Stunger's Last Stand: Banned To The Balcony!

Got to love a green balcony like that. Nice work bro :bravo:
Thanks Vet, I made a few changes this grow, like adding new amendments to the soil, and I decided to germinate the seeds later for a more controlled grow, there is always the concern that it won't go to plan. Thankfully now these look to be on course. :yummy:
Stunger they look Wonderful! So glad the Strawberry Cough finally kicked into gear.
This plant grew exceptionally tight internodal distances which had the result of remaining very miniature. However, in the last couple of weeks it has picked up a bit, which is a relief. The internodal distances have also stretched. My gut feeling is that the soil is a bit to rich for her altho the other plants seem to be thriving in it. But that is just a guess, I got her from WeedSeedsExpress and there are currently no reviews posted on it so I am unsure what other peoples experiences are with it. They were out of stock when I looked the other day.

Funnily enough the 3 photo plants are all exactly the same height. The Mango Sherbert has been solely LST'd, the Godfather OG quadlined, LST'd and supercropped, and the Strawberry Cough has had zero training, at present I will leave her untouched unless she goes up a gear and I will then have to 'bend her over' if she becomes in danger of growing her flowers above the balcony rail. :morenutes:
They surprise you sometimes! That's a balcony I'd love to look down on. :thumb:
Thanks Shed, it sure is nice having them to look at :slide:, although I mustn't be in rush as they'll all be done too soon and then I'll have to wait another 6 months to start again, which is why I envy indoor growers!
Hey Stungi or anybody, ever use 1ml hydrogen peroxide per 1 liter water in germinating? I just read the Sensi blog on germinating (you know, to freshen up my skills for Spring) and it was said there that, particularly with older seeds, there can be pathogens or mould spores on the seeds that might interfere somehow with good healthy seedling growth. Since I want to germinate some really old (5 years) seeds I grew by pollinating a whole female plant in 2016, I was thinking of doing that. Ever heard of that?
Hi Emeraldo, I haven't tried that, but I have read other folk doing that. My feeling is that if the seeds have been well stored that there should be a good chance of germination, but the quality of storing is the unknown wildcard. :smokin:
Even with months in the jars now I can't grind it and not fully clean the grinder afterwards, it's so sticky with trichs! I love/hate that. Hehe. Keeping in mind all my toke sessions are with myself and my wife for the last 9 months so I can't say how it is in a group of folk. But between us it's the hammer in the house. When we want to GET STONED that's the jar we pick up for a SOLID head and body stone.
For one that I thought had a light smell growing, it makes up for that now when we open a jar and a skunk sprays the whole house in moments. It's become one of our favorites and I bred Stankberry into it. We'll see what happened there. Fav x 2 = :yahoo: Oh, I took the Godfather down yesterday. She was generous giving us over 10 oz projected dry bud.
Thanks StoneOtter, that is really encouraging. I'll be interested in what sort of smell she gives out over the coming weeks. As I am growing on the balcony close to neighbours a light smell is better, but at the end of day I want potency too so it's wonderfully reassuring to hear of your experience and smoke report. :ganjamon:
Hey Stungi or anybody, ever use 1ml hydrogen peroxide per 1 liter water in germinating? I just read the Sensi blog on germinating (you know, to freshen up my skills for Spring) and it was said there that, particularly with older seeds, there can be pathogens or mould spores on the seeds that might interfere somehow with good healthy seedling growth. Since I want to germinate some really old (5 years) seeds I grew by pollinating a whole female plant in 2016, I was thinking of doing that. Ever heard of that?
I know a number of growers that either germ the seeds in a H2O2/water mix or soak them for a while in the mix and then move to plain water. I'm in the latter camp, going with 50/50 for 30 minutes and then into just distilled water.

1ml to 1 liter seems very diluted to me, unless you're using 35% H2O2. Mine is 3%.
Thats some nice growth in a short space of time :) ,, :thumb:
Thanks Prof, it does seem a particularly vigorous effort from the Godfather, right now I am trying to estimate how much stretch is left to go with flowering about to kick off any day soon, as I don't want them noticeable above the balcony rail. I may give them a 4th round of supercropping to slow them down a little bit but I'm sitting on the fence on doing that at the moment.
Thanks Prof, it does seem a particularly vigorous effort from the Godfather, right now I am trying to estimate how much stretch is left to go with flowering about to kick off any day soon, as I don't want them noticeable above the balcony rail. I may give them a 4th round of supercropping to slow them down a little bit but I'm sitting on the fence on doing that at the moment.

fun times and the exciting part :)
First time bud washing

Today I dispatched the CBD Express Auto and gave her a bud wash.

She grew very stunted, barely a foot tall. A grow buddy grew one of the same and his was double the height, but his was getting all day sun, so I think mine really needed a lot more hours of sun to stimulate it to grow bigger than what the balcony was supplying. I have one more CBD Express that has started flowering which it did at 3 weeks and it is also only a foot tall and not looking like it'll grow any taller. I originally kicked off the second as I was hoping to reverse the first and if successful use the pollen on the second plant. However, as far as I could see I had no luck with the reversing. And to be honest, she turned out such a runt that I left her pretty neglected and unsupervised, and in those times she had a few wild aphid parties so I thought I'll use her to have a go at bud washing as you learn a lot more from doing things, and being so piddly small it would be no big deal if I mess up, plus being so small I could bud wash her whole in 10 liter buckets.

Going on what I gather is Doc Bud's most recent update to the procedure. I used;

#1 H2O2 in the first bucket (Doc Bud only recommends this now for conditions like powdery mildew but there was a fair bit of crud on her so I thought why not, it was only perhaps 75ml of 6%),
#2 1/4 cup lemon juice + 1/4 cup baking soda in the second bucket
#3 Plain rinse water in the 3rd bucket
#4 and then in the absence of a 2nd rinse bucket I soft sprayed her with water afterwards.

Last weekend I gave all the current plants on the balcony a Dr Bronner's and Neem spray as a pre-emptive strike against any would be pests. The current plants all appear well, but I know from past grows that once budset is established all sorts of unwanted bugs can start showing up. I'll be trying to do this weekly now, and once budding is underway I'll spray BT for the white butterfly caterpillars too. The 2nd CBD Express is currently growing nice and clean, as are the Godfather and Mango.

Interesting NZ local news in the press this morning.

Police have axed their annual cannabis operations, which see thousands of plants pulled from isolated locations around the country.

The Defence Force has worked with police for decades, giving them the opportunity to spot plantations from the skies.

A police spokesperson today confirmed that with the increased harm in many communities arising from other drugs, particularly methamphetamine, "a one-size-fits-all annual aerial national cannabis operation no longer represents the most appropriate deployment of Police resources".

However, the decision appeared to come to the surprise of many officers, and even the Police Minister, who were unaware of the change, according to Stuff.

Perhaps this is a reflection on the recent very close referendum result, I really hope more liberal change is coming..
Interesting NZ local news in the press this morning.

Police have axed their annual cannabis operations, which see thousands of plants pulled from isolated locations around the country.

The Defence Force has worked with police for decades, giving them the opportunity to spot plantations from the skies.

A police spokesperson today confirmed that with the increased harm in many communities arising from other drugs, particularly methamphetamine, "a one-size-fits-all annual aerial national cannabis operation no longer represents the most appropriate deployment of Police resources".

However, the decision appeared to come to the surprise of many officers, and even the Police Minister, who were unaware of the change, according to Stuff.

Perhaps this is a reflection on the very close referendum result.
WoW! I hope it was a result of the referendum. Good for you all!
Update on training height

I am at the point now where there is probably still 2 weeks of stretch ahead of me and I wanted to estimate where I needed to be to accomodate full cola growth without breaching my ideal stealth limits. So going on pics of my past grows I need to allow about a foot of vertical growth from budset, in say, 2 weeks time. Which means where they are now is about as high as I want to let them get.

CBD Express Auto, going on her older sister who I pulled yesterday I would say she is about as tall as she'll get, so no worries there about future height issues.

Strawberry Cough, she is still small and somewhat frail looking but she is picking up her growth a bit. I am reluctant to interfere with her at the moment for those reasons and I think I'll just let her do her thing for now and if she does make charge for it I'll try to bend her over to rein her in with LST. In one of my very early thoroughly amateur grows, I grew a plant with the pot kept tilted, of course she grew straight but on flowering I then allowed the pot to sit level and the whole plant was straight but at a tilt and out of sight, however LST training makes more sense.

Mango Sherbert, this girl is going well with LST and in unexpectedly nice round shape. I think I will soon further train her main stem to continue around to restrain her height and I can also easily LST future cola bearing stems to be a bit lower.

That leaves the Godfather OG, she has been fairly vigorous and yet has been quite restrained in vertical growth after I'd given her 3 rounds of supercropping in the first 2 weeks of January. She has started to charge forward again so I gave her a 4th round of supercropping to all her vertical growth stems today. I started doing it by hand but then I semi snapped the 10th stem and after taping up I got out some needle nose pliers and gently crushed the rest. I didn't even tape up the pliers to make it softer for the stems. My aim in doing that is not to change the shape but just inhibit vertical growth for the next 2 weeks or I may then have to give them all another round of 'gentle' squeezing with the pliers.
I intend to carry a bit of a defoliation on her too, but I will wait until she has recovered from her latest round of supercropping and then see where she is.

If would be convenient for my height restraints if bud growth was always back filling from the point of flowering/budset, but my past grows tell me there's around a foot of vertical ahead at that stage and I'd like her to go 'free' at that point if I can.

Here's a side on shot, I want to put it in here so next year I can look back and gauge from the date stamp where they were height wise, and if turned out wrong what I've got to do estimate that better next time.

Today the wind is pretty gusty and there are sudden squalls of rain. Here's a pic of the Mango and Godfather from overhead. They are both needing to be watered every day at least once if not twice when the sun's strong. That's a lot from all the radiant heat coming off the stone tiles and the fact that I have drilled lots of holes in the walls and bottom of their containers, there is no danger I feel of overwatering.

And a pic of all the balcony girls getting blown in the wind.

I'll keep an eye on how the Godfather responds to today's gentle crushing of the stems. :hookah:
It's funny. I actually thought it was... well, Hi there, DD! @DonkeyDick Hey, hee-haw-how's it hangin?

But no joke, it's a strain I saw in Cannabis Indica by S. T. Oner, a book on cannabis strains, on page 22 there is one Blue Donkey Dick by Karmaceuticals in USA, a cross of Donkey Dick x Blueberry.

Apart from that, this is all I could find:

It's funny. I actually thought it was... well, Hi there, DD! @DonkeyDick Hey, hee-haw-how's it hangin?

But no joke, it's a strain I saw in Cannabis Indica by S. T. Oner, a book on cannabis strains, on page 22 there is one Blue Donkey Dick by Karmaceuticals in USA, a cross of Donkey Dick x Blueberry.
Rug up DD, keep warm @DonkeyDick ! :rofl:
Looking great stunger! I really love studying up on how you do your girls..especially the height control. I am really considering supercropping some on my seedlings to help them stay short and busy in tent. Very good work though my friend! ill check back soon, cheers!
Thanks AH, I only have about 2 and a half feet to play with before my grows breach their stealth limits which is unfortunate, but last grow I still managed to get over a pound from 2 plants which was pleasing.

I haven’t had the need to try supercropping on seedlings yet, but I am carrying it out for both shape training and to inhibit stretching/vertical growth. Mostly now I have the shape, it is just vertical growth that I have to rein in. I am now favouring the needle nosed pliers more than fingers for that, as I am finding it easier and quicker to use them to make a better controlled mild crush to the stem to temporarily distract the plant from growth to repair itself, well that’s the theory I’m working to. :ganjamon:
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