Stunger's Last Stand: Banned To The Balcony!

Haha I love how much those 2 plants are dominating the balcony! :cheer:
Thanks Sy, I am working with such a small space that even opening the balcony doors last year was compromised by the canopies of the plants, so this year I started later and have tried to stay on top of their growth. Along with more space I wish I had more sunshine falling on the balcony too. Keep well, and all the best for your new moves. :surf:
Just 3 weeks ago I was thinking I'd perhaps started her too late, but as the weather heated up she's started galloping.

She's in a 50L pot that was well amended over winter and has alway been a uniform pale. Going back about 3 or 4 weeks ago I mistakenly tried to remedy that by further top dressing her, to which she responded with some root tip burn and rounding to her middle leaf tips on her then latest new node, and the same on her subsequent couple of nodes, but since then she seems to have gotten over my impetuous blunder and her leaves seem to be growing back as they were. I am curious as to how she progresses from here. :volcano-smiley:
So if it ain't broke, maybe better to leave well enough alone. She doesn't have to be perfrect. ;)
Finally got up to date. Fantastic grow you have going. Your OG is mesmerizing to look at. Very captivating with all the training. I am excited to see what your Strawberry will do. She looks like she is getting ready.

Beautiful grow and even more impressive with your stealth and height restrictions. I love the "LowGrow".
Thanks PP! :thanks: I'm just trying to work within the constraints imposed on me :lot-o-toke:, but seriously, thanks for dropping by. I am also very curious about the Strawberry Cough, it has quite a reputation amongst some, hopefully she produces some good colas to test out the strain at the end of the day. The star of my small crop currently has to be the Godfather OG, so far she's been particularly vigorous and looks promising. The height limitation is 2 and half feet, so I'm doing my best to make everything work within it.:hookah:
...I am also very curious about the Strawberry Cough, it has quite a reputation amongst some, hopefully she produces some good colas to test out the strain at the end of the day. ..
Hey Stunger, I had a Strawberry Cough gene or two this past summer. Blackberry was Nirvana's cross of Strawberry Cough and Black Domino, and it has the effect of a balanced indica/sativa hybrid, a bit more indica-leaning. What are you expecting from your Strawberry Cough? Which breeder's seed did you plant? In seedfinder I entered Strawberry Cough and got 11 seeds, all of them different, ranging from mostly indica to mostly sativa and everything in between. So it does make a difference where you got it.
Thanks PP! :thanks: I'm just trying to work within the constraints imposed on me :lot-o-toke:, but seriously, thanks for dropping by. I am also very curious about the Strawberry Cough, it has quite a reputation amongst some, hopefully she produces some good colas to test out the strain at the end of the day. The star of my small crop currently has to be the Godfather OG, so far she's been particularly vigorous and looks promising. The height limitation is 2 and half feet, so I'm doing my best to make everything work within it.:hookah:
Hey Stunger :ciao: Our vibes are in tune. I have a godfather og coming down in a couple of days. Love that one! The strawberry cough's i have familiarity with are the troublesome ones I kept growing because they were so fine to smoke, and the sister I gave away that grew effortlessly and huge. I think I might have been the trouble mostly. I still smoke from her stash. She gives me a good head high with some body stone as well, head strong I'd say. Good growing!
Oh i do love the taste of sc! There's something about it! :yahoo:
Here's an overhead pic of the Strawberry Cough taken a few minutes ago. She does look like she is picking up a bit altho if so, it seems rather darn late if she's making a run for it. I may have to bend her over with some LST if she does. :morenutes:

And while I'm on overhead pics, here's a couple more, this time of the Godfather OG. The first one taken yesterday in the late afternoon sunshine.

And this one, taken this morning. Quite different in appearance from the lighting at different times of the day

Oh man, that's going to produce! Edit: The godfather I mean. SC is awesome too!
What are you expecting from your Strawberry Cough? Which breeder's seed did you plant? In seedfinder I entered Strawberry Cough and got 11 seeds, all of them different, ranging from mostly indica to mostly sativa and everything in between.
This strain is a favourite of David from @Weed Seeds Express , the seed bank I got it from, and generally speaking it seems to get a lot of praise by others. WSE state that their version is about 80% Sativa. So I am curious with expectation but not knowing what to expect!
@StoneOtter grew a big Strawberry Cough a few years back. Hit him up for details!
I didn't realise he was also growing a Strawberry Cough, I had been watching his earlier grow with a Godfather OG and I was most encouraged by his approval on smoke testing it! <edit I now realise on looking at your link to StoneOtters SC pic, that yes I did see that, it's a total beauty and I recall him saying it was a favourite too!>
Hey Stunger :ciao: Our vibes are in tune. I have a godfather og coming down in a couple of days. Love that one! The strawberry cough's i have familiarity with are the troublesome ones I kept growing because they were so fine to smoke, and the sister I gave away that grew effortlessly and huge. I think I might have been the trouble mostly. I still smoke from her stash. She gives me a good head high with some body stone as well, head strong I'd say. Good growing!
Oh i do love the taste of sc! There's something about it! :yahoo:
Hey StoneOtter thanks for chiming in. I was rapt when reading your Godfather OG grow and how pleased you were with her buds, that was most encouraging. :high-five: How are you finding her buds now after having had the time to more fully appraise her?
I am looking forward to the Strawberry Cough, mine is growing in a large'ish 50L container than is all good organic soil, same as the other pots, altho the SC is growing paler than the others, in your pic she also looks to have paler leaves, maybe it's the strain, or perhaps my soil is a bit too rich for her, but she is starting to pick the pace so hopefully she knuckles down for a sprint at the finish!:ganjamon:
Comparison pics from 1 month ago to now

I was reflecting on the grow today, and how only a month ago I was mildly concerned I may have left it too late. However in 1 month all the plants have indeed shown some growth, and very thankfully the Strawberry Cough is finally starting quicken up (she was looking so miniature for long).

So just for shits and giggles here's a couple of pics from 1 month ago and now.
From left to right; Mango Sherbert, Godfather OG, Strawberry Cough & CBD Express auto in the front right.

Be well everyone :hookah:
Hey Stungi or anybody, ever use 1ml hydrogen peroxide per 1 liter water in germinating? I just read the Sensi blog on germinating (you know, to freshen up my skills for Spring) and it was said there that, particularly with older seeds, there can be pathogens or mould spores on the seeds that might interfere somehow with good healthy seedling growth. Since I want to germinate some really old (5 years) seeds I grew by pollinating a whole female plant in 2016, I was thinking of doing that. Ever heard of that?
How are you finding her buds now after having had the time to more fully appraise her?
Even with months in the jars now I can't grind it and not fully clean the grinder afterwards, it's so sticky with trichs! I love/hate that. Hehe. Keeping in mind all my toke sessions are with myself and my wife for the last 9 months so I can't say how it is in a group of folk. But between us it's the hammer in the house. When we want to GET STONED that's the jar we pick up for a SOLID head and body stone.
For one that I thought had a light smell growing, it makes up for that now when we open a jar and a skunk sprays the whole house in moments. It's become one of our favorites and I bred Stankberry into it. We'll see what happened there. Fav x 2 = :yahoo: Oh, I took the Godfather down yesterday. She was generous giving us over 10 oz projected dry bud.
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