SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

And there I was, on my way to bed.......

Page 265 on Mr. Backes' book is entitled "Problem Cannabis Use and Dependence" where we find this enchanting list:

Symptoms of Dependency
Though some of this criteria have been discounted, the appearance of three or more of the following is considered evidence of cannabis dependency:
  • Excessive, often daily use of cannabis
  • Tolerance that requires increased dose to achieve effect
  • Compulsion to use cannabis whenever offered or available :rofl:
  • Excessive ritualization and time spent on the acquisition, possession, and intake of cannabis
  • Withdrawal symptoms emerging after the cessation of cannabis use

Are we for real? And we wonder why people feel shame? They keep talking about how dangerous cannabis is to the developing brain and I can't help thinking "Have they never met anyone like Graytail?" :rofl:

Deep breath........... Ok, I'm gonna take a couple more hits of this delicious Carnival and put myself to bed. Sometimes it tries to concern me that I appear to view cannabis therapeutics through a completely different lens than those out there working as "professionals." Our experience often is in conflict with what's being reported. I'm not really sure why that is, but the book varies on a number of points from what we know works.

This is a highly respected piece of work in the field. Interesting how much of the practical applications I already disagree with.
All that fits me.... But then I am an addictive type personality........ Were's my dubie? Just a drive-by and I see your busy as ever again... GL
Cannabis therapeutics doesn't have to mean getting high. A well-crafted regimen suits your social obligations. But I've noticed this bias against allowing the regimen to include being high.

I can think of a number of times when being high is a bonus. Withdrawal goes much better when you're high as f**k. Menstrual cramps are easier to live with when you have a vaporizer nearby to use on demand. By God, I wish they'd allowed me to get high in labor.

They warn against using cannabis when you're pregnant or when you're nursing. WTH? There's anandamide in breast milk. Babies actually need cannabinoids, and mothers create it in their own bodies and deliver it ready-made.

Prohibition worked.
All that fits me.... But then I am an addictive type personality........ Were's my dubie? Just a drive-by and I see your busy as ever again... GL

I got it right here Woody.


Good to see you neighbor. One of these days I'll do more than look longingly at your notification and stop by your garden. It's a little busy over here, as you noticed. :rofl:
Well, I was the ripe old age of 15 when I first got high, so ... I did get some actual development in, first. And I was 22 when I started smoking daily.

Just think, I coulda turned out even better.

Wait ... what did they say was the long term harm of a cannabis dependency ... ?
I am dependent on cannabis the same way someone might be dependent on depression/anxiety/pain meds. If I don't have it, I don't eat, I am twitchy, I hurt, and I am bummed out about the world we live in.
If the doctors had their way with me I would be dependent on gabapentin, dicyclomine, something for the nausea caused by the dicyclomine, flexural, and depression meds....... Now I only take cannabis and maybe Tylenol.
Hell yeah I am dependent!!!!
Cannabis therapeutics doesn't have to mean getting high. A well-crafted regimen suits your social obligations. But I've noticed this bias against allowing the regimen to include being high.

I can think of a number of times when being high is a bonus. Withdrawal goes much better when you're high as f**k. Menstrual cramps are easier to live with when you have a vaporizer nearby to use on demand. By God, I wish they'd allowed me to get high in labor.

They warn against using cannabis when you're pregnant or when you're nursing. WTH? There's anandamide in breast milk. Babies actually need cannabinoids, and mothers create it in their own bodies and deliver it ready-made.

Prohibition worked.
First pregnancy Midwife told my wife not to smoke pot, but it was fine to eat or vape. Second pregnancy doctors told us it would cause (unspecified) damage to the fetus...... Both children were born very healthy. Used weed the entire time. Propaganda...
First pregnancy Midwife told my wife not to smoke pot, but it was fine to eat or vape. Second pregnancy doctors told us it would cause (unspecified) damage to the fetus...... Both children were born very healthy. Used weed the entire time. Propaganda...

Same here. I used cannabis daily through both pregnancies and nursed both too, until they weaned themselves. Got high every day. It's my normal. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Well, I was the ripe old age of 15 when I first got high, so ... I did get some actual development in, first. And I was 22 when I started smoking daily.

Just think, I coulda turned out even better.

Wait ... what did they say was the long term harm of a cannabis dependency ... ?

Wait..... You coulda been better? :eek:
Ya know....
Tead doesn't know much about how children's brains develop.
Tead has seen many other things in this world impact that process to horrible ends.
I worry about introducing any substance other than food and water to a developing baby no matter their stage of development.
I see in our world that young folks (Tead included) seem to make the discovery on their own at an age where they're mostly physically cooked. I like the standard configuration and see no need to rock the boat.
Does canna input cause fetal or developmental issues? I dunno. It would be nice if it wasn't illegal and we could do some testing.
Until Tead knows better, I just can't spread any words about it. Tead just doesn't know or see any evidence either way except that other things can cause problems.
If our words and ideas are wrong in that arena, the possibility for a tragedy exists.
I hate to swim upstream on any subject... generally due to my laziness, but before more evidence is available, Tead sees no reason to rock a boat that's been floating for so long. Perhaps it needs to be rocked... dunno... but you get my idea.

I don’t see it as swimming upstream. I can’t say for certain that my cannabis use during pregnancy and nursing was purely positive to their developing brains. Research is sorely needed in this area, and yet I have this sneaking suspicion that it’s not gonna rise to the top of the list as quickly as common sense dictates.

Did they turn out ok? Well....now we have to decide what one means by “OK” don’t we? Lol! Aside from the anxiety disorder that creates the enigma that is my lovely daughter or the fact that my son finds it emotionally tolerable to cut his mother out of his life

You know, someday I’ll write those words without tears, and I’ll know I let myself heal.

Anyway, they’re happy and as well-adjusted as the next humans in this crazy and confused world. I spent a lot of time when she was tiny and gasping for her breath in the ER (asthma) wondering if it was my fault.

Knowing what I’ve learned about the ECS and it’s interaction with phytocannabinoids I don’t have any deep fears. I know too many successful people that’ve been smoking since they were 12 to believe the current cautionary thoughts.

Fear doesn’t fit well into Susanworld. :battingeyelashes:

But I hear you, and I agree that caution with developing brains until we fully understand what phytocannabinoids are really doing in a human is a good thing.

There’s some research from Israel I’ve had on a back burner that’ll be fuel for this conversation, if it’s ever found, based on the theory that children don’t start out with as many CB receptors, which would explain why little ones tolerate doses that’d make you and I drolling zombies.

For another day. :love:
I bet there are an awful of lot of women who’ve smoked during pregnancy secretly without issues.

When my kid was 12 we had a full talk about drugs and the truth. I even made flash cards and wrote down everything including some personal experience. The whole goal was to be truthful and honest and not be like DARE. There is good and bad to just about every drug. When it came to the cannibis card I just started rambling and somehow told him that if he smoked during puberty it could cause him to have a small penis. I still feel guilty to this day about that. But on the otherhand he didn’t ever try smoking until he was over 18.
I believe that smoking in general is not great for pregnant women and the unborn the whole sharing oxygen thing is what comes to mind.

My taxi driver last Thursday is 40 and pregnant with twins. She told me that after she took a cigarette break while we waited for my daughter's appointment to finish, and got into the taxi where she had energy drinks waiting.

I don't know if pot is bad for babies, my gut says more neutral than good or bad. I do know that pot is safer than cigarettes and monster at any age
I bet there are an awful of lot of women who’ve smoked during pregnancy secretly without issues.

When my kid was 12 we had a full talk about drugs and the truth. I even made flash cards and wrote down everything including some personal experience. The whole goal was to be truthful and honest and not be like DARE. There is good and bad to just about every drug. When it came to the cannibis card I just started rambling and somehow told him that if he smoked during puberty it could cause him to have a small penis. I still feel guilty to this day about that. But on the otherhand he didn’t ever try smoking until he was over 18.

That was some creative parenting my friend. Lol! We simply smoked around them. It was always like that, without comment or justification. They thought of it as natural. Lol!

That was some creative parenting my friend. Lol! We simply smoked around them. It was always like that, without comment or justification. They thought of it as natural. Lol!

That's how we are with our children. They see something new and ask "is that you're weed?" "you gonna smoke a little pot?" This is my favorite after growing up in a prohibition state "hey, what's that? Oh, it's just weed"
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