail) I was able to do it without expending very much mental energy either, which is huge.
Rosin is the name we use for pressed oils, but they’re concentrated cannabis oils in their pure form, made without solvents that require purging.

Pure medicine.....

Ahhhh, the penny drops. I’m getting some :ganjamon:

turning it into a flame thrower. :eek:

:eek::eek: Indeed!

Share that picture with MagicJim, if you haven’t already. He’s the proud papa that made the plant produce those seeds
Yes, I have thanked him in PM I will head over to his garden now :thumb:

But first - wow! That was an awesome read/watch. Rosin making looks superb. I’m saving up for one of those kits for Christmas I think. My garden helper will love helping me with that! I had to go back and look through it again! But my question is... what is it like to toke on!? :popcorn::nomo:[/QUOTE]
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