Stunger's Last Stand: Banned To The Balcony!

That’s good info to know ..... I thought @NuttyProfessor said 50ppm was okay.

50ppm is what I've always seen used.
Yes it seems 50ppm works well. You can also get capped CS at much higher concentrations, perhaps that is even better, but I don't know. Some people just connect some batteries and do an unregulated run, by that I mean the current runs away on them as the electrolysis makes the water more and more conductive, so without a current regulator pretty soon the resulting solution looks like filthy pump water. Even worse, if tap water is used then many possible unwanted chemical combinations will result. Only the purest of distilled water should be used, I used a magnetic stirrer to kept the solution uniform, at first there is almost no conduction because the water is pure, I use sodium carbonate as a catalyst to give conductivity, this results in ionic silver, it looks clear like water but if you taste it is will taste metallic. Ionic silver has a charge and therefore is very reactive, all those ions now want electrons, so to fully get colloidal silver I reduce it (add the electron back to make elemental silver) by adding a drop of inverted sugar to the solution (in NZ, I use 'golden syrup'). When ionic silver is reduced to colloidal silver the resulting solution should be completely pure (no sediment or gremlins swimming about), it will have a yellowish tint and will no longer taste metallic but taste just like water. Without using a capping agent if a run is made at a high concentration the elemental silver particles will become very large, large enough to see them sparkling in the jar. Anyway, I lost my saved info on this when computer crapped out so this is from memory. I guess the bottom line is, if people are using 'pump water quality' CS, it sounds like it still works fine on plants but not for human or pet use.

Not sure if I posted my collection of CS seedmaking links for you, but just in case I haven' they are!
Thanks Shed. I think I have seen some of those. I initially found an old an old thread by a past member Toker69, where he gave a good walk thru on how he does it. I will try to post it here

Wow i love your thread stunger!! The girls all look fabulous and ive got to say for what it worth..strawberry OG is phenomenal! i loved it alot when i found this one..the flavor, the buzz, the smell..mmm
Also, i love the damn "flowers" that shed posted.. :thumb:
Im excited to tag along and keep up with your grow and the collidal silver crap too. Ive heard alot about it and somewhat understand. May look into this for myself sometime even.
Keep up the great work my friend!! :ganjamon:
Wow i love your thread stunger!! The girls all look fabulous and ive got to say for what it worth..strawberry OG is phenomenal! i loved it alot when i found this one..the flavor, the buzz, the smell..mmm
Thanks AH! I guess you mean the Strawberry Cough, which yes I am really looking forward to it as it has been spoken highly of as a lovely smoke by many folk, plus at around 80% sativa it should give a different effect from the other 2 more indica heavy strains which will be nice to have the variety to choose from!
Also, i love the damn "flowers" that shed posted.. :thumb:
I think the pic Shed posted is a very good way to change the appearance of a cannabis plant into some flowering bush, which from a distance would really help with stealth. Altho I would say best not to choose flowers too pretty in case people want to look closer.
Im excited to tag along and keep up with your grow and the collidal silver crap too. Ive heard alot about it and somewhat understand. May look into this for myself sometime even.
Keep up the great work my friend!! :ganjamon:
Since from yesterday I decided to spray 1 small minor stem on each photo girls, I did so 3 times. Considering others are having success with high strength CS (50ppm) if this doesn't work at 24ppm then next year I may try using a capping agent that can get it up to as much as 320ppm, and bump the strength up a bit. But first I'll see how this goes, I feel that surely it will work on one of them at least. I will probably try to spray them 3 or 4 times a day and see what happens.

Cheers AH! :hookah:
Here's an evening pic of the girls. I still haven't seen pistils on the Strawberry Cough at the back but then again my eyesight is not so good closeup. They have continued a slow fairly contained stretch since that last round of LST/supercropping. A few pistils now starting to show at the tops. The 2 big plants are wilting at least once a day in the sun/heat and in their airy drilled out pots. Keep well everyone. :volcano-smiley:
1st February 2021

I have been spraying the girls with Neem/Dr Bronners mid week and weekends. Today I saw a white butterfly land on the Strawberry Cough, so I will start giving them a pre-emptive spray of BT too. It seems every day in front of my eyes the Strawberry Cough is deepening her shade of green, which is interesting given that I haven't top dressed her, she's in the same soil as the others, but hey I'm not complaining.

A side on shot of the balcony girls to gauge vertical growth/stretching at this point for future reference.

Mango Sherbert

Godfather OG, Strawberry Cough, CBD Express auto all soaking up the afternoon sun!

Keep well everyone and may your gardens bloom! :hookah:
They look wonderful. Their shape and color mmmm:welldone: Im excited for your lineup also..strawberry cough and mango i have had so have a little idea at least..i think we had mango kush but ive heard good thing about the sherbert, sounds yummy!! im also looking into high cbd strains to try growing for my wife and animals to use and even myself on occasion although i usually gravitate to the higher thc strains but i think it is valuable to have options of medication for different situations. For example in my opinion more cbd content usually helps with anxiety a great deal whereas the heavy hitters w more thc and not as much cbd seems to help with my aches and sores immensely. Sometimes i find a strain with it all, other times i have resulted to hitting multiple strains for the same desired results. (one high cbd plus a high thc) Anyways im excited for your girls to blossom!! keep it up my friend, cheers whatever time it is, remember, it's 4:20 somewhere!

They're looking great Stunger. Well done staying on top of the verticals...literally!
I think the pic Shed posted is a very good way to change the appearance of a cannabis plant into some flowering bush, which from a distance would really help with stealth. Altho I would say best not to choose flowers too pretty in case people want to look closer.
From a distance and of a certain age as well! I went to hand off a clone a couple of years ago at a 420mag meeting in a Jack in the Box parking lot down in Laguna Beach. To make it less conspicuous, I pulled a couple of flowers off a geranium in my garden and stuck them down between the branches.

When I was standing in the lot with the flower-bedecked clone in my hand talking to the other 420 member, three college-age workers leaned out the drive through window (three of them in one tiny window) to ask us what strain and how old it was!

YMMV. :cheesygrinsmiley:
They look wonderful. Their shape and color mmmm:welldone: Im excited for your lineup also..strawberry cough and mango i have had so have a little idea at least..i think we had mango kush but ive heard good thing about the sherbert, sounds yummy!! im also looking into high cbd strains to try growing for my wife and animals to use and even myself on occasion although i usually gravitate to the higher thc strains but i think it is valuable to have options of medication for different situations. For example in my opinion more cbd content usually helps with anxiety a great deal whereas the heavy hitters w more thc and not as much cbd seems to help with my aches and sores immensely. Sometimes i find a strain with it all, other times i have resulted to hitting multiple strains for the same desired results. (one high cbd plus a high thc) Anyways im excited for your girls to blossom!! keep it up my friend, cheers whatever time it is, remember, it's 4:20 somewhere!
Thanks AH, I'm wanting to explore the promise of CBD as well, altho I am ordinarily partial to a good THC strain, so I'm looking on with great curiosity on what the 3 THC photo girls will be like compared to the strains I grew last year.
They're looking great Stunger. Well done staying on top of the verticals...literally!
Thanks Shed!
From a distance and of a certain age as well! I went to hand off a clone a couple of years ago at a 420mag meeting in a Jack in the Box parking lot down in Laguna Beach. To make it less conspicuous, I pulled a couple of flowers off a geranium in my garden and stuck them down between the branches.

When I was standing in the lot with the flower-bedecked clone in my hand talking to the other 420 member, three college-age workers leaned out the drive through window (three of them in one tiny window) to ask us what strain and how old it was!
That's a crack up! Man, it is hard to fault the sharp eyesight of the young.:nerd-with-glasses:

Status of pistil development in the balcony girls - 2/Feb/21

Mango Sherbert
, she is probably showing the most pistils at this beginning stage

Godfather OG, pistils beginning to show in the flower head

Strawberry Cough, I am still not seeing any pistils on her. She is supposed to be about 80% sativa so she could well be a late starter. Interesting. She's also deepened her colour without any feeding too. The small minor branch of her's that I have started spraying with CS will be a chance to observe how she responds to receiving CS before her pistils show.

CBD Express auto, Well she's an auto so she been showing pistils for a while. Tomorrow I will spray her with insecticide soap and wash her off after an hour as @InTheShed suggested.

Grow well & keep well everyone. :cool:
Status of pistil development in the balcony girls - 2/Feb/21

Mango Sherbert
, she is probably showing the most pistils at this beginning stage

Godfather OG, pistils beginning to show in the flower head

Strawberry Cough, I am still not seeing any pistils on her. She is supposed to be about 80% sativa so she could well be a late starter. Interesting. She's also deepened her colour without any feeding too. The small minor branch of her's that I have started spraying with CS will be a chance to observe how she responds to receiving CS before her pistils show.

CBD Express auto, Well she's an auto so she being showing pistils for a while. Tomorrow I will spray her with insecticide soap and wash her off after an hour as @InTheShed suggested.

Grow well & keep well everyone. :cool:
Yummmm that CBD express looking frosty already! They all look absolutely stunning Stunger! :thumb: :thumb:i am willing to bet the stawberry cough is just being shy like my shortest seedling was. Was a week or so later until seeing hers. She also darkened in colour completely all on her own as well. All very good lookin plants friend, im excited to see how they grow.
Thanks Emeraldo! If there is one impression this year's grow has made on me so far, is that the soil amending I carried out over Winter has really taken the soil up a notch from last year, where by this time last year I already had carried out several top dressings. So far none this year. I thought my plants looked well last year, but in comparison this year's seem positively lush and happy. Even the Strawberry Cough which started so slowly, with such pale frail looking leaves has started to pick up and her new growth appears to be gaining a darker shade of green, not dark, but her leaves seem to be developing a deepening shade of green, which is going at her pace, and like I said, she's had no top dressing.

Last year's plants were geminated around 14th September, and the GG auto on New Year's day.

This year, in an attempt to be crafty and make smaller more manageable plants with less buds, and therefore less dank smell to pass to the neighbours I started them 6-8weeks later, roughly as follows;

Godfather OG - 27th October
Mango Sherbert - 2nd November
Strawberry Cough - 7th November
CBD Express auto - 14th December

Here's my thoughts; Last year's stretch at this stage was already well over the balcony rails. So to be at this point, being a foot under, they are well contained in comparison. Once budset is established the colas develop with some stem 'back filling' going on but most of the cola growth will be 'front filling' thereby building the height of the cola stems. I am estimating, based on checking the timing of last years girls, that the currently height where they are now is probably very close to being OK to allow them to grow freely from this point. I have roughly about a foot now to play with before stealth limits are breached. I am guessing that should fit in well with the remainder of stretching yet to finish, and the cola growth yet to play out, if not I will 'spot adjust'!

When I checked last year's journal I saw how late I was catching up to the stretch and dealing with it. This grow I started supercropping on New Years Eve, a month earlier than last year, and as a result I feel the big girl (the Godfather OG) is much more neat and tidy, and condensed into more manageable shape. Last year I supercropped outwards which much expanded the canopy spread. This year I mostly supercroppped inwards, calculating each little gap/space available where I could 'lay' with supercropping and LST each future cola stem into.

I will do some defoliation at some point soon, but as far as doing it for air movement, these girls are getting blown in the wind all the time, I am sure much more than any indoor tent grow would be providing. So I'll most likely only both with removing leaves that cover budding sites.

Thanks AH, I can't wait either, I'm up and down all the time finding any excuse to check on them!:slide:

Hey Stunger

Looks to me like you've got it all dialed in: the germination time with time to reach maturity well before flowering, the supercropping schedule etc. Your grow this year seems to really be doing well, happy and healthy.

A few weeks ago you said you sort of regretted waiting two months before germinating in late Oct - mid Nov. It retrospect, do you still feel that way? It seems to me you got the timing just right to keep it stealthy.
Hey Stunger

Looks to me like you've got it all dialed in: the germination time with time to reach maturity well before flowering, the supercropping schedule etc. Your grow this year seems to really be doing well, happy and healthy.

A few weeks ago you said you sort of regretted waiting two months before germinating in late Oct - mid Nov. It retrospect, do you still feel that way? It seems to me you got the timing just right to keep it stealthy.
I tend to agree that the girls are looking fantastic .... I’d say you’re in for some wonderful medicine when they finish up Stunger. My godfather og buds are quite heavy already and very dense with a gorgeous scent. Well done so far brother
Yummmm that CBD express looking frosty already! They all look absolutely stunning Stunger! :thumb: :thumb:i am willing to bet the stawberry cough is just being shy like my shortest seedling was. Was a week or so later until seeing hers. She also darkened in colour completely all on her own as well. All very good lookin plants friend, im excited to see how they grow.
Thanks AH! I guess the Strawberry Cough is a late starter, I am pleased with how she has picked up her growth and leaf colour. @Emeraldo has mentioned in his grow journals of how some Sativa dominant strains can kick off very late and finish very late. It will be interesting when that happens, as the plants are all growing outside and have no choice except to take the weather, so I'm curious how that goes if she does take her time flowering.
Looks to me like you've got it all dialed in: the germination time with time to reach maturity well before flowering, the supercropping schedule etc. Your grow this year seems to really be doing well, happy and healthy.

A few weeks ago you said you sort of regretted waiting two months before germinating in late Oct - mid Nov. It retrospect, do you still feel that way? It seems to me you got the timing just right to keep it stealthy.
Thanks Emeraldo. I am super pleased thus far with my soil. If anything I may top dress the Mango Sherbert who is a reasonable size but her lower older leaves are yellowing off a bit, those ones are close to 3 months old and her canopy still appears nice and green so I don't think it is a biggie. But the Godfather in the bigger 50L pot is surging forward in her growth so that soil mix seems to be to her liking.

As for the timing. It is true that not so long ago I was nervously thinking I'd started this year's grow too late and would at best be looking at a very small harvest. However, well what can I say, these girls have grown to almost be catching up to where last year's girls were, and they were started much earlier. I guess by the end of March we should be able to see what the difference is of kicking off this year's girls 2 months later.
My godfather og buds are quite heavy already and very dense with a gorgeous scent.
Cheers BC, every time you post a Godfather OG pic I look eagerly to see what's ahead for my Godfather, and I must say, I really like the view. Keep it up!

Thursday update

Well the sun's out, it's that last month of summer when the heat goes up a notch. The girls on the balcony have got their tops off and the coast is clear for this peeping Tom to do another round of pics. :cool:

Firstly, a side by side pic to show their vertical height for future reference.

From the side window, starting to fill the balcony out nicely.

Mango Sherbert from above

Strawberry Cough from above, with CBD Express auto below. I still haven't yet spotted any pistils on the SC.

CBD Express auto

Godfather OG, if they were actors this one would be my Marlon Brando! Her container has proven to be a great mix of LOS (living organic soil) as she continues to grow strongly with great leaf colour and so far has been watered only since sprouting.

Keep well everyone and may your gardens bloom and fill those stash jars! :ganjamon:
Okay I made it!! Is there any room on the balcony for me?? I know I arrived late.... lol

Looks great Stunger! Keep pictures of that GF OG. Could be a contender in PotM/Y!!
I said the same thing a while back hehe
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