SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

The daughter and I were just talking about how she quickly developed a consumption level that rivals my own. Lol!

Have any of you noticed that insidious voice that occasionally creeps in and suggests you might be overindulging? Lol! The daughter is up against it at the moment, now that her paramour is home and she realizes how much she enjoyed having constant access to her vaporizer, without having to stop what she's doing and leave the room.

They haven't had that conversation yet. She's battling with the conflict that he claims he doesn't care for the smell, and she feels he didn't sign on for this, so she has to be more accommodating.

I think he needs to learn to appreciate the smell of healing. I'm about ready to sit him down and have that talk myself.
Mine goes up and down as I realize my tolerance is so high I can't enjoy the buzz in the same manner. Last night we had a couple friends over and I hit a peak I haven't reached in a while. There was quite a bit consumed..... :p
Tolerance is a mofo for me with indica (my meds), but never really sativa. I TRY to take 72 hours once a month to do a little reset. However it usually involves consuming the bare minimum just to push through the day. But when I fire up a bowl of kief after those 3 days, I know it was worth it the majority of the time
think he needs to learn to appreciate the smell of healing. I'm about ready to sit him down and have that talk myself.

Hi Sue,

Certainly if he loves her, and Cannabis makes her that much better than any Rx has accomplished, then he should learn to tolerate just about ANY smell? Just thinking like a Dad. I'd rest my head on a skunks ass daily if it truly helped resolve a major medical issue for my wife or child. Play the selfish card if needed! :hug:

Mine goes up and down as I realize my tolerance is so high I can't enjoy the buzz in the same manner. Last night we had a couple friends over and I hit a peak I haven't reached in a while. There was quite a bit consumed..... :p

WooHoo! :high-five: When I was in San Diego Doob had me shaking, I was so high. :rofl:

I'm not sure if I develop tolerance so much as a desire to get even higher. Lol!

Tolerance is a mofo for me with indica (my meds), but never really sativa. I TRY to take 72 hours once a month to do a little reset. However it usually involves consuming the bare minimum just to push through the day. But when I fire up a bowl of kief after those 3 days, I know it was worth it the majority of the time

I have such a difficult time with the 72-hr holiday, and I think it's because I have so much available it drives me nuts to deny myself the privilege. Lol! Seriously, I've been down that path a couple times and I always end up going right back to my regular consumption levels, because I like the way it feels to be this elevated in attitude and vision.

Quite frankly, I do my best work after allowing myself to get blisteringly high for days on end and letting the mind run free. When I do the holiday I feel out of place with myself, and I don't like the way that feels.

I have nothing but respect for anyone who goes through a sensitization protocol.

Hi Sue,

Certainly if he loves her, and Cannabis makes her that much better than any Rx has accomplished, then he should learn to tolerate just about ANY smell? Just thinking like a Dad. I'd rest my head on a skunks ass daily if it truly helped resolve a major medical issue for my wife or child. Play the selfish card if needed! :hug:


I've promised her I'll wait a while to give her time to find the right words. This is her first relationship, actually the first relationship for either of them. As happily matched as they are chick brain tries to get in the way from time to time. My daughter is incredibly adept at turning the anxieties of chick brain off and coming back with reason and love.

I think this is going to work out wonderfully for everyone. He's been with us long enough to understands the difference cannabis makes.

in for the ride! Timber for the win!

The last 11pages were a hoot, couldnt stop myself from enjoying the conversations, information, and stories! Love it! glad to finally be here, hope everyone is well!

:welcome: Pj. How sweet, a new companion for the journey. :hug: We're glad you made it, and before we ran it up past 100 pages. Lol! I know you'll find the conversation stimulating. Make yourself at home and jump right in. :battingeyelashes:

....oops! I walked off with it again. :passitleft:
@SweetSue remember I said TRY, lol. We do really try. Though we almost never make it through the full 72. Honestly, I can't say that I have, since landing here in 2013, even managed to abstain completely for a full 24 hours.

I imagine that once I get a good rotation of crops going, the 72 hour TRY will become a distant memory of when times could be tough... Though at $60-$80 per oz for good medicine, it has been a few months since we took any kind of break, except to roll another doobie. :rollit:
Well you and was woody both have suggested the red D. So I'll drop one this year too. Yours has some MAJOR frost Sue! Wow
I imagine that once I get a good rotation of crops going, the 72 hour TRY will become a distant memory of when times could be tough... Though at $60-$80 per oz for good medicine, it has been a few months since we took any kind of break, except to roll another doobie. :rollit:

I can tell you the precise moment I was last straight. Lol! Feb 3, 2016, as soon as I got home from my 7-wk visit to Phoenix the year my husband passed. Seven weeks......my system was squeaky clean.

I ate through an entire pan of brownies in about three days. :rofl:
Having fun surfing the threads are we? :battingeyelashes:


Well you and was woody both have suggested the red D. So I'll drop one this year too. Yours has some MAJOR frost Sue! Wow

The Red Diesel cob is already one of my favorites Dabber. I don't think you'll be disappointed. :battingeyelashes: I found them easy to grow. Surely you can get yours to produce more than I got. I did get a good cob though, so no complaints from this corner. Lol!
Man! When editing a post takes me six tries it may be time to stop for the night. :rofl:
I may start a couple "big ones" before I go to Az. I plan to try this vermicompost I've been working up. And an enormous pot would be the easiest way to ensure their success while I am away.

Right now I'm just doing the pollen chucking gig in 1 gallons. Running out of space quickly, so need to butcher the weak men ASAP! I do want to take a swing at potm this winter and grow a monster in the tub, but for now I'm content with my current project.

Hope you had a great 4th
Did you say powered by Timber?
. . . CREE COBs 3500k
Doing good with lights! Outta Sight:Namaste:
I may start a couple "big ones" before I go to Az. I plan to try this vermicompost I've been working up. And an enormous pot would be the easiest way to ensure their success while I am away.

Right now I'm just doing the pollen chucking gig in 1 gallons. Running out of space quickly, so need to butcher the weak men ASAP! I do want to take a swing at potm this winter and grow a monster in the tub, but for now I'm content with my current project.

Hope you had a great 4th

I’ll be watching for the monster in the tub. You’re getting this down. I keep looking at my own tub and wishing I had an extra shower. Lol!

There is... it comes to me regularly via here! Keeps me coming back :)

Aww..... that’s sweet Amy. :hug::hug:

Thanks. This’ll tide me over until the brownie hits on the way home. Lol!


Did you say powered by Timber?
. . . CREE COBs 3500k
Doing good with lights! Outta Sight:Namaste:

Sweeeet! :high-five: You enjoying the larger space to grow in?

Well guys, the pictures are loaded in the gallery, I’ve had my dinner and I’m ready to walk home and let the brownie hit before I do the update. I’ll see you all in just a bit. :ciao:
It’s been a steady flow of packages while all my mad money goes to the girls. Lol!

Now I can calibrate the pH pen and get to trying the MegaCrop. :slide:
Weekly Update: Clones - Friday, July 6, 2018

Time for another stroll through the garden, so we can ooo and ahhh over the girls. They're looking promising, for the most part. :battingeyelashes: Follow me........

Let's start with the clone cuttings.

I picked up some new canisters to use as cloning chambers this week. Wally Mart sells them for just under $7. I love the way these work. I breathe into them before I set the top onto the base and leave them alone. Every three days I repeat the process and check for roots.

Look.....a winner! :yahoo:

She'll rest down here for the night.

I finally got 'round to cloning the Mendocino Underdog #2 clone J dropped off a while back.

She was added to the lineup.

When the curtain is dropped the clones have much less light than when I'm taking pictures. :battingeyelashes:

Over in the tiny closet the other potted clones rest off to the side while they await the arrival of the qb for their tent. There's no lack of space over here, and they seem to enjoy hanging out with the DDAs. All of them have progressed to 1/2 strength of the lowest level of veg nutes.

DC 1.7 seems to thrive on this nutrient level. Lol! She was topped the other day and never missed a step, just turned into the cutest thing ever! :circle-of-love:

I have to keep reminding myself that she won't be moving to flower, she'll simply give me the next clone. Unless I change my mind and slip her in somewhere. :rofl:

Mendocino Underdog is still figuring out she's alive and can continue to grow.

Platnium Scout V2 is brimming with energy. I have a feeling most of the cloning material J left with me is going to be aggressive enough to have me wanting to grow them out.

Eventually all the little clone pots'll end up in the smaller tent, sacrificing themselves for the next clone.

I find this new platform incredibly restrictive and difficult to deal with. I keep going because I have a deep passion for what we do here, I love you all intently, and I absolutely love doing this.

It wears on me some days is all. :battingeyelashes:
Weekly Update: Veg Shelf and tiny closet - Friday, July 6, 2018

Down to two.

Red Diesel is at half-strength nutrients, not yet up to the base level for veg. I'm going to give her 3/4 strength tomorrow and she'll enter next week up to speed. She got topped today while I was taking pictures.

Carnival's coasting along at 12 ml of Parts A & B with 4 ml of Energy for every gallon of water. She can't wait to get into flower. Lol!

Every time I do a successful supercropping I smile and consider how proud Duggan would be at how well he trained me. :battingeyelashes:

She's bursting with vigorious growth. I'll be doing a bit of defol before I flip her on Sunday.

To me she looks like she’s planning an escape. :rofl:

Meanwhile, over in the tiny closet....... We've already covered the clones parked off to the side.

The DDAs are finishing off a week of the lowest level of nutrients, 8 ml of Parts A & B with 4 ml of Energy for every gallon of water. With these one gallon pitchers I mix a quart for each pot, so I'm not using as much as it sounds like I am.

DDA 8 is beginning to catch on. Lol! Side growth has begun in ernest. DDAs are maddeningly slow at the early stages.

They look so different......

No movement yet from Candy Cane. I'm expecting to find something popping up in the morning.

Alright, that takes care of the veg cycle. Next up, flowering beauties. :ciao:
Weekly Update: Flowering tents - Friday, July 6, 2018

In tent # 1 Zam x Pan is growing at a rediculous rate. Lol! She's drinking every day, starting today. As I was finishing up the picture-taking part of this update I was compelled to stop and visit her, to find her drooping badly.

I had a feeling she might be a thirsty one.

Yeah..... I was better about the air conditioning today.

I just love the way her tops are developing in little groupings.

I expect she'll take that two weeks Morglie warned me about to get to blooming. I'm in no rush.

Next door we have the struggling soil girls. I'm seriously considering switching them to nutrients for their final month. I don't feel confident about getting them through any other way. Haven't figured out yet how to pull that off. I suppose start with a very diluted mix and slowly work up.

It pretty much stays around 86 in this tent. Occasionally I'll get it down to 84, but it's rarely any better. I have venting issues I'm dealing with that may require a new box for the fan and filter.

Black D.O.G. is suffering the most right now. I'll either make her a kelp and EWC tea or start her on a low dose of the MegaCrop, but whatever I decide it'll happen tomorrow.

She's trying really hard. Her energy reminds me of the first hempy girls I grew with Osmo +.

Hmmm..... somewhere around here I have some Yum Yum nutrients for organic soils.......Nope, gave it to J with the rest of the stuff for LOS. I think MegaCrop may win out.

Royal Gorilla is showing new signs of stress. I don't think it's the spinosad, just a lack of ability of the soil to give her what she's asking for. They've been getting water and teas, but I don't think it's doing much for them anymore.

Frost is nowhere near what I'm hoping to have by harvest.

Tent # 3 is an olfactory playground. This clone of the DC is putting out some amazing terpenes. My Jamaican friend, the intended reciepient of this plant, will be most pleased. I'm thinkin' he could use a slice of DC cob too.

They're feral in appearance. Lol! I've grown to love their wild beauty. I'd like to get one tested someday to see what it is I'm growing.

I'm still tweaking. :battingeyelashes:

She's sporting the nicest DC colas I've grown to date.

Her tentmate is turning into a sexy show-stealer, isn't she?

The girl knows how to pose.

One last indulgence.........

I'll be calibrating the pen tomorrow and starting my vegging Red Diesel on the MegaCrop. Looking at the sad soil girls, I'm seeing a similar drink for them.

And the mason jar vacuum accessories came in. WooHoo!

Now I'm all set for the next Red Diesel harvest. I'll be trying a new fermenting process Tangwena shared with us where you sweat buds in the jar and ferment them without cobbing. Gosh, this adventure keeps getting better and better. :slide:

That's the end of this week's nickle tour my friends. Thank you so much for stopping to share my joy and let the girls have their moment to shine. I'm hoping to find some time to visit some yards this weekend. The med threads got a little busy and I'm feeling a lack of flower time. There are many stops calling for my attention. Hopefully yours will be one I reach. :hug:
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