SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

Hiya Sue!!! Happy friday! Hello to all friends & neighbors!! Hope this weekend everybody stays happy & high! Now someone hand me somethin to hit!! Bwahaha:passitleft:
@Tead you ever try the sacrificial companion planting thing for the mites? The story goes that you plant butter lettuce by your infested cannabis and the Borg will migrate to the softer leaves. Not sure if this will hold up in court or anything. I was told about it by one of my medical weed providers before we switched to recreational. I haven't personally tried this method. I use whatever it takes and costs too much. I hate to hear of anyone suffering with those damn things. The weed gods have been gracious to me this grow, for now.....
Weekly Update: The Tiny Closet, Clones and Veg Shelf - Friday, June 29, 2018

Let's start the weekly tour in the tiny closet. They're all babies, just getting up to speed, now up to the base level of veg nutrients, 8 ml of Parts A & B with 4 ml of Energy per gallon used. All of my plants get an addition of 2 Tbs of CaliMagic for every gallon used.

Dark Devil Auto 8 was topped at the 5th node on Sunday, her 21st day since she lifted her head from the perlite. That was a few days longer than I was comfortable with, but she bounced right back, sprouting her new growth like a trooper

Her sister, DDA 9, isn't being so cooperative. She's barely pushing out her 4th node, and she was half again as tall as DDA 8. Two days ago she was pinned down.

That hasn't really inspired her to begin pushing out side growth. She may be a budscicle. Lol! If she is she'll grow off center. Lol!

I clipped the top off my Devil's Carnival clone right after pinning down DDA 9. I'm only keeping this girl going to make another clone, and she's doing her job with a vigor I've come to expect from DC.

If I can learn to get larger yields from the chemovar it'll ease the pressure to keep it in continuious run. The daughter and I have a lot of preferences. Lol!

They all have those shiny leaves indicitative of happy plants. :battingeyelashes::green_heart:

On to the veg shelf and clones. So far there aren't any roots on any of the cuttings. The CBD Critical Cure is the one I'm most waiting for. Base meds. I don't like being this close to out.

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The small soil pots of Mendocino Underdog and Royal Cookies got culled this week. The cuttings'll root, it's only a matter of time. No reason to keep them around any longer.

You see Red Diesel got potted in perlite. She took to the switch from soil without a hitch. :battingeyelashes:

Ta Da!!! Look at this girl! :yahoo: I'll be drenching her in a few minutes, bumping her up to 12 ml of Parts A & B with 4 ml of Energy, preparing her to be flipped wishing the next week. I'd like to feed her at this level for a week before letting her flower, but I'm not sure she'll wait much longer.

When I flip her I'll do a little defol. She isn't complaining about the crowded conditions at all. What a marvelous plant!

The new cut of Mendocino Underdog J dropped off is waiting to be topped and cloned.

His cut of Red Diesel got potted into perlite two days back, easing in at 1/4 strength nutrients.

He does an amazing job of growing tight nodes. :bravo: I like how she's starting out.

Carnival is just on the cusp of greatness. Lol!

I'm working on getting her open and level with a combination of restraints and supercropping, and she's beginning to show some interesting looks.

Luscious leaves and vigorious growth are the norm all over the plant.

Most of the leaves are only three lobes, but signs are this is quickly changing.

She's got at least another two weeks to get established before I'll be ready to flip her

I think they look happy. Who wouldn't be happy under that light fixture? Lol!

I'll leave you with a little Zam x Pan leaf porn to tide you over until I get back with the next section, the flowering girls. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:

@Tead you ever try the sacrificial companion planting thing for the mites? The story goes that you plant butter lettuce by your infested cannabis and the Borg will migrate to the softer leaves. Not sure if this will hold up in court or anything. I was told about it by one of my medical weed providers before we switched to recreational. I haven't personally tried this method. I use whatever it takes and costs too much. I hate to hear of anyone suffering with those damn things. The weed gods have been gracious to me this grow, for now.....

I hear ya... I've heard it all before.... been haunting the halls for many moons after all. Here's my issue with the cooperative co-plant idea.... ever SEE it work? No? Me either. I like such ideas... such things can be a bright attractant to the lazy grower after all.... but when efforts don't produce results, the lazy idea gets flushed.
Tead's gonna hang onto his bottles of dis, dat, and de other thang (Oh look... A Gilligan reference!!!) and apply them willy nilly.

A dispatch from the front lines of the Borg war....
Commander Tead's relentless bombing of the invading forces seems effective, tho lengthy.
Recon assets report only one actual sighting of the dreaded Borg eggs and have not seen actual enemy activity in many days.
The bombing runs have not been called off however as the intention is to execute this operation until the invaders have been fully repulsed. Further more, the recon flights will be scheduled on a regular basis in case of repeat invasions.
I hear ya... I've heard it all before.... been haunting the halls for many moons after all. Here's my issue with the cooperative co-plant idea.... ever SEE it work? No? Me either. I like such ideas... such things can be a bright attractant to the lazy grower after all.... but when efforts don't produce results, the lazy idea gets flushed.
Tead's gonna hang onto his bottles of dis, dat, and de other thang (Oh look... A Gilligan reference!!!) and apply them willy nilly.

A dispatch from the front lines of the Borg war....
Commander Tead's relentless bombing of the invading forces seems effective, tho lengthy.
Recon assets report only one actual sighting of the dreaded Borg eggs and have not seen actual enemy activity in many days.
The bombing runs have not been called off however as the intention is to execute this operation until the invaders have been fully repulsed. Further more, the recon flights will be scheduled on a regular basis in case of repeat invasions.
My first indoor grow a few years ago I got a beautiful cutting of Harlequin. It infested my entire crop. Wife made me throw it in the dumpster. When I first saw the webbing I threw a lot of diatomaceous everywhere. Came back the next morning and the Borg were playing around in the razor sharp powder like kids at a sled hill.
I saved the other plants through a variety of torturous methods. That was not lazy growing.

I've never imported another clone since.
Best of luck with your battle.
Weekly Update: Flowering Tents - Friday, June 29, 2018

Shall we? :battingeyelashes:

The third Black D.O.G. Under my care got some cinching up earlier in the week along with Royal Gorilla, the resident of the next tent, in preparation for the upcoming flip of Zam x Pan. She's running on plain water - TransWater, to be honest - delivered every three days, which is creating a delicious plant-style soup as it dissolves the EWC topping.

We have environmental heat issues that are solved by my remembering to kick on the AC as soon as I roll out of bed. Obviously my memory isn't as good about it as the plants would prefer. I'm working on it.

Nothing I can do about the monsoon rains raising the humidity above optimal conditions. Lol!

She looked a little peaked to me so I sprinkled some Epsoms on before her last watering. I'm resigned to simply getting her to harvest. She looks perky enough and she's stacking some nice buds. :slide:

Royal Gorilla will be more of a challenge to constrain when it comes time to move Black D.O.G. Into the tent with her. She's taken on a statuesque structure.

Pistils are beginning to change. I usually count about a month from this point, unless I'm talking about a fast runner. Now that I have three sprayings of spinosad behind us she may have a better chance of beefing those bud sites up.

Tent # 3 knocks me out with the combined perfumes every time I open the tent up. What a heady experience! Lol! Both girls reached the peak of bloom nutes, a level I only gave them once and immediately began backing off. Devil's Carnival burns when I get that high.

It has been moist.

My sativa-leaning Black D.O.G. took the peak nutrients with no complaint. I still dropped her down a smidge too, just to be safe.

Yes, she is frosty. :yahoo: Pistils are beginning to fade too. In this heat I don't expect them to turn lovely colors the way they do in the winter grows

I wish Devil's Carnival was a bigger yielder, or better expressed, "I'll be tickled pink when I learn to double the yields I'm now getting with my Devil's Carnival."

There, that sounds more like me. :battingeyelashes:

They are delightful to grow. There's a certain feral quality to the buds. Lol! This girl has a nice soread.

They're notorious for nanners, but if I can keep her going longer I may be able to get denser buds.

And that, my friends, brings us to the conclusion of another nickle tour of my Timber paradise. The plants are happy, and I'm calmer with all this bright light filling my living space. The backlighting from the veg shelf and ambient light from the closet double the room's illumination, lifting my mood at the same time.

I'm very light-responsive. Having the closet blocked off for flowering all winter was grueling to get through. Thank goodness those days are behind us.

Thanks so much for stopping to enjoy watching me show them all off. I know somewhere in there was a shot that brought a smile, and if so, my work is done. Lol!

I'm goin' back to my buzz. :ciao:
I've never imported another clone since.

There's one that's just the opposite. Seen that in action over and over. So often that I shake my head a touch when other seasoned growers whom appear to have some sort of mass between their ears get bit by this issue causing them nude romping about their playground...... yup.... surprised.

Thanks for that opportunity Ganjagrowergu.... set me right up for a very quality swipe at her.
My first indoor grow a few years ago I got a beautiful cutting of Harlequin. It infested my entire crop. Wife made me throw it in the dumpster. When I first saw the webbing I threw a lot of diatomaceous everywhere. Came back the next morning and the Borg were playing around in the razor sharp powder like kids at a sled hill.
I saved the other plants through a variety of torturous methods. That was not lazy growing.

I've never imported another clone since.
Best of luck with your battle.

It was clones that brought the thrips into my own garden. When I had mites it was me bringing in something from outdoors. When Doc Bud got mites it was from a clone.

The frequency with which this happens makes me wonder why we risk it.
There's one that's just the opposite. Seen that in action over and over. So often that I shake my head a touch when other seasoned growers whom appear to have some sort of mass between their ears get bit by this issue causing them nude romping about their playground...... yup.... surprised.

Thanks for that opportunity Ganjagrowergu.... set me right up for a very quality swipe at her.

:rofl: Nothing I do should surprise you. Lol!
It was clones that brought the thrips into my own garden. When I had mites it was me bringing in something from outdoors. When Doc Bud got mites it was from a clone.

The frequency with which this happens makes me wonder why we risk it.
Harlequin was the only strain that made my muscle spasms cease, perfect ratio of everything. And I owned it..... She almost killed my entire harem of mix strains. These days it is seeds only for me. Our climate is wonderful, for mites. I get paranoid even when my dog walks through bushes and then wants to be all up on me. Spider mites haunt me, I have become hyper-vigilant about bugs.

One could find some really amazing phenos if one only takes the risk. I have a neighbor that can get me clones. I say no, I feel bad like I am saying his plants are dirty, but seriously, what if they are?????
Harlequin was the only strain that made my muscle spasms cease, perfect ratio of everything. And I owned it..... She almost killed my entire harem of mix strains. These days it is seeds only for me. Our climate is wonderful, for mites. I get paranoid even when my dog walks through bushes and then wants to be all up on me. Spider mites haunt me, I have become hyper-vigilant about bugs.

One could find some really amazing phenos if one only takes the risk. I have a neighbor that can get me clones. I say no, I feel bad like I am saying his plants are dirty, but seriously, what if they are?????

I hear you. Mites.... just the thought of them makes me shiver. It was nightmarish to open the tent and see webbing. Whew!
I hear you. Mites.... just the thought of them makes me shiver. It was nightmarish to open the tent and see webbing. Whew!
Mega wash, green clean, and cold water baths/showers. Lasted for almost 3 weeks, every two days... It took almost another month for the girls to recover from the stress.
Sue, your plants all have such beautiful structure. They are very pleasant to look at. And the buds forming on that black d.o.g! I've been eyeing that strain up for a bit. Who's the breeder on that? Bit buzzed and my search function is impaired. I have some dark devil and ssdc courtesy of our friend and its always a pleasure to see you grow the former. Such a lovely plant.
Sue, your plants all have such beautiful structure. They are very pleasant to look at. And the buds forming on that black d.o.g! I've been eyeing that strain up for a bit. Who's the breeder on that? Bit buzzed and my search function is impaired. I have some dark devil and ssdc courtesy of our friend and its always a pleasure to see you grow the former. Such a lovely plant.

Humbolt Seeds is the breeder of the Black D.O.G. Lazarus. And thank you kindly for the compliment.

I’m supposed to have two Black D.O.G. but I’ve been looking at the smaller one in with the Devil’s Carnival and thinking maybe it’s a Red Diesel after all. Lol! When I get home from picking up my nutrients at the post office I’m gonna take a closer look, but I’m certain I’m right.

She doesn’t smell at all like a Blackberry cross and that’s been confusing me. Lol!
OK now.....

I think we’re looking at a misidentification. Lol! The top leaf on the right is what Jgrow originally identified as a Red Diesel, and then questioned himself and thought it was a sativa-leaning Black D.O.G. The bottom leaf is one I know to be a Black D.O.G.

To my eye, J had it right the first time. Lol! Take smell into account and I’m certain of it. I’ve been looking at her for the past week and wondering. Lol!

I’ll change the document papers to reflect the correction. :battingeyelashes:
If I had to choose one chemovar to grow......

It’d be a tough choice, between Carnival and DDA, but in the end I think maybe the intensity of DDA would win out.

I don’t eat, except cobs :battingeyelashes: before 11 AM, so the wake ‘n bakes are flower now. Today I decided that should be the purple and delicious DDA. I’m going to the theater this afternoon with the senior group to see an operatic adaptation of Titanic - one of my least-favorite stories lol!

I have a brownie to eat before then. A Dark Devil brownie. :slide:

It’s been a long time since I had a fully DDA day. This’ll be fun. Hehe!
Then I stick my nose in the tent and realize most of what I’m smelling is the Devil’s Carnival, and I wonder again. Lol!

In a few days the fragrance should determine it. If a berry smell rises J was right. Its an indica either way, so the daughter gets the honors.
While I never ran into the actual phrase "RAM splitter"... it's a concept we employ when we manually allot memory to a process. Tead sat on the servers.... preferred to avoid coding as the years progressed. But I think I missed the point of the phrase.....

Hey Tead, Oh here comes out some deep geek crap ...

DEC released VT100 terminal emulation around 1978 or 1979, and it was commonly used in data centers for splitting workloads among operators, kinda like parallel threads or CPU balancing were implemented on MS NT servers and even Novell Netware of the 90s. People were a thread operator vice the CPU .. funny stuff really in hindsight.

Most terminals I worked with were (there were dozens of flavors since Burroughs, Unisys, IBM, DEC, Sperry and others couldn't agree on standards just like today!) were mostly RAM only devices with a sparse or no CPU. Thus RAM Splitting was used in the early IBM vernacular, regardless of actually being technically correct. The phrase stuck in some data centers to describe the terminal operators themselves ... RAM Spltters ... referred to the humans occupying the seat in from of the keyboard. Dang, now I'm thinking old workdays again ...gotta STOP!

I don’t think there’s any doubt we have two different chemovars here, not just two different phenotypes. Lol!

Hi Sue,

Agreed, those two plants leaf blades are not expressing anything similar (not going to geek out on leaf venacular) :laugh:

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