SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

All the best with it SweetestofSues

It’s first thing Saturday for me... just before 5am actually. It’s the weekend so that means... it’s time for a SweetSueDay!!!

:passitleft: Golden Tiger x Northern Lights
It’s vwry very good in my opinion - I’m extremely happy to say I grew and cured myself the best weed I have ever consumed... what a happy happy thing.

Sue, I’ve been finding acces to that joy that’s always there a bit more easily again lately. Went through a quite a dark patch there (guess it’s understandable when such a bad health dip happens). But even in the darkest moments I am aided by the access to joy that comes through on your words :)

This GTxNL tastes so fuggin amazing, honestly, a few weeks ago my mouth started tingling just while I was grinding it up and when I went to hit from the vape, I totally drooled on it! :rofl::rofl:My taste factory was going nuts! It leaves the taste of chocolate caramel coffee in my mouth all day after vaping...
You know m'lord, I can't believe sometimes that at the age of 64 I can say I've never been fishing. Not once. Weird. Just wrong on some level, eh?

Wrong on a bunch of levels. :bongrip:
:passitleft: Golden Tiger x Northern Lights
It’s vwry very good in my opinion - I’m extremely happy to say I grew and cured myself the best weed I have ever consumed... what a happy happy thing.

Bonus.....One of the bestest feelings ever!!!
Golden Tiger x Northern Lights
It’s vwry very good in my opinion - I’m extremely happy to say I grew and cured myself the best weed I have ever consumed... what a happy happy thing.

Sue, I’ve been finding acces to that joy that’s always there a bit more easily again lately. Went through a quite a dark patch there (guess it’s understandable when such a bad health dip happens). But even in the darkest moments I am aided by the access to joy that comes through on your words :)

This GTxNL tastes so fuggin amazing, honestly, a few weeks ago my mouth started tingling just while I was grinding it up and when I went to hit from the vape, I totally drooled on it! :rofl::rofl:My taste factory was going nuts! It leaves the taste of chocolate caramel coffee in my mouth all day after vaping...

I totally wish I could like this more than once!

Weekly Update: Veg shelf and clone cuttings - Friday, July 13, 2018

Looks downright orderly, doesn’t it? Lol!

The clones are being fed half strength what the DDAs are getting. I’m not interested in vigorious growth, just enough to clone.

Royal Cookies gave me pause for a few days, looking so yellow I thought I’d lose her. New growth looks encouraging.

Look at this little soldier! Impressed I am with the aggressive development. She’s gonna tempt me all along the way. Lol!

Candy Cane is up to 3/4 strength, finishing out her first week of life. They all look so fragile at this stage.

Mendocino Underdog is struggling to get going, but I’ve seen energy building at the new sites. Sometimes it takes a little longer.

Devil’s Carnival is the most aggressive chemovar I grow. Lol! She’s been topped twice in the past week and nothing slows her down.

Mendocino Underdog #2 got switched to bottles nutrients today when I fed her what was left of the diluted RX Technologies mix. She’ll either thrive or die. I just wanted to see if I could keep her alive in a solo cup with soil. I don’t have high expectations.

Red Diesel somehow forgot what she was doing and started throwing out single-blades leaves. I can wait her out.

She get the Mega Crop nutrients, this week at 2 grams per gallon of water. She seems to be taking to it with no effort, if she can work out her confusion.

When I went to check the cuttings I discovered the wooden clothespins I used were molding. Duh! :eek::rolleyes:

They were removed, and then I replaced the containers. As convenient as they at they’re offgassing something that’s poisoning my cuttings. A little disappointed, to be honest, and more than a little cautious to store any foodstuffs in these containers.

There are reasons I almost never shop at Wally World.

I’m managing to keep the canopy somewhat under control. :battingeyelashes:

That’s it for the young ones. Be right back with the tiny closet. :ciao:
Weekly Update: The tiny closet - Friday, July 13, 2018

I’m playing cannabis Tetris almost daily with these two. So far I’m keeping the canopy consistent. Thank goodness Hash Hound cut me so many pieces of 2x4. :hug:

The girls are both receiving feedings of 10ml of Parts A&B with 4 ml of Energy for every gallon of water used.

DDA 8 is catching on to this growing thing. :battingeyelashes: Topping autos sets them back somewhat, but when they fully recover and those roots find the reservoir it can get exciting. These girls are already at Day 40. I’m getting impatient. Lol!

I took the pin out of DDA 9’s pot and she stood right up in about two days. :)

She’s showing preflowers too. Almost time to switch their feed. One more week on veg nutes.

It’s interesting to see the difference in the leaves. Topping slowed the one, and although her leaves are healthy, they lack the sheen of her untopped sister.

You see the evidence of thrips? When I spot evidence I turn the leaf over. The Timbers are strong enough that I can see the critters crawling on the leaf, so I smash every one I see. I haven’t found one now in a couple days. :slide:

This is my first attempt at an auto in hempy. I’m really hoping this works.

Next up, the flowering girls. :ciao:
Weekly Update: The flowering tents- Friday, July 13, 2018

Tent # 1

Both girls are receiving entry-level flowering nutrients at the rate of 14 ml of Parts A & B with 1 ml of Energy for every gallon of water used. Next watering Zam x Pan begins the climb to max level.

They look so happy. :slide:

Carnival’s taking to the light change we’ll. Mine don’t stretch much, never have.

Leaves look perfect going into bloom. Don’t you love the energy after a flip?

She asked for better pictures. Lol!

Zam x Pan is growing at the rate of almost 2” a day. :eek: I’m hoping she slows down soon. Lol! She really appreciated the increased root space.

Tent # 2

I’ve started feeding these girls with the Mega Crop nutrients and they’re up to 4 gr per gallon of water. I’m not sure how this’ll pan out, but I haven’t killed them yet. So far so good.

Royal Gorilla is growing some magnificent buds. No heavy perfume yet, but she’s progressing nicely.

Black D.O.G. Has a lot of buds, but at this point they’re not much of anything. She still has at least a month to go.

She’s starting to pick up the slightest hint of blackberry. :battingeyelashes:

Tent # 3

I’m weaning these two off nutrients rapidly, shifting them to 12 ml of Parts A & B for every gallon of water used. They’re both flying into the harvest window and I’ll be starting their flush on Sunday. I plan to flush daily for at least a week.

This specimen of DC may be my most fragrant so far. It’s a bit heady to stick your head in here.

Frosty little girl. I’m hoping she. Ilks up before harvest. She’s throwing nanners like her life depended on it. Lol!

Finally.... the deep smell of blackberry. :yahoo:

I believe I beat the thrips back. :battingeyelashes: Occassionally I’ll pick a leaf with evidence and look closely. So far no life under the leaves that doesn’t belong there.

*cautious sigh of contentment*

That’s the end of the buckle tour my friends. Thank you so much for letting me show them off to you. This is one of my favorite moments of the gardening week.

I’m walking home from the restaurant, and when I get there I’m breaking out more of the delicious DDA. :battingeyelashes:

I’ll catch up with you all in just a bit. :ciao:
Thank goodness I'm getting better at this. Instead of adding to the potential for fracturing this family any further I deliberately chose to hold to the belief that he was safe.

See? It works. Lol!

I do... and I try. I spent many years in a much different quicker world. Patience is my real issue. I try to sit back and watch and guide.... try.

You know m'lord, I can't believe sometimes that at the age of 64 I can say I've never been fishing. Not once. Weird. Just wrong on some level, eh?

Ummm... ain't dere a big-ass river in yo neck 'o da swamps? How can you not!
I'd suggest a blunt non-barbed hook with no bait... you really don't wanna clean a fish... you're there for the joy of visiting quietly with the river. Dunno why they named it 'fishin'.... shoulda named it 'stoned deep contemplation'.
No I haven't sir. :battingeyelashes: I haven't followed any of the grows that might have (sorry guys :oops:) so I'm not sure what it should look like. Mine usually look different anyway. Lol!

She looks wonderful. :battingeyelashes::green_heart:

She looks exactly like the mother, and you are doing a wonderful job controlling her, which is something I never figured out. I was hoping the Panama would tame the structure a bit, but I haven't seen one yet that it did. I've got three that will be going into flower soon. I'm going a month of veg, then into flower to keep them manageable. Your's is looking amazing.
She looks exactly like the mother, and you are doing a wonderful job controlling her, which is something I never figured out. I was hoping the Panama would tame the structure a bit, but I haven't seen one yet that it did. I've got three that will be going into flower soon. I'm going a month of veg, then into flower to keep them manageable. Your's is looking amazing.

Well thanks Morglie *giggle* Hash Hound did an excellent job getting her started. Once I planted her into the wider pot she seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. She's a wonder up close, as I'm sure you can appreciate.
I do... and I try. I spent many years in a much different quicker world. Patience is my real issue. I try to sit back and watch and guide.... try.

Ummm... ain't dere a big-ass river in yo neck 'o da swamps? How can you not!
I'd suggest a blunt non-barbed hook with no bait... you really don't wanna clean a fish... you're there for the joy of visiting quietly with the river. Dunno why they named it 'fishin'.... shoulda named it 'stoned deep contemplation'.

I do walk about three miles a day along the river. Not akin to contemplating a line tempting the passing fishes, but I get the energy and wonder of the river. There are spots for sitting that I sometimes take advantage of.

The disadvantage is I'm really above the river bank. There's no access on this side of the river for the general public. This side was steel mills from downtown Pittsburgh out to Clariton, another 10 miles or so up river. The mills had flood walls, and they restrict access.

The shopping community opened almost 20 years ago, and they still haven't given us fishing access over on the south side of the Mon.

When I met Dale he was a fisherman. In 35 years of marriage he only got his fishing license once. I never could figure that one out. I wasn't raised with fishing, and it's just never happened that I found myself invited along.
I did a lot of rock fishing by the sea while growing up ... these days I just like to sit there with a joint or 2 for a good few hours ... like Tead says...

'stoned deep contemplation'.
She looks exactly like the mother, and you are doing a wonderful job controlling her, which is something I never figured out. I was hoping the Panama would tame the structure a bit, but I haven't seen one yet that it did. I've got three that will be going into flower soon. I'm going a month of veg, then into flower to keep them manageable. Your's is looking amazing.
Cool - I knew there was someone round here growing one that was a wild one :) Have you finished any before? I’m curious about the flowering time - it’s such a pretty plant I’m starting to desire growing it ...
and more than a little cautious to store any foodstuffs in these containers.
Good then :thumb: (I’d go so far as to insert ‘any plastic’ containers there).

Oh Sue it’s exciting to see this guy approaching harvest in the national forest :slide:
What Tead calls 'stoned deep contemplation'. I call Stuck on Stupid,,, SOS...........

Drive-by. Hey, this old dog is fixing to try afew new tricks,,, I got a LED in my next flip. Just to take a peek and see whats what. Being new,, I got a burple thing going on.

Hope all good here...
Everything looks great, Sue! :bravo:

Regarding that Red Diesel, typically those one-bladed leaves are a sign of shock or a plant going from flower back to re-vegging. Anything happen recently in terms of transplanting, light schedules, etc.? :hmmmm:
I did see the DOG,,, looks like she was hungry for calcium. Them Indo's can suck up the food. Unlike the sativas that tend to be finicky eaters.. ...

Whenever I put a plant into transition,, I like to juice them with some extra cal/mag for that stretch'''' period. Calcium builds strong bones,, and in the transition period, they grow some of the fastest growth a plant ever does. Some strains tend to drink it to excess when starting flowering... My Puppies love their food....
She'll get over it.. Looks like she has allready.

I agree with Mister K there. Looks like she is just either getting over reveg,, or just starting?
I did see the DOG,,, looks like she was hungry for calcium. Them Indo's can suck up the food. Unlike the sativas that tend to be finicky eaters.. ...

Whenever I put a plant into transition,, I like to juice them with some extra cal/mag for that stretch'''' period. Calcium builds strong bones,, and in the transition period, they grow some of the fastest growth a plant ever does. Some strains tend to drink it to excess when starting flowering... My Puppies love their food....
She'll get over it.. Looks like she has allready.

I agree with Mister K there. Looks like she is just either getting over reveg,, or just starting?

Yeah, that Royal Gorilla looks like it needs some Cal, also!
Even if you just juice them the first 3 weeks of flower with 5mills of Calmag per gallon. And once they stop doing that transition stretching thing,,,, they seem to back up and not need as much calcium.

Your Puppy looks different than mine. Mine throw out red hairs by day 35, and then they keep packing red hairs till day 63 or there about.

these had 3-4 weeks to go before I took them.

These were closer. She turns purple and red at harvest..

And this was the fruits;;;

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