SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

Another demonstration of cosmic magic:

The daughter's partner's been in LA for the last month caring for his mother following her stroke. You can imagine the daughter's anxiety levels during this time. We've spent many hours together eating away at the time alone, waiting for him to return.

He showed up unannounced this morning! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Tonight we're going to the theater to seeTag tonight after the heat breaks, and have dinner out afterwards. WooHoo!

See? I told you...... magical.
Oh gee that looks niiiiice!!! :drool::yahoo:
I’ll join you - this Golden Tiger x Northern Lights is a super hit, no Carnival... but it’s pretty fine :ganjamon:
I’m awake in the middle of the night again so might as well join in with your weekend high :slide:


Thanks Amy. :passitleft:

Musical theater yesterday, movies today and dinner out on top of it. Man! This is fun!
Oh gosh, I love that I’m surrounded by a bunch of tech geeks. Lol! I’m even more touched that you all break out in conversation about it. I have no tech experience other than what I needed to know to get where I wanted to be.

So now you know Sue, if you ever need geek IT help, there is a plethora at your fingertips :hug:

Anyway... Lol!..... she just enthusiastically exclaimed “Fall in love with micro dosing! Let it be your favorite way to experience cannabis!”

Good Afternoon Sue :hug:

I actually micro dose most every day, 3 half hits throughout the day and 2 full solid rips after sunset. If it weren't for making oils, one grow cycle would last just myself years! Sometimes I'll go nuts and consume a few grams in a day, but that is usually triggered by some larger event, besides "routine" daily life. Micro dosing is good stuff, I highly recommend giving it a try if the spirit moves you. George Carlin was a huge proponent, and actually my introduction to the method.

My wife, she's into Macro dosing, and can burn through several grams each and every day. 95% of the cannabinoids produced in my garden end up circulating in someone else veins!

I just returned from a round trip to Atlanta, and was blessed to be offered a road gig as a substitute Bass Guitar and Synth (Bass Keyboard) player for a touring band. The regular band member is having surgery and will be out for 6-8 weeks (up to 12 on contract). Not sure I fit into this genre of music, it's outside my normal "cover the hits" stuff. I did nail the audition thanks to some awesome Biueberry (my most zoned in strain for playing), but 50+ years of wood-shedding didn't hurt either. Decisions, decisions, response required by July 5th. My wife isn't thrilled at the duration of me being away from home, and I'm not sure I am either. Hmmm Getting old, I'd have jumped into the moving bus a couple of years ago. But it's just a temp gig, and I wouldn't be a real band member, just a temp 1099 Contract player.

Be careful what you ask for in life, you just might get it. 3 weeks ago I couldn't find a decent local band to play with on weekends, all I really desired.

Since this seems to be where all of the Hempy hq folks have migrated, I will share a couple nice pics

Disregarding the tent photo these are my aquarium gravel hempys up to date. The tent is a jungle.
Since this seems to be where all of the Hempy hq folks have migrated, I will share a couple nice pics

Disregarding the tent photo these are my aquarium gravel hempys up to date. The tent is a jungle.
Very impressive! The mouth waters!
Very impressive! The mouth waters!
Thank you!

I have to do my gardening very fast because the odor in my apartment is overpowering to the untrained olfactory nerve. :yummy:
GGGGOOOOOOOODDDDD morning Sue... Hope all is well and looks good in your areas... Neat little twist you had to the day yesterday, funny little ways that things work huh..??? I tried looking back, albeit after a couple of DD hits, to find the tent size you had the light in... Was that the SAUNA area light ??? On the site says 3 by 4 is optimal... I am kinda looking to over extend the coverage a little for the start of the perpetual... I plan on putting it in a 4 by 6 room.... Think if I supplement with a few CFLs that it could work ???
LOL! Didn't even think of that K. :rofl: I'll be picking up some for the other two tents soon.

In late flower it ramps up the flowering of your cannabis if you introduce ethylene gas, abundantly released by the ripening of bananas. I've learned through experience that this addition to the tents means beefier colas. I do my best to have at least two ripening bananas at a time in any tent halfway through flower.

I don't know that it matters as much in early flower, although in a perpetual it's inevitable that some would slip into a tent with bananas when they were flipped.
If you had to guess how much of an increase do you think is added from using the bannanak? 5% 10?
Never knew hempy plants could look so healthy! It's amazing how they thrive in most people's gardens. Sweetsue I would advise to try the Mendocino Underdog as a wake and bake if you have any left. The unique grape terpenes and euphoria makes it great to start the day with!!

I do have some left J. I’ll give it a try tomorrow morning. :hug:

GGGGOOOOOOOODDDDD morning Sue... Hope all is well and looks good in your areas... Neat little twist you had to the day yesterday, funny little ways that things work huh..??? I tried looking back, albeit after a couple of DD hits, to find the tent size you had the light in... Was that the SAUNA area light ??? On the site says 3 by 4 is optimal... I am kinda looking to over extend the coverage a little for the start of the perpetual... I plan on putting it in a 4 by 6 room.... Think if I supplement with a few CFLs that it could work ???

Yes, I hung that in the Spa. I was covering a space approximately 2’x2’ that sometimes bled into 3’x3’. I’d think you’d definitely need more than a couple CFLs to cover the rest of the space, but I once proved that you can grow with only CFLs.

If you had to guess how much of an increase do you think is added from using the bannanak? 5% 10?

I wouldn’t even venture a guess KB. I simply notice buds are beefier. I’ve been using them for so long I don’t even remember when I started. If I can find the documentation I’ll see if I can notice.

I grow, I harvest, I make oils for meds. As long as that supply train keeps going I don’t fuss much about yields. I do weigh though, so it may be possible to see a pattern.

:welcome: to my joyful journal. Interesting graphic @Tvoyamo420. Was there a message behind it beyond an odd “Hello?”

Hey guys.....I was over at Green Flower Media watching a video by Dr. David Knox on countering the myths and concerns over using cannabis as a healing modality when he mentioned two things that got me really excited.

First, at around 7:25 he explains what a chemovar is. This is only the second professional I’ve heard use the term since Russo began promoting it. :yahoo:

Then, at 8:54 he mentions that suppositories are an excellent way to get cannabinoids in without the euphoric side effects. :yahoo::yahoo:

OK......I don’t feel so alone anymore. Ahhh......they’re starting to catch on.

Gosh guys. It reduced me to tears for a passing moment. Who needs tears when I’m feeling this happy? :slide:
Too busy to follow along... I think we were nerding out about 1's 0's last I visited.
It's the dance Sue and I do. Kinda like monkeys swinging thru vines in the forest, swinging low thru various gardens and then swinging up to the next jump. Hey look... a non-gumbo metaphor!
Ya swing thru Sue's place and run into such crazy things......


I'm pretty convinced this has been moved from a much larger container into this tiny little thing just to trick us. I refuse to believe that you can get the nice of a plant outta that tiny bucket.
Oh wait... nevermind.... that jealousy I'm feeling..... sorry... it was so strong that it over powered me a bit for a moment.

DAMN!!! That's awesome!
Too busy to follow along... I think we were nerding out about 1's 0's last I visited.
It's the dance Sue and I do. Kinda like monkeys swinging thru vines in the forest, swinging low thru various gardens and then swinging up to the next jump. Hey look... a non-gumbo metaphor!
Ya swing thru Sue's place and run into such crazy things......

I'm pretty convinced this has been moved from a much larger container into this tiny little thing just to trick us. I refuse to believe that you can get the nice of a plant outta that tiny bucket.
Oh wait... nevermind.... that jealousy I'm feeling..... sorry... it was so strong that it over powered me a bit for a moment.

DAMN!!! That's awesome!
Thank You. While I do appreciate you thinking I am smart enough to pull together an elaborate hoax. I simply am not. I don't know why she is so big, everybody online said I would probably end up with a tiny plant and no yield running 12/12 from seed, they said she would be nothing more than an 18" cola, I actually looked forward to that... But that is not how it went. I'm not even growing in the right stuff, everyone says so.
I can't wait to try out my Dark Devil Auto seeds growing like this
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