SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

And thank you m’lord. Your attentive nature has benefited the entire crew. :hug:
My buddy has been asking for grow advice. He has a good job and I think I am going to point him in the Hempy/Timber lights direction. Lazy growing with great lights.
My buddy has been asking for grow advice. He has a good job and I think I am going to point him in the Hempy/Timber lights direction. Lazy growing with great lights.

Honestly, it doesn't get much better than this. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:
Honestly, it doesn't get much better than this. :battingeyelashes::green_heart:
Isn't that an Old Milwaukee commercial??? Lol, my how times have changed for the better
Hello Tead,

Good post - I know some manufacturers and hobbyists have messed with forced active cooling using air and water. Both are expensive to implement and prone to breakage, especially fans in a high moisture environment.

We recommend the use of a small clip on fan, like an inexpensive oscillating fan, to blow cool air across the heat sinks pins, and the driver(s). This will help lower their operating temps by 20-30°F. Added benefit, if it breaks it's easy to replace.

HPS hoods often use in-line cooling in order to dissipate some of the radiant heat as well, which is inherent in lamp based lights but not in LED based lighting. Our lights will get warm to the touch, but never as hot as an MH/HPS light so sometimes they are contained in an enclosed hood for safety - this makes active cooling a necessity due to heat build up.

Hope this helps - thanks for raising up the question. We are interested in feedback from the community at large!

Have a good day.


Great, detailed answer! "Ya got my vote!" :)
Good afternoon everyone. :love:

Busy day. :battingeyelashes:

Nice discussion about lights. I realize I’ve been spared the price tag for my Timbers, but honestly, having used these beautiful fixtures I’d spring for them one at a time. It was a desire that manifested within a week of expressing the interest. One of those beautiful cosmic moments when I let the universe work without needing to be in control.

I’ve had my share of other lights, some of them very nice, expensive toys, and not a single one of them made my plants as happy as Timbers have.

Thanks @DrDoob. :hug:

Night-night Amy. :hug: For the first time ever I have a tent where Carnival won’t be the star.

Wow! Who would've thunk it! Like myself,Sue, you must be a beleiver of "if it aint broke...dont fix it!" But i know Carnival will still be a big part of your green diet. You always have a way with words. Thank you for your hard work, extra efforts, and taking the time.
Always a pleasure to visit ANY of your gardens!
Morning Sue, I started a new thread for ACE Seeds plants. I've been in touch with Dubi at ACE and sent him the link and he signed up in the middle of the night as ACE Seeds. It's a place to showcase your Zam x Pam and maybe get some input from the ACE breeders. Here's the link: ACE Seeds Plant Pics

Sweet Neiko. :high-five: I’ll swing by when I stop for a break. :battingeyelashes:

Wow! Who would've thunk it! Like myself,Sue, you must be a beleiver of "if it aint broke...dont fix it!" But i know Carnival will still be a big part of your green diet. You always have a way with words. Thank you for your hard work, extra efforts, and taking the time.
Always a pleasure to visit ANY of your gardens!

Awww.... thanks Sparks. :battingeyelashes: I’ve been a little more quiet today, packing up the BIL’s valuables so he doesn’t lose it all. That’ll take most of my time for a few more days. It should be finished by Sunday evening.

The man has an extensive collection of music and movies in viral, CD and DVD form. That’s a lot of packing.

While working through the shelves I found this little gem.

The universe likes to surprise me in the most delightful ways. Lol! Somewhere along the line I’ll give it a go. Ditch always makes it look so delicious.

I’m headed out into the heat to catch the Farmer’s market. Keep on that joyful path. I’ll catch up later. . :ciao:
Sugar Blackrose is something I've been wanting to run for awhile now. You are so right when you said that Ditchweed makes it look so good and so easy! Been wanting to run it since I followed his journal quite some time ago. I do believe that i have a free feminized seed or two from Delicious Seeds. Maybe when we get a lil closer to the cooler months because im sure she will put out some beautiful colors!
Was that in BIL's hooch, or your own? Didn't seem like BIL was a grower....
Do you remember when it's from?

The seed was tucked away on a shelf under some DVDs in his apartment. It was the BIL’s feeble growing attempts that brought me to cannabis cultivation and ultimately to :420:

The original two plants were his cast-offs, a Medical No Name and a Northern Lights. Saving them inspired me to do it right, and when I found Tulip’s thread on CFLs I knew it was for me.

So we’re talking the summer of 2014.
The seed was tucked away on a shelf under some DVDs in his apartment. It was the BIL’s feeble growing attempts that brought me to cannabis cultivation and ultimately to :420:

The original two plants were his cast-offs, a Medical No Name and a Northern Lights. Saving them inspired me to do it right, and when I found Tulip’s thread on CFLs I knew it was for me.

So we’re talking the summer of 2014.

.... and the circle returns. Fun stuff!
.... and the circle returns. Fun stuff!

I suddenly realized the reason I even came to :420: was because he gave me this plant.

I learned to use CFLs from the above-mentioned thread. I applied what I practiced in this picture to take my first official grow to success.

This community is excellent at teaching. :battingeyelashes:
What's the black stuff in that bucket?

:rofl: Ahhh.....the times, they are a changin'. Lol!

Kind of a disappointing day. The BIL is losing his apartment, the end result of a long chain of events over the years, but I was doing all I could to get his things packed up and was expecting to have his brother stop Sunday to help us get it into storage.

Today the brother bailed, casting aspersions that he considered me somehow responsible for his brother's losing this apartment. Guilt takes some wicked forms, doesn't it?

What really happened is his bail means his younger brother will lose all of his earthly possessions. His collections of music and movies will become trash the landlord tosses as they gut the apartment he destroyed over the last ten years.

Tomorrow my daughter and I will find some way to get to his side to at least tell him face-to-face that he'll be traveling lighter starting right now.

Not the way I thought this was going to go, and sad beyond belief. That families can be such painful enterprises...... This isn't my fight, but I tried anyway. As a balm of sorts I dug out the DDA I brought back from Chris Scorpio's, and low and behold......more surprises. :slide:

Grab your joy where you can.
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