SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

random stoner thoughts

Standing in the kitchen this morning, licking the mixing spoon from the daughter's brownies it struck me that I'm continuiously high. More than three years into my growing adventure and I'm still smoking like I'm trying to make up for all those years of lack. :D Then the thought steps forth that I'm excessively indulgent. Today I laughed at the absurdity of the suggestion.

Sometimes it puzzles me. Where does that feeling even come from? What does it matter how much I smoke, how high I get? I'm retired dammit, and probably more active than many of my peers. :slide:

I think many of them envy me the audacious freedom of expression. I suppose we can chalk some of that up to the fact that I have a steady stream of THC circulating through my system. Lol!

Euphoria is a completely different experience for each of us, and I play in a higher euphoric field than many could be comfortable with. I remind myself of this reality every time that "Is it really necessary to be this high?" question arises.

At Green Flower Media Mandy has a video entitled "Are you overdosing?" I haven't watched it yet, by deliberate choice. I don't want to risk putting pressure on myself to conform to someone else's standards. My ECS isn't like anyone else's. It's mine and mine alone, and I may have a bit of extra understanding as to what makes it tick, so I don't want to find myself thinking "you think maybe cut back a bit Susan?"

Sometimes I can be ........ persuaded. Lol! In this case, however, understanding the biology is one thing. Knowing that I'm the one controlling the biology with the power of my thoughts is an entirely different level of understanding. Say what you will about the limitations of the ECS, I'll continue to believe that it's unlimited in its healing potential, and I know it's my thoughts that drive the physical expression of my cells.

If I were overdosing I don't think I'd be feeling this good. :rofl:

They were rediculously lean years, and I couldn't be more thankful to have them behind me. I'll be honest, staying high all the time is much more fun than I imagined. Lol! My version of paradise is one where anyone can make the choice I did and no one makes a judgement about it, other than to be happy. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:
... indulgent ... overdosing ... too much ... :hmmmm:

Yeah, that's a puzzle that comes to mind from time to time. And I think it comes from a place we old folks live, at least it does for me. I say fuggit. Basically. At the root of it, at the end of any conversation about it, internal or external, I say sure, uh huh, maybe, I guess, but fuggit.

It's an informed executive decision made by someone with decades of experience. It's my medicine dammit. :bongrip:
Hi Sue, plants are looking good.
The wife struggles with the "am I taking too much, I shouldn't be high all the time" feelings too. She still battles the stigma that was ingrained into her from childhood. She knows it was all lies until she has a little too much THC then internal battles start.
Speaking of too much...I smoked a nice big chunk of Carnival cob last night. I was in the stratosphere, I don't remember much now except feeling like I was about as high as I'd ever been. These cobs wear me out. Sometimes I prefer old fashion jar cured just to not be in such a wild place.
Hiya SweetSue,

Love that internal conversation. I used to think like that, and wonder if it was okay to be high all the time. And like Graytail, I said fuggit! It's my business, and as long as I'm not interfering with someone else's life (negatively), I can't see any harm. I don't go to extremes, and if I experiment, I always stay home. No driving when very high! (I stay home alot, lol). And because I treat it like a medicine without ill effects, it treats me nicely without ill effects! Like that topic! I guess I'm like Tangwena, life's too short, so enjoy as much as possible.
Yeah fuggit, I’ve smoked just about everyday for 30 years, and through rigorous study and arduous training I’ve discovered my perfect dosing schedule: smoke two joints in the morning, smoke two joints at night, smoke two joints before I smoke two joints, then I smoke two more. Seems to be working okay for me.
random stoner thoughts ......


Stoner thoughts...... hmmm.... every thought I have every day in every way is tainted by the product of my shed. Nothing else exists in my world or even has existed for at least the last 5yrs... maybe 10.
Honestly... I feel I'm reaching into the past some connecting with previous civilizations versions of shamen or other spiritual folk. I totally see why they reached into such medicines and used it as a backdrop for understanding and dealing with the world.

Tead.... growing in a state of grace.... I think I found the title of my new thread.
Yeah fuggit, I’ve smoked just about everyday for 30 years, and through rigorous study and arduous training I’ve discovered my perfect dosing schedule: smoke two joints in the morning, smoke two joints at night, smoke two joints before I smoke two joints, then I smoke two more. Seems to be working okay for me.
The wife really lives by this dosing schedule, and I can't argue it. After all I'm not a doctor.

... indulgent ... overdosing ... too much ... :hmmmm:

Yeah, that's a puzzle that comes to mind from time to time. And I think it comes from a place we old folks live, at least it does for me. I say fuggit. Basically. At the root of it, at the end of any conversation about it, internal or external, I say sure, uh huh, maybe, I guess, but fuggit.

It's an informed executive decision made by someone with decades of experience. It's my medicine dammit. :bongrip:

Amen! This is where I always end up myself. It’s my medicine, and I’ve been aware since my second high that there wasn’t anything nefarious about weed.

Thats right! Subbed in by the way.

Hey Big Sparks! :welcome: to my new joyful journal. :hug::hug::hug:

I love her growth structure!:love: It looks like, well, a Carnival! :theband::circle-of-love:

Yes she does. :circle-of-love: I’m close to having more than one growing at a time. :slide: Sometimes I wonder why I grow anything else other than DDAs. Lol!

Hi Sue, plants are looking good.
The wife struggles with the "am I taking too much, I shouldn't be high all the time" feelings too. She still battles the stigma that was ingrained into her from childhood. She knows it was all lies until she has a little too much THC then internal battles start.

She deals with many of the seam in’s my daughter parries with. I’ve never been so thankful that I spared her the joys of the D.A.R.E. madness by homeschooling.

She has me as her example. Most often when that niggling voice starts to interfere with her free flowing euphoria she laughs gently at it and hands it a virtual puppy. :rofl:

neikodog said:
Speaking of too much...I smoked a nice big chunk of Carnival cob last night. I was in the stratosphere, I don't remember much now except feeling like I was about as high as I'd ever been. These cobs wear me out. Sometimes I prefer old fashion jar cured just to not be in such a wild place.

Lol! That’s exactly what Tangwena warned us of. I have to take a break every few days. They seem to ramp up the metabolism, do t they?

Hiya SweetSue,

Love that internal conversation. I used to think like that, and wonder if it was okay to be high all the time. And like Graytail, I said fuggit! It's my business, and as long as I'm not interfering with someone else's life (negatively), I can't see any harm. I don't go to extremes, and if I experiment, I always stay home. No driving when very high! (I stay home alot, lol). And because I treat it like a medicine without ill effects, it treats me nicely without ill effects! Like that topic! I guess I'm like Tangwena, life's too short, so enjoy as much as possible.

Lol! I travel most often by foot Bode. The workd’s a safer place if my euphoric butt isn’t behind the wheel of a vehicle. :battingeyelashes:

Yeah fuggit, I’ve smoked just about everyday for 30 years, and through rigorous study and arduous training I’ve discovered my perfect dosing schedule: smoke two joints in the morning, smoke two joints at night, smoke two joints before I smoke two joints, then I smoke two more. Seems to be working okay for me.

My hero.... :passitleft:

Tead.... growing in a state of grace.... I think I found the title of my new thread.

Sounds like a winner. Get it up and going. :hug:

:bongrip:Pressure Drop:ganjamon::Namaste:

Aha! Medicine. We all become patients when we consume. :battingeyelashes:

Time for me to get breakfast going. I just finished calibration the pH pen. You know....
There are a lot of terrible and erroneous videos out there on calibrating a pH pen. :rolleyes:

I went looking for a refresher and it became that accident you can’t look away from. Video after video of guys giving incomplete or incorrect advice.

Doesn’t it make more sense to know what you’re doing before you post the video? Maybe it’s just me.

I’ll be back in a bit. The stomach is complaining that I’m almost an hour late on incoming nutrients. Lol! Continue on your joyful way. :ciao:
The wife really lives by this dosing schedule, and I can't argue it. After all I'm not a doctor.


Hahaha! Brilliant! You’re a good man for understanding Ganjagrowergu. :hug:
Whenever I feel like we might be taking too much in the past it was financial. When this happens we sit down and :passitleft:about it and swear we will lower our intake. Lol, and then we make edibles. Happens like that every time.
I smoked a nice big chunk of Carnival cob last night. I was in the stratosphere, I don't remember much now except feeling like I was about as high as I'd ever been.

You have me chasing you today Neiko. Lol!
We have a new arrival! :love: :yahoo: :love:

It was easiest right now to set her over here. I’ll be rearranging the veg shelf when I get Carnival flipped tomorrow.

Welcome little one. :love:

I forgot to include this in the update yesterday. I manage to keep the tents at reasonable temps by blowing air in from the bottom.

The tent on this end of the picture doesn’t need a fan since the airflow panel has good access to the room, which I’ve learned to start air conditioning as soon as I wake up, regardless of the outdoor temperature.

It’s been working well. I have to keep the door to the bedroom closed, no hardship.

Ok.....back to my chase with the Carnival cob. I’m gonna sit myself down and see if I can get too high. Lol! It’s Saturday night. I think when I hit my limit I’ll take a walk to Target and roam around to see if there’s anything I can use in the garden. The walk’ll so me good. :battingeyelashes:

Catch up to you later. :ciao:
Ahhhhh new little baby

New genetics on hand too. Stoney Memoirs and I got to discussing even ratio chemovars and we decided to get some of his recent crosses into my garden.

According to my records he bred a particularly lovely Chocolate Tonic male to every female he had in the garden at the time - a Black Domina (Domina Tonic), a Chronic Haze (Chronic Tonic), and a Lemon Haze (Lemon Tonic).

Mmmm..... Stoney shares my taste in chemovars. I’ve never grown them, but I eye them every time I go seed shopping. Lol!

I’m most excited about the Lemon Tonic. :yahoo:

He tells me they’re a delightful, mild high, great for medicines, topicals and the such. The Lemon Tonic tested at 15:13 and the Chronic Tonic at 10:9. I’m assuming the standard THC:CBD notation.

Makes that LT look even more inviting. I have a Fruity Jack I want to run first, a gift from The Vault. After that I think a little lemon lushness is in my future. :slide:

What a sweet friend. :battingeyelashes::green_heart:
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