SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

Good Morning Folks!

Adjusting pH is a quick and easy process once performed a few dozen times.
Just wanted you to know that treating water with H2O2, mixing nutrients and pHing the results need not be labor intensive and time consuming. Since we grow in Perlite for the very reason of "easy and quick", you can make the wet and feed part of it very simple and quick.


I'd like to add to that that h202 is great for keeping it clean but I think would do things to your ph as it gassed out. a stable rhizosphere does wonders for keeping your ph in check. . now my system is a little bigger but i ph to 5.8 and come back 4 days later to 5.9. you run a chiller?
Was PEBCAC among them ? Or does that only become relevant ‘in the field’? :ganjamon:

Hi Amy :hug:!

I always heard it used by desktop support personnel, both telephone and in-person support, derogatorily describing a user that isn't trained to use the software in front of them. I think it usually was not the user fault, but a lack of training. Can't remember the exact acronym source word, and probably I maybe never knew it! Exactly what I meant by people using them as a Proper Noun without knowing the string origin. :laugh:

This is soooo not Cannabis, and it made me think of work! Oh No!!! Time to go play some Bass Guitar right now!

Just caught up and really want to see what your new lights do.

Hey @Syntroxis, I missed welcoming you to the thread.

Welcome :hug::hug::hug:

Make yourself at home. It’ll be fun watching these lights perform. I was just admiring the flowering tents. How could you get tired of looking at this sight? :battingeyelashes:

I thought that was some kind of computer chip... stands for Personal Computer Memory something or other.... cant remember the rest of it! :rofl:

Almost as good as PEBCAC...

Morning Sue :hug:

Wow! Lots of computer-savvy personalities surrounding me, and here I am a purely functional participant. :D

Morning Amy :hug:

Good afternoon everyone :love:

Got a delivery of nutrients caught in transit until I pick them up at the Post Office in the morning. My big excitement was in catching the FedEx guy just as I was entering the building, saving him the chore of returning tomorrow and having to haul around the box that held the bag of perlite I’d ordered to keep my hempy haven running smoothly.

It would’ve made you laugh to have watched me do a little jig after hauling it up 40 steps to the apartment and ripping the box open. Lol! Made my heart beat a little more joyfully to have fresh perlite to play with. :slide:

Off to tend to chores. Tomorrow the heat begins to move in, so I’ll be headed out to take advantage of today’s temperate breeziness. You all keep on that joyful path before you. :ciao:

.... @KeifKeith, can you elaborate on the different pH adjustments for different plant stages? I have no idea what you’re talking about.

The RX Technologies nutrients have you watching for a low pH, at 3 or below. I never had the mix come in that low, but it’s come close.
Hmmm.... why is it that when I tried to call Keith into the conversation it didn’t create the notification link?
And I’m not even really all that high Graytail. Maybe that’s the problem. Lol!
Was PEBCAC among them ? Or does that only become relevant ‘in the field’? :ganjamon:

Problem Exists Between Chair and Computer

I always felt that one was awkward and used "PICNIC"... Problem in chair, not in computer.... I'm a picky guy that has certain style needs with more pedestrian humor left to the newbs.

In the Mil world, I would often send young soldiers off looking for a roll of "flight line" when they became too bothersome... or a weapon repair tool called a "pair of T-R double E's.... this barrel just won't come off without it."

Ahh the children... they can be such fun play toys.
We're going to need you compare and contrast to the previous stuff here.
I've never bought it online before and always just grab the Viagro stuff at Homer.

Problem Exists Between Chair and Computer

I always felt that one was awkward and used "PICNIC"... Problem in chair, not in computer.... I'm a picky guy that has certain style needs with more pedestrian humor left to the newbs.

In the Mil world, I would often send young soldiers off looking for a roll of "flight line" when they became too bothersome... or a weapon repair tool called a "pair of T-R double E's.... this barrel just won't come off without it."

Ahh the children... they can be such fun play toys.
I've heard PICNIC before but not PEBCAC lol
Haha! I like PICNIC better!! I use the acronym to refer to myself when I’ve made a mistake or missed something, not so much about assuming the users ignorance. Anyway, I was just throwing an amusing and totally non technical acronym into the mix. PICNIC is so much better and easier to say! ;) so I learnt something. Something fairly useless to be sure, but something...
.... @KeifKeith, can you elaborate on the different pH adjustments for different plant stages? I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Hi Sue!

I've done some whacky things to cannabis plants, including kill them! Thus I hesitate to just throw out a few random numbers and help folks kill their plants! :laugh:.

I think I'll try to finish a document I was writing concerning growing cannabis with a Hempy method for some SS age folks. They couldn't afford dispensary products so I helped a few setup their first indoor grows. I started it back in Cali and didn't finish it, and moved a few months ago.. It's just one way to skin a cat, but it's my best effort to get the most from that cat in a 2x4x6 tent. It includes a week by week description for many variables including pH variance.

I think you might have motivated me to work on that! :hug:

Thanks Sue!

Hi Sue!

I've done some whacky things to cannabis plants, including kill them! Thus I hesitate to just throw out a few random numbers and help folks kill their plants! :laugh:.

I think I'll try to finish a document I was writing concerning growing cannabis with a Hempy method for some SS age folks. They couldn't afford dispensary products so I helped a few setup their first indoor grows. I started it back in Cali and didn't finish it, and moved a few months ago.. It's just one way to skin a cat, but it's my best effort to get the most from that cat in a 2x4x6 tent. It includes a week by week description for many variables including pH variance.

I think you might have motivated me to work on that! :hug:

Thanks Sue!


Wonderful! I almost didn’t ask, but the question insisted on being posted. Lol!

I love living a cosmically-inspired life. :slide:
It’s been known in the medical profession since 2012 that you can positively effect Alzheimer’s with as little as one puff a day.

It’s also been known that 5 cups of coffee a day will have almost the same effect as that one puff.

A cup of coffee and a puff of cannabis. An excellent way to start the day and help keep your brain healthy. :battingeyelashes:
SO SUE, I am using, or shall I say testing your coffee and One puff method right now.. Seems flawed cause I had to take another puff... Well and then another... LOL... Hey I have noticed the highlighted Names with the @ sign, is that how you call to some one to join a conversation..?? They get a notifications ??? How do you do the highlighted part ??? Not that it really matters I know alot of folks on here that dont get their notifications or alerts at all anyway..
.... Good Green days and week end Sis... Looks nice up in your place... I will get back with you later, seems you are entertaining a lot of looky lou's at this time... Plus all the sudden an Old Lady is a night owl... Wonder how long that will last... As I remember last time was around the holidays, for a month or so.. Kinda a holiday now with all the new lights. LOL..
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