SweetSue's Hempy Haven: Powered By Timber

New genetics on hand too. Stoney Memoirs and I got to discussing even ratio chemovars and we decided to get some of his recent crosses into my garden.

According to my records he bred a particularly lovely Chocolate Tonic male to every female he had in the garden at the time - a Black Domina (Domina Tonic), a Chronic Haze (Chronic Tonic), and a Lemon Haze (Lemon Tonic).

Mmmm..... Stoney shares my taste in chemovars. I’ve never grown them, but I eye them every time I go seed shopping. Lol!

I’m most excited about the Lemon Tonic. :yahoo:

He tells me they’re a delightful, mild high, great for medicines, topicals and the such. The Lemon Tonic tested at 15:13 and the Chronic Tonic at 10:9. I’m assuming the standard THC:CBD notation.

Makes that LT look even more inviting. I have a Fruity Jack I want to run first, a gift from The Vault. After that I think a little lemon lushness is in my future. :slide:

What a sweet friend. :battingeyelashes::green_heart:
Interesting strains hun
Awesome! My exposure to ratios like that have been limited to hitting a vape pen of my friends with a 1:1 ratio. Made me just feel clear headed and uplifted. Enjoyable high functioning buzz. I could see it being great for anxiety...at least the one he had.
Happy Sunday everyone :ciao: seems nice n breezy over here today Sue, hope the carnival is doing its thang for ya :)

... here’s the 420 website ‘Sunday papers’. :reading420magazine: Some news we maybe knew already - plus it’s good to know that work on an improved version of this platform is ongoing and being tested. There’s a bit of traffic through this journal so I thought it worth a share here, in case folks haven’t checked it yet...

420 website news for July.

Good morning everyone :love:

Awesome! My exposure to ratios like that have been limited to hitting a vape pen of my friends with a 1:1 ratio. Made me just feel clear headed and uplifted. Enjoyable high functioning buzz. I could see it being great for anxiety...at least the one he had.

Lately I’ve been considering the values of a balanced ratio, and Smokey’s offer couldn’t have been more timely. I’m a child of prohibition too, and that means I’ve trained myself to think of cannabis primarily as a way to get blisteringly high.

I suspect there’s a whole new world of functionality inside the genetic ratios of the Lemon Tonic. I may need to find a way to slot a quick one in.

I really enjoyed reading this, I was amazed, it showed how cigarettes are radioactive:Namaste:

I’m boning up on the incredible history of how a few men of power and influence used yellow journalism and fear of “others” to make certain their profits were safe by making cannabis illegal.

Paper, plastics, pharmaceuticals. I remind myself as I read that all things work for the greater good, even these despicable things.

It’s an insult to the intelligence of every human breathing that cannabis is still illegal and under any governmental control.

I will find a way to channel this energy for joy.

Happy Sunday everyone :ciao: seems nice n breezy over here today Sue, hope the carnival is doing its thang for ya :)

... here’s the 420 website ‘Sunday papers’. :reading420magazine: Some news we maybe knew already - plus it’s good to know that work on an improved version of this platform is ongoing and being tested. There’s a bit of traffic through this journal so I thought it worth a share here, in case folks haven’t checked it yet...

420 website news for July.



Happy Sunday Amy. Thanks, for the canna lift and for the link. I’ve been noticing little improvements here and there, increasing my expectation that a happy resolution is just around the corner.

Here..... Carnival, of course. Lol!


:thanks:Amy, i like to 'ave-a look thru the site news.

Good morning keltic :hug::hug::hug:

It’s Flip Day! :yahoo:

Carnival is indeed doing her thing Amy. Last night I cleaned her up and when I returned from my morning walk I let her join Zam x Pan.

Canopy is even.

I think she looks happy in there. :slide:

I’m going back to Dave Groomer’s method of taking the clone cutting at day 15 of flower. That may get my timing back on track.

This meant I had space on the veg shelf for all the little clones, so the tiny closet went back to being the exclusive abode of the DDAs. I dropped them and the light. I’m happier with the light hanging from the iron pipe. This way I can lower the plants to the floor as they get taller.

It allowed me to turn the light in the closet up a bit more. I realized yesterday that I hadn’t been turning it slowly. Now the plants are 24” from the fixture and I’ll be turning it up a wee bit every day until it’s as high as I want.

All the clones and vegging plants are a nice 24” from the quantum board.

I’m beginning to feel like I have flow again. Next time I travel my daughter’ll be more secure about keeping the garden alive. I don’t enjoy shutting the grow or slowing it to a near stop. If some of you hadn’t been so generous with me we’d be struggling.

It’s beyound delicious that instead I have more than enough and the promise of happy harvests ahead

Get out there and show the world how happy stoners do it :battingeyelashes: I’m going to spend the next half hour getting as high as possible before breakfast

Happy Sunday. :ciao:
:thanks:Amy, i like to 'ave-a look thru the site news.
cheers keltic:thumb:
You’ll always find the link to it in my signature... put there to remind myself to check in with it every month. :)

It allowed me to turn the light in the closet up a bit more. I realized yesterday that I hadn’t been turning it slowly. Now the plants are 24” from the fixture and I’ll be turning it up a wee bit every day until it’s as high as I want.
Looking excellent sue! What are you gauging the light level on? Ie, how will you decide it’s where you want it?

cheers keltic:thumb:
You’ll always find the link to it in my signature... put there to remind myself to check in with it every month. :)

Looking excellent sue! What are you gauging the light level on? Ie, how will you decide it’s where you want it?


It’s a best guess Amy. I crank it all the way up and then back off about 15-20%. That’s as high as I want to take it. Like the fan it runs more efficiently if it’s not all the way up.

Duggan taught me to keep the fan at 75-85% most often for max. efficiency and to extend the life of the unit. With lights that minimum doesn’t apply, but the maximum seems a good stopping point to me.

I’ve been considering all the things I’ve learned from other members while developing my craft. This is an amazingly talented community. :circle-of-love:
Cool, that makes sense.
I have it on good authority (Graytail) that it’s most efficient to run lights (LED that is) with a driver that’s just strong enough for what you need. so that crank it, back it off a tiny bit approach you mentioned makes sense. I’ll be dimming my driver a tiny bit too. I have a watt measuring device (similar to a kill-a-watt) so I plan to base the level on the watts it’s pulling from the wall... at least as a guide.

Tiny Closet is making me happy! Looks just right :love:
So is it just me or are the publishers of cannabis books slipping? I’ve been out looking through Barnes and Noble and came across this interesting twist of leading your book with pictures of diseased or infested plants.

The book I came in for us a compendium of canna therapies by one of the leading brains in the field. The first thing I spotted was the sign of mites on the leaf used as the cover.

I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. :rolleyes:
Cool, that makes sense.
I have it on good authority (Graytail) that it’s most efficient to run lights (LED that is) with a driver that’s just strong enough for what you need. so that crank it, back it off a tiny bit approach you mentioned makes sense. I’ll be dimming my driver a tiny bit too. I have a watt measuring device (similar to a kill-a-watt) so I plan to base the level on the watts it’s pulling from the wall... at least as a guide.

I believe Graytail, he has been doing lighting research for quite some time. When I did research on the diy COBs he had already done most of what i yet learned. The COBs have efficiency and heat limits when driven max. It is more efficient to under drive them so the power goes to making photons and not heat.
caveat: I have forgotten most of what I learnt. There was 2 or 3 active threads then: here is one about COB lights
I think it was fanleaf who had another big thread chock-a-ful-of info. way above my head as a hobby diy...Not sure he is still active...

Indeed I run mine at around 75-85% power(90% of the time). But I dim it way down when I stick my nose under the lights, they hurt my eyes. And I turn it up to 100% for piccys and put my sunglasses on :cool:
I use the dimmer for sure. Not everyone does tho.
... Says every single huckster before you!!!!
I've purchased a big bag of pea gravel and I'm certain It'll grow nothing but a stub! I'm out to expose you Gajagrowergu!!! None of your shenanigans will be tolerated!

Dude... I totally picked up pea gravel as soon as I saw what was happening in your world. I've got verm and perl on hand. Gonna try a seed in one and a clone in another. Staying with the 2L format.
This old dog likes him some new tricks!
Here is the rootball from my recent little harvest. Couldn't freaking believe it. Never had roots so completely healthy. It looks like i pulled it out of a bigger pot and cut it into a square. She was about 36" tall.

Love me some Hempy
. . . Maybe we are just spoilt with our controlled environments. I know I have seen you post pictures of many most magical leaves in your journal:yummy:

I agree keltic. Lol! Thank you for the compliment. We can all agree I’ve posted my fair share of mite-damaged leaves. :battingeyelashes:

I was caught off guard that there wasn’t a better choice for the cover art. I’d have looked for a more pristine leaf myself.
Then the thought steps forth that I'm excessively indulgent.

My wife struggles with this all the time, not sure why, other than decades of false advertising. ANY other drug and I might agree, most can become detrimental to life when overused, but this one isn't ANY other drug. Let it go, enjoy your buzzes as much as you like, ef anyone that doesn't agree! :hug:

I’d have looked for a more pristine leaf myself.
Exactly! one that screams “UBER MAJICAL HEALING PLANT!” FOR GOODNESS SAKE! What are they thinking? ARe they both from the same publisher?

t :battingeyelashes: I’m going to spend the next half hour getting as high as possible before breakfast
so inspiring ... :rollit: :surf:
Love me some Hempy

Amen, fellow convert. Damn! I love hempy! :high-five:

My wife struggles with this all the time, not sure why, other than decades of false advertising. ANY other drug and I might agree, most can become detrimental to life when overused, but this one isn't ANY other drug. Let it go, enjoy your buzzes as much as you like, ef anyone that doesn't agree! :hug:


We train our womenfolk to be more concerned about social acceptance. I've never understood it myself, but then I'm something of an outlier. :rofl: It's true though, we expect our daughters to behave and then say "boys will be boys" when their brothers act like wolves.

They laid the propaganda on thick. It came from everywhere, a perfect social storm for a compliant populace. Forcing it underground put us in the position where we felt parinoid when we went to purchase, if we could even find it. Little programs like D.A.R.E. encouraged children to turn their parents in.

We're expected to set an example for the children, and we were told our entire lives that weed was dangerous, addictive and a gateway to herion. It doesn't really surprise me that grandmas all across America feel conflicted as they slip into their personal euphoria.

I figure I'll spend the next 30 years demonstrating how rediculous it is to question something that feels this good. :slide:
Exactly! one that screams “UBER MAJICAL HEALING PLANT!” FOR GOODNESS SAKE! What are they thinking? ARe they both from the same publisher?

so inspiring ... :rollit::surf:

:rofl: OMG Amy, I absolutely adore that you're part of my life. :hug:

I'll check on the publisher next time I'm in the store. I've been disappointed as well by the total ignorance of the ECS in the available books on human anatomy. All those pretty pictures and bold graphics, and no mention whatsoever of the primary system that spontaneously heals you.
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