Strawberry Banana & Lemon Zkittles In RDWC

Plants look good. Ill spare you the pictures. I added some more Z7 today. This is the first season ive used it. It seems to work so far. My meter seems to have come back to life. Im using it for PPM and i varify the Ph with my Milwaukee meter. PPM is at 850 right now. Ph is 6.0. All the plants are at least touching the screen. My SCROG is really low. I hang it on the wall when not in use. I didnt notice the 25gallon pots i was using were lower than my hydro tubs. Theres about 8 inches between the net and media. I should be ok. I added an air pump and 6 inch round stone to my reservoir. I found a thrip on one of the plants. I looked them all over, but those things are sneaky

I hope your plants are upright.
I did a nute change. I did a full shot of Silica Blast, full shot of CalMag, Micro (GH Trio), and Grow. My PPM is at 950, im gonna wait a couple days to add a little Bloom. I also added Fulvic Acid and Z7.

Plants are doing well. The little one is still growing slow but theres a ton of new growth. The other two are on a mission. The larger has a stalk thats as big around as my middle finger. This was the runt. I had to pull the seed shell off myself. It had a hard time in the beginning. The other is more open. Leaves arent quite as large as the big plant. But the growth is solid.

I hope all is well on your end.

I help a father and son team that grow in Nevada and in a greenhouse here in So Cal. Tonight they took my family out to dinner, gave me a quarter pound and a big ass bong to pay me back! Thanks guys

Plants are getting larger. Im gonna foliar feed with a PK booster today. Not that they are in flower or anything, just that P and K are the least nutrients in the mix. I foliar fed them Thrive Alive the other day. Strawberry Banana is definately not as tolerant with nutrients as Lemon Skunk. There is a bit of clawing in the leaves. The plant has sped up its growth but the leaves tell the story of too much Nitrogen. Its not bad, and may be left over from the Nitrogen foliar feeding a while back.

I hope all is well with you guys
Plants look very much like they did. Strawberry Banana is showing a bit of burn on its tips. Very slight for now, but it may get worse.

TDS is 1010, ph is 6.2, water temp is 68, air is 77.

Dude! look how big they are! Thats awesome. The garden is rocking again! A flood cant hold you down. Looks great in here brother, keep it up!
Thanks man! Still a few weeks away from flower, we'll see how it all shakes out. Yours looks killer. Gonna have bud for a while
Me too. I think 16oz might be possible, it will be interesting to see em without the leaves
Yeah, I really want to focus on bulk next grow. It seems to be a bit lacking on this one. Ah well, Im not complaining at all, it looks great but yeah.
Yeah, I really want to focus on bulk next grow. It seems to be a bit lacking on this one. Ah well, Im not complaining at all, it looks great but yeah.
Bigger lights next time? Whats your plan?
Hey @Stltoed, plants are looking really healthy and strong :bravo::ganjamon: I’ll be in for the rest of the ride.
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