SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

Wait ... what did they say was the long term harm of a cannabis dependency ... ?

I went back and read Graytail, and there was no long-term harm mentioned. Reading it over one begins to wonder if the problem of cannabis dependency is someone else deciding you’re too dependent and making your life miserable so they can feel better.
one begins to wonder if the problem of cannabis dependency is someone else deciding you’re too dependent and making your life miserable so they can feel better

I've had 0 physical problems and only the slightest bit of anxiety. No fun... the world shifts... but not a problem at all. I have no idea why the word 'dependency' even gets used.
Well, long term dependency IS a bad thing.

Unless it's contact lenses or opiates or twitter or psych meds, etc. Those are all harmless.

You'd think they'd at least mention the harm that's specific to cannabis. :hmmmm:

You'd think they'd at least mention the harm that's specific to cannabi

There's nothing for them to mention. They're just spewing the endless script that they're really just forced to do.
Many know better.... I suspect most. It's the heart of the matter really. It's just about not wanting change or not wanting to think for yourself. These are aspects of our government that are historically this way. Some would argue that this latency between reality and rules needs to exist. I say it's been going on for far too long. Thus the crux of things... at least in Tead's eye.
I bet there are an awful of lot of women who’ve smoked during pregnancy secretly without issues.

When my kid was 12 we had a full talk about drugs and the truth. I even made flash cards and wrote down everything including some personal experience. The whole goal was to be truthful and honest and not be like DARE. There is good and bad to just about every drug. When it came to the cannibis card I just started rambling and somehow told him that if he smoked during puberty it could cause him to have a small penis. I still feel guilty to this day about that. But on the otherhand he didn’t ever try smoking until he was over 18.

Dam, I must have got some second hand smoke from some place....... :rofl::rofl:
On a more positive note, the newest generations are aware of the insanity and not too programed in my eye.
It gives Tead hope for the future... but it will be a good long time before those generations are at the helm and change will be no easier in that day and age.

I have tremendous faith in the generation coming up behind us. They aren’t as easily fooled and they appear to be very savvy at getting adults in power to listen to them.

We’re already aware on a national stage that health options of cannabis sativa ought not be determined by your zip code. The writing’s on the wall.
Heya Sweetness, everything looking nice.. I see you've taken well to the new light set up, no doubt you would on my end... Hey I went to get the starter clones yesterday for the perpetual, they are some huge ones... 12 to 20 inches easy.. Had to cut em back some they are still less than 24 hours old and are looking alot like your Zam... Some are looking a little better.. Just stopped by to say Hey, and I have a question... Have you ever heard of Blissful Wizard ?? Never heard of it, not surprised but it is supposed to be a Super Genetics type strain... Look it up on In House and a few other sites couldnt find it.. Green days Sis, and to all
Good morning everyone :love:

Just have a couple minutes before walking. :battingeyelashes:

Heya Sweetness, everything looking nice.. I see you've taken well to the new light set up, no doubt you would on my end... Hey I went to get the starter clones yesterday for the perpetual, they are some huge ones... 12 to 20 inches easy.. Had to cut em back some they are still less than 24 hours old and are looking alot like your Zam... Some are looking a little better.. Just stopped by to say Hey, and I have a question... Have you ever heard of Blissful Wizard ?? Never heard of it, not surprised but it is supposed to be a Super Genetics type strain... Look it up on In House and a few other sites couldnt find it.. Green days Sis, and to all

I don’t often go looking for genetics Hacker, they come to me. :rofl:

Did you try google? GSC x Captain’s Cookies it looks pretty nice, says up to 34%. ;)

Doob to the rescue! :kisstwo:

Anything Cookies is an attractive chemovar. Vibrant, vigorous, and containing the highest b-caryophyllene in the current offerings.

Why is that of interest? This lovely overachieving terpene will tamp down inflammatory response and have the immune system shuttle away the waste material much like CBD does.

Kinda makes you excited about the future of cannabis breeding. What are you treating? I’ll breed a chemovar for you. You clone it to perpetuity.

I like that vision. :yahoo:

Gotta run. Clothes are mandatory. :rofl:

.......I really like that vision. You could build specialized breeding areas and...... gosh guys. We have so much fun just dreaming about it. This year I want to make my own DDA seeds. Will you guys help me be courageous enough to get it done? :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:

I really gotta go..... :ciao:
I'm gonna bet that Dan from Timber will run into these words... perhaps another light manufacturer will pay attention too...

Why oh why.... why can't we get an LED that we can connect active ventilation (fan and tubes)?
It seems like the lighting manufacturers are so wrapped up in their own hype about how cool (temps... not fashion) their lights are that they give absolutely no thought at all to garden cooling.
Sure... my big LED puts out half the heat of my 1000w HPS... but I'd sure have to hook up active cooling for a 500w HPS as well.
I'm tired of light manufacturers beating on their chests about how wonderful their units are while at the same time ignoring such an obvious need addressed over and over by the previous type of lighting.
Recently, I rebuilt my veg area from what had previously been a tent to a nice wooden enclosure. One of the major design features of my custom built area were holes in the top for the LEDs to sit on top of the space and vent their heat outside the veg room. I'd love to hook that up to an air tube and vent it to the outside air... but I simply have no way to do that with current designs.
Not pickin on ya personally Dan... my comments are equally spread across the LED manufacturer landscape. It just floors me that I've been unable to find a model of LEDs that support active cooling out of the box.

Guess who's been playing with lights this morning....
Guess who's been playing with lights this morning....

My guess would be you. :hug: Living in the heat of the swamplands takes a toll.

I think quantum boards are solving this dilemma in their own marvelous way by not generating the same heat. So what’s needed is some sort of hood with a tube? My lights sit at the roof if he tents and I’m sucking that heat out into the room. It’s a challenge, I’ll admit.

The quantum board tent always astays 4 ° lower than the others.

Zam is looking much happier with more root space. :battingeyelashes:

I agree with @Tead and with Sue

My QB lights have dropped my tent temps in the summer almost 10deg cooler than my 600w HPS with ducted hood

Now the GROWant lights for sure are hotter than the QB, and viperspectra even hotter

I'd say a larger LED footprint with more fans would be a great idea, or options for ducted like a HPS hood
I'm gonna bet that Dan from Timber will run into these words... perhaps another light manufacturer will pay attention too...

Why oh why.... why can't we get an LED that we can connect active ventilation (fan and tubes)?
It seems like the lighting manufacturers are so wrapped up in their own hype about how cool (temps... not fashion) their lights are that they give absolutely no thought at all to garden cooling.
Sure... my big LED puts out half the heat of my 1000w HPS... but I'd sure have to hook up active cooling for a 500w HPS as well.
I'm tired of light manufacturers beating on their chests about how wonderful their units are while at the same time ignoring such an obvious need addressed over and over by the previous type of lighting.
Recently, I rebuilt my veg area from what had previously been a tent to a nice wooden enclosure. One of the major design features of my custom built area were holes in the top for the LEDs to sit on top of the space and vent their heat outside the veg room. I'd love to hook that up to an air tube and vent it to the outside air... but I simply have no way to do that with current designs.
Not pickin on ya personally Dan... my comments are equally spread across the LED manufacturer landscape. It just floors me that I've been unable to find a model of LEDs that support active cooling out of the box.

Guess who's been playing with lights this morning....

Hello Tead,

Good post - I know some manufacturers and hobbyists have messed with forced active cooling using air and water. Both are expensive to implement and prone to breakage, especially fans in a high moisture environment.

We recommend the use of a small clip on fan, like an inexpensive oscillating fan, to blow cool air across the heat sinks pins, and the driver(s). This will help lower their operating temps by 20-30°F. Added benefit, if it breaks it's easy to replace.

HPS hoods often use in-line cooling in order to dissipate some of the radiant heat as well, which is inherent in lamp based lights but not in LED based lighting. Our lights will get warm to the touch, but never as hot as an MH/HPS light so sometimes they are contained in an enclosed hood for safety - this makes active cooling a necessity due to heat build up.

Hope this helps - thanks for raising up the question. We are interested in feedback from the community at large!

Have a good day.

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