Stunger's Last Stand: Banned To The Balcony!

I've heard of folks pinching stems to inhibit stretch so I'm curious to see it in action, particularly when height is truly an issue. The plants look great by the way!
It is new to me too. I am not sure whether or not I may still have to do a round of LST to bring those future cola stems down, but I will put some tape around the needle nose pliers to be 'more gentle' on future crushing.
I was wondering if shorter but wider pots might give you the same size plants but give you some more vertical room... :hmmmm:
Last grow I went far more horizontal in my training, and I would love to do this even more, but given the limitations of space on the balcony I found it got tricky even opening the balcony doors which became canopy obstructed, and furthermore it became a PITA and at times almost impossible to access the base of the plants just for basic plant husbandry due to the extended horizontal canopies that I had trained them to have, in the later stages I actually had to crawl below the canopies like an invertebrate to check on them. Also, I have to be always mindful of my neighbours who hang out less than 20 feet diagonally down and across from the balcony, so I feel I have to be super careful with any noises I make so I don't have them rubber necking up at what I'm doing, I don't want to get them alerted and curious like the track by Tom Waits 'Whats he building in there'.

Funnily enough, I deliberately left kicking off this grow till about 6 weeks later than last year in the sad wish to have a smaller grow, but the Godfather at least seems to have grown as if it was still started earlier. Plus, I have done no top dressing on my soil this year as so far the plants appear to be happy and not wanting in anything, so perhaps the re-amendments I made to the LOS over winter were tuned in quite well and helped her make up for lost time! :smokin:
in the later stages I actually had to crawl below the canopies to check on them.
There's something we could have used pics of. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I have to be always mindful of my neighbours who hang out less than 20 feet diagonally down from the balcony
I find it really hard to believe that anyone 20 feet from your plants in full bloom can't smell them. I mean really hard to believe!
Funnily enough, I deliberately left kicking off this grow till about 6 weeks later than last year in the sad wish to have a smaller grow, but the Godfather at least seems to have grown as if it was still started earlier.
Best laid plans... ;)
I find it really hard to believe that anyone 20 feet from your plants in full bloom can't smell them. I mean really hard to believe!
Clearly I am delusional and choosing to battle onwards regardless. Because of my specific circumstances I am a devout believer in the theory of the 'thermal lifting of dankness' which is a <much wished for> phenomenon whereby the combined radiant heat from my balcony and my neighbour's courtyard actually serves to safely lift up the dank smell of the buds to a place far above in the sky where it can no longer be detected. Mate, it's also just one of those times where hope is all that remains!:rofl:

Start writing Stunger! :laugh:
Did you know there is an indica strain called Donkey Dick? :laughtwo:

Yes, it is awesome! Our very own Donkey Dick has a strain named after him, not unlike the Hemperor himself.
It's funny. I actually thought it was... well, Hi there, DD! @DonkeyDick Hey, hee-haw-how's it hangin?

But no joke, it's a strain I saw in Cannabis Indica by S. T. Oner, a book on cannabis strains, on page 22 there is one Blue Donkey Dick by Karmaceuticals in USA, a cross of Donkey Dick x Blueberry.

Apart from that, this is all I could find:

I thought is was funny at first, but no --- that's worthy of an award!

I nominate Bad Ass Donkey Dick for strain of the month, most creative name. Makes me laugh, sorry, no malicious intent DD, just surprized at your notoriety. Be well...

P.S.: DD, ever grown that one?
First time bud washing

Today I dispatched the CBD Express Auto and gave her a bud wash.

She grew very stunted, barely a foot tall. A grow buddy grew one of the same and his was double the height, but his was getting all day sun, so I think mine really needed a lot more hours of sun to stimulate it to grow bigger than what the balcony was supplying. I have one more CBD Express that has started flowering which it did at 3 weeks and it is also only a foot tall and not looking like it'll grow any taller. I originally kicked off the second as I was hoping to reverse the first and if successful use the pollen on the second plant. However, as far as I could see I had no luck with the reversing. And to be honest, she turned out such a runt that I left her pretty neglected and unsupervised, and in those times she had a few wild aphid parties so I thought I'll use her to have a go at bud washing as you learn a lot more from doing things, and being so piddly small it would be no big deal if I mess up, plus being so small I could bud wash her whole in 10 liter buckets.

Going on what I gather is Doc Bud's most recent update to the procedure. I used;

#1 H2O2 in the first bucket (Doc Bud only recommends this now for conditions like powdery mildew but there was a fair bit of crud on her so I thought why not, it was only perhaps 75ml of 6%),
#2 1/4 cup lemon juice + 1/4 cup baking soda in the second bucket
#3 Plain rinse water in the 3rd bucket
#4 and then in the absence of a 2nd rinse bucket I soft sprayed her with water afterwards.

Last weekend I gave all the current plants on the balcony a Dr Bronner's and Neem spray as a pre-emptive strike against any would be pests. The current plants all appear well, but I know from past grows that once budset is established all sorts of unwanted bugs can start showing up. I'll be trying to do this weekly now, and once budding is underway I'll spray BT for the white butterfly caterpillars too. The 2nd CBD Express is currently growing nice and clean, as are the Godfather and Mango.

Interesting, the variations on how to wash. I'm sure it's good, no matter what the order is. The posts I looked at prior to washing (Doc Bud included) suggested the first bucket be water + baking soda to loosen dirt and crud before going into the antiseptice bath (lemon juice + H202 + water), and the third was plain water. Probably makes no difference the way you've done it. For me, there is no going back, the weed is cleaner and even tastes better.
Clearly I am delusional and choosing to battle onwards regardless. Because of my specific circumstances I am a devout believer in the theory of the 'thermal lifting of dankness' which is a <much wished for> phenomenon whereby the combined radiant heat from my balcony and my neighbour's courtyard actually serves to safely lift up the dank smell of the buds to a place far above in the sky where it can no longer be detected. Mate, it's also just one of those times where hope is all that remains!:rofl:
Indeed Sir!
"Delusional for choosing to battle onwards, regardless"
The Marine Corps taught me the sometimes fine difference between delusional and determined. Regardless of the risk is far more useful, than in spite of the risk. You go bro!

Your hypothesis of the thermal lifting of dankness sounds very legit. However, my outdoor gardening friend, the unfortunate reality that our brother shed has postulated rings true with me. Your skills as a gardener are evident, and you can feel the harmony with above. That's where the problems are compounded. You are being blessed with wonderful flowers that are full of love and life. The cannabis creator threw in a gob of essential terps that avail the detectable odors from considerable distances.

None of us want to see you get in trouble with the prohibitionist's.

As an alternate theory we might explore some of the effects of the southern hemisphere on gaseous dispersion of odors. As observed, the water in a toilet flushes counter clock wise (faster) in the southern hemisphere reducing the amount of odors released compared to the slower flushing clockwise water in Northern hemispheric toilets. Our poop smell stays around longer up here.

Just sayin :hookah:
Interesting, the variations on how to wash. I'm sure it's good, no matter what the order is. The posts I looked at prior to washing (Doc Bud included) suggested the first bucket be water + baking soda to loosen dirt and crud before going into the antiseptice bath (lemon juice + H202 + water), and the third was plain water. Probably makes no difference the way you've done it. For me, there is no going back, the weed is cleaner and even tastes better.
Ahoy @Emeraldo,
I hope you have been well.
You have now joined a group of folks I respect and value as a cannabis gardeners, that has posted in favor on the subject of bud washing. A member I trust with all my instinct @Graytail is a big fan also if I remember correctly.

The evidence is mounting that the process has overall gardener approval.

However, I did it once and will never do it again without cause. I am a indoor gardener not dealing with the great outdoors. Perhaps, outdoors would be different. The water I discarded after bud washing was not dirty, and smelled like I hope it does in heaven. That tells me that something I wanted got washed into the water. Not done it since.
Thanks Maritimer, and I respectfully agree. As an outdoor grower, it has always been a worry that dust and dirt from the air, possibly even agricultural chemicals from the farms around, would land on my bud. And like you I also did have the concern that maybe I was losing something from the bud. Happily, the trichomes do not wash off! And clean bud is great, particularly for smoking or vaping. Cheers
Interesting, the variations on how to wash. I'm sure it's good, no matter what the order is. The posts I looked at prior to washing (Doc Bud included) suggested the first bucket be water + baking soda to loosen dirt and crud before going into the antiseptice bath (lemon juice + H202 + water), and the third was plain water. Probably makes no difference the way you've done it. For me, there is no going back, the weed is cleaner and even tastes better.
There's a lot of discussion and reports on bud washing, and Doc Bud has understandably continued to evolve his method over time with small changes along the way. I saw a number of slightly different approaches, was a little confused as to which was the latest 'standard'. Initially I thought you'd made a typo in your mixes/order, as I had failed to see that exactly elsewhere, but as you say it probably makes no difference. And as for concerns of damage I was not aware of any trichome damage from doing it. And if plants are suspected/known to have a lot of crud on them I think bud washing is a great thing.:)
You asked what else I'd be interested in growing. I can't help but want some Mango Sherbert on the list. I like mango tasters in the past and sherbert would be so dine to mix with I think!
Haha. I am really pleased with how the Mango Sherbert is progressing after my initial fear that I'd left it too late to kick off. I can't wait to watch her develop in flowering. She's quite open compared to the Godfather and with much bigger leaves and less flower heads so I'm curious as to how she'll develop in comparison.:yummy:
None of us want to see you get in trouble with the prohibitionist's.
Yes me included! I'll just have to do my best to keep the visual aspect of my grow as stealth as possible. Last at one startling moment, I'd gone to open the balcony doors to enjoy a close look when I suddenly realised that there were 3 guys standing on the pitched roof of the neighbours giving it a spray, their heads were level with my crop that was just shy of 1.5 pounds of buds, but they were so intent on keeping their footing they didn't notice. Even with balcony rail planters to provide additional stealth there is only so much you can do, the rest down to the lap of the gods and luck I think.
The smell though is a concern. One positive is after successive grows, so far (touch wood) nothing has been said by my neighbours. So maybe their sense of smell is not good (but good for me), maybe they just don't recognise it, or maybe they are just tolerant :smokin:
The evidence is mounting that the process has overall gardener approval.

However, I did it once and will never do it again without cause. I am a indoor gardener not dealing with the great outdoors. Perhaps, outdoors would be different. The water I discarded after bud washing was not dirty, and smelled like I hope it does in heaven. That tells me that something I wanted got washed into the water. Not done it since.
I am a big fan of whole plant drying, and this year I will endeavour to do so with the root mass as well (I'll need to use the bread knife to help cut it out as last year I was unable to pull the big girls out and ended up chopping them). But the size of the whole plant will probably render it too difficult to bud wash whole. Bearing in mind that my balcony plants get regular drenching and poundings of rain, and over flowering I gave them regular sprays as recommended by @InTheShed of Dr Bronner's liquid castle soap, initially for bugs, but towards the end of flowering I also gave them several such sprays solely with the idea of giving them a clean. I am impressed with bud washing but I probably won't do it for any big girls that I whole plant dry.
I've moved on from Dr Bronners these days, cheap and easy as it may be. I've been trying to stay clear of any oil sprays because I have a feeling that the damage they do to the pistils might effect the bud growth. Lately I've been using Safer's insecticidal soap (potassium salts of fatty acids: 49.52%) for basic bugs, spinosad for caterpillars, and citric acid for PM.

No matter what, I bud wash every harvest!
A further training update

Although I carried out a 4th round of supercropping to the Godfather at the beginning of this week, she has nevertheless continued to push skywards. As budset is fast approaching today was the day to rein her in yet again. I also carried out further LST to the Mango Sherbert who has received no supercropping thus far. The Strawberry Cough I will leave for now because she was quite a slow starter but soon I will probably have to train her a little too.

This is the lineup before training.

And after LST to the Mango Sherbert and a 5th round of supercropping to the Godfather OG

Overhead of Mango Sherbert after LST, she is now 45cm or about 1.5 feet tall

Overhead of the Godfather OG after supercropping and LST. She'll look terrible until she recovers, which hopefully won't be long. And then I'll look to thin her out a bit. She's been so vigorous and looking really happy that I hope I haven't over done it. She is now about 42cm and below 1.5 feet tall as measured from the top of the canopy to the soil layer.

Onwards and upwards they say, but no more than the permissible stealth limits please! :ganjamon:
Looking good, Stunger!
Great job keeping them below the sight line- You're going to be the supercrop master by the time they're finished...
I see what you mean about them filling up the balcony- they look way bigger in those overhead shots than
in the side view...
That Godfather og is massive brother.... I've noticed she's extremely strong and quite a sturdy variety... I'm positive your training today will but only help her vigorous growth.
Its the best looking balcony you've got there :Rasta: I've noticed my outside plant has just started chucking pistils so your girls won't be far off as well at a guess...
They're going to be beautiful plants in bloom and I'm ready for the show hehe :Rasta:
Looking good, Stunger!
Great job keeping them below the sight line- You're going to be the supercrop master by the time they're finished...
I see what you mean about them filling up the balcony- they look way bigger in those overhead shots than
in the side view...
Thanks Carcass! It's funny to think that the Mango Sherbert is only 18" tall and about 3 feet wide, while the Godfather is 16" tall about 3.5 feet wide. Practically speaking my head says it doesn't want the canopies getting any bigger, whereas my grower's heart wants a big size! :cool:
That Godfather og is massive brother.... I've noticed she's extremely strong and quite a sturdy variety... I'm positive your training today will but only help her vigorous growth.
Its the best looking balcony you've got there :Rasta: I've noticed my outside plant has just started chucking pistils so your girls won't be far off as well at a guess...
They're going to be beautiful plants in bloom and I'm ready for the show hehe :Rasta:
Cheers BC! I am finding the @Weed Seeds Express genetics of the Godfather to be very vigorous. To think in the beginning I stupidly (trying to be clever) grew the seedling within 2 other pots, which meant she didn't make a big root ball but instead grew her tap root right through the bottom of her pot into the next one, which unfortunately got ripped and broken off when I tried to up pot her, and she only hesitated for a couple of days before motoring off again. In the last couple of days she's started throwing out some pistils, so probably 1 - 2 weeks of stretching to go hence today's training of these two to hopefully rein in their vertical growth a bit.

Here's a couple of pics taken in the evening about 7 hours after the training, thankfully they look like they've almost recovered.

Looking forward to budset! :hookah:
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