SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

Better late than never to tag along,,, sign me up

Oooo....Woody... Firgive me for not letting you know we moved to another journal. :hug:

Glad you found us. :battingeyelashes: :love:

Hey guys....

In the year 2020 4/20 will be all month long! :yahoo::slide::yahoo:
While I do appreciate you thinking I am smart enough to pull together an elaborate hoax. I simply am not.

... Says every single huckster before you!!!!
I've purchased a big bag of pea gravel and I'm certain It'll grow nothing but a stub! I'm out to expose you Gajagrowergu!!! None of your shenanigans will be tolerated!

Dude... I totally picked up pea gravel as soon as I saw what was happening in your world. I've got verm and perl on hand. Gonna try a seed in one and a clone in another. Staying with the 2L format.
This old dog likes him some new tricks!
... Says every single huckster before you!!!!
I've purchased a big bag of pea gravel and I'm certain It'll grow nothing but a stub! I'm out to expose you Gajagrowergu!!! None of your shenanigans will be tolerated!

Dude... I totally picked up pea gravel as soon as I saw what was happening in your world. I've got verm and perl on hand. Gonna try a seed in one and a clone in another. Staying with the 2L format.
This old dog likes him some new tricks!
I use coco/perl/verm in a 2" cap. This is my 20oz bottle root ball

I believe that as you water, the medium filters into the gravel and that is how I get any kind of wicking action.

They are brown because the container sat in the tent for several days after harvest.... Lazy
Dude... I totally picked up pea gravel as soon as I saw what was happening in your world.

Give aquarium substrate a try if you get a chance. It's pricey in little bags, but not much more cost than perlite when bought in bulk. I'm a lifelong aquarium guy, breeder, and when times were $ tight, I serviced commercial tanks for weekend cash money. I've had great results with it, but a drawback is weight. 4 gallons in a 5 gallon bucket weighs a LOT. Upside is it doesn't float and is easy to clean and reuse. Roots really dig aquarium gravel.

Peeked into tent # 2 today on my way by.

Yes..... we have nanners! Lol! Right on schedule. Lol!

Someday one will get more aggressive and seed itself. Go ahead, make my day. Lol!

The top buds have begun going milk chocolate brown.

Still at least 10 days or more to go, if I’m lucky. They finish sooner and sooner, don’t they?

If it weren’t so popular I’d stop growing it for awhile, but I have two friends requesting it. To be honest, before this no one outside the family had requested anything other than Carnival.

Tomorrow they’ll all get another shower with spinosad. One more can’t hurt. Then I think I’ve done enough cycles to have stopped the infestation.

Was your day as much fun as mine? We’ve been celebrating the return of my daughter’s partner, my unofficial SIL, who’d been in LA for the past 7 weeks caring for his mother after her stroke. It’s so good to have him back in her arms we’ve been bubbling over with happiness.

It’s such a joy to watch my baby glow again. :battingeyelashes: :love:

I’m turning in early tonight. My friend and I are hitting the river trail at 6:30 AM to beat the heat. I’ll be needing some sleep in advance of that. Lol!

Have a wonderful conclusion to your delicious day.

Be careful out there tomorrow. I want everyone back on the 5th with all their parts.:green_heart:
Happy 4th 420 Folks!

Had a hit of Red Bud, White Widow, and Blue Cheese ... off the the fireworks!
How frickin patriotic is that huh? :laugh:

Happy 4th @MaddHacker :hug:

Happy 4th 420 Folks!

Had a hit of Red Bud, White Widow, and Blue Cheese ... off the the fireworks!
How frickin patriotic is that huh? :laugh:


Haha! There ya go, the 4th celebrated in true :420: style. Lol!

I've been layin' around the house staying high and studying. I'm looking over the data on CBD pain creams and decided to call it a day. I can't believe I didn't stop here earlier. I started the day walking with my friend at 6:30 AM to beat the heat, and I've been going pretty much non-stop all day.

I picked up a new fragrance tone on the Devil's Carnival while I had her out for a spinosad shower - pineapple. :slide:

This one's stacking nicely. I'm starting to allow myself to be excited. Lol!

Not all of the tops are turning yet.

You don't have to look far for nanners. They're showing up in multiples.

Wish she'd seed herself already and save me the trouble. Lol!

I dropped a Candy Cane seed today. I'll be baking the last of the CC inventory into brownies for the daughter tomorrow.

It can be challenging to get far enough ahead in small tents. It becomes moreso when you consider that the daughter has developed an appreciation for cannabis that rivals her mother. This increases the pressure for quantity. Ahhhh......the ongoing dance of supply and demand.

Did everyone have a delightful holiday? Still have all the fingers and toes? :battingeyelashes: Good to hear. It rained right before fireworks were set to go, but the backyards have been alight with sky flowers as far as the eye can see. Up here on the third floor I have a clear view for miles and miles.

I'm going back to my buzz. You continue having a marvelous day. :ciao:
It can be challenging to get far enough ahead in small tents. It becomes moreso when you consider that the daughter has developed an appreciation for cannabis that rivals her mother. This increases the pressure for quantity. Ahhhh......the ongoing dance of supply and demand.

Indeed. I find myself in a similar scenario often. When the supply gets thin, I supplement with a few scoops of powder from the bottom of the grinder that I like to let build up for just such occasions.
Up here on the third floor I have a clear view for miles and miles.
Yeah! I was thinking it must look fantastic from up there!

I used some (about 20%) CBDCC in my last topical batch, it works as well as the prev batch. I haven’t followed up on any research about how it helps in a topical so I’ll be paying attention for any nuggety factoids you may share... gosh I haven’t been to the study hall for a long while - my brain is too full!
Good morning everyone :love:

It's a rainy day out there. A massive thunderstorm's been churning and booming away for hours, not leaving much liquid behind for all the intimidating booms, but you near need gills to breath the atmosphere. I'm able to leave the main air off and the windows open though, so I'm good two days of continuious droning from the window units wears on my brain.

Lately I've taken to overriding that obnoxious tone with recordings of birdsong, so the apartment is filled with avian conversations. I'll tell ya, this was one of the better ideas to pop up in my manic brain in a while. :battingeyelashes:

Hold on, it's time to turn the air on in the bedroom so the tents don't overheat......... which necessitated cleaning the filter. Lol! It gets challenging in the heat to keep the tents under control. Up here on the third floor it's already hotter to begin with. Add venting into the room itself and the heat builds up pretty quick. Lately the tents have been topping out at 86, a little higher than I'm entirely comfortable with, but they don't seem to complain about it as much as they do when it creeps up any higher.

As I say that I notice that tent #1 is already sitting at 88, but that's because I turned the air on too late. It'll settle down soon.

Carnival looks ready to join her.

I'll clean her up a bit on Saturday and flip her in Sunday. :yahoo: The BIL is in nursing care, possibly for the rest of his days, so I have come to the point where I grow Carnival for myself.

Wow! That just sunk in. I'm getting close to growing only for myself and the daughter, exactly what my little garden is meant to do. Of course, there's occasional sharing of the bounty, and the ongoing distributrition of assorted topical meds, but it looks like I've come back to the roots. A good thing too, since I want to get consistency of production under control this year and next.

I've determined the chemovars that light us up best, and the ones that work best for my topical oils. I've chosen my cultivation method. Lighting is completely in hand. Ventilation is still a sticking point, but I'm learning to control environment. Now the game becomes refinement of technique.

It only took me nearly four years to get here. Lol! I've just about settled down into a smooth rhythm. Graytail has me considering shorter veg in my one gallon pots, tempted once again by the pull of smaller plants that allow me to fit more in at a time. Ziggy showed that this is the most efficient way to get higher yields, but we keep ignoring that over the beauty of large, lush plants.

I tried and failed to replicate Ziggy's success in soil. Here I am tempted to give it another try with hempy. The timing is my nemesis. Once I have the Clone Castle going strong and all the clones tucked away and the last of the soil plants harvested I may get a little creative. :battingeyelashes:

What I've been learning is the daughter and I like some variety, but we mostly want constant access to Carnival, Dark Devil Auto, Candy Cane, Royal Gorilla, and CBD Critical Cure. The Red Diesel is doing a good job with this cob I'm enjoying convincing me that it should be included too. Zam x Pan looks to be another regular, if I get the euphoric effects I believe I'll get in cob form.

That's at least 5 regulars, 4 of which flower in the tents, in a garden that has a max flowering availability for 6 flowering beauties, the way I've been growing them. If I can get 3-4 in a tent rather than 1-2 it may work better for total yields than what I'm currently getting, even given smaller plants. I think Graytail's little pots have convinced me to do some without training, beyond a single topping.

One of these days the last pieces of the puzzle will click into place and the grow becomes a well-oiled machine. With my tendency to be sidetracked by shiny new ideas it may take another year or two. Lol!

Meditation and movement are calling for my participation. You all have a marvelous day filled with love and laughter. Watch how many ideas fall into your brain when you're laughing. I think there're cosmic beings just waiting for us to let the guard down long enough to drop in the next big idea, and most often that moment comes in the midst of peals of laughter

I'll catch up with your wonderful selves later. :ciao:
Tent # 1 is back down to 84°. :slide:
The Zam x Pan is looking great Sue. If I remember right, it'll take about two weeks to start throwing pistols. I love those skinny leaves...

The carnival is looking great as well. I'm wishing I had kept a clone of mine. It's a zesty lime one. I do have one that's knocked up with a nice sativa leaning purple Malawi x Ultra Dawg though. I'm thinking there should be some nice plants in that group. The carnival seems to be a favorite with everyone... Gotta pop some more.

I hear ya on the garden size and getting ahead. I had to build an 8'x6' flower room to get ahead of my wife and my consumption. Now it's starting to stockpile, where I can start playing with crossed. :slide:

Have a great day Sue!
The Zam x Pan is looking great Sue. If I remember right, it'll take about two weeks to start throwing pistols. I love those skinny leaves...

The carnival is looking great as well. I'm wishing I had kept a clone of mine. It's a zesty lime one. I do have one that's knocked up with a nice sativa leaning purple Malawi x Ultra Dawg though. I'm thinking there should be some nice plants in that group. The carnival seems to be a favorite with everyone... Gotta pop some more.

I hear ya on the garden size and getting ahead. I had to build an 8'x6' flower room to get ahead of my wife and my consumption. Now it's starting to stockpile, where I can start playing with crossed. :slide:

Have a great day Sue!

The daughter and I were just talking about how she quickly developed a consumption level that rivals my own. Lol!

Have any of you noticed that insidious voice that occasionally creeps in and suggests you might be overindulging? Lol! The daughter is up against it at the moment, now that her paramour is home and she realizes how much she enjoyed having constant access to her vaporizer, without having to stop what she's doing and leave the room.

They haven't had that conversation yet. She's battling with the conflict that he claims he doesn't care for the smell, and she feels he didn't sign on for this, so she has to be more accommodating.

I think he needs to learn to appreciate the smell of healing. I'm about ready to sit him down and have that talk myself.
Yeah! I was thinking it must look fantastic from up there!

I used some (about 20%) CBDCC in my last topical batch, it works as well as the prev batch. I haven’t followed up on any research about how it helps in a topical so I’ll be paying attention for any nuggety factoids you may share... gosh I haven’t been to the study hall for a long while - my brain is too full!

Sometimes I marvel at my own energy Amy. If there were some way to bottle it and ship to you........

The Study Hall went quiet during the vacation stage of my year. Lol! I'm busy there now trying to get a handle on the power of CBD to mitigate pain. There might be a community thread come of it. :battingeyelashes:
I think Graytail's little pots have convinced me to do some without training, beyond a single topping.

One of these days the last pieces of the puzzle will click into place and the grow becomes a well-oiled machine. With my tendency to be sidetracked by shiny new ideas it may take another year or two. Lol!
I was amazed last year when I switched to the 2 gallon softie. The first girls didn't produce too well but once I worked with it a bit I got the yields up to an acceptable level. Next run I'll just grow a bit better.

Hoping you find that puzzle piece. :bongrip:
I was amazed last year when I switched to the 2 gallon softie. The first girls didn't produce too well but once I worked with it a bit I got the yields up to an acceptable level. Next run I'll just grow a bit better.

Hoping you find that puzzle piece. :bongrip:

Yeah Jim... BB grows his little 3 gallon pots for variety too, and he’s been more than pleased with his results. I’m sure I can work it out in time. I feel like I’m on the cusp of a big “AHA!” moment. Lol!

Casual garden shots to brighten your day. I get a thrill from watching the buds stack in that lovely swirl around the branches. :battingeyelashes:

I’ll learn to fill them in like the big boys do. Lol! I gaze at gardens all through the site with amazement, knowing eventually I’ll catch on.

I’m pleased with this DC and the way she’s growing such beefy top buds. I’m planning to let this one ride until she begs me to chop. I’m hoping to get a seed or two from those nanners she’s so intent on spitting out.

I grew her for my Jamaican friend. Very little of her harvest will stay in my inventory. Isn’t it the best feeling in the world to use your talents to brighten up someone else’s world? :green_heart:
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