Stunger's Last Stand: Banned To The Balcony!

Bookmark that post for's got tons of great info!
Thanks I've done so. I lost all my bookmarks when our computer seized up a few months ago, a shame as I had saved everything of interest I'd come across over the last few years.
Thanks I've done so. I lost all my bookmarks when our computer seized up a few months ago, a shame as I had saved everything of interest I'd come across over the last few years.

Gah! What browser do you use? If you have a Google/Chrome account and browser, I'm pretty sure that data is persisted to the cloud.
Gah! What browser do you use? If you have a Google/Chrome account and browser, I'm pretty sure that data is persisted to the cloud.
It was Chrome, but using now Apple's Big Sur. That's ok, with a community like this where so much great information is being offered up I just started saving it again.
When I checked last year's journal I saw how late I was catching up to the stretch and dealing with it. This grow I started supercropping on New Years Eve, a month earlier than last year, and as a result I feel the big girl (the Godfather OG) is much more neat and tidy, and condensed into more manageable shape. Last year I supercropped outwards which much expanded the canopy spread. This year I mostly supercroppped inwards, calculating each little gap/space available where I could 'lay' with supercropping and LST each future cola stem into.

I will do some defoliation at some point soon, but as far as doing it for air movement, these girls are getting blown in the wind all the time, I am sure much more than any indoor tent grow would be providing. So I'll most likely only both with removing leaves that cover budding sites.
I can see how "outwards" cropping would expand the spread. And the "inwards" supercropping makes for a neat plant profile, suitable for a breeder's photo. But too much "inwards" cropping might put buds in the shade, I guess after the stretch you can pull branches away from each other to let more light reach buds further down on the plants, you know, if that happens.
But too much "inwards" cropping might put buds in the shade, I guess after the stretch you can pull branches away from each other to let more light reach buds further down on the plants, you know, if that happens.
Now I have got the 'shape' about where I want it, I can a make adjustments and find space here and there, I can prune off growth that is weak and appears a waste of time, and of course I can also prune off leaves that are shading out good bud sites. That part is still ahead of me, but cola wise I was wanting to see them growing closer and not spread out as much as last year. I naively thought that starting them off 2 months later was supposed to address that concern.:hmmmm:
As much as I love an over the top large canopy it was actually very tricky at times doing maintenance on them, and around them, because of their cumbersome size. So if I can keep this one to be more condensed than spread out, it may work out better but whatever happens I will endeavour learn from it and do better next time! :surf:
General Update

The plants continue to be going well, they have grown a little vertical height since the last round of supercropping and LST earlier in the week. If I have judged right then what grows vertical from here will be colas and 'should' stay within my stealth limits. I am sure I can make small adjustments if I need. But this year compared to last, getting on to the LST and supercropping a month earlier has resulted in much better more contained plants which is what I was after. So far so good..:smokin:

I am really pleased with how well they are growing in this year's LOS. Last year I needed to do several top dressings whereas for this grow so far they have got to this size with none, just worm wee waterings which I also did exactly the same last year, except for this grow I feel I have made an improved soil mix but will have to see how flowering goes yet.

The Godfather OG continues to be the standout with lots of vigorous growth.

The Mango Sherbert who gets the sun a little later appears of good colour, she's in a smaller 30L (7gal) pot compared to the Godfather's 50L(13gal).

The Strawberry Cough has started deepening her previously lighter lime appearance, and she has grown out more too, altho she is still smallish and has been slow growing in spite of the generous size of her 50L (13gal) container, I had expected her to be bigger but I presume either her grow location or my LOS mix isn't exactly to her liking. But she's started to pick up and I now feel she will turn out alright. She might be a little behind her balcony sisters as I haven't yet noticed any pistils yet, altho they might be there but I haven't looked too hard.

The CBD Express auto, is flowering away, only a little runt but so far she is nice and clean and will get another bug preventative spray this weekend, as aphids and mites attacked her sister so I'm trying to keep this one as bug free as possible.

A couple of side on pics for future vertical reference when I'm looking back trying to time my next grow.

Summer days!

All the best and keep well everyone. :hookah:
Damn good thing your place came with frosted glass! And anything that pokes over the top you can always dress like @Scientific did on his balcony:
2nd attempt at reversal with Colloidal Silver

My previous attempt of reversal on the CBD Express auto I grew earlier didn't work in spite of spraying CS mostly twice a day and doing it for 28 days. So I have decided to have another go on my 3 photos girls, I think the time to do it if it's going to be done, is now. I have chosen from each plant 1 small minor stem that I have wrapped a little white band around each for identification, which I will endeavour to spray with CS twice a day. I don't know if any will be successful but at least with attempting on all 3 plants, perhaps 1 will be easier to reverse than the others, maybe all 3 reverse. I realise if more than one plant is successful it would make identification of any resulting seeds to be questionable. However each plant should have good genetics so I am not too bothered. Besides if successful I can appropriately store the pollen in the fridge with rice and next grow selectively try each out. However, for now this is just a stab in the dark, my previous attempt didn't work, so if it also doesn't work on any of these 3 plants then in any future attempt I would probably try STS or something else the next time. But for now I have 3 plants available so happy to experiment on a minor stem of each. Each stem is small and minor so it seems no loss to have a go.

Here's a pic of each for reference after they'd received their first treatment

Damn good thing your place came with frosted glass! And anything that pokes over the top you can always dress like @Scientific did on his balcony:
That is a beautifully done Shed thanks! It is something that I have been saying to a local grow buddy that simply attaching some plastic flowers to the plant can make it appear from a distance that it is just some sort of random flowering bush, I think the key thing is probably to use flowers that are fairly nondescript and not likely to draw people's gaze.

But here's the thing, while I am seeking to be stealthy from neighbours, I also have to try and be as nonchalant as possible about growing on the balcony to my 10 year old. Early on last year's grow, she asked me what they were, I lied and told her 'chilli plants' and told her even if they don't grow chillis because there is not enough sun that I still like having green plants on the balcony. This year, she hasn't shown any further interest or any questions of my crop, but I fear if I dress up the plants in a similar way to the great pic that you posted from @Scientific, that she may come out with more curiosity especially if/when she notices that they are plastic attached ones. So I completely agree with what I think is a thoroughly excellent way to stealthily disguise the plant with flowers, but it may also serve to shine an unintended spotlight on my grow. :straightface: But thanks, and great pic!
2nd attempt at reversal with Colloidal Silver

My previous attempt of reversal on the CBD Express auto I grew earlier didn't work in spite of spraying CS mostly twice a day and doing it for 28 days. So I have decided to have another go on my 3 photos girls, I think the time to do it if it's going to be done, is now. I have chosen from each plant 1 small minor stem that I have wrapped a little white band around each for identification, which I will endeavour to spray with CS twice a day. I don't know if any will be successful but at least with attempting on all 3 plants, perhaps 1 will be easier to reverse than the others, maybe all 3 reverse. I realise if more than one plant is successful it would make identification of any resulting seeds to be questionable. However each plant should have good genetics so I am not too bothered. Besides if successful I can appropriately store the pollen in the fridge with rice and next grow selectively try each out. However, for now this is just a stab in the dark, my previous attempt didn't work, so if it also doesn't work on any of these 3 plants then in any future attempt I would probably try STS or something else the next time. But for now I have 3 plants available so happy to experiment on a minor stem of each. Each stem is small and minor so it seems no loss to have a go.

Here's a pic of each for reference after they'd received their first treatment

Best of luck this works for you and there’s plenty of ball bags.... I just got some spray 50ppm.... so I’ll be watching how you get on.
I think the folks using CS inside start spraying 5 days before flowering starts, but I don't know when that would be on an outside photo. Plants do start to notice the difference in daylight hours shortly after the summer solstice, though slower than a plant flipped to 12/12.
I'd thought the general approach was to spray when pistils start to show, from your comments I might be a little late, but then again those chosen stems will grow further and who knows maybe some of the new growth to come will grow balls? But at least I can try this and see what happens rather than wait another year and regret not doing. If it works then I can offer some to those who've kindly gifted me in the past which I have very much appreciated (you know who are:thanks:), and it would awesome to be able to give back in thanks.
Best of luck this works for you and there’s plenty of ball bags.... I just got some spray 50ppm.... so I’ll be watching how you get on.
Hi BC thanks. My CS is only 24ppm. When making CS the advice is to keep it around the low 20's ppm otherwise higher concentrations will/can result in the silver falling out of solution (like if you put it in the fridge). So far I have tried a run of 40ppm and annoying as predicted the silver fell out of solution. A way around that is to use a capping agent. Yours if commercially bought at 50ppm is most probably made with a capping agent. I don't have the info to hand but there are several approaches to this using some plant extracts, one of which from memory was using Cinnamon which allows a higher concentration to result but I have not tried that yet. We'll see how this goes first, fingers crossed! :Rasta:
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