Stunger's Last Stand: Banned To The Balcony!

Sunday update - some additional training to condense the shape and rein in the height

Yesterday, I applied some further LST to all 3 photo girls. Last year, when I supercropped and LST'd I generally trained them outwards which was good for making large horizontal canopies and catching more light, but when trying to do maintenance it became quite challenging to access the plants, never mind just trying to open the balcony doors without damaging them as the door pushed past/thru them to open. So yesterday instead of training outwards, I encouraged them 'inwards' to condense the space and instead make more compact tighter canopies.

By today they had recovered and their buds were lifting skywards again. Even then, I may still have to make adjustments to keep them within best neighbourhood practice of growing within stealth limits.

Today, I gave them all a foliar feed of:-
  • a few drops of Dr Bronner's liquid castille soap to act as a surfactant
  • 1/2 tsp Kelp extract (Seasol)
  • 1/2 tsp fish hydrolysate
  • 1/2 tsp humid/fulvic acids
  • 1 litre water
They always seem to love a good foliar spray, it seems to lift them up and almost electrify them in a nice loving life type of way.

Today, I also gave them a Neem spray too for bug prevention. During the week I gave them a BT spray too. I am trying to do my best to pre-emptively spray the plants regularly to dissuade any egg laying bugs from starting off an infestation.

Here is a side on pic to show where they are vertically, and for my own reference for future grows for stealth timing.
"The Belles on the balcony"

Mango Sherbert
Her canopy was getting quite spread out, in spite of not having a huge amount of branching. Yesterday, I tried to close/condense some of that space between canopy branches and bring it in a bit. It means I can now open the door in front of her a little easier.
Several of her old lower leaves had turned yellow. Although she is in the same soil as her 2 other photo sisters, her pot is only 30L (7gal) whereas their's is 50L (13gal), so during the week I gave her about a 1/3 of a cup of Blood n Bone as a nitrogen amendment.

Godfather OG
What can I say about her, she continues to power on. She appears to my eye as a picture of health (touch wood), she's only been watered so far, no top dressing needed, a real living organic/super soil gal!

Strawberry Cough
I applied further LST to her to rein back some of her vertical growth that was beginning to creep towards stealth limits. She still has not shown any pistils, at least 2 weeks behind her 2 photo sisters in that regard.

CBD Express auto
She was BT sprayed during the week, and Neem sprayed today. Still a very nice clean plant, but such a runt size wise.

Overhead mostly of Godfather OG & Strawberry Cough

The Mango Sherbert and Godfather OG are showing budset, I'm still waiting for the Strawberry Cough to do the same. It's coming up towards the most exciting time as bud formation begins! :yahoo:

I started these plants 2 months later than last year and they already appear to be looking like they'll get just as big, which means in a few more weeks I'll be getting a bit nervous about their smell of their growing buds.

For a week now I have been giving a small branch from the 3 photo plants several sprays a day with Colloidal Silver in an attempt to reverse sex them, during the week I gave them several pin pricks just prior to spraying to further 'assist' the CS into their tissues, I even gave them a few further pricks yesterday to keep their minds on track that I want them to produce a few balls for feminized pollen.

Anyway, thanks for dropping by and taking a look at the balcony, it always looks nicer when the plants begin to fill it up!
All the best.
Looking rather nice on the balcony Stunger,.. they all look super impressive but the yield on the cbd won’t be breaking the scales. Will you be able to sample the cbd at the end? Overall impressive looking girls and do you maintain the plants on your hands and knees using ninja stealth? Chur
CBD Express auto
She was BT sprayed during the week, and Neem sprayed today. Still a very nice clean plant, but such a runt size wise.
hey dont worry still worth it in my opinion, last grow one of my best when done was a White Widow that somehow got stunted before given to me...let me dig u a pic. reminds me of that one alot sizewise though.

They all looking great though and great writeup as always my friend! cheers!
For a week now I have been giving a small branch from the 3 photo plants several sprays a day with Colloidal Silver in an attempt to reverse sex them, during the week I gave them several pin pricks just prior to spraying to further 'assist' the CS into their tissues, I even gave them a few further pricks yesterday to keep their minds on track that I want them to produce a few balls for feminized pollen.

They all look beautiful n healthy, amazing green-thumb you have thus far!! On top of your ways to keep it stealthy!

I do have a question about this reversing method. By poking holes to get the CS in the tissue, does it only effect the branch that was poked or can it spread to other parts of the plant? Wouldn't want anyone to consume any if it can spread internally. Peace!!
Looking rather nice on the balcony Stunger,.. they all look super impressive but the yield on the cbd won’t be breaking the scales. Will you be able to sample the cbd at the end? Overall impressive looking girls and do you maintain the plants on your hands and knees using ninja stealth? Chur
Thanks BC. Yes I will sample the CBD. The first plant I grew that I harvested a month ago was sprayed with Colloidal Silver and it did get an infestation of mites and aphids on her. I did bud wash too but so far I have done nothing with her. The second CBD Express auto which is still currently growing on the balcony, in contrast looks very clean and so far bug free, so I will sample that one when it'd ready. I consider myself more of a THC stoned high type of fellow, but who knows I may become a CBD fan too.
So beautiful! My Godfathers og didn't smell that strong when they were alive. Dry them up and put them in a bag and Phew! Powerful Stinky awesomeness!
Hi StoneOtter, it is very reassuring that you so thoroughly enjoyed your Godfather OG. I was checking yesterday on your thread on what you thought of the Pink Man Goo, but either I missed it or I guess you're still curing her buds.
Godfather OG is looking amazing! I can't wait to see her all dolled up with big beautiful buds ;)
Me too Tim, right now it is getting into the interesting phase of development!
hey dont worry still worth it in my opinion, last grow one of my best when done was a White Widow that somehow got stunted before given to me...let me dig u a pic. reminds me of that one alot sizewise though.
Haha, yes AH, mine is quite similar, unfortunate that it isn't much larger but hey, there'll still be something to sample and judge at the end of the day!
I do have a question about this reversing method. By poking holes to get the CS in the tissue, does it only effect the branch that was poked or can it spread to other parts of the plant? Wouldn't want anyone to consume any if it can spread internally. Peace!!
Hi Shaggn, I have no direct experience of poking holes in the stem with the idea of letting the CS absorb in more completely, but I have read of others trying this approach so I felt there was nothing really to lose in giving it a go. As far as having concern that some tiny quantity of CS is going to spread internally I am not bothered about it, CS used to be used as an antibiotic before antibiotics. I have tried this on all 3 plants so I am really hoping that on at least one of them it'll work, I'll be rapt if it does!
Hey Stunger, I haven't said much yet but it's time. We've been hitting it this week. Here you go!
That Pinkman Goo certainly sounds nice. How would you compare it in usage to the Godfather?
Balcony is looking great Stunger, and the only thing to change for next summer is to replace the patio doors with sliders. ;)
Haha yes indeed Shed, that would be a big help!
Update; Addition of worm castings, mulch and malted barley to all, and top dress for Mango Sherbert

We have had a couple of days of rain so my mid week intention to give them a foliar feed and a Neem spray hasn't yet happened, probably tomorrow if the weather holds.

Today, I took a close look at the Strawberry Cough and I was still unable to spot a single pistil. I can see her preflowers but none yet with pistils emerged. Her 2 balcony photo sisters, Mango Sherbert and Godfather OG both started showing pistils about 3 weeks ago. So I am interested with how this will play out especially when our cooler Autumn weather kicks in.

The Mango Sherbert was showing early signs of needing a bit of a top dress. She is growing in LOS (living organic soil), but only in a 30L (7gal) container, unlike her 2 balcony sisters they are in larger 50L (13 gal) containers and appear in no need for such a top dress. The Mango Sherbert has a nice green canopy but I feel from past grows that now is the time to give her a boost for all the bud building she has yet ahead of her.

For the Mango Sherbert;
  • worm castings which probably had at least a couple hundred worms with them but that's ok, they self regulate and I have more than enough of them already to be bothered taking them out. Because I was adding a hot amendment I first applied a layer of worm castings on the surface where some of the plant's roots were exposed. I also mixed in a couple of handfuls of compost (at least the worms will like it!).
  • 1/4 cup of fish meal
  • 1/3 cup of Blood n Bone
  • 3 Table spoons of Neem powder/granules which also supplies Nitrogen but I added it more for as a bug/pest deterrent.
  • a cup of Diastatic Malt in the form of malted barley I bought from a local beer brewing shop and they kibble ground it for me.
  • I then added another layer of worm castings on top of the above dry amendments that I wetted
  • a layer of pea straw mulch which breaks down and in a few weeks will have hundreds of roots growing through it. I note @Patient Puffer also favours a mulch layer with organic living soil.:high-five:

Godfather OG & Strawberry Cough

These 2 ladies are both in 50L (13 gal) containers both seem quite fine having had worm wee water only since seedlings, aside from the occasional addition of kelp extract/fish hydrolysate and humid folic acids.
But to both plants, I wanted to add final layer of worm castings and mulch with a cup of ground malted barley and some Neem powder/granules too. The malted barley is a great source of Chitinase and something that @bobrown14 had mentioned in his excellent organic growing thread where he felt it seemed to boost the flowering growth of the plants. I already amended my soil previously over winter amongst other things, with malted Barley and crustacean meal to kick start off this availability and breakdown of Chitin in the soil. But anyway, both these girls seem quite fine in their LOS pots with predominantly water only, 50L (13 gal) is probably a good minimum size for my conditions but having said that I am currently nursing a hernia and while I can lift them when reasonable dry, they are getting too fecking heavy when wet.

So the Mango Sherbert and Godfather OG have reached budset while the Strawberry Cough has yet to throw a pistil - she's not a natural cheerleader that's for sure. :cheer:
Hopefully they all enjoy the comforting layer of worm castings, mulch and amendments for the coming bud building phase!

@Emeraldo, you asked previously if I was happy with the plants given my earlier stated aim of wanting them smaller for stealth and smell purposes. I feel while they are smaller in a less cumbersome way to last year, they are still bigger than I was expecting giving their 2 month later germination time (which I put down to the winter improvements and general maturing of the LOS that they're growing in). So I kind of failed but I'm happy as their size looks nicely promising, and besides, how can anyone be unhappy if they get more buds than they were expecting!

Be well everyone and all the best for your gardens! :ganjamon:
Lindsey mulch is another mulch that is better than the hay i am using. Lindsey mulch breaks down like your "pea straw" and feeds the plant. It still takes some time, but does breakdown quicker than hay.
Update; Addition of worm castings, mulch and malted barley to all, and top dress for Mango Sherbert

We have had a couple of days of rain so my mid week intention to give them a foliar feed and a Neem spray hasn't yet happened, probably tomorrow if the weather holds.

Today, I took a close look at the Strawberry Cough and I was still unable to spot a single pistil. I can see her preflowers but none yet with pistils emerged. Her 2 balcony photo sisters, Mango Sherbert and Godfather OG both started showing pistils about 3 weeks ago. So I am interested with how this will play out especially when our cooler Autumn weather kicks in.

The Mango Sherbert was showing early signs of needing a bit of a top dress. She is growing in LOS (living organic soil), but only in a 30L (7gal) container, unlike her 2 balcony sisters they are in larger 50L (13 gal) containers and appear in no need for such a top dress. The Mango Sherbert has a nice green canopy but I feel from past grows that now is the time to give her a boost for all the bud building she has yet ahead of her.

For the Mango Sherbert;
  • worm castings which probably had at least a couple hundred worms with them but that's ok, they self regulate and I have more than enough of them already to be bothered taking them out. Because I was adding a hot amendment I first applied a layer of worm castings on the surface where some of the plants roots were exposed. I also mixed in a couple of handfuls of compost (at least the worms will like it!).
  • 1/4 cup of fish meal
  • 1/3 cup of Blood n Bone
  • 3 Table spoons of Neem powder/granules which also supplies Nitrogen but I added it more for as a bug/pest deterrent.
  • a cup of Diastatic Malt in the form of malted barley I bought from a local beer brewing shop and they kibble ground it for me.
  • I then added another layer of worm castings on top of the above dry amendments that I wetted
  • a layer of pea straw mulch which breaks down and in a few weeks will have hundreds of roots growing through it. I note @Patient Puffer also favours a mulch layer with organic living soil.:high-five:

Godfather OG & Strawberry Cough

These 2 ladies are both in 50L (13 gal) containers both seem quite fine having had worm wee water only since seedlings, aside from the occasional addition of kelp extract/fish hydrolysate and humid folic acids.
But to both plants, I wanted to add final layer of worm castings and mulch with a cup of ground malted barley and some Neem powder/granules too. The malted barley is a great source of Chitinase and something that @bobrown14 had mentioned in his excellent organic growing thread where he felt it seemed to boost the flowering growth of the plants. I already amended my soil previously over winter amongst other things, with malted Barley and crustacean meal to kick start off this availability and breakdown of Chitin in the soil. But anyway, both these girls seem quite fine in their LOS pots with predominantly water only, 50L (13 gal) is probably a good minimum size for my conditions but having said that I am currently nursing a hernia and while I can lift them when reasonable dry, they are getting too fecking heavy when wet.

So the Mango Sherbert and Godfather OG have reached budset while the Strawberry Cough has yet to throw a pistil - she's not a natural cheerleader that's for sure. :cheer:
Hopefully they all enjoy the comforting layer of worm castings, mulch and amendments for coming bud building phase!

@Emeraldo, you asked previously if I was happy with the plants given my early stated aim of wanting them smaller for stealth and smell purposes. I feel while they are smaller in a less cumbersome way to last year, they are still bigger than I was expecting giving their 2 month later germination time (which I put down to the winter improvements and general maturing of the LOS that they're growing in). So I kind of failed but I'm happy as their size looks nicely promising, and besides, how can anyone be unhappy if they get more buds than they were expecting!

Be well everyone and all the best for your gardens! :ganjamon:
Ok. Im sold on the pea straw method now..need to pick up some sort of "mulch" myself it would seem, wonder what works best in a tent with LED lighting and coco/nute-enhanced soil combo?
Everything looks awesome on the balcony pal! Has me wanting to do my first outdoor grow this coming season if possible. Cheers!
That Pinkman Goo certainly sounds nice. How would you compare it in usage to the Godfather?
It leans on the indica side like it. It's not as devastatingly strong 18% so if you hit it 4 or 6 times you can still do things. Not so much with the Godfather 30%? and me. Both excellent in their own way.
Strawberry Cough Update - she's now showing pistils!

Today, with a lot of careful looking I finally found a few pistils, not many, but at least she is now starting to produce pistils which is roughly 3 weeks later than her 2 Indica dominant balcony sisters.

I'm curious how this will play out when cooler Autumn weather starts to kick in. But at least now, all my balcony girls are flowering. Thanks for dropping by!:ganjamon:
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