SubCool Supersoil In SIPs With EWC, CBD Autos For Aspergers

You could pull them apart slightly like a very faint LST, but only just enough to separate them if you're looking for every edge.

That'll happen naturally as that's Mother Nature's way to help prevent rot but nothing says you can't give her a hand. If it gets too floppy you might have to support the branches but I'll bet you'd trade that issue for a moisture problem.
You could pull them apart slightly like a very faint LST, but only just enough to separate them if you're looking for every edge.
Thanks, Azi. 🙏
I put two kinds of trichoderma on the soil, and I am trying to make sure that there is airflow to the buds. I might try to pull them apart slightly, we will see what I do. (I think I'm probably going to try to ride it with the trichoderma.)
That'll happen naturally as that's Mother Nature's way to help prevent rot but nothing says you can't give her a hand. If it gets too floppy you might have to support the branches but I'll bet you'd trade that issue for a moisture problem.
You guessed correctly!! Lol!
Hi all. I just thought I should double check that I'm cutting in the right place.

To double check, do I cut between the fourth and fifth nodes, including the first leaf that comes out after the coties?
Or not including the first leaves?

I think I cut here, where the toothpick is. (Is that right? Or do I ideally wait for it to grow one more node?)


I think I should cut here, I just thought I should double check. Thank you.
Not sure what the goal is, but to be clear the first node is the one above the cots. So your toothpick is pointing at the 5th node with the 6th coming in just above it.
Thanks 🙏 Shed.
The goal is to cut it in just the right place to get eight colas. It has been a while, but I thought that Amelia said to cut it between the fourth and fifth nodes

This is where I normally cut it. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't supposed to cut it one higher I guess. (But I guess like you say, if it is working for you, why change???)



I hope she grows up big!
Some folks remove the first node because they don't find it as productive, and others (like @Carcass) post pics with a first node that looks like this:

Good to know, thanks!

I am not sure how other peoples plants grow, but sometimes for me, the first node limbs can be bigger and stronger (just like a lower tree branch can sometimes be bigger and stronger than higher branches).
For example, on this Charlotte's angel auto, I am not sure if you can trace the stems, but my index finger is pointing to a higher node (which is smaller) and my middle finger is pointing to the first node (which is bigger).


This is seedsman cream and cheese one: one. My index fingertip is pointing to her first node branch, which is already quite long.


And for @cbdhemp808, here's a gratuitous root shot on peyote Wi-Fi CBD 2:1 at seven weeks.

OK, here is an overall panorama of the grow room, with all of the "mix and match" so far.
Charlotte and her angels are in the back left, making the room smell good!
(On the far back right is Peyote Wi-Fi CBD 2:1.)


One question before my main question: is this a deficiency pattern on one of the Charlotte's Angel autos?
(or is the answer, "Yes, but not really enough to worry about"?)


Now, here is a panorama of the right side of the grow room. The tall girl on the left is Peyote Wi-Fi CBD, and next to her is Deep Mandarin (everything bought from a sponsor).
(The brand new babies are Afghan mass XXL auto which I'm just going to let grow along with everything else, and when I flip the lights I flip the lights based on the photos, not on the autos, but I wanted some more sativa to pit into the cob!)


My question is, Peyote Wi-Fi CBD and deep mandarin have like a month Headstart on the other photos, and I'm wondering, is there someway to pull them out, and put them in another room with much less lighting for a month, to give the other girls a chance to catch up?
(if it matters, I'm both the left and right of the two bigger photos is a Doctor Seedsman 30:1.
Front left is a CBD Jam.
On the right is a pair of Cookies and Cream 1:1.
I am just thinking that if I give the other girls a month to catch up, then when I flip, all of the heights will be much closer to one another. (I hope I am making sense.)


MAIN QUESTION: I thought maybe I could pull the two bigger girls out and put them in a room with not very much light, to slow them down. But won't that just make them tall, lanky, and spindly?

Just to comment, it will not be the end of the world if I cannot pull the two bigger girls out, because the main goal of this harvest is first, to see what makes it in this humidity (so I can grow more of that), and also to take cuttings for clones.
I think I've got enough medicine to survive no matter what happens, but I think it makes more sense to try to even the canopy heights up a little bit.
I should have plenty of top dressing in case the super soil buckets run out of food.
One question before my main question: is this a deficiency pattern on one of the Charlotte's Angel autos?
(or is the answer, "Yes, but not really enough to worry about"?)
That looks like an early K ask to me and it'll only get worse if you don't address it. Maybe try your banana tea as bananas are high in K.

And maybe better yet since you're in supersoil is to chop up and dry out banana peels and add them every few weeks as a top dressing with some worm castings. That way will take a couple of weeks to notice any improvement but would probably be a better long term solution.

Start with the tea though for some improvement sooner.

My question is, Peyote Wi-Fi CBD and deep mandarin have like a month Headstart on the other photos, and I'm wondering, is there someway to pull them out, and put them in another room with much less lighting for a month, to give the other girls a chance to catch up?

MAIN QUESTION: I thought maybe I could pull the two bigger girls out and put them in a room with not very much light, to slow them down. But won't that just make them tall, lanky, and spindly?
It will just make them leggy and then they won't hold up very well with buds on them. You could try supercropping them to slow them down but that'll only work for a few days and you've got a lot more difference in plants than a few days will help.

You're growing in SIPs and one advantage to them is that the constant availability of water in the reservoir makes for non-stop hydro-type growth so you could cut way back on the water and not use the reservoir for the plants you're trying to slow down and that's where I'd start.

I have a section in my veg space I call "Limboland" which is for new clones I don't need yet and they get very little light, water and nutrients to hold them in stasis for a while until I need them, but those are very small plants (9oz cups) and I'm not sure what changing to that type of strategy would do to big plants.

I'd cut back on the water first and see if you can close the gap enough in a couple of weeks.
OK, I poured out about a half gallon of liquid from the reservoir, put the banana and earthworm casting tea in it, and then put it over the top. And I will try to incorporate some banana in all future feeds for that strain. Do I just pick a dose and monitor for deficiencies in new growth? Or how do I do that?
Ruh roh ... I saw a couple of leaves curled bad on the Charlotte's angel in the corner, and it looks like i've got bud mold on two of the colas. I just lopped two whole colas, just to get mold out of the grow room.
I have to go right now. Later I hope to inspect the rest of the plants. I turned the fans up a bit, but I do not know if it will help, because this is our humid time of the year. So I just have to keep airflow going and keep watching, I guess. They have both myco and tricho already in their mix, so I am not sure what else to do. I guess right now I am just popping beans, and looking to see what makes it that I can take clones of, that I like ! 😂😂😂😂 I love this game plan! 🤣🤣 this should only take me a few years!!

I had to pluck one Northern light CBD but all of the other girls seem to look good. Nice new growth. Some do not want to send out branching, so I'm trying things to encourage them to branch.

I had to be gone for a day but I wanted to crack for Afghan mass XXL autos while I was gone, so I use these Root Riot Sponge starter plugs, and all four girls came up!


I quit using them because I have to fly them in special, and I wanted to try my hand at Seeds straight in soil, but I think I might go back to these, because they make evenness of watering almost a no-brainer. I even had to be gone for a day and it was no problem at all. I think realistically you could even be gone for couple of days with no problem at all. So I think I might pay to ship these in again.


With mold on the colas, do you trim that away and then you can butt wash and then toast anything that looks OK? Or do you just trash the whole thing?

I would put a picture but I'm in a hurry and it's way down in there and hard to see, but I'm sure you all know what gray looking bud mold looks like. Please let me know if you want a pic when I get back. Thanks 🙏
With mold on the colas, do you trim that away and then you can butt wash and then toast anything that looks OK? Or do you just trash the whole thing?
Take the moldy parts plus a margin for safety and certainly bud wash them.

What you do with your personal hygiene is up to you. :laughtwo:
Take the moldy parts plus a margin for safety and certainly bud wash them.

What you do with your personal hygiene is up to you. :laughtwo:
Hahaha!! 😆 Apple spell-check strikes again! (And niw it seems too late to go back and edit it...) oy va voi...
I should share this. I planted two Northern Light CBD photos. Both had a bad case of the crinklies (maybe from the mites?), so I treated them both with Trichoderma and also soap and local garlic sprays above and below on the leaves. I do not know if that was it, but of them grew out of the crinkles, and the second one I had to pluck. This is the pluck bucket after I tried to save it with Trichoderma.
I am guessing the mushroomy-things are the Trichoderma...


Just neat to look at.
I just got blessed with a local here who knows how to grow organically here.
He says you normally have to grow weed in a greenhouse here, but that it does not mold (i.e., he knows how to do it).

Just for fun I was searching for Punto Rojo CBD, and to my surprise it pulled up plain old Punto Rojo. It seems there are more than one strain-line. One seedbank (Deaka) has a strain with more CBD than THC. The production is quite low, and the THC and CBD content are quite low, but it is a cold-weather tropical landrace--so I wonder if that means it lives more than one year here??

I guess Punto Rojo (being an older landrace) is not highly regarded by many, since the THC content is low (and it is more balanced / medical, and hence social, rather than trippy). But if it is adapted to cold climates, and the phenos are all that, and it is a sativa, then I wonder what it would be like to put it into the cob.


Punto Rojo is a cannabis strain preserved by Deaká . This classic marijuana strain has been selected from indigenous female parents from the highest mountains of Colombia. The old school of self-cultivation of marijuana will obtain with these cannabis seeds, plants with vigorous growth, abundant stems, leaves with thin leaflets and in its flowers the colors purple and red.

The Deaká team of plant breeders selected landraceous plants whose sexual expression was stable. From these, a breeding and selection program was started to offer today a selection of feminized seeds where 90% of the marijuana seeds will be female .

Punto Rojo is a unique plant due to its red coloring, its resistance to cold and its adaptation to humidity. It is tall and branched, has abundant leaves, its stems are elongated, it can be grown without the need for additional light and its results will continue to be outstanding. It will show stems with red and purple coloring; if it is grown in cold climates it will also show these characteristics in its pistils. This variety of cannabis will respond in size and production proportionally to the amount of substrate in which it is grown.

Its previous development in low-temperature environments makes Punto Rojo marijuana an ideal strain, both for outdoor growers and for those who want to have a beautiful self-cultivation plant on the balcony of their apartment. These plants will tolerate attacks from fungi and insects due to their adaptation to hostile conditions, which today lead us to offer a marijuana strain that is easily adaptable to any growing conditions.

From the beginning of its vegetative stage, its stems will offer earthy smells with sweet touches, which will remind its growers of the beginnings of cannabis culture. It has a long flowering cycle that will reward whoever plants it with showy flowers due to their coloring, abundant trichomes and abundant production, compared to other cannabis varieties.

Those who grow these cannabis seeds will have in their hands the famous and ancestral variety of Colombian marijuana, which produces flowers with balanced THC and CBD content; which will allow its users to have sensations of physical well-being and mental clarity simultaneously. Therefore, it is ideal for partying and sharing with your friends.


  • Genetics: 100% sativa. Landrace
  • Seed type: female selection
  • Production: 100 grams of dried flower per plant
  • Height: over 1 meter
  • Phytocannabinoid content in flower
    THC (%): 1.81
    CBD (%): 2.19


I checked Santa Marta de Oro (Gold) and interestingly, she has a 3:1 THC:CBD ratio, which is still significant, for a sativa.
I think Santa Marta de Oro is a hot weather plant, so she would definitely need a greenhouse, if I decide to go that route).

(The third local landrace is Mango Biche, but it has very low THC:CBD (15:1), so I do not think that is my plant.)

I guess Punto Rojo has the status of "ragweed" with some here, and others think it is great. So I am wondering if I should check it out.
What would REALLY be great is if they do not die back in winter, so that it is a tropical perennial. They say then you just come strip off the buds once a year.
Investigating... :nomo:
I planted two Northern Light CBD photos. Both had a bad case of the crinklies (maybe from the mites?), so I treated them both with Trichoderma and also soap and local garlic sprays above and below on the leaves. I do not know if that was it, but of them grew out of the crinkles, and the second one I had to pluck
That soil looks pretty wet to me and that's a more common source of crinkled leaves. Is that your Subcool soil?

Just for fun I was searching for Punto Rojo CBD, and to my surprise it pulled up plain old Punto Rojo.

I checked Santa Marta de Oro (Gold) and interestingly, she has a 3:1 THC:CBD ratio, which is still significant, for a sativa.
I think Santa Marta de Oro is a hot weather plant, so she would definitely need a greenhouse, if I decide to go that route).
Interesting. A few years ago there was a TV series with Jim Beluchi (John's little brother and also in movies) and I think those are the two strains he grew that season.

They hammed it up with a visit to Columbia to source the seeds, but it was interesting to see the countryside.
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