SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

I've never imported another clone since.

Ditto Ganja, same experiences, it's either my own seeds or cuttings now, no more strangers allowed in my house! :laugh:

Ditto Ganja, same experiences, it's either my own seeds or cuttings now, no more strangers allowed in my house! :laugh:

I haven't cloned since I walked in on my clone bucket with a dead pump... And something like 28 dead clones and nothing in reserve... No one needs that kind of stress. Seeds are safest. Lol
SO SUE, I am using, or shall I say testing your coffee and One puff method right now.. Seems flawed cause I had to take another puff... Well and then another... LOL... Hey I have noticed the highlighted Names with the @ sign, is that how you call to some one to join a conversation..?? They get a notifications ??? How do you do the highlighted part ??? Not that it really matters I know alot of folks on here that dont get their notifications or alerts at all anyway..
.... Good Green days and week end Sis... Looks nice up in your place... I will get back with you later, seems you are entertaining a lot of looky lou's at this time... Plus all the sudden an Old Lady is a night owl... Wonder how long that will last... As I remember last time was around the holidays, for a month or so.. Kinda a holiday now with all the new lights. LOL..
Yeah....just put @ infront of their name, but you need a space on both ends. No close puctuation like @MaddHacker, (Ok sometimes it will mess it up)
Hey Tead, Oh here comes out some deep geek crap ...

DEC released VT100 terminal emulation around 1978 or 1979, and it was commonly used in data centers for splitting workloads among operators, kinda like parallel threads or CPU balancing were implemented on MS NT servers and even Novell Netware of the 90s. People were a thread operator vice the CPU .. funny stuff really in hindsight.

Most terminals I worked with were (there were dozens of flavors since Burroughs, Unisys, IBM, DEC, Sperry and others couldn't agree on standards just like today!) were mostly RAM only devices with a sparse or no CPU. Thus RAM Splitting was used in the early IBM vernacular, regardless of actually being technically correct. The phrase stuck in some data centers to describe the terminal operators themselves ... RAM Spltters ... referred to the humans occupying the seat in from of the keyboard. Dang, now I'm thinking old workdays again ...gotta STOP!


Oh I've danced on many a terminal emulation system. Wrote a screen scraper based web interface for them once. It was before the days I was involved in the back end and had to suffer thru the very murky environments of early IT projects. Hell... I remember playing Startrek (or whatever it was called) then being super happy to find it on the local BBS.

I've wondered for a long time... perhaps you can answer.
What kind of cost was associated with connecting a remote terminal to it's home via the phone company back in the day and what kind of link was it?
I've often wondered but never bothered to dig. Much more fun to ask a human than a machine anyway.
Nothing I can do about the monsoon rains raising the humidity above optimal conditions. Lol!

Being back in the South again, I've added a dehumidifier to my grow room. Even with AC, it was sitting around 80% most of the time, and rising to 95% for hours and hours after every rain. It cost me too much, but it's fully hands off and drains via 1" PVC outdoors so it was worth it to not fight mold and mildew. I lost a grow or two to mold and mildew back in NO years ago, but I haven't lived in the soup of the South for a long time. I'm re-acclimating, but it's freakin HOT down here! Its rained every day here for almost two months. Maybe I should have chosen based on climate, but I wouldn't be so close to most of my family and my kids. :laugh:

What kind of cost was associated with connecting a remote terminal to it's home via the phone company back in the day and what kind of link was it?

Hey Tead,

Oh you are making me relive work! :laugh:

The entity that employed me was 100% "self contained", all TELCOM and DataCenter Ops were internal, zero external MaBell. The entity never considered the cost of anything, they only wanted results! Satellite connections were beamed between the DCs. Most of the internal TELCOM techs were retired MaBell lifers making retirement $s. My TELCOM experience was only secondary at that point as a "user", a young buck in a sea of old crusties. The internal physical connection was Serial RS 232 (oddly, Manchester encoded, emulating IBMs brand new 1 megabit TokenRing LAN technologies). IBM was trying to bridge the gap to Mainframes at this time with "PC" type stuff, eliminating terminals. I'm old Tead, I punched cards writing FORTRAN and COBOL at LSU during my college years ... Stubbs Hall, they didn't have the fancy new Terminals yet! :laugh: When they bought 12 terminals, shared processing from the Capitols mainframes, after 2200 hours, only Seniors were allowed to use them. Dropping a box of punched and collated data cards was like erasing a hard drive now. :laugh: PunchCards - 80 characters each baby ... or 4000 lbs per kilobyte! Dang, I'm rambling, I'm sorry! I wrote a few love notes to my wife to be on punched cards! :laugh:

All that to say ... I'm not sure what MaBell charged for TELCOM connection across a WAN or MAN in the 70s!
T1s were a godly domain.

Hey Tead, Oh here comes out some deep geek crap ...

DEC released VT100 terminal emulation around 1978 or 1979, and it was commonly used in data centers for splitting workloads among operators, kinda like parallel threads or CPU balancing were implemented on MS NT servers and even Novell Netware of the 90s. People were a thread operator vice the CPU .. funny stuff really in hindsight.

Most terminals I worked with were (there were dozens of flavors since Burroughs, Unisys, IBM, DEC, Sperry and others couldn't agree on standards just like today!) were mostly RAM only devices with a sparse or no CPU. Thus RAM Splitting was used in the early IBM vernacular, regardless of actually being technically correct. The phrase stuck in some data centers to describe the terminal operators themselves ... RAM Spltters ... referred to the humans occupying the seat in from of the keyboard. Dang, now I'm thinking old workdays again ...gotta STOP!


High Keith,
I havent heard the term DEC or vt100 emulation in soo long!
Thank you for bringing a smile to my old ass.

Started my career working in a DEC PDP 1170 environment for a publishing company back in the early 80's. I think we ran an OS called RSTS/E.

I used to install Delni's and Demprs for EF Hutton then as well.


Batch processing and tape backups for Chase Bank on Water Street
Working 3rd shift and getting pay differential.:slide:
High Keith,
I havent heard the term DEC or vt100 emulation in soo long!
Thank you for bringing a smile to my old ass.

Started my career working in a DEC PDP 1170 environment for a publishing company back in the early 80's. I think we ran an OS called RSTS/E.

I used to install Delni's and Demprs for EF Hutton then as well.


Batch processing and tape backups for Chase Bank on Water Street
Working 3rd shift and getting pay differential.:slide:

Hey Stage!

I've lurked all of your journals before, props man, good growing. Like you said in a post, grow good roots and what's above the dirt will be solid. Glad you didn't hang it up last year Bro. Don't get me started on Tape Backups ... I was lucky to be a lead tech on a robotic Tape Silo, utilizing no manpower to mount and dismount, with laser guided arms with barcoded DT reels on a train rail system. Fun stuff when you in your 30s and living the career, now all kinda funny really. The entire library was dust free and capable of a whopping 2.3 Terabytes of storage, a huge crapload in 1990.

Nice that I could tickle your old grey matter man, smiles are important! Yeah, I've had an interesting life thus far. It seems we have several similar likes in life. Seemingly the more I have moved around these pages, I tend to gravitate toward old growers, age speaking not grow experience. :laugh: Why is that? There's a whole book right there ...

Oh gosh, I love that I’m surrounded by a bunch of tech geeks. Lol! I’m even more touched that you all break out in conversation about it. I have no tech experience other than what I needed to know to get where I wanted to be.

Added two more clones to the count. Platinum Scout V2 and Mendocino Underdog proved to be the most aggressive of the remaining group.

Platinum Scout V2 fell over in the bag and reoriented herself.

I compensated for that when I planted.

Tonight they stay far from the light. Tomorrow I’ll start gradually lifting them up.

Look at how aggressive the DC clone decided to be!

When I learn to get the yields up on this chemovar.....

I’m sitting on the floor watching the sunset. It’s a little magical. :battingeyelashes::love: I’m gonna break out more DDA and enjoy it. :ciao:
Watching a video over at Green Flower Media on why people have bad experiences with cannabis. Maureen McNamara’s a cannabis trainer - they train dispensary workers.....hmmmm......

Anyway... Lol!..... she just enthusiastically exclaimed “Fall in love with micro dosing! Let it be your favorite way to experience cannabis!”

I was taking the 5th or 6th hit of the DDA as I worked my way through the summit presentations this evening. I just smiled, took the next hit and kept going. 5 or 6 hits of DDA in an hour of reading and learning....we can call that micro dosing. :rofl:
Watching a video over at Green Flower Medua on why people have bad experiences with cannabis. Maureen McNamara’s a cannabis trainer - they train dispensary workers.....hmmmm......

Anyway... Lol!..... she just enthusiastically exclaimed “Fall in love with micro dosing! Let it be your favorite way to experience cannabis!”

I was taking the 5th or 6th hit of the DDA as I worked my way through the summit presentations this evening. I just smiled, took the next hit and kept going. 5 or 6 hits of DDA in an hour of reading and learning....we can call that micro dosing. :rofl:
Hiya Sue,

You made me laugh with the innuendo about microdosing with 5-6 hits. Maybe macrodosing is with cobs. Either way, will be real nice! Cya
Hiya Sue,

You made me laugh with the innuendo about microdosing with 5-6 hits. Maybe macrodosing is with cobs. Either way, will be real nice! Cya

My work is done. Hehe!
OK...Did I miss something??? What's the deal with the bananas? Is that for the Royal Gorilla??? :rofl:



OK...Did I miss something??? What's the deal with the bananas? Is that for the Royal Gorilla??? :rofl:




LOL! Didn't even think of that K. :rofl: I'll be picking up some for the other two tents soon.

In late flower it ramps up the flowering of your cannabis if you introduce ethylene gas, abundantly released by the ripening of bananas. I've learned through experience that this addition to the tents means beefier colas. I do my best to have at least two ripening bananas at a time in any tent halfway through flower.

I don't know that it matters as much in early flower, although in a perpetual it's inevitable that some would slip into a tent with bananas when they were flipped.
Good morning everyone :love:

Chewed 0.4 gr of Carnival cob and smoked about half that much since. There's a wireless speaker on the living room transom feeding birdsong to the entire apartment, a welcome alternative to the relentless drone of the air conditioning units churning away against the heat.

Cool, comfortable, relaxed, content, and now I'm starting to feel a little buzzed. Lol!

Life isn't just good, it's a little magically good at the moment. :slide:

A little Zamaldelica x Panama magic for you. :battingeyelashes:

I'm thinking this girl's ready for the flowering lights. Time to shift the soil girls into the same tent. That may or may not happen today as I'm still learning to balance the cob euphoria.

I'm gonna meditate and get this day going. Make yours magical too. It's all a deliberate choice, and only you get to choose how you feel. I can tell you from experience that deliberately feeling good is a lot more fun than reactively feeling bad. Lol! Start small if you have to. Lately I've been offering a simple prescription along with my encouragement that you start each morning joyfully engaging the universe in play.

* Have someone you can share a hug with and hold that hug for at least three slow breaths. Do this every day.
* Have someone in your life that you can plan a date with to make each other laugh as hard as you can for at least ten minutes. Do this every day.

In the spirit of transparency I'll admit that I resist doing anything every day. Lol! It's the non-conformist rebel in me that stands in defiance, stamps her foot, and loudly objects "What do you mean I have to do this every day?"

Yeah..... that girl gets me into a few interesting moments on occassion.

Resistant though I may be to a schedule, these are two ideas I do my best to fit into each and every day. Hug therapy can't be overdone, IMO. Few of us get as many as we'd like. That's why I make a deliberate effort to get my share. It helps that my smoke buddy is my daughter and she likes hugs.

Told you......life is magical. :slide:
Did u make any Candida oil yet Sue??????

Yes I did Chris. The daughter is testing it out. I’m hoping she’s remembering to use it. Lol! We started with replacing one CBD CC capsule a day. If she stays strong we’ll replace another and keep doing that until we find her sweet spot.

There’s a video at Green Flower Media on finding relief without being high, essentially a primer on how to use CBD and micro dose with THC, adding it in at 1mg doses.

This apparently is working. We’ve been misinformed and we’re coming at it with a THC sledge hammer when a feather’s touch seems to be the ticket.

I’m rethinking my dosing suggestions.

I made a cup of the Candida oil. I’ll keep you posted.

Flipped Zam x Pan. :yahoo:

Now, what seed was it I wanted to drop?
This growing of cannabis is so much fun I have to remind myself that I grow them for medicinal oils. Lol!
Yes I did Chris. The daughter is testing it out. I’m hoping she’s remembering to use it. Lol! We started with replacing one CBD CC capsule a day. If she stays strong we’ll replace another and keep doing that until we find her sweet spot.

There’s a video at Green Flower Media on finding relief without being high, essentially a primer on how to use CBD and micro dose with THC, adding it in at 1mg doses.

This apparently is working. We’ve been misinformed and we’re coming at it with a THC sledge hammer when a feather’s touch seems to be the ticket.

I’m rethinking my dosing suggestions.

I made a cup of the Candida oil. I’ll keep you posted.

Flipped Zam x Pan. :yahoo:

Now, what seed was it I wanted to drop?
I got an email on that

Think I'll watch it today
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