Strawberry Banana & Lemon Zkittles In RDWC

They're looking great :ganjamon: Looking nice and neat under your canopy
I talked about all the stuff that makes up my hydro rig, lights, and some environment components. Today im gonna talk about my shed. I didnt clean it at all, so you can see it in action, and see what a pig i am.

My shed is 10 by 12 built from scratch.and has a small porch. Theres a man door on the northside which i dont use unless i lock everything up. The big door on the East side has a 1" pipe that slides and locks. There is a whirly bird vent on the top that allows air to escape by way of a 6 inch fan (closet) and a 8 inch fan which handles the rest of the ventilation.

There is a six inch fan on top of the closet. I usually have something growing in the closet, but im gonna grow a mother in a bit for an SOG grow next.

The 8 inch fan to exhaust the main grow area. It pulls filtered air in from 6 inch holes in the South wall
I have a workbench which tends to get cluttered. This whole side of the room gets that way. I have a 300GPD RO filter under the bench and a 6 inch fan to bring in air to the closet. I also have 2 125 CFLs to help with clones, and small plants.Theres a hanging cabinet that holds smaller bottles which resides over the res.

I have an ocsilating fan and AC and a dehumidifier on the south wall

I have a welded wire screen above the grow area to hang lights and things from. I had it mounted on the ceiling, but it was hard to put hooks through. Now its down an inch or two... no more problems.

The floor is 2 layers of .75" OSB with an aliminum skin. Ive covered most of it with silver tape. There are drain holes covered in tape for emergencies.

The walls and ceiling are heavily insulated. I did all that when i sheeted them.

There you have it. I hope this all makes sense. Happy growing
I changed out my main air filter today. If you look close the filter is at the top of a "snorkle" on the wall, at the bottom of this snorkle are 3 6inch diameter holes which lead to the outside I had to cut some zipties on my scrog to get back there, but that wasnt permanent.

I did a nute change today. Its been a while... too long, i should have paid more attention.

Full shot of Silica, full shot of Calcium, half shot of Micro, half Grow, full shot of Bloom, full shot of fulvic acid, quarter shot of Thrive alive, and Z7. Ph is at 6, its been hot here in So Cal, air temp is at 87, water at 72, PPM 960.

Im getting ready for the flip. The screen on the left could use a little more time in the scrog, but im running out of room on the right.

Hope youre all well.
Plants are doing well. As i said before i let them go too long without a nutrient change. I did some reading and found that you can have the perfect mix of nutrients but time will make it less potent even if you PPM doesnt change. The problem is that once you mix everything together the nutrients start to work against each other ( this is why they come to us in seperate bottles) and slowly lock each other out. The biggest culprits of this issue are Silica, Calcium, and Micro nutes, im sure theres more but these are the ones that apply to my grow style. These should always be added first in a nute change in that order... Silica first, then Ph because it usually has a very high Ph. For instance... Armor SI, a silica additive from Gen Hydro can run as high as 11. Let it mix thoroughly, then add Calcium, let it mix for a while, and add Micro nutes. Veg and flower nutes dont usually have problems like the first 3, but they can be an issue to a lesser degree.

Ph can lock out nutrients also. If you look up nutrient uptake according to Ph there are a ton of bar graphs that show where the nutrients start to "turn on" and where they arent as potent. For instance... iron is pretty powerful at 5.5, but if you run it at that Ph you will leave Phosphorus almost completely unavailable. It doesnt really get going till 6.3. Matter of fact the sweet spot is at around 7. Im not saying grow your plants at 7.0, but you can up the strength of a nutrient by adjusting your Ph. But At 7 Manganese falls off making it almost nonexistant. I like 6.2.

If you dont use Silica, you need to start. Its the most under rated additive out there. It makes everything stronger. Makes your plants more resistant to heat, cold, bugs, strengthens both floem and Xylem which helps with circulation in the plant. I dont remember all the benefits, there are a lot. Do yourself a favor and look it up. When you use it you will see a difference
Thanks brother I’ll be reading up on it tonight. :nomo::morenutes:
I think youll be surprised at what it can do. Its not bullshit... if youre running a warm room Its a no brainer. Since youre able to run at a higher temp your plants will have a higher metabolism ( depending on how good your lights are). when i had my Black dogs i kept it at 85F. that big ass plant i keep showing off is Silica at work. That brand of Silica was Aptus Facilitor (spelling?). But its crazy expensive. That was only a 2 month veg.
Happy fathers day @Stltoed, hope you had a great one! :ganjamon:
I started flower tonight. Pictures would look very similar to the last pictures i took. Im gonna keep the Metal Halide for a week or so before i change to HPS.

I started a couple seeds for a couple of Mother plants for my next project Strawberry Banana in SOG. One plant would do it but i want "strong" genes in the clones, i figure 2 is better than 1 in that regard. Ill give the smaller/weaker one away

Hope everything is good on your side of the fence!
I added my seedling/mothers to the closet. They are in one gallon pots for now. The dirt is second hand Ocean Forest, so I will start lightly feeding them some time next week. The light is a 400watt Spectrum King. This isnt my favorite light but it should do ok in this capacity. The closet has 2 fans one to bring in air and a 6 inch to suck it out. I may do away with the first one to make it light tight... we'll see. There are also 2 clip on fans on the light itself.

Heres a shot of my Scrog. Nothing too exciting. I'm still using a Metal Halide, that will change next week also. I added a half shot of a PK booster (Koolbloom liquid), I know its early, but I did it anyway.

Hope all is well with you guys
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